On October 13 2010 23:06 TacToSs wrote: What's a good item/skill build for MF? I've only played her a few times and usually maxed Q over E early game.The only guide listed is the stack 3 tiamats then get bloodthirsters guide. And just curious as to why stack tiamats? Is it just for fun or does it actually have a purpose. I actually did stack tiamats in one game and Q was pretty badass with it.
why stack tiamats?
let me answer your question with other questions that should demonstrate the answer: why ask out the pretty girl in your math class? why face cancer instead of rolling over and dying? why 1v1 warwick in the jungle as evelynn? why walk around on a bad side of town at night with nothing but a leather jacket and a red bandana?
BECAUSE IT'S BRAVE in fact it's the bravest thing you can do
also it makes your double bounce hit an AOE rather than single targets. if the other team is grouped up and you get a double bounce into them, you'll effectively get 10x damage
so brave
just like phr0st was when he faced those chocolate donuts and fried chicken every day for every meal before they took his weakened heart RIP
i got bored and made a very small skin page with the starcraft related skins i found in the wiki. also added a bonus skin for the trolls out there =] should there be added other awesome skins of high quality or should it stay like that only adding starcraft related skins?
ah and if u have any new starcraft related skins or find some i didn't, feel free to add them there or post here so someone (prolly me :[) can add them =]
That is neat.
99% chance I'm going to buy it, simply because IceFrog/Valve deserve my money. (1% accounting for things like suddenly dieing from a heart attack because I got fat) There's a good chance I'll move over to it too, because while LoL is fun and all, I still miss DotA.
I hope it's not a free game (like Valve did with Alien Swarm), it should weed out a lot of retards from the get go.
edit and comparing Valve's servers and customer support to Riot's is just... haha.
Are there any patch notes for the mini-patch yesterday?
Or was it just bug fixes and such?
On October 13 2010 23:12 gtrsrs wrote:Show nested quote +On October 13 2010 22:21 spinesheath wrote:On October 13 2010 22:08 arb wrote: just played a game with Taric(me) WW/Morg/Chogath/Pantheon vs Heimer/Mf/Xin/Mundo/Poppy
it was hilarious as every teamfight boiled down to who would fuck up on their team and eat whatever form of stun/snare/knockup and die instantly, causing a 4v5 which would obviously make them lose.
ALSO, thoughts on opening with dorans ring on MF?, my reasoning being this; you want to farm alot taking mid(this is only in question for mid) and once you hit 8? your E will clear entire waves,however you'll only have about a minute before they wont die instantly and you'll have to put yourself in harms way to get the hits in to kill them.
Basically ring will give you mp5/health/10 AP which with its .8:1 ratio you'll be able to farm the entire wave for much longer possibly giving you a better late game
thoughts? Unless you're laning against one of the rare specimens that counter MF in lane (Panth, who else? I could imagine Kat, but don't know), you should dominate the lane so much (assuming you have a DBlade or DShield) that you don't need anything but your autoattack for lasthitting. Stop being lazy. it's not a question of laziness, it's a question of efficiency and safety per gold earned sure it's easy to SAY "just last hit" with galio, and i usually try to do that, but if i'm in a 1v2 lane against a couple ranged champs, "just last hitting" is going to lose me 200 HP every time i go for a creep. so instead, i play passively until level 5, and then use my double nuke to insta-gib all the ranged creeps and try to nab the melee creeps with last hits. i will always get every ranged creep in this fashion, and can usually get 2 or all 3 of the melee once i'm level 5. then i just back off and either harass or let the lane push back peacefully and repeat ad nauseum. 20 minutes in i've already got double the next highest creep score and a huge item advantage in the same way, MF CAN last hit exclusively, but she also has like 150 HP and one mistake trying to go for a ranged creep can cost you mightily against tristana, annie, any champ with a decent harass skill and even moreso against a champ that does WELL against mf innately. so just like galio, if mf can come up with a way to clear a creep wave 100% of the time with a skill, there's no reason she shouldn't do that ^^now i'm not advocating d-ring on MF, i don't play MF and have no advice for her, but i'm just pointing out that using skills to farm creeps (especially ranged skills) is much much safer and more effective than exclusively last-hitting. yes you'll push the lane, but in mid i don't see a problem with that, as you only push like 4 inches before you're at their tower and they push back. just hang back after you've pushed if they have a jungler and wait for the creep equilibrium to swing your way \o/ just my thoughts
You're giving up a lot of safety by going DRing instead of DShield or DBlade. That lack of regen will cost you dealy against anyone who can harrass you ever so slightly since MF doesn't have a lot of innate healing. And most people even don't go SoS on her.
On October 13 2010 23:17 gtrsrs wrote: also it makes your double bounce hit an AOE rather than single targets. if the other team is grouped up and you get a double bounce into them, you'll effectively get 10x damage
Wouldn't one tiamat be enough for that though? Doesn't one tiamat proc on both hits? or do you need two? o.o
On October 13 2010 23:50 spinesheath wrote: You're giving up a lot of safety by going DRing instead of DShield or DBlade. That lack of regen will cost you dealy against anyone who can harrass you ever so slightly since MF doesn't have a lot of innate healing. And most people even don't go SoS on her.
