morgana is the most powerful champion in the game
laning stage: amazing solo thanks to imba OP passive, can and will get a kill at level 6 if you've let her harass you at all up to that point. amazing dual laner because stun does so much fucking damage and sets up so many imba combos. morgana + blitz is legitimately one of the scariest lanes in the game. also makes her lane immune to harass with shield and can punish you for backing by pushing with puddle
mid-game: wait for initiation (or initiate with bind, it doesn't matter, morgana can do it all), flash in and press R, win teamfight. always.
late-game: if fed, flash in and press R, then zhonya, everyone dies, you're untouchable. if someone else on your team is more fed, give them dark shield, they win.
looks scale: below sona but still fucking sexy. baker/chef/kitchen bitch skin is too good, right where a woman with that kind of figure should be, slaving on the stove
sooooooooooo broken she needs to be toned down a TON binding needs to not do damage and they need to make movement skills able to break binding again imf. also ult shouldn't apply slow before the stun, just damage. as of right now it's like a channeling spell except during the channel you do stuff that's as good as at the end of the channel and that's just not right. puddle can stay the same, shield should probably be reworked to not be so fucking broken lategame (like you can't use it on people that are above level 10 or something)
like the very thought of playing against morgana gives me nightmares
United States47024 Posts
On October 17 2010 16:02 Arckan wrote: I have a very general question, should I alter my builds and gameplay to what I'm told works best at high ELOs? Or should I stick with my current builds until I actually ascend the ladder to the point that such play is necessary? I just started playing ranked games recently (I quit a few months before S1 started), so I'm not really having issues climbing the ELO as of yet. I could be way off-base with this, but IMO the "high-ELO builds" are used there because they're the most cost-effective way to get the stats you want on a given champ. Why would being less cost-effective be better just because you're at a lower ELO?
morgana is a pest, but i dont think she's 'broken'
she also gets wrecked by physical dps since she only stacks hp and no armor, meanwhile her ult requires to be in the middle of everything
A few thoughts on annie if anyone is trying to pick her up and having issues (shes a very, very good champion, but I see alot of people failing to abide by these few simple rules):
-Keep her stun stack passive at 4, that way people will not see the ring around you. Just stack your Q and W very quickly together -Annie does not have the best AP scaling in the world. This doesn't mean don't stack AP, but just keep in mind that mathematically other stats may be more efficient in some situations -Get the W skill first and sit in spawn and stack it up to 4 or 5 at the beggining of the game. This is a super big advantage for early pressure. -The mejai soulstealer or w/e its called is really, really good. Cooldown reduction from this item and stuff like fiendish codex are SUPER good on annie because of her cyclical nature, and I find CD reduction to be better than AP for her -I wait for level 8 or level 10 for the shield ability, depending on who is on the other team.
idk I feel like annie seems really really easy at the surface but she is quite complicated with the subtleties of her playstyle.
On October 17 2010 16:11 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On October 17 2010 16:02 Arckan wrote: I have a very general question, should I alter my builds and gameplay to what I'm told works best at high ELOs? Or should I stick with my current builds until I actually ascend the ladder to the point that such play is necessary? I just started playing ranked games recently (I quit a few months before S1 started), so I'm not really having issues climbing the ELO as of yet. I could be way off-base with this, but IMO the "high-ELO builds" are used there because they're the most cost-effective way to get the stats you want on a given champ. Why would being less cost-effective be better just because you're at a lower ELO?
not exactly. champs aren't played exactly the same way at high level and low level elos.
