Nay, I ended up winning all the IH games I was in (I just noticed LOL) but that also means the other 3/4 lost most of their games, lol.
Edit: Disclaimer: Let it be known that I'm by no means speaking for the others. End edit:
I mean personally that game would have looked the same (at least, in my third of the map) if I'd played any of the heroes I normally play (Kass/Sona/Janna/Taric) mainly because of the differential in laning skill. Does that suck? Yeah, and I learned why I shouldn't play Kassadin (because he punishes bad laning the most). Hence why I won't do that again. But unlike Neo I still don't see why five people shouldn't play on one team just because they have high elos because half of them don't even play seriously for the most part in these games. It just so happened that that particular game was decided very clearly by the end of laning. Also Shaco.
I can't speak for the others, because I wasn't watching their lane. Kass + Kayle vs Kennen + Blitz, twice I almost died, and it was that miniscule survival that swung the lane in our favor. Is it skill that I lived? I... don't know? Part skill part luck. If we were to do that lane 5 times over would we win all 5 times? I honestly don't know, maybe if I played it differently (gone after Kennen instead of Blitz from the start) it wouldn't have been as close. Maybe if I hadn't gotten hooked so many times. However, given that little area of vision, why do I need to feel like it was a horribly imba matchup? It felt just like me playing vs legit in team ranked, because that's the shit I pull all the time (survive by [] hp and then turn around and swing them down).
Hence why I come across as unrepentant. I still would love to IH vs Daenius/MyFleetingDream, just as I find IHing against other players (rad/Neo/the people I usually play) amusing because I get to play in a casual competitive atmosphere. I am otherwise horrible at "trolling games" because I'm one of those people that really suck at not playing to win. We ended up winning that bizarre 5v4 game, mostly due to an overconfidence/mistake on their part. I would love to do that again, except in a true 5v5. It was fun. Yet my team was theoretically "stacked." What gives?
The game you're (ProdT) complaining about turned horrible pretty quickly, that's an unavoidable and not-disputed by any of us fact. Was it because the teams were stacked? Maybe, maybe not, because another unavoidable and indisputable fact is that the whole night most of the games looked like that (except for me being on their team) and the games were also one-sided... only it alternated whose team was winning.
I'm being the lightning rod here because I switched teams out of multiple reasons (1 being curiosity of playing vs you, 1 being curiosity of seeing if it would fix you guys stomping them considering you tryharded and won two straight games to that point, 1 being i wanted to play against daenius but unfort he bailed right before that game, hence why we ended picking up the unfortunate spiderland, which I'll apologize we weren't as clear with prior to - although spider mains Kennen so it's kind of a 50-50 sort of feel there, etc.) and also opted to play my "main" hero although I ran a completely different build from the start, right down to my opening item. Hence the one and only thing I will doubtlessly not do again - play Kassadin in an IH unless all 10 people agree I can do it (which I feel is overblowing my skill on him but apparently some people think it's not fair? w/e...). I will apologize for the game going out of hand within 10 minutes. I will not apologize, nor do I really plan on ditching altogether (doesn't mean I'll always do it), playing IH on a team with friends that I like playing with. Especially because I'm the one that voluntarily played on the team opposite from them all night.
This would be a non issue if instead of passive aggressively coming to post on TL about how we are NO FUN ALLOWED RAGE REVENGE GAME, you just cleared it up in chat with us like the few other people did. We don't appreciate being painted as assholes who are out to ruin others' day, and I think you'd find us more than ready to apologize if approached about the issue in a better manner.
To the others in that game that weren't around for the discussion in chat later on: sorry, we really didn't see it as 'us 5 vs 5 scrub randoms,' sure we didn't think we'd really lose but we wanted to see how a game would go with a less lighthearted tone, and in hindsight we should've said that more clearly instead of hoping just the lineup portrayed the message we wanted.
Part of it (the not checking completely) was also because of Daenius and MFD gamely playing against us that first time despite the teams looking stacked and finding it not only acceptable but remarkably balanced when half of us are fucking around or doing weird shit and actually fun. It's a lot harder than you think balancing teams in this game because there're so many variables in play. We can do captains from now on, although I really don't think it'll change much based on past history (Gozey's IH tourneys). Most of what swings games one way or another is how much certain players opt to screw around, and how they do so.
Edit: As an example, that Shaco vs Shaco game, where I got stuck jungling Shaco because of miscomm between Daenius and I. I had no idea what the fuck I was doing! I hadn't touched Shaco in mooooooooonths, hadn't jungled with him in even more (actually I don't think I'd ever had a successful Shaco jungle game prior to that game), and ended up doing decent and coupled with my superduper tryhard build (BR + Starks + GA) I slanted the game a LOT, especially from Turkey's perspective (who ran AP laning Shaco and still kicked my ass hahah). 1) How was anyone supposed to know I wouldn't have a colossal fail on Shaco like my 0-5 disaster that took place early in season one? 2) How do you even balance that?
