On October 17 2010 02:25 The6357 wrote:is there any good websites/forums for the new players? I've started LoL about 2 weeks ago and I have no previous experience with dota/hon...I'm lvl12 and I've checked a few sites like their official site and bobafire.com to see item builds and such... I read countless posts regarding the new players and I still have a lot of questions regarding the game...right now i'm just trying to just play for fun but would like to know about the higher level game play. Mostly, my main questions are such as unit roles...like which units are carries and how should they be played...or as a beginner is it good to start out with carries/support/tank/ect? (i play zilean because i accidently bought him and this guy is so weak later on i can't stay alive) i'm not too concerned about runes and masteries yet b/c i don't even have slots to fill them  ps. is it good to buy recommended items from the game? how does combining items work..lol if i buy requirements and buy the top result item, is it automatically get upgraded? You are now visiting THE best LoL place. Also liquidlol.wikispaces.com/ check this for compilation of info from this topic
You should probably just ask questions in here, there's too many bad guides on a lot of sites.
Carries are basically ranged champions with good base attack speed or attack modifiers. You should probably just try as many heroes as you can, since it'll help you get a better feel of the game.
No to recommended items, Yes to combining items.
On October 17 2010 02:25 cascades wrote:Show nested quote +On October 17 2010 01:33 barbsq wrote:
this sounds like BRAVE PANTHEON
oh, and in regards to the ppl who want to finish practice games early, sry i tend to not want to surrender, its not ever kus i think we can win, its usually kus i want to dick around and be silly some more. I'll try to not do that in the future since ppl seem to dislike it.
Well, same here. Hence, I was suggesting people ask around first to see if their teammates want to continue the game. Why is it different from normal: I believe that all TL members at least know how to communicate and speak English. (you were expecting me to bring up 25 min surrender didn't you?) So God help us all if BR invades.
is Zilean a fairly good unit to use in random solo games? he gets pretty decent HP later in game if i manage to get most of the recommended items but he can't do any damage to enemy units...what are some good units to be used with zilean? i find he is pretty good in early games where I can double bomb and ignitethe enemy unit :D
On October 16 2010 17:24 Southlight wrote: Nay, I ended up winning all the IH games I was in (I just noticed LOL) but that also means the other 3/4 lost most of their games, lol.
Edit: Disclaimer: Let it be known that I'm by no means speaking for the others. End edit:
I mean personally that game would have looked the same (at least, in my third of the map) if I'd played any of the heroes I normally play (Kass/Sona/Janna/Taric) mainly because of the differential in laning skill. Does that suck? Yeah, and I learned why I shouldn't play Kassadin (because he punishes bad laning the most). Hence why I won't do that again. But unlike Neo I still don't see why five people shouldn't play on one team just because they have high elos because half of them don't even play seriously for the most part in these games. It just so happened that that particular game was decided very clearly by the end of laning. Also Shaco.
I can't speak for the others, because I wasn't watching their lane. Kass + Kayle vs Kennen + Blitz, twice I almost died, and it was that miniscule survival that swung the lane in our favor. Is it skill that I lived? I... don't know? Part skill part luck. If we were to do that lane 5 times over would we win all 5 times? I honestly don't know, maybe if I played it differently (gone after Kennen instead of Blitz from the start) it wouldn't have been as close. Maybe if I hadn't gotten hooked so many times. However, given that little area of vision, why do I need to feel like it was a horribly imba matchup? It felt just like me playing vs legit in team ranked, because that's the shit I pull all the time (survive by [] hp and then turn around and swing them down).
Hence why I come across as unrepentant. I still would love to IH vs Daenius/MyFleetingDream, just as I find IHing against other players (rad/Neo/the people I usually play) amusing because I get to play in a casual competitive atmosphere. I am otherwise horrible at "trolling games" because I'm one of those people that really suck at not playing to win. We ended up winning that bizarre 5v4 game, mostly due to an overconfidence/mistake on their part. I would love to do that again, except in a true 5v5. It was fun. Yet my team was theoretically "stacked." What gives?
The game you're (ProdT) complaining about turned horrible pretty quickly, that's an unavoidable and not-disputed by any of us fact. Was it because the teams were stacked? Maybe, maybe not, because another unavoidable and indisputable fact is that the whole night most of the games looked like that (except for me being on their team) and the games were also one-sided... only it alternated whose team was winning.