at higher levels you'll see almost every champ get survivability items rather than pure damage/AP items. it's necessary at higher levels because the harass is much better and opponents are much smarter. at low levels it's a waste to get defensive items when you know your opponents aren't going to be coordinating ganks and poking you. you can just go balls out offensive/AP
On October 17 2010 16:11 barbsq wrote: morgana is a pest, but i dont think she's 'broken'
she also gets wrecked by physical dps since she only stacks hp and no armor, meanwhile her ult requires to be in the middle of everything
she gets wrecked by nothing because if you focus morgana you've already lost, her carry is going to rape your fucking shit. also good luck getting in range of her as a physical dps. DARK BINDING STOPS YOU AS YOU CHARGE IN, YOU'RE NOW CHAINSTUNNED TO FUCKING HELL AND BACK ENJOY BEING RAGED AT FOR LOSING THE GAME
in fact the only way i can think to balance her is to remove her from the game
On October 17 2010 16:15 Surrealz wrote: -Get the W skill first and sit in spawn and stack it up to 4 or 5 at the beggining of the game. This is a super big advantage for early pressure.
except don't do this at all. it takes < 30 seconds to build up a stun with disintegrates. entering lane with a cone stun doesn't mean shit because you're going to miss a ton of last hits dancing around waiting to use it, and by the time you can use it it won't matter because you only have one spell and can't combo. get Q first
unless you're planning on forcing a level 1 teamfight (which you shouldn't be)
On October 17 2010 16:15 Surrealz wrote: A few thoughts on annie if anyone is trying to pick her up and having issues (shes a very, very good champion, but I see alot of people failing to abide by these few simple rules):
-Keep her stun stack passive at 4, that way people will not see the ring around you. Just stack your Q and W very quickly together -Annie does not have the best AP scaling in the world. This doesn't mean don't stack AP, but just keep in mind that mathematically other stats may be more efficient in some situations -Get the W skill first and sit in spawn and stack it up to 4 or 5 at the beggining of the game. This is a super big advantage for early pressure. -The mejai soulstealer or w/e its called is really, really good. Cooldown reduction from this item and stuff like fiendish codex are SUPER good on annie because of her cyclical nature, and I find CD reduction to be better than AP for her -I wait for level 8 or level 10 for the shield ability, depending on who is on the other team.
idk I feel like annie seems really really easy at the surface but she is quite complicated with the subtleties of her playstyle.
I think mpen + cdr + survivability is the way to build her.. but there are always exceptions.. also I don't really prioritize cdr in builds on her at all, I just kind of keep it in mind..
catalyst, sorc boots, Roa, Void Staff, Zhonyas is pretty solid.. but I mix it up
edit: I forgot to mention that I lover her E ability... I know most people ignore it, and i do too, but i grab it at lvl 4 so I can quickly charge up my stuns again, then max my nukes some more.. but man, that E let's you stay alive so much when you shouldn't. its free armor and mres for quite a while. it actually does decent damage if some squishy is focusing you, lets you nuke them down faster
Ahhhhh good ol' fiddle. Why did I ever stop playing you so much? In my past about 100 games I've seen him once or twice.
United States47024 Posts
On October 17 2010 16:15 Surrealz wrote: -Get the W skill first and sit in spawn and stack it up to 4 or 5 at the beggining of the game. This is a super big advantage for early pressure. I only do this if I expect to have a jungle fight. W-ing once in lane isn't exactly great, seeing as you beelining straight towards them with the stun up gives you away, and they'll probably push as much damage as you do back onto you. It's way easier to poke with Q, or use it to get EZ last hits.
On the other hand, I level W after level 6 because it has better scaling than Q.
On October 17 2010 16:15 Surrealz wrote: -The mejai soulstealer or w/e its called is really, really good. Cooldown reduction from this item and stuff like fiendish codex are SUPER good on annie because of her cyclical nature, and I find CD reduction to be better than AP for her Soulstealer is always situational, depending on their team composition and how well you're doing in a given game. It's never a must-get on any champ IMO.
As far as CDR vs. AP, the fact that lots of setups will yield blue buff to you means that actually building CDR with an item like Fiendish Codex/DFG isn't cost-effective, because 15% masteries/runes + 10-20% blue buff means that most CDR items will put you over the cap.