United States37500 Posts
On October 16 2010 17:40 NeoIllusions wrote: You write so much Uta...
And damn proud of it!
I knew going bravetheon w/out my jungle runeset was a bad idea. Damn you golem!
On October 16 2010 18:17 pahndah wrote: I knew going bravetheon w/out my jungle runeset was a bad idea. Damn you golem!
Hahah, yeah when you died my heart sank, 'cause the odds of it being a good game plunked.
I'll redeem myself next time! Would play again =)
We'll try to figure out better balancing~ it sucks that only one (the first) game was balanced... despite ironically being a 5v4. Wat.
Edit: Oh, with Uta tryharding like mad, too.
What's with all the drama O_O too lazy to read through the whole thing, though >.<
protips: don't play if the team are stacked. no one forcing you to.
New Lux (move) design seems incredibly boring
I just had SO much fun with a carry Singed. Never had this much fun in awhile...
Singed can sure snowball if get fed well.. Also all of these level 30s were like 400-800+ games too :o
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/veen9.png)
I will share an experience I have with an IH: I rmb a practice game we ran against 5hit, Daenius and co. Their lanes were feeding, the jungling 5hit's ganks failed and he fed too. 5hit quit, but some members of his team felt obliged not to leave and ruin games. While I am not advocating everyone do a 5hit and ragequit, the game was pretty much over. Just call an informal surrender vote if you don't think you can manage a comeback, and just move on to the next game. Good thing about practice games is that you can leave without getting a leaver mark.What we can do is to reduce amount of time spent in bad games.
Balancing is pretty difficult I think, with different skill levels and different levels of tryhardedness. I think many people STILL join IH and premades with the expectations being sc pros trashing left and right, instead of causals and trolling that people do. I think this disillusion over trolls such as triple snowballers is pretty evident and an reoccurring theme. Maybe the intial post needs to host additional disclaimers or something. Furthermore, channel now has more people and is less "elitist" in skill level, in part due to newcomers being able to join/sc2 ppl seeing this thread.
Has anyone else had extremely high latency lately? I used to be sub 100 ms, and now I'm at 400ms all the time. Really tough as an ezreal player...
On October 16 2010 20:12 cascades wrote: I will share an experience I have with an IH: I rmb a practice game we ran against 5hit, Daenius and co. Their lanes were feeding, the jungling 5hit's ganks failed and he fed too. 5hit quit, but some members of his team felt obliged not to leave and ruin games. While I am not advocating everyone do a 5hit and ragequit, the game was pretty much over. I will just repeat myself: practice games - no need to wait until 25 mins to surrender. just call an informal surrender vote if you don't think you can manage a comeback, and just move on to the next game. Good thing about practice games is that you can leave without getting a leaver mark.What we can do is to reduce amount of time spent in bad games.
Balancing is pretty difficult I think, with different skill levels and different levels of tryhardedness. I think many people STILL join IH and premades with the expectations being sc pros trashing left and right, instead of causals and trolling that people do. I think this disillusion over trolls such as triple snowballers is pretty evident and an reoccurring theme. Maybe the intial post needs to host additional disclaimers or something. Furthermore, channel now has more people and is less "elitist" in skill level, in part due to newcomers being able to join/sc2 ppl seeing this thread. Okay, this is wrong. I didn't rage quit, I agreed with everyone on my team and yours except you A) we lost and B) that everyone was leaving the game because IT WAS PRACTICE AND WHEN EVERYONE LEAVES THE GAME WE CAN PLAY ANOTHER. You just didn't know and stayed in for another 10 minutes while the rest of us were in Liquidparty like "wtf is going on who's still in the game" and we had to mass relog and surrender. It happened that your team came back with a majority first because you were in there 1v0 farming an extra 15 ip that you didn't even get because your team gave up.
If I actually did do what happened in a different game and we're not talking about a few days ago when you did exactly this then my bad but I rarely ragequit unless someone else has done something that makes the game unwinnable. In that inhouse we all agreed we were leaving the game and you spent 10 minutes in there alone preventing us from making a new game.
im getting raged at for picking nasus, wtf?
I just don't see why you're making me out to be the bad guy in that situation when you're the one that we had to explain "if everyone leaves the game we can start a new one" to.
On October 16 2010 21:19 Rice wrote: im getting raged at for picking nasus, wtf?
The one thing that binds us is we all have strong opinions. Even the people who are horrible at the game. So they probably saw some bad nasus somewhere that went AP and think all nasus are bad. I'm speaking literally. At low Elo people really do just ignore the recommended stuff and build ANYTHING.
So don't think anything of it. use /ignore ally in solo queue.
1850 -> 1657 hi5 solo queue