On October 05 2010 18:02 Yiruru wrote:Show nested quote +On October 05 2010 15:07 HeavOnEarth wrote: Actually fuck it. i tested out a few things and 9/0/21is definitely teh way to go on ranged dps. assuming you're running ghost/flash and need them up asap. the 30% buff duration for lizard helps SO much as well, and free meki pendant ftw for laning.
Item wise im loving doran blade+ hp pot-> brutil-> BF sword-> last whisper -> finish IE-> sell doran blade, and keep fort/agility pot in inventory at all times. Usually buying wards until you finish IE, then agility pot is way too important.
Also, the reason garen wtf owned me in the teamfights is because he was in a solo lane, and i was in a sidelane. Granted im being babysat and taking nearly all the creeps , but unless i open the game out 5-0 or something stupid, garen is just gonna shit all over me
tl;dr build IE+ LW + brutil and take solo lane with MF always. 9/0/21. lolo rush IE2gud why brutal garen will shit on your face if you let him get near you even if you're 5-0 New patch made sense until I saw the Sivir changes, and realized Riot has no clue what's going on still brutal ftw though? D: plus later on u can turn it into ghostblade crit chance+ moar ghost to run from garen :D
On October 05 2010 18:00 SCC-Faust wrote:Character draft question in solo queue. Here are the picks from memory, so one or two might be misplaced: Bans: Amumu, Garen, Kog'Maw, Vladimir
(Team 2)Morgana
(Team 1)Twitch (Team 1)Mordekaiser
(Team 2)Shen (Team 2)Pantheon
(Team 1)Rammus (Team 1)Sona
(Team 2)Udyr (Team 2)Master Yi
(Team 1) ???
I'm on team 1, and our current line up is - Twitch, Mordekaiser, Rammus [JUNGLE], and Sona. Against team 2, who have selected - Morgana, Shen, Pantheon, Udyr, and Master YiKnowing this, who do you pick and why? After you made your decision read the first spoiler. + Show Spoiler [MY TEAM'S CHOICE] +I actually thought about picking Ryze. Their team is filled with very low-health DPS carries and I think Ryze would be an amazing pick with Rammus/Sona to just melt them to nothing. My team's Twitch urged me to go Galio though. I argued that they were all DPS and it seems ridiculous because we already have a Sona + ult and Rammus for CC. What are your thoughts on picking Galio here and why? And after you write your post and submit it, check this spoiler so we don't be results oriented: + Show Spoiler [RESULTS] +I picked Galio and we actually face rolled. Not sure how this would've worked verse most teams though as their Yi and Udyr were not that great. I was afraid of not having enough damage but actually our ability to survive just outlasted their ability to deal damage. That and Sona ult + Galio ult + Rammus ult 3v5 disintegrated them in less than 3 seconds at one point when we happened to catch all 5 of them together in an easy AOE for me and Sona to hit right after one another. My item build was: Doran's Ring -> Sunfire Cape -> Ninja Tabi -> Sunfire Cape -> Guardian Angel. I think the build was actually really good considering their line-up, even if I miss out on AP. In the beginning I was considering going AP if the Twitch didn't carry but our whole team just pretty much raped shit up so I thought two Sunfire Capes were just a lot safer and they do 80x3 = 240 damage while I use my ultimate plus that damage, and everyone is melee with the exception of Morgana so boy did they get buttfucked.
Your initial evaluation of their team as 'low health dps carries' seems EXTREMELY odd to me. Morg/Udyr/Shen/Pantheon are all very, very durable champions, Yi is their only 'squishy' and he's going to be a ghost if played well(read: you can't really focus him, he's waiting for a positioning error/clean up duty).
Galio would be a sick pick, big magic damage source, aoe ult to pile on with sona+twitch combo, bulwark helps babysit Twitch. I don't own Galio though so I'd end up going Kayle or Kassadin(secondary damage source that can help babysit twitch via snare/silence, or invulnerability+heal, both can carry). Vlad would be a nice pick too.
