On October 10 2010 20:41 vizniz wrote: I'm sick of it. FUCKING sick of it.
Me and my buddy pull from a well known chat channel (not LiquidParty), and what do we get? Jungle soraka, or something equally dumb like AP TF, or AP yi.
We duo que, and we get shit like a lane Udyr, or any instance of Trynd/Sivir/Teemo.
Last game, we had Trynd, Xin, Kog, my friend on Galio, and me on Kennen.
Kog went AP. Trynd and xin were both 0-8 by 15 minutes, where I was 4-2. Galio would get ults off, but xin and trynd wouldn't help kog and i do any fucking damage during it. Then to top it all off, when the game is certainly lost, they wont surrender, just to spite me. I made the mistake of telling them i needed to go to bed. So I started feeding hard, trying to let them push in and win, but the other team was fucking stupid too. Ugh. After 4 failed surrender votes, I just left. Fuck it. I'll take the leave. I then came on TL to whine about it. I needed to vent.
Every pub on LoL is either an asshole, or they just suck. Seriously considering never playing again. The hell are you pulling from ANY OTHER CHAN than TL for? It's like buying a lottery ticket and being like WELL FUCK THIS lol.
Not even AP TF is bad by definition. Afaik it was an AP TF that lost CLG a game during WCG?
If your allies don't surrender "just to spite" you, then I suspect that you were generously handing out flames. Otherwise I doubt they would feel the need to prevent you from ending the game.
So i didnt feel like playing LoL, log on SC2 lose to some retard going carriers, then die because i didnt wall inc orrectly
suddenly remember why i quit playing starcraft 2, log back on LoL and i dont even care
I rage when people say AP TF is bad or scoff at me for using him.
I own shit with him kids. FUCKING OWN SHIT! However he does fuck up team compositions if you pick him blindly.
On October 10 2010 21:20 SCC-Faust wrote: I rage when people say AP TF is bad or scoff at me for using him.
I own shit with him kids. FUCKING OWN SHIT! However he does fuck up team compositions if you pick him blindly.
how does AP TF works exactly?
On October 10 2010 20:41 vizniz wrote: I'm sick of it. FUCKING sick of it.
Me and my buddy pull from a well known chat channel (not LiquidParty), and what do we get? Jungle soraka, or something equally dumb like AP TF, or AP yi.
We duo que, and we get shit like a lane Udyr, or any instance of Trynd/Sivir/Teemo.
Last game, we had Trynd, Xin, Kog, my friend on Galio, and me on Kennen.
Kog went AP. Trynd and xin were both 0-8 by 15 minutes, where I was 4-2. Galio would get ults off, but xin and trynd wouldn't help kog and i do any fucking damage during it. Then to top it all off, when the game is certainly lost, they wont surrender, just to spite me. I made the mistake of telling them i needed to go to bed. So I started feeding hard, trying to let them push in and win, but the other team was fucking stupid too. Ugh. After 4 failed surrender votes, I just left. Fuck it. I'll take the leave. I then came on TL to whine about it. I needed to vent.
Every pub on LoL is either an asshole, or they just suck. Seriously considering never playing again.
I know for a fact that both the reddit and /v/ channels are full of mouth breathers with gigantic foreheads. LiquidParty is the only true channel to pull slightly better than average players from.
So don't quit, play TL 5 mans
On October 10 2010 21:40 ghen wrote:Show nested quote +On October 10 2010 20:41 vizniz wrote: I'm sick of it. FUCKING sick of it.
Me and my buddy pull from a well known chat channel (not LiquidParty), and what do we get? Jungle soraka, or something equally dumb like AP TF, or AP yi.
We duo que, and we get shit like a lane Udyr, or any instance of Trynd/Sivir/Teemo.
Last game, we had Trynd, Xin, Kog, my friend on Galio, and me on Kennen.
Kog went AP. Trynd and xin were both 0-8 by 15 minutes, where I was 4-2. Galio would get ults off, but xin and trynd wouldn't help kog and i do any fucking damage during it. Then to top it all off, when the game is certainly lost, they wont surrender, just to spite me. I made the mistake of telling them i needed to go to bed. So I started feeding hard, trying to let them push in and win, but the other team was fucking stupid too. Ugh. After 4 failed surrender votes, I just left. Fuck it. I'll take the leave. I then came on TL to whine about it. I needed to vent.
