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Canada122 Posts
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United States13132 Posts
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5286 Posts
what are the optimal items for a hero like garen? I mean say you have like 20k gold or whatnot i just got in a long ass game and the opposing team wouldn't give up, and i had 3 sunfires mercs FoN and GA should i just sell it all and go critgaren??? or should i sell a sunfire for frozen heart or something all while pumping elixers ofc | ||
United States4008 Posts
On October 13 2010 12:29 hero33 wrote: Yup it said R.i.p phrost you will be remembered. why would it by on the LoL website? If I died Zileas would mourn. I duno about anyone else, maybe Veigar and/or Jeffjew. They're the only ones I talk to. | ||
United States4236 Posts
On October 13 2010 13:07 Navi wrote: hey guys, what are the optimal items for a hero like garen? I mean say you have like 20k gold or whatnot i just got in a long ass game and the opposing team wouldn't give up, and i had 3 sunfires mercs FoN and GA should i just sell it all and go critgaren??? or should i sell a sunfire for frozen heart or something all while pumping elixers ofc Stack warmogs. Seriously tho, those are the best gear imo. Maybe subbing a sunfire with a trinity somewhere... Afaik hard cc pwns any melee dps except xin zhao, so tank garen should be best. Edit: the gears that YOU listed. | ||
United States1663 Posts
my bad did i out uta's ninja edit? whoopsies >_< | ||
United States859 Posts
On October 13 2010 13:07 Navi wrote: hey guys, what are the optimal items for a hero like garen? I mean say you have like 20k gold or whatnot i just got in a long ass game and the opposing team wouldn't give up, and i had 3 sunfires mercs FoN and GA should i just sell it all and go critgaren??? or should i sell a sunfire for frozen heart or something all while pumping elixers ofc what enemies are you against? heavy magic, heavy physical, balanced magic/physical team? | ||
United States1508 Posts
On October 13 2010 13:07 Navi wrote: hey guys, what are the optimal items for a hero like garen? I mean say you have like 20k gold or whatnot i just got in a long ass game and the opposing team wouldn't give up, and i had 3 sunfires mercs FoN and GA should i just sell it all and go critgaren??? or should i sell a sunfire for frozen heart or something all while pumping elixers ofc Garen doesn't scale well as DPS at all it's just better to build him as tanky as possible. Most garens go a 1-2 Sunfires, FoN, Atmas type of setup. Not a huge fan of GA anymore :/ By being super tanky with Garen your also helping end those drawn out games since you can tank tower for a hella long time. | ||
United States1086 Posts
On October 13 2010 12:05 GnaR wrote: Hello guys, Wondering if someone could help me with Warwick vs another jungler.. keeping in mind I only solo que and am still level 27. Whenever I see a jungler on the character screen I grab armor+ward+hp pots, should i watch my blue buff with that ward? put it on his blue to try and gank him? not bother with the ward? I have a lot of trouble getting people to go with me to gank a jungler or steal a buff right off the bat playing solo, so it seems like the ward might just be a lost cause. Any pro junglers give me some tips? Thanks For solo queue I just wouldn't bother with the ward or trying to gank. If you really want to then ask your team first and buy the ward if they say yes. And even then you probably won't even need the ward since you'll all be over there trying to grab their blue. In order for the gank to work (assuming you get the ward down) you need to teleport in or be near the blue when they start it. Teleport isn't recommended and being near their blue isn't something you can plan around. Furthermore you need to be sure that the jungler won't get away or you're wasting too much time. In addition if the enemies in the lanes come for you you need your teammates to come too, and in solo queue. So unless the enemy jungler is someone that takes a real beating at blue (like Amumu) then you shouldn't even think about it. Now if someone else on your team has teleport (or even better, multiple people) then maybe you can talk them into it. But, of course, in solo queue that's a maybe. I suppose you could watch your blue buff with the ward but in general I think that's a waste. For them to go into your jungle (when you're Warwick, no less) and take your blue would require massive balls or the entire team to go. Since you're solo queue I doubt your team is going to babysit you, and furthermore since you're Warwick you don't need blue buff at all. One good thing about that ward is that you can put it near the dragon fairly early which will let you see if your opponent ever wards it as well as giving the bottom lane some warning of jungle ganks, especially if you're on the blue team. So overall I'd say don't bother. I hope this helped some. | ||
United States779 Posts
On October 13 2010 11:05 Phrost wrote: RIP Phr0st (seriously who the fuck tried to kill me? I'm motherfucking invincible Also, this thread moves fast while im at work) Hahaha god damnit, knew i was gettin trolled | ||
5286 Posts
On October 13 2010 13:17 StuffedTurkey wrote: what enemies are you against? heavy magic, heavy physical, balanced magic/physical team? fairly balanced, but leaning to the physical side i have scaling mres/lvl glyphs and seals so i wasn't too worried about MR after i got my FoN I was going to sell a sunfire for something like a frozen heart for the extra armor + cdr + atkspeed shaft, but the game ended before i did. and yeah i always do build garen tanky anyhoo, was just wondering if building him differently super late game could like.. shake up the opponent like they think, "oh there's that tanky bastard" and they ignore me and then i critgarenspin in their face :O = penta imo | ||
United States9109 Posts
http://gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2010/10/12/valve-s-next-game-announced-here-tomorrow.aspx are we gonna jump ship and go back to our roots??? only time will tell (hint, if Riot puts a storm spirit champ into LoL, and no, kennen doesn't count, then i will stay) | ||
United States3889 Posts
On October 13 2010 14:41 gtrsrs wrote: soooooooo... icefrog's valve dota gets officially announced tomorrow http://gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2010/10/12/valve-s-next-game-announced-here-tomorrow.aspx are we gonna jump ship and go back to our roots??? only time will tell (hint, if Riot puts a storm spirit champ into LoL, and no, kennen doesn't count, then i will stay) I am curious... as someone who never played Dota, and who absolutely can't stand HoN, can't say I'm gonna like it. I might check it out though.. I'm a fan of valve's work | ||
United States193 Posts
friend pantheon is about to die at the enemy tower to enemy pantheon, gets kayle ulted, uses invuln time to leap onto enemy pantheon for the killing blow DRAGOON STRIKE PS RIP phrost | ||
United States2395 Posts
On October 13 2010 15:44 turnip wrote: new favorite play of all time: friend pantheon is about to die at the enemy tower to enemy pantheon, gets kayle ulted, uses invuln time to leap onto enemy pantheon for the killing blow DRAGOON STRIKE PS RIP phrost I think I like Pantheon living through a 4v4 with sub-100 health the entire time WHILE BEING ATTACKED fucking spirit of maknoon coursed through that panth's veins | ||
United States13274 Posts
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Korea (South)3851 Posts
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United States11761 Posts
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Norway3045 Posts
On October 13 2010 11:05 Phrost wrote: RIP Phr0st (seriously who the fuck tried to kill me? I'm motherfucking invincible Also, this thread moves fast while im at work) ^_^ My hopes on these matters where finally heard! (*hark*pikachusc2/fairplay*hark*) Also new dota game from Icefrog you say? hm... might be interesting to have a look at, but if it requires me to pay then I am out. That is why I love LoL really: it is so awesome, yet free. that is also what I loved about DotA: you bought wc3, hey we'll just throw in the most awesome new gamegenre ever and give it to you free with the game 2 in 1 deal! (well actually wc3 was more like 1xxx in 1 deal ![]() | ||
United States11761 Posts
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