+1, this build is so awesome that i'm wondering why you don't see jungle Cho's at all. I was always under impression that Cho is worthless champ but his ganks are sooo awesome, and rushing to enemy 1600 hp carry to take away 1/2 of his hp with ult is so fun 
On October 05 2010 18:00 SCC-Faust wrote:Character draft question in solo queue. Here are the picks from memory, so one or two might be misplaced: Bans: Amumu, Garen, Kog'Maw, Vladimir
(Team 2)Morgana
(Team 1)Twitch (Team 1)Mordekaiser
(Team 2)Shen (Team 2)Pantheon
(Team 1)Rammus (Team 1)Sona
(Team 2)Udyr (Team 2)Master Yi
(Team 1) ???
I'm on team 1, and our current line up is - Twitch, Mordekaiser, Rammus [JUNGLE], and Sona. Against team 2, who have selected - Morgana, Shen, Pantheon, Udyr, and Master YiKnowing this, who do you pick and why? After you made your decision read the first spoiler. + Show Spoiler [MY TEAM'S CHOICE] +I actually thought about picking Ryze. Their team is filled with very low-health DPS carries and I think Ryze would be an amazing pick with Rammus/Sona to just melt them to nothing. My team's Twitch urged me to go Galio though. I argued that they were all DPS and it seems ridiculous because we already have a Sona + ult and Rammus for CC. What are your thoughts on picking Galio here and why? And after you write your post and submit it, check this spoiler so we don't be results oriented: + Show Spoiler [RESULTS] +I picked Galio and we actually face rolled. Not sure how this would've worked verse most teams though as their Yi and Udyr were not that great. I was afraid of not having enough damage but actually our ability to survive just outlasted their ability to deal damage. That and Sona ult + Galio ult + Rammus ult 3v5 disintegrated them in less than 3 seconds at one point when we happened to catch all 5 of them together in an easy AOE for me and Sona to hit right after one another. My item build was: Doran's Ring -> Sunfire Cape -> Ninja Tabi -> Sunfire Cape -> Guardian Angel. I think the build was actually really good considering their line-up, even if I miss out on AP. In the beginning I was considering going AP if the Twitch didn't carry but our whole team just pretty much raped shit up so I thought two Sunfire Capes were just a lot safer and they do 80x3 = 240 damage while I use my ultimate plus that damage, and everyone is melee with the exception of Morgana so boy did they get buttfucked. In this situation i''d pick Amumu if he wasn't banned so my 2. pick would be galio i guess. Also note that they had no ranged dps so it was just "protect twitch, do AOE rape with ults and win", galio's W + ult do this job kinda well
On October 05 2010 18:00 SCC-Faust wrote: I'm on team 1, and our current line up is - Twitch, Mordekaiser, Rammus [JUNGLE], and Sona. Against team 2, who have selected - Morgana, Shen, Pantheon, Udyr, and Master Yi
On October 04 2010 23:05 STS17 wrote: Bad players agitate me like you wouldn't believe.
Just played a normal game where our lase player to pick a champion says "should I be Scion Mord or Malphite" (yes he spelled Sion wrong) "you should be Sion, since we need CC and a tank" <our WW switches to Shaco and locks in> <our "tank" picks WW and immediately locks in>
We have a shaco and a WW with neither in the jungle.
Shaco lanes with me (Sona) and I ask him why he didn't buy potions "I don't need them I'll be getting kills because I didn't take JitB" He proceeds to die twice and then go into the jungle, leaving me to solo lane against Amumu and Mundo (That's not going to end well)
So eventually we get an opportunity to do Baron and agree to push inner mid tower and claim the inhibitor then walk top and kill that inhib, as top's inhibitor tower was already down. Seems like a good plan and after baron we all go mid. Unsurprisingly, a teamfight breaks out and we get rolled, then I notice that WW used the teamfight as a diversion to run top and take the inhibitor. Of course if he was there we would have won the fight since we were winning all the teamfights prior.
It all goes downhill from there and when I start trying to explain to our shaco that he can't kill their amumu 1v1 because he has three sunfires and he is building a physical shaco and I get this response:
"You can't talk to me until you're positive" (I'm 8/12/16) "I'm playing a support hero, I don't get many killing blows, besides 24 > 12 so I am positive" "You're positive huh? By that logic we're all positive and we're still losing so you just made yourself sound retarded" (We're currently aced and are about to lose our third inhib) "Well towers win games not kills" "Kay" I swear I have played with a shaco just like that. I was Taric and he was calling me a noob for not having alot of kills but I had 20 assists. "Assists dont matter, you shouldn't of picked a noob hero"
He goes on to spam "lolumad" in chat.