Every pub on LoL is either an asshole, or they just suck. Seriously considering never playing again. I know for a fact that both the reddit and /v/ channels are full of mouth breathers with gigantic foreheads. LiquidParty is the only true channel to pull slightly better than average players from. So don't quit, play TL 5 mans 
altho, be warned, there are a fair share of troll games, so ask if ppl are trolling be4 u join a 5man
edit: oya, and lane udyr is pretty decent, its just that his jungling is insane. certainly better than lane ww or lane amumu
On October 10 2010 20:12 spinesheath wrote:Show nested quote +On October 10 2010 19:46 SnK-Arcbound wrote: so who's a super good carry, because apparently my poppy going 2x/x/2x isn't good enough. Does kennen count? If you are looking for a champ that can 1v5 you're not going to find one in LoL. Your best bet is to choose a carry that can push quickly to end the game before your enemies learn to deal with you and before your allies feed them too much. Kayle. HA jokes on you I'm going to Yi my way to a Penta. But seriously, I obviously need to play a carry because no one else can be trusted to do so. I like yi, he's pretty cool. I used to play a ton of kayle but now I just think she is meh (especially after her tower damage nerf).
On October 10 2010 21:39 Shizuru~ wrote:Show nested quote +On October 10 2010 21:20 SCC-Faust wrote: I rage when people say AP TF is bad or scoff at me for using him.
I own shit with him kids. FUCKING OWN SHIT! However he does fuck up team compositions if you pick him blindly. how does AP TF works exactly? TF gets ap ratios with his Q, PaC, and the fourth shot on his E. Get a gold card, be on your bonus fourth attack, TP on top of someone, autoattack with Q for some 1000 damage. Otherwise kite people with Q and gold cards during fights. Because he's such a pussy it's easy to get massive mejai's stacks.
On October 10 2010 21:39 Shizuru~ wrote:Show nested quote +On October 10 2010 21:20 SCC-Faust wrote: I rage when people say AP TF is bad or scoff at me for using him.
I own shit with him kids. FUCKING OWN SHIT! However he does fuck up team compositions if you pick him blindly. how does AP TF works exactly?
I just based everything I do with him on what I saw in the WCG match, which was pretty limited.
However like... I don't understand why people don't value his early game in solomid. He owned chauster's Miss Fortune with it and dominated other games (The euro TF) because of how amazing the damage scales from Q and you can replenish mana easily with W (Doesn't actually scale that well but if you play him you'll see it does a fuckton of damage if you get level 1, 3 Q and level 2 W). And the upcoming patch returns more mana with his blue card which only makes AP TF much more scary early game.
I really believe AP TF truly shines early/mid game but he doesn't lose his usefulness late game. AP does a lot more than damage than AD early/mid game imo. I don't really know how I reached this conclusion but that is just how it feels to me through a good amount of games (80-100?). The sheen and Q are fucking tyranny against people in the side lanes. In comparison, I think if I were to pick a solomid hero for the sole purpose of ganking side lanes, I'd pick AP TF above anyone else.
And then as shown by the Euro team, AP TF just spams his ultimate every minute giving you intel of where everyone is every minute and constantly farming and pushing lanes out of the other team's control. And when it comes to team battles your role is really similar to Miss Fortune's or Twitch's, just position yourself behind everyone and get ready for your red card and Q spam. An Amumu ult on their team and you can get a good shot with Q and W and I'm pretty sure you're doing almost as much damage as a Twitch who ults with an IE and LW. He built it around Lich Bane and I've never really been in a situation where a DPS carry like MF could solo me if I hit my gold card through its first rotation, which a good TF should because missing cards in team fights is like getting a stick shoved up your ass.
chat servers down on eu? :[
About some posts above (to lazy to quote): I agree with the two different groups op people playing LoL, I tend to curse alot against people that are preventing our team from winning or just making us lose. And when I say swearing, I mean making their life for that short time of ~40 minutes a living hell. Every thing they do I say something about it.
I hate losing , and I'm pretty bad mannered in that sense.
hai gaise i herd dis b kool plays to get 2 no sum kool kids for lol. lol!!
I'm pretty new (to posting, at least) in TL, but have played LoL for quite a bit. I play support/carry. Mostly support. Hit me up if you're a pro carry (:
On October 10 2010 22:18 EffectS wrote:chat servers down on eu? :[ About some posts above (to lazy to quote): I agree with the two different groups op people playing LoL, I tend to curse alot against people that are preventing our team from winning or just making us lose. And when I say swearing, I mean making their life for that short time of ~40 minutes a living hell. Every thing they do I say something about it. I hate losing  , and I'm pretty bad mannered in that sense.
Then again, who isn't? What I hate the most are people who lack any kind of gamesense and make dumb decisions. I can live with people who skill differently and build not optimal items, but I see red when someone is happily pushing a tier 2 tower alone when there are no enemies visible on the minimap.