I'm being the lightning rod here because I switched teams out of multiple reasons (1 being curiosity of playing vs you, 1 being curiosity of seeing if it would fix you guys stomping them considering you tryharded and won two straight games to that point, 1 being i wanted to play against daenius but unfort he bailed right before that game, hence why we ended picking up the unfortunate spiderland, which I'll apologize we weren't as clear with prior to - although spider mains Kennen so it's kind of a 50-50 sort of feel there, etc.) and also opted to play my "main" hero although I ran a completely different build from the start, right down to my opening item. Hence the one and only thing I will doubtlessly not do again - play Kassadin in an IH unless all 10 people agree I can do it (which I feel is overblowing my skill on him but apparently some people think it's not fair? w/e...). I will apologize for the game going out of hand within 10 minutes. I will not apologize, nor do I really plan on ditching altogether (doesn't mean I'll always do it), playing IH on a team with friends that I like playing with. Especially because I'm the one that voluntarily played on the team opposite from them all night.
It was pretty clear to me we were doomed from the start, and I said as much.
A few random points:
The game started really fuckin quick before we had a chance to murmur even a peep about the balance. That felt premeditated to me at the time, since we made an attempt to balance the previous game.
It wasn't just you that switched teams. Spiderland replaced Dae, and Minecake was also replaced by someone. Game 2 was reasonably balanced imo, despite swain going all beast-mode. When you swap out the worst player on one team for the best player on the other, the game balance goes wonky real fast.
Your kassadin isn't so game breaking that it is impossible to balance around. Yes, you are the best player, but the skill gap isn't as huge as you make it out to be. It's not like Testie's geomancer where you could literally put him on a team with 4 scrubs and he'd still win games. Just use your common sense to figure out if its appropriate or not.
Most of the recommended items suck. Combining items is exactly how you mentioned it. If you have certain items that are required to buy an item then you have to pay the combine cost, if you don't have 1 or more of the items then you have to pay for the item + combine cost.
Starting out, you should try to play as many champs as you can until you find someone you like or are comfortable with.
As far as roles, the basic roles are carries (Ashe, Trist, MF, Twitch, Kog, Corki) which in the current meta ranged dominate even though there are few melee carries. Their job is to farm up their core items early game and do as much consistent dps while staying alive in team fights. They should be given solo mid or solo top and red buff and occasionally blue buff depending on the champ.
Tanks (Amumu, Shen, Rammus, Galio, Garen) their job is to initiate good team fights, using their abilities to cripple preferably the enemy carry or to protect your carry. A good tank will take into account positioning, group numbers, and ultis that should be up when initiating. They are usually in the duo lane or jungle.
Support (Janna, Morg, Taric, Sona) their job is to support the team with heals and/or buffs. A good support knows who / when to use their support abilities.
Mage / Caster (Annie, Anivia, Kennen, Vlad, Morg) their role in fights are to do burst damage and possibly disable the enemy team in fights.
Those aren't the only champs that can fulfill those roles, but those are the easiest / best ones in my opinion.
There are other roles such as assassins or anti-carries, pushers, and junglers.
Zilean is really good in the early game with bomb harrassment. For the mid-late game, he is best used in conjunction with beefy melee types (Mundo, Garen, Udyr, WW, Olaf, Pants, Xin, Trynd) or a team with multiple tanks. There was an argument as to if Zilean is good mainly at higher ELO, in which I think he is great asset if played well. Keeping bombs/double bombs on people, speeding up tanks/carries in and out of team fights, and of course rezzing important champs on your team. Like most other niche type champs, the newbs, trolls, and general sucky public give him a bad rap. Just play to his strengths and know your role.
I'm thinking of picking up Kennen. He seems versatile in lane and build, and able to carry. Any advice on different builds, etc? I read myopia's mini-guide to AP, but not sure how up-to-date/good it is.
On October 17 2010 03:14 oberon wrote: I'm thinking of picking up Kennen. He seems versatile in lane and build, and able to carry. Any advice on different builds, etc? I read myopia's mini-guide to AP, but not sure how up-to-date/good it is.
kennen is only to be used AP unless you are trolling rylai->zhonya->abyssal or tank items. if teams are ignoring you in teamfights (which they shouldn't but it happens) grab a mejai's cause you'll rack up stacks faster than phr0st's plate at a pancake house. a 20 stack kennen is terrifying because lightning rush is always on cooldown and he can 1v1 anyone in teh game
also speaking of 1v1, kennen is one of the best 1v1 champs in teh game if your ult is up. his sustained damage is mighty. just kite/chase with stuns/lightning rush. super great in conjunction with AOE teams too and i consider him a counter to a lot of other champs, but still not a great champ overall
very fun to play tho
On October 17 2010 03:13 radmax86 wrote: It was pretty clear to me we were doomed from the start, and I said as much.
A few random points:
The game started really fuckin quick before we had a chance to murmur even a peep about the balance. That felt premeditated to me at the time, since we made an attempt to balance the previous game.
It wasn't just you that switched teams. Spiderland replaced Dae, and Minecake was also replaced by someone. Game 2 was reasonably balanced imo, despite swain going all beast-mode. When you swap out the worst player on one team for the best player on the other, the game balance goes wonky real fast.
