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United States5348 Posts
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United States190 Posts
If one person can manage to take out their team (not in a 1v5 or anything but just keep them down 2 or 3 people) then that persons team needs to take the offense and attack some damn turrets... | ||
Canada404 Posts
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Noobville17920 Posts
why do i bother | ||
Canada404 Posts
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United States870 Posts
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10417 Posts
On October 12 2010 22:23 Brees wrote: this reminds me of the amumus that bandage toss in ahead of their team and ult, using the AOE root as a time for their team to catch-up. aka terrible if you run at their team and dont get kited for at least 1/4th of your hp their team comp is trash anyway. what CC does singed have that make people think he is a main tank because i just dont get it. Now imagine an amumu/galio coming in and ulting them from the front and your team running in, while singed flanks from behind and shits on their carries, making them run and unable to attack. Surely better than running straight at their team and flinging their tank in an unfavorable circumstance where you already took 1/4th of your hp at least in pokes. Or am I wrong? I mean obviously you don't blind charge their team in the middle of the map, but when it's 5 man vs 5 man and one of them is out of position, you throw down one of the best slows in the game and get a toss towards your team. Singed isn't hard to kill for no reason, you need tank items on him to be able to play him super aggressively. AP is nice but if you can't get close to them with tank items how are you expecting to do it with AP items? | ||
United States13274 Posts
Also, MM seems to think that despite the fact that I'm 1550-1580 I should play with 1400/1300 duo queuers... wtf? did they "improve" the matchmaking algorithm again while I was gone? | ||
Canada404 Posts
On October 13 2010 01:35 Mogwai wrote: is it just me or do bad players seem even worse since WCG? Like, we'll win a teamfight and have 5v2, and they'll all just wanna go immeidately to dragon and to freefarming sidelanes. I played a ton last night and I don't think any games involved a serious push before 30 minutes which was really really infuriating for me. Also, MM seems to think that despite the fact that I'm 1550-1580 I should play with 1400/1300 duo queuers... wtf? did they "improve" the matchmaking algorithm again while I was gone? Man, I wish I could play with those bad players. All my baddies have a 5v2 where the 2 can defend a tower 2v5 easily and they'll want to push, completely ignoring buffs and dragon. | ||
Poland5551 Posts
On October 13 2010 01:40 Jazriel wrote: Man, I wish I could play with those bad players. All my baddies have a 5v2 where the 2 can defend a tower 2v5 easily and they'll want to push, completely ignoring buffs and dragon. If enemies can defend tower 2v5 easily then you probably have veeery bad team comp | ||
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
On October 13 2010 01:15 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: I mean obviously you don't blind charge their team in the middle of the map, but when it's 5 man vs 5 man and one of them is out of position, you throw down one of the best slows in the game and get a toss towards your team. Singed isn't hard to kill for no reason, you need tank items on him to be able to play him super aggressively. AP is nice but if you can't get close to them with tank items how are you expecting to do it with AP items? -faceplam- because you arent a tank. Sure he can be played as a tank and thats what most if not all play him as but he's sooo much stronger as a caster that invests in Magic pen I see him as the AP version of mundo. Mundo is DPS but is tanky. both are countered pretty well by ignite and use the mechanism of ducking in and out of battle to maximize efficiency(warwick does this as well) does that make more sense as to how I think singed should be played? I guess you could call it an anti-carry if anything. a decent AOE slow (seriously xin gets this with a gap closer and damage wtf its not that good srsly) and a single target position changing move(not even really a cc) do not qualify him to be a tank unless the team is stupid and focuses you. thats their problem, not a good reason to play tank singed. | ||
United States1631 Posts
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United States13274 Posts
On October 13 2010 01:49 Kaniol wrote: If enemies can defend tower 2v5 easily then you probably have veeery bad team comp precisely. towers shouldn't matter 5v2, you should be able to just rape them unless you're diving into like, full health Morgana + Galio with ults at half HP. But I'm talking about winning teamfights without losing anyone and then our team being horrified of 75% Trist and 30% Nasus and it just makes me -_-. Like, wtf are they gonna do? we're just gonna dive in and rape them if we have 5, but instead the whole team goes to find that shaco jacked dragon before the fight and then just settles to free farm double waves off of top and bot, it just was driving me crazy. | ||