I've usually gone something like catalyst->boots->RoA->treads->void staff/2nd RoA->zhonya, and everything I've seen here seems to suggest that people better than I am do something similar.
Like anything, these things are situational. I charge up W to 4, not 5, at the start, and I make my strat based on NOT missing the W. Its really not that hard to get early game hits with this spell.
ALWAYS level W first. Sure Q is easier, but it does less damage. At early levels its even more apparent. I don't see a compelling argument to get Q if you are actually good with aiming W/getting in range.
The soulstealer is really good, I never said it was a requirement. RoA is definitely the greatest item for annie cause it lets you get a variety of really good stats for her. I'm just a bit more fond of the use/15% CD staff instead of void staff against low MR teams, as penetration is a percentage stat, not a static amount. It really depends. That staff with the use does a crapload of damage, and annie can just tear through people with that and the AoE stuns she has.
all the frightening annies I've seen just q-stun, w-combo for harass in lane. Being 4 stacks and doing QW is kinda silly - what's the point of stunning them if you can only autoattack? Not to mention you have to get in W range to do so. Of course, it makes sense when you get shield. You can easily surprise people with EQW or something, though some are smart and watch your stacks.
Soulstealer(optional), RoA, Void Staff/Z-ring/whatever you need to max your CDR. All you need to win. Or if you can get it really early/you're playing in low elo and no one buys Mres, go Guise Sorc.
United States47024 Posts
On October 17 2010 16:49 Surrealz wrote: Like anything, these things are situational. I charge up W to 4, not 5, at the start, and I make my strat based on NOT missing the W. Its really not that hard to get early game hits with this spell.
ALWAYS level W first. Sure Q is easier, but it does less damage. At early levels its even more apparent. I don't see a compelling argument to get Q if you are actually good with aiming W/getting in range. I honestly don't see how you're getting W off against reasonable solos without using Q to stun, seeing as most of them will have equal or superior move speed, longer-ranged slows/silences/other CC, or evasion abilities. It's not about "missing", it's about you running up to W before Q (or after a stunless Q) being the easiest fucking thing in the world to read and therefore play around.
As far as why you level Q over W, there's the fact that W is an AoE ability, and hence pushes the lane when you use it to harass. And the fact that you can poke with Q when you don't have your stun, but poking with W without a stun is extremely awkward because of how much closer you have to get.
I can see the argument for leveling QWWQW instead of QWQWQ, though I generally prefer the latter because Annie's mana lets her poke with Q more often than just when she has her stun, and that damage adds up to at least as much as W's slightly better scaling. But W at level one just seems pretty silly, because landing W at level 1 against anyone competent should be fairly unlikely, and even if it happens, it probably wasn't worth it.
EDIT: Some shitty mathcrafting: With QWWQW, Annie's combo at level 5 does 335 damage. With QWQWQ, Annie's combo at level 5 does 315 damage. BUT, her Q does 40 more damage, meaning that if you are using your Q to poke more often than once every 2 times you Q-stun, W-combo, you are doing more damage with the higher-rank Q, despite having 20 less damage on your combo.
Is anyone willing to add me and help?
Every time I try n play as Kog, no matter what suggestions I follow I never seem ot 'play Kog the RIGHT way' or some shit.
And I'm getting tired of all the fucking bitching bout how its always me when for some god forsaken reason people think he's a tank cause when I plan ambush everyone decides at the last fucking second ot leave for a dif lane.
I would like some assistance in apparently learning how to play a ranged DPS better, I suppose? hell I dont even fucking know.
On October 17 2010 17:03 Daxunyrr wrote: Is anyone willing to add me and help?
Every time I try n play as Kog, no matter what suggestions I follow I never seem ot 'play Kog the RIGHT way' or some shit.
And I'm getting tired of all the fucking bitching bout how its always me when for some god forsaken reason people think he's a tank cause when I plan ambush everyone decides at the last fucking second ot leave for a dif lane.
I would like some assistance in apparently learning how to play a ranged DPS better, I suppose? hell I dont even fucking know.