Your kassadin isn't so game breaking that it is impossible to balance around. Yes, you are the best player, but the skill gap isn't as huge as you make it out to be. It's not like Testie's geomancer where you could literally put him on a team with 4 scrubs and he'd still win games. Just use your common sense to figure out if its appropriate or not.
1) Err, we spent a while looking for a 10th ;/ Part of the "oops we feel bad for spider in particular" was the short time between grabbing him and starting, though, definitely. 2) Flakes was in game 2 and 3, I don't actually remember being there much replacement (pahndah was the Nasus from the game before, who went teleport and ran a monster build), maybe that's just inattentiveness and bad memory on my part 3) I don't think my Kass is game-breaking either but most of the QQ I felt was over me picking him. Shake picked Nidalee the game before and no one said anything about that. *shrugs* I think it's a bit unfair that people zero'd in on it but I'm willing to back off of Kassadin and any other lane control heroes, that's all.
Oh well.
On October 17 2010 03:14 oberon wrote: I'm thinking of picking up Kennen. He seems versatile in lane and build, and able to carry. Any advice on different builds, etc? I read myopia's mini-guide to AP, but not sure how up-to-date/good it is. the most basic guide to kennen is get in the middle of enemy team and hit R watch as it says OBERON HAS SCORED A PENTA KILL (moving required)
On October 17 2010 02:11 cascades wrote:Show nested quote +On October 16 2010 21:16 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote:On October 16 2010 20:12 cascades wrote: I will share an experience I have with an IH: I rmb a practice game we ran against 5hit, Daenius and co. Their lanes were feeding, the jungling 5hit's ganks failed and he fed too. 5hit quit, but some members of his team felt obliged not to leave and ruin games. While I am not advocating everyone do a 5hit and ragequit, the game was pretty much over. I will just repeat myself: practice games - no need to wait until 25 mins to surrender. just call an informal surrender vote if you don't think you can manage a comeback, and just move on to the next game. Good thing about practice games is that you can leave without getting a leaver mark.What we can do is to reduce amount of time spent in bad games.
Balancing is pretty difficult I think, with different skill levels and different levels of tryhardedness. I think many people STILL join IH and premades with the expectations being sc pros trashing left and right, instead of causals and trolling that people do. I think this disillusion over trolls such as triple snowballers is pretty evident and an reoccurring theme. Maybe the intial post needs to host additional disclaimers or something. Furthermore, channel now has more people and is less "elitist" in skill level, in part due to newcomers being able to join/sc2 ppl seeing this thread. Okay, this is wrong. I didn't rage quit, I agreed with everyone on my team and yours except you A) we lost and B) that everyone was leaving the game because IT WAS PRACTICE AND WHEN EVERYONE LEAVES THE GAME WE CAN PLAY ANOTHER. You just didn't know and stayed in for another 10 minutes while the rest of us were in Liquidparty like "wtf is going on who's still in the game" and we had to mass relog and surrender. It happened that your team came back with a majority first because you were in there 1v0 farming an extra 15 ip that you didn't even get because your team gave up. If I actually did do what happened in a different game and we're not talking about a few days ago when you did exactly this then my bad but I rarely ragequit unless someone else has done something that makes the game unwinnable. In that inhouse we all agreed we were leaving the game and you spent 10 minutes in there alone preventing us from making a new game. To clear things up for that inhouse game, I LEFT THE GAME ALREADY. You can ask Daenius or howard or anyone else. That's why we were in LiquidParty going "wtf". I only went back in at the 26th minute when I saw that the game was still going on for some weird reason to initiate that surrender vote to stop the game and get ip. For being the first guy to take the initiative to get that surrender vote, I get slagged on you in LiquidParty that day in channel and today in thread. IT WAS MEMBERS OF YOUR TEAM WHO DIDN'T KNOW THEY CAN LEAVE. That was why I believed you had "rage quit unilaterally" due to being upset with your teammates. I wasn't blaming you for quitting, rather for not communicating well enough with your teammates to mass quit. Anyway, we are making a mountain out a molehill, I will edit out the offending line; it was not my intent to make that the focus. My apologies if I offended. No, my bad, I was raging, you're right. I shouldn't have even posted.
On October 17 2010 03:30 Southlight wrote:Show nested quote +On October 17 2010 03:13 radmax86 wrote: It was pretty clear to me we were doomed from the start, and I said as much.
A few random points:
The game started really fuckin quick before we had a chance to murmur even a peep about the balance. That felt premeditated to me at the time, since we made an attempt to balance the previous game.
It wasn't just you that switched teams. Spiderland replaced Dae, and Minecake was also replaced by someone. Game 2 was reasonably balanced imo, despite swain going all beast-mode. When you swap out the worst player on one team for the best player on the other, the game balance goes wonky real fast.