On October 13 2010 23:12 gtrsrs wrote: i'm not advocating d-ring on MF
\o/ just my thoughts
On October 13 2010 22:00 byFd wrote: what setup do u use for jungle nunu? also what route do you take? i find nunu very fun, but i never tried to jungle with him, goota try it i guess^^ Since noone answered you yet, I'll give it a shot. Nunu is insanely easy to jungle with, you don't even need cloth armor +5 health pots. I open Dshield + 1 health pot on Nunu jungle, and go Blue golem, wolfes, wraiths, Lizard (Your smite will be up for it) last golems/gank or gank directly after red buff if a lane is pushed. Nunu is so easy to jungle with that you don't even need to spec runes to survive jungle at all (imo), so just go with whatever you like on Nunu. If in doubt, go q first, then never level it again untill you have to. The way you open on golem is hit it, wait until you've lost 140 health, use q, and it'll be peace of cake. Edit: I'm only a 1300 elo player, so don't be sure I'm 100% right.
On October 13 2010 23:58 TacToSs wrote:Show nested quote +On October 13 2010 23:17 gtrsrs wrote: also it makes your double bounce hit an AOE rather than single targets. if the other team is grouped up and you get a double bounce into them, you'll effectively get 10x damage
Wouldn't one tiamat be enough for that though? Doesn't one tiamat proc on both hits? or do you need two? o.o
Each tiamat is 33% splash damage for ranged attacks. So ideally you'd have 3 of them.
edit: but again like said above the real reason to mass tiamat is the same reason you mass scouts in SC1. It's manner as hell.
On October 14 2010 00:01 Papvin wrote:Show nested quote +On October 13 2010 22:00 byFd wrote: what setup do u use for jungle nunu? also what route do you take? i find nunu very fun, but i never tried to jungle with him, goota try it i guess^^ Since noone answered you yet, I'll give it a shot. Nunu is insanely easy to jungle with, you don't even need cloth armor +5 health pots. I open Dshield + 1 health pot on Nunu jungle, and go Blue golem, wolfes, wraiths, Lizard (Your smite will be up for it) last golems/gank or gank directly after red buff if a lane is pushed. Nunu is so easy to jungle with that you don't even need to spec runes to survive jungle at all (imo), so just go with whatever you like on Nunu. If in doubt, go q first, then never level it again untill you have to. The way you open on golem is hit it, wait until you've lost 140 health, use q, and it'll be peace of cake. Edit: I'm only a 1300 elo player, so don't be sure I'm 100% right.
hm thx, gonna try it, sounds easy :D
So after a successful normal game as jungle cho i decide to try it out in ranked.
Im as 4th pick and I pick cho, when 5th pick takes ww and insists on jungling. Then I exchange smite with exhuast and call for the 1v1 lane since they have twitch and tf, and they will most likely be easy to shut down. . . No no, I cant do that either, so to summary this, my runes are useless.. check.. my masteries isnt what they should be a for a proper laning cho (where i end up as with poppy -_-). the ww goes 1-5-1 and is oblivious to advice and is arrogant as fuck - rest of the team blames me while I cant get any farm at all
I go Dring on miss fortune sometimes when I'm laning with someone like Sona, for instance, or when I'm up against someone like Ashe who I can relentlessly deny farming early on with make it rain + double-up combo.
On October 14 2010 00:01 Haemonculus wrote: Each tiamat is 33% splash damage for ranged attacks. So ideally you'd have 3 of them.
edit: but again like said above the real reason to mass tiamat is the same reason you mass scouts in SC1. It's manner as hell.
Ah k thanks for that.
Are there any other guides to MF besides that one? I've really only been looking at leaguecraft guides and here. I can only think of just maxing Q first followed by E and buying things like manamune/bloodthirster/IE?/frozen mallet?/and probably a veil if i'm getting stunned during my R since she's a glass cannon.
On October 14 2010 00:38 TacToSs wrote:Show nested quote +On October 14 2010 00:01 Haemonculus wrote: Each tiamat is 33% splash damage for ranged attacks. So ideally you'd have 3 of them.
edit: but again like said above the real reason to mass tiamat is the same reason you mass scouts in SC1. It's manner as hell. Ah k thanks for that. Are there any other guides to MF besides that one? I've really only been looking at leaguecraft guides and here. I can only think of just maxing Q first followed by E and buying things like manamune/bloodthirster/IE?/frozen mallet?/and probably a veil if i'm getting stunned during my R since she's a glass cannon.
there was a little discussion some pages ago http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=129727¤tpage=1116
basicly dorans blade/shield - boots - inf edge - boots 2 - last whisper is the most common build
well, just like every fucking ranged carry, it's very fotm to do 2-3 doran's blades with your boots before you get cracking on your IE. You also grab red elixir if you fall short on money for your BF Sword so that you stay in the game on a minimal gold investment. either way though, I'm just going to jump you and kill you before you can do anything about it unless my team completely sucks and continually ditches me 1v5 for no good reason.
Triple blade to IE is such a good build that it's hard to argue for anything else on MF/Trist/Twitch.
On October 14 2010 01:10 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Triple blade to IE is such a good build that it's hard to argue for anything else on MF/Trist/Twitch. and ashe / corki?
Id do the same for ashe, but manamune / black cleaver for corki is so powerful
does last whisper work with corki's gatling gun? ive been going the standard multi-dblad-> i.e./lw build on him simply assuming that gatling+lw = goodness, but now that i actually think about it lw rarely has synergy with any skills, so im thinking this might be a bad idea