I seriously cant give you better advice but to not play with tards. Kog is fragile like hell, you should never be in the frontline.
Well gee, no one else in my ufcking team wants to do shit.
I decide to attack and theres always hte rest going OMG NO NO NO YOU WNANA BE DEFENSIVE!
Yeah, stayt defensive and let them fucking roam the map as they please? Fuck that shit.
I have no problems admitting this. I sucka ss at this game, and Iw anna get better, but god DAMMIT you cant PRACTICE caus its filled with I DONT WANT A 20 MIN GAME SO LETS JUTS RUSH MID bullshit,
EDIT: This last games a good example.
Gangplank & Garen VS Me & Mord.
Gang & Garen are almost dad, level 2, we're level 1. I can easily take em out.
BUt Morde refuses to listen to this idea of falling back so we can ambush em.
He finally falls back, but doesn't come to assist. Instead, he fucking recalls to base and bitches me out when I die. I CAN do shit ubt DAMMIT I need support, I am NOT so fucking stupid with ym goddamn character that Im illusioned into thinking I can solo. I have READ On these guys, and I have read up to my eyes content but what I read just DOES. NOT. WORK.
EditEdit: Sorry for all the caps and bitching and cussing n crap but Im just freakin tired of it. I know I suck, and I try to get better but its hard to when no one helps and instead just friggin trashes me. I try to always learn on my own cause I have this ego that htinks if I can learn without help it makes it a better thing but I've just finally thrown that crap away and said ot hell with it cause this isn't getting me anywhere.
On October 17 2010 17:03 Daxunyrr wrote: Is anyone willing to add me and help?
Every time I try n play as Kog, no matter what suggestions I follow I never seem ot 'play Kog the RIGHT way' or some shit.
And I'm getting tired of all the fucking bitching bout how its always me when for some god forsaken reason people think he's a tank cause when I plan ambush everyone decides at the last fucking second ot leave for a dif lane.
I would like some assistance in apparently learning how to play a ranged DPS better, I suppose? hell I dont even fucking know.
I'm a dreadful ranged DPS player but I can give you a few thoughts and you can figure out if they apply to you and how.
First of all you have to think really hard about positioning, and it's something you're either good at or bad at, and I think there's no right answer to how to do it because of all the variables in play (if you're being babysat, range of the hero, types of heroes you're against, who you need to target quickly, etc). If you're out of position you screw your team over (and yourself) in an instant, and with a hero like Kog who has no re-position skill (Trist/Ez) or a get-into-position skill (MF/Twitch) you'll get punished for bad premonition. You have to be in position BEFORE the fight breaks out because you sure as hell aren't going to re-position yourself that easily.
Second, other than BR you should probably be building tanky items.
Third, try to figure out good target prioritization. I can't help you there, I just bash whatever the hell I want and hope it's a good choice.
On October 17 2010 16:03 barbsq wrote: holy crap, i happened to be on leaguecraft checking the freebies for this week, then my eyes wandered to the recent guides. Jesus christ they are terrible. i cant believe i used to recommend ppl to visit that site. From now on, imo, just ask here, and if there does happen to be a decent guide buried within all the shit guides on other sites, then im sure some1 here will link it.
I always check leaguecraft LOL but I don't always think that the most popular guides are the best. If I can't find a guide on the liquid wiki then it's my only source. I check it right before the game if I'm trying a new hero that's free this week just to get an idea on how to build them.
I really do find this thread to be the best source and just recently people put in the effort to write up guides for newbies which was very helpful. And all the Olaf stuff in the thread is great because I really want to buy him and thinking of getting him before MF.
This place is a good place to ask questions, but mainly because there are 1) Actual good players here 2) Way less trolling
Can we exhibit more discretion when using the word "imba" x_x
I also want to point out that the "W 5 times at base to build up your stun passive on Annie" strategy is actually surprisingly useful and effective on TT