On October 13 2010 04:47 myopia wrote: Milkfat gave up on LoL? ahahah I would too if I on my first week of playing LoL I get an hour long game where his team wins by MF hitting 500 cs after being down 3 inhibs. Still sore about that game ;;
He plays HoN, he should be used to that.
speaking of LoL ruining my hongame, I booted up a DotA AI game after not touching it for 6 months. I gave up first blood to VS bot
I thought the whole point to milkfat was that he didn't really have a hongame anyway?
Im not even trying to accomplish anything other than fun, and I'm almost giving up LoL.
Then try to accomplish something else.
Playing a game with the goal of 'having fun' is about as logical as sticking your nose into some dirt and aiming to 'have fun'. Find something in the game that you like and do that.
Uh...I like to win while having fun, but most of the time It doesn't even matter how well I do, you just have to take a bite of the shit-sandwich that is solo que, and hope that you get a decent team. Eventually I'll probably just get sick of it and quit.
"Like Sona, Janna benefits from tankyness, AP, and CDR. People like building DFG on her (as along with W it gives her a decent double-nuke), although personally I don't do anything "always" (when do I ever?)"
Sona..tankyness? :X
Or was that bad sarcasm :|
K... I've lost my mojo...
been playing terribly. Like 1/10/2 for like the last 7 games... its not good . Tell me how to fix...
Seriously though, I don't even know what's up... I went from being pretty decent to terrible in like 2 minutes and suddenly I can't win a game... and I'm the feeder don't get it .
All heroes benefit from some sort of tankyness. This is magnified for support heroes who tread the line between "worth killing" "free kill" and "need to kill but is too hard to kill."
You can play Sona like Janna and hang back and pewpew with a shitty heal, or you can move up into the front lines and attract damage (which increases the usefulness of her heal) while outputting okay damage with her Q. Personally I play her that way, sort of like Taric (who also supports by drawing fire, to make use of a similar heal mechanic).
i think now everybody has a good idea of who should not be carrying
who could've seen this coming
I tend to get a DFG on Sona because she benefits from all the stats it gives and the extra nuke is never a bad thing to have at all. I tend to play a rather ballsy Sona (can't tell you how many times i've gotten away with less then a bar of health or just died stupidly, it goes both ways) but it's always been very successful for me.
Walking into an enemy team to draw fire only to have your galio flash + ult into them as they move to engage you is worth it every single time. Seriously. Do it.
Also, I've been experimenting with Brave Kayle, Tiamats + E is fun times.
RIP phr0st i'll never forget the day i carried your tristana with my galio, reach for the stars E>
Dibs on the test account.
Blessed be his soul. Phr0st
RIP Phrost. I'll never forget the day you made soner rage by going jungle akali.