On October 17 2010 17:32 Abenson wrote: I also want to point out that the "W 5 times at base to build up your stun passive on Annie" strategy is actually surprisingly useful and effective on TT
certainly it is except for the one teensy problem of being annie on TT
therefore negating any useful/effectiveness You certainly get the surprise though
United States47024 Posts
On October 17 2010 17:32 Abenson wrote: I also want to point out that the "W 5 times at base to build up your stun passive on Annie" strategy is actually surprisingly useful and effective on TT That's probably because people commit to fights at level 1 on TT. If people aren't actually going to commit to a fight, W is awkward because a charged W stun is a bit unwieldy for poking, and a stunless W is just poor for harass, whereas Q is a good harassing skill, stun or no.
Annie is fine on TT, as is Ryze, primarily because all the little corridors lead to some nasty clustering and so you land these BOOM team-wide ults.
On October 17 2010 17:13 Daxunyrr wrote: Well gee, no one else in my ufcking team wants to do shit.
I decide to attack and theres always hte rest going OMG NO NO NO YOU WNANA BE DEFENSIVE!
Yeah, stayt defensive and let them fucking roam the map as they please? Fuck that shit.
I have no problems admitting this. I sucka ss at this game, and Iw anna get better, but god DAMMIT you cant PRACTICE caus its filled with I DONT WANT A 20 MIN GAME SO LETS JUTS RUSH MID bullshit,
EDIT: This last games a good example.
Gangplank & Garen VS Me & Mord.
Gang & Garen are almost dad, level 2, we're level 1. I can easily take em out.
BUt Morde refuses to listen to this idea of falling back so we can ambush em.
He finally falls back, but doesn't come to assist. Instead, he fucking recalls to base and bitches me out when I die. I CAN do shit ubt DAMMIT I need support, I am NOT so fucking stupid with ym goddamn character that Im illusioned into thinking I can solo. I have READ On these guys, and I have read up to my eyes content but what I read just DOES. NOT. WORK.
EditEdit: Sorry for all the caps and bitching and cussing n crap but Im just freakin tired of it. I know I suck, and I try to get better but its hard to when no one helps and instead just friggin trashes me. I try to always learn on my own cause I have this ego that htinks if I can learn without help it makes it a better thing but I've just finally thrown that crap away and said ot hell with it cause this isn't getting me anywhere.
sounds like you should play a different type of hero to me, the most reliable way to win games as ranged dps in my opinion is playing super safe and winning off of a farm advantage, not going balls out risky and aggressive in the lane. Not to mention ranged dps tend to be the squishiest characters in the game so playing aggressive with them is going to take a lot more practice then most other hero archetypes.
Quick guide to TT Mundo? What summoner spells?
On October 17 2010 18:33 -Kato- wrote: Quick guide to TT Mundo? What summoner spells? Mundo is pretty bulky on TT, you could jungle if you wanted.
Smite Flash? The jump is more useful than catching up on a small map. dorans shield or ruby crystal
can I do the impossible and win with skilly on my team? stay tuned
On October 17 2010 20:07 Rice wrote: can I do the impossible and win with skilly on my team? stay tuned
Depends on if he's trolling or carrying, lol.
I feel like getting Cho'Gath, what kind of build works best? or is he situational? Tank or AP? I was thinking of going things like doran ring -> merc/sorc boots -> RoA - > zhonya and throw in a veil or other tank item in between the RoA and zhonya. As for runes maybe mpen reds/cdr blues/mp5 yellows and dunno what quintessence
well we lost even after getting 4 kills before creeps spawn and our shaco shutting down udyrs jungle hard... had a useless freeweek anivia and a morgana who did nothing... Skillys ashe couldnt even carry us, their kayle destroyed so hard. also shaco decided not to get madreds for some reason...
