On October 13 2010 03:21 Nao wrote:Show nested quote +On October 13 2010 01:12 Issor wrote: More importantly, can I fucking move the minimap to the correct (see: left) side of the screen? There are no options for that but i think it can be done manually. Positions (and sizes) of any GUI objects are in editable ini-s. It's not supported by riot so there would be possibility of being banned but i run an increased size minimap (x1.5) and bigger+brighter font for dmg for several weeks and didn't had any problems. the relevant files are: #:\League of Legends\Game\DATA\Menu\HUDHudResolutionDefaults.ini and " Hud(your lol resolution).ini " in the same folder.
here's a program I found last week to edit ini's for you. this way you don't have to make blind adjustments.
It supports moving items around the screen and adjusting UI items scale individually.
On October 08 2010 23:30 ghen wrote:Change the UI http://wp.phryneas.de/?page_id=2&lang=enIt's very buggy, but is better than editing by hand. Be sure you know how to change file extensions, copy/paste, bug test etc. Screenshot of everything at 0.2 scale instead of 1.0 and 1.2 scales like normal. ![[image loading]](http://home.comcast.net/~ghen//random/skinlol%20test.jpg)
On October 13 2010 03:33 ghen wrote:Show nested quote +On October 13 2010 03:21 Nao wrote:On October 13 2010 01:12 Issor wrote: More importantly, can I fucking move the minimap to the correct (see: left) side of the screen? There are no options for that but i think it can be done manually. Positions (and sizes) of any GUI objects are in editable ini-s. It's not supported by riot so there would be possibility of being banned but i run an increased size minimap (x1.5) and bigger+brighter font for dmg for several weeks and didn't had any problems. the relevant files are: #:\League of Legends\Game\DATA\Menu\HUDHudResolutionDefaults.ini and " Hud(your lol resolution).ini " in the same folder. here's a program I found last week to edit ini's for you. this way you don't have to make blind adjustments. It supports moving items around the screen and adjusting UI items scale individually. Show nested quote +On October 08 2010 23:30 ghen wrote:Change the UI http://wp.phryneas.de/?page_id=2&lang=enIt's very buggy, but is better than editing by hand. Be sure you know how to change file extensions, copy/paste, bug test etc. Screenshot of everything at 0.2 scale instead of 1.0 and 1.2 scales like normal. ![[image loading]](http://home.comcast.net/~ghen//random/skinlol%20test.jpg) Wow thank you for that , hopefully Riot will be slower on patching access to such things than blizzard.
Today its got to be the worst day since i play lol. I guess this is the free champion weekend aftermath or something... Played 5 games today, in all 5 games there was a leaver (in one of the games there were 2 actually) and people completely clueless feeding like madmen. Like 4 deaths in 5 minutes or more. It was so frustrating I felt for the first time in my life like beating the crap outta someone. Shit I hate this game so much sometimes.
On October 12 2010 22:23 Brees wrote:Show nested quote +On October 12 2010 22:18 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: Disagree, goo + fling is a great way to start a fight and 100% guarantee they're not going to stand there while you run at them with your team behind. On SR I feel like you need to build him tankier than TT. Of course on TT just go rylai's rod zhonyas void staff abyssal and you're fine but in a 5v5 you should be throwing people and gooing them while running around applying poison and trying to generally disrupt as much as possible and draw tons of cc. this reminds me of the amumus that bandage toss in ahead of their team and ult, using the AOE root as a time for their team to catch-up. aka terrible if you run at their team and dont get kited for at least 1/4th of your hp their team comp is trash anyway. what CC does singed have that make people think he is a main tank because i just dont get it. Now imagine an amumu/galio coming in and ulting them from the front and your team running in, while singed flanks from behind and shits on their carries, making them run and unable to attack. Surely better than running straight at their team and flinging their tank in an unfavorable circumstance where you already took 1/4th of your hp at least in pokes. Or am I wrong?
I've mained Singed for the longest time and this is pretty much precisely the problem I always run into when I play Singed as the only tank. Earlier when it's mostly smaller skirmishes, Singed excels at initiating and winning fights, but once lategame hits and everyone sticks together, I get shit on if I even try to get near people. Morgana especially makes initiating quite difficult.
Add to the fact that people have their neg cloak items by then, which completely rapes poison damage, and Singed has a hard time keeping up lategame if you go tank.
This makes champs that can initiate like Ashe a godsend when I play Singed.
Brees's trolling in general discussion on the official website always makes me chuckle.
What do more seasoned Shen players do with their runes/masteries/skill ordering? I just sorta fudge it and it works fine for me, but I'm considering becoming more serious about Shen so I'm curious to get some perspectives on how he's supposed to be played.
On October 12 2010 22:13 Brees wrote:
on another note I finally took it too far and trolled a ranked game with rinoa in it. HAI 2 MONTH BAN R.I.P 6 months of trolling Rofl, what did you do?
On October 13 2010 04:07 Mogwai wrote: Brees's trolling in general discussion on the official website always makes me chuckle.
Any good links to share?