I killed their entire team twice, but the time was a couple seconds off so the highest i got was that quadra
so sad, i could kill urgot who had 3100 hp in 3-4 hits, garen died about the same, two shot akali and MF
was so easy
dunno whats up with images, so just click i guess
if you use the teamliquid pic upload thing it should display normally
On October 10 2010 21:39 Shizuru~ wrote:Show nested quote +On October 10 2010 21:20 SCC-Faust wrote: I rage when people say AP TF is bad or scoff at me for using him.
I own shit with him kids. FUCKING OWN SHIT! However he does fuck up team compositions if you pick him blindly. how does AP TF works exactly?
it works by taking off 50% of your health everytime he uses wild card.
I just started out after my WC3 client started to lag insanly and DotA was no longer an option I've played for like 3 days I think and I'm at level 7 I think obviously only running pubs to learn the ropes but holy shit do I have a hard time winning. Does pugs face premades or am I just being unlucky in which side I'm being placed? One could think that "Oh surely you are shiat and therefor you bring your team down" well that could be the case, however I don't get shit stats.
For example I played Olaf and got 17 - 2 -15 and the only reason we won was that I took out 3/5s of their team twice and pushed two lanes alone.
Played the poison/monster/worm thingie (the one with all the acid) had 19 - 5 - 9 and we lost barely taking a single tower.
I just now played the chick with the guns and the trail of hearts after her and got 9 - 4 - 4 when our team had 15 kills total. (yes I was there on every single kill -.-) and most of those was just me operating alone.
So is it just bad luck that I get placed with so much worse players than the other side?
I allways found AP tf to be more solid than AD tf. Even his e activate hits for 300+ lategame which is really riddicolous QWE lichbane is a riddicolous amount of burst considering how strong his map control / poking is, i remember I won games because my team stalled their teams push while i teleported / ultied around the map to push and kill towers. I am only at 13xx rating atm but I was the best carry on our team most of the times >_>
On October 10 2010 23:30 Hynda wrote: I just started out after my WC3 client started to lag insanly and DotA was no longer an option I've played for like 3 days I think and I'm at level 7 I think obviously only running pubs to learn the ropes but holy shit do I have a hard time winning. Does pugs face premades or am I just being unlucky in which side I'm being placed? One could think that "Oh surely you are shiat and therefor you bring your team down" well that could be the case, however I don't get shit stats.
For example I played Olaf and got 17 - 2 -15 and the only reason we won was that I took out 3/5s of their team twice and pushed two lanes alone.
Played the poison/monster/worm thingie (the one with all the acid) had 19 - 5 - 9 and we lost barely taking a single tower.
I just now played the chick with the guns and the trail of hearts after her and got 9 - 4 - 4 when our team had 15 kills total. (yes I was there on every single kill -.-) and most of those was just me operating alone.
So is it just bad luck that I get placed with so much worse players than the other side? I think you only play as many people that are premade as the # of premade in the game
for example 2 non premade with 3 premade, will face the same comp but i dont know for sure.. it hink thats how it works though
On October 10 2010 23:31 arb wrote:Show nested quote +On October 10 2010 23:30 Hynda wrote: I just started out after my WC3 client started to lag insanly and DotA was no longer an option I've played for like 3 days I think and I'm at level 7 I think obviously only running pubs to learn the ropes but holy shit do I have a hard time winning. Does pugs face premades or am I just being unlucky in which side I'm being placed? One could think that "Oh surely you are shiat and therefor you bring your team down" well that could be the case, however I don't get shit stats.
For example I played Olaf and got 17 - 2 -15 and the only reason we won was that I took out 3/5s of their team twice and pushed two lanes alone.
Played the poison/monster/worm thingie (the one with all the acid) had 19 - 5 - 9 and we lost barely taking a single tower.
I just now played the chick with the guns and the trail of hearts after her and got 9 - 4 - 4 when our team had 15 kills total. (yes I was there on every single kill -.-) and most of those was just me operating alone.
So is it just bad luck that I get placed with so much worse players than the other side? I think you only play as many people that are premade as the # of premade in the game for example 2 non premade with 3 premade, will face the same comp but i dont know for sure.. it hink thats how it works though
Sorry a little off topic; are you pokebunny's roommate? I 8 pooled him twice yesterday and the terran tears were delicious.
As for LoL, I'm pretty dissapointed that all these new champions dont have any cool defining thing that they can do that nobody else can that makes them unique and good. I really don't think im going to buy lux (even though her w is broken as hell) unless she is 3150 ip or less. I don't even think swain was well done because he went out the door with lower base damage and lower ap ratios than cho'gath =/
AP TF is the better way to play him... -_-