Canada4732 Posts
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Denmark9110 Posts
On October 13 2010 01:56 Mogwai wrote: precisely. towers shouldn't matter 5v2, you should be able to just rape them unless you're diving into like, full health Morgana + Galio with ults at half HP. But I'm talking about winning teamfights without losing anyone and then our team being horrified of 75% Trist and 30% Nasus and it just makes me -_-. Like, wtf are they gonna do? we're just gonna dive in and rape them if we have 5, but instead the whole team goes to find that shaco jacked dragon before the fight and then just settles to free farm double waves off of top and bot, it just was driving me crazy. The problem is that people cant tell the difference on that elo. Lately I been somewhat frustrated with ranked since people rage 24/7, at normal games I can atleast carry with whatever I do >_> | ||
Korea (South)2437 Posts
On October 13 2010 01:58 L wrote: Who's being indirect? I may be | ||
United States13274 Posts
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United States2395 Posts
On October 13 2010 01:35 Mogwai wrote: is it just me or do bad players seem even worse since WCG? Like, we'll win a teamfight and have 5v2, and they'll all just wanna go immeidately to dragon and to freefarming sidelanes. I played a ton last night and I don't think any games involved a serious push before 30 minutes which was really really infuriating for me. Also, MM seems to think that despite the fact that I'm 1550-1580 I should play with 1400/1300 duo queuers... wtf? did they "improve" the matchmaking algorithm again while I was gone? (disclaimer: STATISTICS DO NOT WORK THAT WAY) Since the Swain patch (maybe even earlier), i've noticed 2 things: 1. Pathing is fucking terrible now, if you click somewhere that requires 2 or more character turns your character can and will spaz the fuck out if you click more than once (and sometimes even just once) example: standing next to blue's mid tower heading toward baron, click toward the bush in the river twice a second apart. First click walks me to the right, second turns me around 180 degrees and I die from running back into the enemy. example 2: everything involving melee minions. I twitch 'around' melee minions while they try to position around me almost every game now, and really it makes trying to get anywhere without Ghost a complete crapshoot with how they move around. example 3: The golem bug where Golem has a longer melee range than your melee range abilities and proceeds to own the jungler who doesn't notice example 4: in the middle of a horrible failgame, attempt to go around the pillar near double golems.. walk the long way around 2. Something might be wrong with MM. I play unranked, so I really have nothing to base it off of, but when the Swain patch hit, I hit a 7-game streak where the players in my games were as competent as the people I played with when I was 15. It's as though I somehow managed to reset my ELO and I now reside in the land of the negative players. Streaky game is streaky. Hearing from people in ranked who get paired with people 600+ below their own ELO on a consistant basis makes me think they accidentally did something to let that happen easier, though. | ||
Italy3402 Posts
On October 12 2010 22:23 Brees wrote: this reminds me of the amumus that bandage toss in ahead of their team and ult, using the AOE root as a time for their team to catch-up. aka terrible if you run at their team and dont get kited for at least 1/4th of your hp their team comp is trash anyway. what CC does singed have that make people think he is a main tank because i just dont get it. Now imagine an amumu/galio coming in and ulting them from the front and your team running in, while singed flanks from behind and shits on their carries, making them run and unable to attack. Surely better than running straight at their team and flinging their tank in an unfavorable circumstance where you already took 1/4th of your hp at least in pokes. Or am I wrong? A couple times I did the Q->R thing with mumu and it was glorious, but only because we had a favorable scenario (flash galio/nunu/annie, fiddle ult). The one time where you will manage this you will get an instant boner I swear. But yeah most mumus are horrible. Idk about fast aegis on mumu, especially even before your first hog. I always feel extremely gimped when I get it mostly bc I tend to build for the lategame and I aim for 2-3 hogs before 13 mins. It slows me down too much and as I play a more relaxed midgame aegis feels useless. | ||
Poland166 Posts
On October 13 2010 01:12 Issor wrote: More importantly, can I fucking move the minimap to the correct (see: left) side of the screen? There are no options for that but i think it can be done manually. Positions (and sizes) of any GUI objects are in editable ini-s. It's not supported by riot so there would be possibility of being banned but i run an increased size minimap (x1.5) and bigger+brighter font for dmg for several weeks and didn't had any problems. the relevant files are: #:\League of Legends\Game\DATA\Menu\HUDHudResolutionDefaults.ini and " Hud(your lol resolution).ini " in the same folder. | ||
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