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
On October 13 2010 04:10 HazMat wrote:Show nested quote +On October 12 2010 22:13 Brees wrote:
on another note I finally took it too far and trolled a ranked game with rinoa in it. HAI 2 MONTH BAN R.I.P 6 months of trolling Rofl, what did you do?
many things, my best troll recently is as I call it "lolstuckwithbadchampumad?"
So imagine you are at decent elo and think people will take games seriously(not on my watch) and the 2nd pick(me) says they want to play teemo and dont worry im really good with him guys trust me im 1600 elo. So i tell the 3rd/4th/5th pick hey do one of you want an OP champ we could trade since no1 will pick teemo/eve/urgot/etc!
I lock in morgana/amumu/garen/etc. They lock in eve/urgot/teemo/etc.
hilarity ensues as the countdown timer winds down and you see everyone frantically screaming in chat TRADE TRADE TRADE and im like FUCK BRO ITS NOT WORKING BLACKHAWK GOING DOWN ZIPPPPPPPPPPPPPP bodybagged.
That's so wrong yet so funny.
lolol epic troll is epic :D
lolol, brees, u just made my day
![[image loading]](http://liquidlol.wikispaces.com/space/showlogo/1285424925/logo.jpg) http://liquidlol.wikispaces.com/
Still need more guides and more editors. I've updated the main page through thread page 1135. Please help by filtering stuff into the various other pages like guides/goodies/etc :D
On October 13 2010 04:16 Brees wrote:Show nested quote +On October 13 2010 04:10 HazMat wrote:On October 12 2010 22:13 Brees wrote:
on another note I finally took it too far and trolled a ranked game with rinoa in it. HAI 2 MONTH BAN R.I.P 6 months of trolling Rofl, what did you do? many things, my best troll recently is as I call it "lolstuckwithbadchampumad?" So imagine you are at decent elo and think people will take games seriously(not on my watch) and the 2nd pick(me) says they want to play teemo and dont worry im really good with him guys trust me im 1600 elo. So i tell the 3rd/4th/5th pick hey do one of you want an OP champ we could trade since no1 will pick teemo/eve/urgot/etc! I lock in morgana/amumu/garen/etc. They lock in eve/urgot/teemo/etc. hilarity ensues as the countdown timer winds down and you see everyone frantically screaming in chat TRADE TRADE TRADE and im like FUCK BRO ITS NOT WORKING BLACKHAWK GOING DOWN ZIPPPPPPPPPPPPPP bodybagged. We need screenies! :O
On October 13 2010 04:07 Mogwai wrote: Brees's trolling in general discussion on the official website always makes me chuckle.
What do more seasoned Shen players do with their runes/masteries/skill ordering? I just sorta fudge it and it works fine for me, but I'm considering becoming more serious about Shen so I'm curious to get some perspectives on how he's supposed to be played.
(keep in mind that I am bad most of the time)
masteries: 0/21/9
greed mastery too good. Honestly, he doesn't benefit from offensive and doesn't need buffs so I get greed on him. Plus the exp bonus gets him to 6 asap.
runes: mpen / eregp5plvl / mres plvl / movespeed
this is totally up to taste. HP/plvl or flat mres marks may actually be best for Shen but I don't have them. No sane person will spend IP on energy runes but Shen runs dry all the time on me, these seals help. Mres glyphs are awesome, and I like ms quints. Flat HP are always good too.
On dodge seals: I've heard both ways on dodge + Shen's passive. I don't know if he actually has to be hit to get the CDR proc or not.
skills: QEQEQR / R>Q=E>W. W may be the worst skill in the game. Compare his shield to Janna/Morgana/Galio/Sion. It's only self castable, lasts 2.5 seconds and costs 23% of his total energy. I never use it.
items: dshield + hpot hog merc sunfires / fon / randuins
I always babysit at bottom lane.
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/nbq5M.jpg)
Milkfat #1 sponsored player
Milkfat #1 get carried by top-tier players.
Milkfat gave up on LoL? ahahah
On October 13 2010 04:07 Mogwai wrote: Brees's trolling in general discussion on the official website always makes me chuckle.
What do more seasoned Shen players do with their runes/masteries/skill ordering? I just sorta fudge it and it works fine for me, but I'm considering becoming more serious about Shen so I'm curious to get some perspectives on how he's supposed to be played.
summoner's are ALWAYS ghost/teleport
masteries are tough because so much of utility is useful (movespeed, exp mastery) but so much is just bad for energy champs
so instead i opt for 8/21/1
3 critstrike 1 ap/level 4 cooldownreduction
3 armor 3 Mres 2 Evasion (sad that i can't grab SoS Q_Q) 2 defensive mastery 3 physical damage block 4 vet scars 3 ardor 1 4% damage reduction
1 ghost mastery
that gives you a little umph with crits early game and the damage reduction lategame since shen just dies under focus fire
alternately sometimes i run 0/21/9 grabbing greed
runes are HP quints flat MPen reds Mres/level blues armor/level yellows
open with doran's shield + pot unless you're feeling frisky then sometimes i'll risk cloth + 5 pots in lane for a fast HoG
skill build looks like Q->E (W for a lane with a spammable lock-on harass ability with a decently slow projectile speed. think kassadin, akali, galio, sivir, etc...)->Q->W (unless you grabbed W first, then get E)->Q->R
from there R>Q>E>W
shen loves a solo because ki strike will always get the last hit, and level 2+ vorpals are insanely spammable and high damage. don't use vorpal to last hit, use it to harass only. but shen can also babysit really well with the threat of vorpal+ki strike combo and the ability to dash out if he gets in too far. extremely versatile in lane. if your lane pushes too far, shen's also a great one at running into the jungle to grab a fast camp without losing any health.