Your kassadin isn't so game breaking that it is impossible to balance around. Yes, you are the best player, but the skill gap isn't as huge as you make it out to be. It's not like Testie's geomancer where you could literally put him on a team with 4 scrubs and he'd still win games. Just use your common sense to figure out if its appropriate or not.
1) Err, we spent a while looking for a 10th ;/ Part of the "oops we feel bad for spider in particular" was the short time between grabbing him and starting, though, definitely. 2) Flakes was in game 2 and 3, I don't actually remember being there much replacement (pahndah was the Nasus from the game before, who went teleport and ran a monster build), maybe that's just inattentiveness and bad memory on my part 3) I don't think my Kass is game-breaking either but most of the QQ I felt was over me picking him. Shake picked Nidalee the game before and no one said anything about that. *shrugs* I think it's a bit unfair that people zero'd in on it but I'm willing to back off of Kassadin and any other lane control heroes, that's all. Oh well. Is this still going on? What has to be said for the argument to stop? Yes Utahime, you guys were totally right in balancing the teams in that manner and it wasn't anyones fault, everyone had a good time. Most of the complaining is because of what he states, the teams were obviously stacked, not that you played your "imba kass". Please set your huge ego aside and acknowledge it was because of the teams that were setup, not because of your kass. Shake played Attack damage nidalee which is obviously just a lols build, (I think its more viable than sunfire swain since he needs mana to do ANYTHING, but whatever, opinions.). Neoillusions is the most mannered out of all of you as far as I can tell, we even joked about how tryhard he played malzahar in that first game, remember?
what is IP and XP gained depend on in normal games? OO?
On October 17 2010 03:50 The6357 wrote: what is IP and XP gained depend on in normal games? OO?
Win/loss and duration of the game.
On October 17 2010 03:50 The6357 wrote: what is IP and XP gained depend on in normal games? OO?
its like 75 plus bonuses (more if the game is long and you lose, more if the game is short and you win, more if you haven't left a game in X games, more if its your first win in 20 hrs)
and its less by 22% if you play on twisted treeline (as the games take about that much less time)
On October 17 2010 03:33 arb wrote:Show nested quote +On October 17 2010 03:14 oberon wrote: I'm thinking of picking up Kennen. He seems versatile in lane and build, and able to carry. Any advice on different builds, etc? I read myopia's mini-guide to AP, but not sure how up-to-date/good it is. the most basic guide to kennen is get in the middle of enemy team and hit R watch as it says OBERON HAS SCORED A PENTA KILL (moving required)
I play Fiddle, I have this part down.
Didn't realize Kenne was pure AP these days. I thought his range/damage were decent enough to make AD viable.
Edit: can be go hybrid?
On October 17 2010 03:53 oberon wrote:Show nested quote +On October 17 2010 03:33 arb wrote:On October 17 2010 03:14 oberon wrote: I'm thinking of picking up Kennen. He seems versatile in lane and build, and able to carry. Any advice on different builds, etc? I read myopia's mini-guide to AP, but not sure how up-to-date/good it is. the most basic guide to kennen is get in the middle of enemy team and hit R watch as it says OBERON HAS SCORED A PENTA KILL (moving required) I play Fiddle, I have this part down. Didn't realize Kenne was pure AP these days. I thought his range/damage were decent enough to make AD viable. Edit: can be go hybrid?
Red tried jungle Kennen and went AD/Aspd Kennen and it... didn't work very well. The fighting part, not the jungling part (which hilariously worked pretty well). The simplest explanation for it is that he has no real AD+ skill that makes him beat other ranged carries straight up, and that to use his ult you kinda need to be close. I think it's fairly common to get a GRB for some pewpewpew power quickly, but usually it's after you have sufficient AP/HP stuff.
Edit: IIRC Azen Zagenite runs AD Kennen, though?
Kennen is king when you go into the late game with a big aoe comp which will naturally favor AP.
I feel like on Magma chamber he could go for a more AD build and abuse his stuns to allow for a few extra attacks to kill people.
The other thing is most of kennen's early harass is AP based and is a lot easier to use than running up to hit someone.
Kennen's as good at AD as he used to be, but that comes with a disclaimer* in that Kennen used to be able to go AP or AD equally effective. His AD hasn't been hurt at all but his AP ratios all got a huge buff a couple patches ago and he's much much more effective AP now. 10 patches ago you saw hybrid and even AD kennen pretty frequently but now you're just gimping yourself by not playing to his strengths
yeah GRB is a nice luxury item but not at all required on kennen imo imo
On October 17 2010 04:06 Phrost wrote: Kennen is king when you go into the late game with a big aoe comp which will naturally favor AP.
I feel like on Magma chamber he could go for a more AD build and abuse his stuns to allow for a few extra attacks to kill people.
The other thing is most of kennen's early harass is AP based and is a lot easier to use than running up to hit someone.
Magma already on test realm? INCOMING SOON????