Mini-guide to Janna
Runes: 9 armourpen reds 9 manaregen/lvl yellows 9 manaregen/lvl blues 3 HP/MS quints
Masteries: x/x/21
Summoner spells: Ghost+Flash/Exhaust
Skill order: Max E first, W second, take 1 lvl of Q at 2. And ulti whenever you can doh
Start with: Doran's Ring+HP pot
Grab: 1-2 more Doran's Ring(s), Boots1->Boots of Mobility(or Mercury Treads for INSANE amount of undodgeable CC, it's usually BoM for me though), Aegis (grabbing the more relevant part first, i.e. Mantle for magicheavy and ClothArmour for physicalheavy), 3298132198 wards
after ^ core build, you can consider:
Stark's - if your team has good physical dmg output and you're not really in danger of dying in teamfights
Thornmail - if some lame physical carry is raping you
Rageblade - DPS option
any CDR items / Blue Elixir - they're all good for Janna
any item with Giant's Belt/Ruby Crystal inside - if you're dying loads to mixed damage. I usually don't go HP because Janna's shield+heal gives her loads of 'HP' already, thus mitigation tends to be more effective
*small note on choice of mitigation: I tend to prefer armour>MR on a balanced setup because of turrets. I'm super brave (read: stupidly dumbly aggressive) so I tank turret hits a lot
General gameplay:
You can begin zoning right from Level 1 if your lane's easy. Otherwise wait for Level2/3 where you get Cyclone/stronger Shield, respectively. If your lanepartner can last hit, let him do it while you focus on zoning. If your lanepartner's shit, feel free to grab all the last hits, even using E for bonus dmg just to spite him (as long as mana permits). When you're about Level4/5 is when the enemy jungler typically comes a-knockin'. You'd want to preempt his arrival and stop pushing too far out right before he arrives (I always fail at this and usually only escape if I have both Ghost+Flash up). If you died, don't be too sad about it since it means your top/mid didn't get ganked and you get a free trip to buy. Remember to ward Dragon if your jungler's a noob and didn't already do it.
You want to make sure you know who your main carry is. Could be Ashe/Tristana/MF/whatever. Take note of their F-position. (top left order of portraits, you're F1 and the rest follows suit). E->F2 is way faster than E->try to click your carry/possibly failing.
Take note that you can doubletap Q to make it release ASAP.
When you're in a teamfight and realize you're winning, just keep your carry/whoever's dying shielded anyway and start chasing. Janna's chasing (with BoM) is DISGUSTING. Casually hover beside your fleeing enemy, Zephyr him, Cyclone him, continue running along and maybe even push him to your bloodthirsty team with ult.
If your main carry is ranged (e.g. Trist), you want to hang around/beside her when roaming/teamfighting. This is to ensure that whenever you press R, you'll be knocking enemies as far away from her as possible while also keeping her healed+ within range of your defensive Cyclones/Zephyrs.
Don't know what else you'd need to know. Janna is pretty much a brain-dead champion. She's soooo good with a good carry though. You can PM me in-game if you got any questions I guess.
Some secret pro combos:
Janna+Nunu = superbuffed carry Janna+Zilean = lots of free globals (MS/EXP), helps junglers a lot Janna+Kayle/Jax = ridiculous value on your shield buff
I like how much we play Janna differently. Or maybe it's just me who plays support heroes as not very support-y. Hahah.
Weee and yet again we meet one of the good rated EU teams in the second round >.> going to play Inglorious Retards (all above 1800 ELO) with my team :D (everyone is below 1510). www.livestream.com/vlanitak
On October 17 2010 22:23 Southlight wrote: I like how much we play Janna differently. Or maybe it's just me who plays support heroes as not very support-y. Hahah.
Can't remember how you play Janna. Link? Just remembered it was kinda lulzy.
Also, 5HIT you need to add Janna to list of recommended support. Pronto.
The reason I don't have her on there is because a lot of newer players will spazz out in a teamfight and blow ultimate right before you ace leading everyone to be like WTF U NUB WAT BLOW ULT 4.
On October 17 2010 23:01 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: The reason I don't have her on there is because a lot of newer players will spazz out in a teamfight and blow ultimate right before you ace leading everyone to be like WTF U NUB WAT BLOW ULT 4. God it's sooo hard to use her ult well during a fight... It basically is either too late and your allies die .5 seconds before you ult or you save half the enemy team.
So I just started playing recently and I'm level 8 
I play with some pros though which is pretty hard, whenever I play by myself I always literally dominate the whole thing because everyone else at my level is so bad.
I exclusively play Sona. I play support when I'm playing with my pro friends and I play carry (inorite) when I play with nubs of my level.