use Q -> normal attack to regen a little health, but don't Q->Ki strike, as it won't proc the heal if you kill the minion and if you had a heal going already it will cancel it (a bug i'm sure they'll work out eventually).
assess how you're doing in lane. if you're solo and farming well or in a duo lane and stealing all the last hits, or if you've managed an early kill, consider skipping boots and heart of gold and go straight for giant's belt into super fast sunfire. if you can get a sunfire by 12/13 minutes you're golden. otherwise grab heart of gold and mercs first.
item build for me looks like HoG->Merc-> sunfire->tank items OR Sunfire->merc->tank items
once you hit level 6 people tend to play differently. if you've got a solo lane it's not worth it to shield someone unless your jungler can cover the lane cause you'll TP out and they'll just take the tower. once teamfights break out I like to play a ricing shen, i always go to the most open lane and farm creeps as much as possible. you'll win an early 1v1 fight against most carries too because of sunfire+ki strike+vorpal heal so if someone challenges your lane punish it. when your team pushes bot, make sure you're top pushing. if no one comes to stop you, take the tower. if someone does come, wait for your team to engage bot and ult in, taunt and destroy. the other time to use your ult is if there's a 1v1 gank situation and your mate is going to die. tell them to turn and fight. once they've essentially "lost" the fight, the other guy will be committed to killing them. ult in and change the tide, ezpk. never ever use your ult to escape a gank, because by murphy's law, as soon as you do that, your carry or other important teammate will get ganked and you can't save them. never try to save somone who doesn't have an amazing escape mechanism if it's a 3+ on 1 gank. you'll just end up dying too.
after a teamfight, if you didn't die, immediately use teleport to get to an open lane and farm for a minute or so (or push a tower if possible). these stretches are crucial because with ghost, shen can escape anything so you're essentialy getting 3-400 gold after every teamfight.
lategame you can use your ult to shield your team's initiator as they charge so bravely into battle. save your taunt for when your carry gets jumped to get them off your carry. Q their carry. if you're the initiator (which you're not really good at) use your E to soak up damage.
pray the game doesn't go past 40 minutes because you don't have enough dps to matter that late, and you don't have enough survivability to tank that late.
i'm trying to work DFG into my build because of the nuke + AP (decent ratios) + CDR + passive gold. seems like a great item on shen if it wasn't for the wasted mana regen tbh
Alright lets do this
JANNA THE ASSIST WHORE (also sometimes dies a lot because people hate her) (she also makes games really long and boring)
Prefacing this guy with a disclaimer in that I have a very, very odd way of playing support heroes, and that my playstyle leads to extreme one-sided-ness in lanes one way or the other, also that it's reliant on having some sort of carry in your lane, and that I know almost no one else that does what I do at relatively higher elos. An example can be seen in my Sona guide.
I run Janna with the same troll rune page (flat armor quint/mark/seal flat mr glyph) and running the same 0/9/21 for SoS and Meditate in particular. As opposed to Sona's Exhaust/Flash I run Cleanse/Flash on Janna, primarily because a lot of times people will try to disable you at crucial moments and so you need the Cleanse to insure your ult goes off.
Like Sona, Janna benefits from tankyness, AP, and CDR. People like building DFG on her (as along with W it gives her a decent double-nuke), although personally I don't do anything "always" (when do I ever?)
Um, essentially everything I do is almost identical to my Sona guide. Ring vs MM is based on lanemate again, I abuse E and my runes to harass people, and I frequently go back to buy tiny items and to buy wards. Like Sona getting RoA and Spirit Visage is okay, and buying the cheap CDR items (SV and Kindle) are okay too. I don't personally run DFG much but I don't have anything against the item. I've been known to buy Aegis.
On TT I just do w/e the fuck I want because I'm Janna, destroyer of souls. Actually of late I've been preferring AD Janna on TT because it's too hard charging up AP to make much of an effect there.
Edit: Oh yes, skills. On SR I do something like Q>E>R>W and just try to predict what I'll need. I open E or Q based on the type of fight I expect - Q for teamfights that we need an escape, E otherwise. E straight laning for obvious purposes, then usually Q for the CC but sometimes an early W for nuking. Otherwise I really don't know what to tell you - sometimes I take early levels of W to nuke people to oblivion (esp when rushing DFG) but eventually you want a max Q asap because that nuke (creep push) gives your team a lot of map control. After one level of R you can sort of delay leveling it because the main effect of it is the CC, but if your team needs the heals it can be worth trying to channel it in the middle of a warzone. If you go that way try to get an early SV because it'll help you not die as you channel.