On October 05 2010 19:30 Kaniol wrote: I'd like to know some good AD Ez build as well... diva's build may not be optimal but is super fun. sort of needs a cooperative jungler to consistently give you red but when it happens you snowball really well. he's not the best ezreal but he definitely wasn't bad at it and it was a distinctively fun style.
15/0/15 ignite/flash aPen/mp5/mp5/aPen R>Q>E>W (don't skill W until late) dorans, boots of mobility, dorans, brutalizer, BT, GA
Your initial evaluation of their team as 'low health dps carries' seems EXTREMELY odd to me. Morg/Udyr/Shen/Pantheon are all very, very durable champions, Yi is their only 'squishy' and he's going to be a ghost if played well(read: you can't really focus him, he's waiting for a positioning error/clean up duty).
Galio would be a sick pick, big magic damage source, aoe ult to pile on with sona+twitch combo, bulwark helps babysit Twitch. I don't own Galio though so I'd end up going Kayle or Kassadin(secondary damage source that can help babysit twitch via snare/silence, or invulnerability+heal, both can carry). Vlad would be a nice pick too.
I guess I agree with that. Assuming the team is good, and Udyr/Pantheon are built with some survivability items (I never build Udyr any other way) it would probably be a bad decision to get Ryze. We got a little lucky and unlucky in the sense that Pantheon went DPS and almost carried their team early-game, but got mutilated late game. I forget what items their Udyr went, but he was their jungler and started with Lantern I think or something somewhat retarded. Results aside though, I'd have to stay with my decision of picking Ryze other than any other DPS/Spellcaster though in this situation. With max CD I think his RWEQ can out-hit Spellshield, Shen's thingy, and Udyr's Turtle Stance. If not, I at the very least blow my load to disable all of their team's survivability skills thnx to splash and then Twitch and the others can just blast them to hell.
The situation just appeared to me as - we have a Twitch to deal damage, a Sona to support, and a Mordekaiser and Rammus to tank (Actually I don't want to call a Mordekaiser a tank because all he does is run around and farm minions and then spam his nooby skills hoping a teammate finishes one off so he can use his ult minion to do the damage he can't) so I was like... the fuck happens if our Twitch dies? Likewise, even if he doesn't die in teamfights, he'll need to be well farmed, well fed, and well protected. It really seemed like a scary situation to me. Somehow it worked, but a few mistakes on his part and it could cost us the game.
On October 05 2010 19:27 Ordained wrote:Show nested quote +On October 04 2010 23:05 STS17 wrote: Bad players agitate me like you wouldn't believe.
Just played a normal game where our lase player to pick a champion says "should I be Scion Mord or Malphite" (yes he spelled Sion wrong) "you should be Sion, since we need CC and a tank" <our WW switches to Shaco and locks in> <our "tank" picks WW and immediately locks in>
We have a shaco and a WW with neither in the jungle.
Shaco lanes with me (Sona) and I ask him why he didn't buy potions "I don't need them I'll be getting kills because I didn't take JitB" He proceeds to die twice and then go into the jungle, leaving me to solo lane against Amumu and Mundo (That's not going to end well)
So eventually we get an opportunity to do Baron and agree to push inner mid tower and claim the inhibitor then walk top and kill that inhib, as top's inhibitor tower was already down. Seems like a good plan and after baron we all go mid. Unsurprisingly, a teamfight breaks out and we get rolled, then I notice that WW used the teamfight as a diversion to run top and take the inhibitor. Of course if he was there we would have won the fight since we were winning all the teamfights prior.
It all goes downhill from there and when I start trying to explain to our shaco that he can't kill their amumu 1v1 because he has three sunfires and he is building a physical shaco and I get this response:
"You can't talk to me until you're positive" (I'm 8/12/16) "I'm playing a support hero, I don't get many killing blows, besides 24 > 12 so I am positive" "You're positive huh? By that logic we're all positive and we're still losing so you just made yourself sound retarded" (We're currently aced and are about to lose our third inhib) "Well towers win games not kills" "Kay" I swear I have played with a shaco just like that. I was Taric and he was calling me a noob for not having alot of kills but I had 20 assists. "Assists dont matter, you shouldn't of picked a noob hero" He goes on to spam "lolumad" in chat. the u mad shit annoys me to no end, even though he's(or you) is right about towers winning games instead of kills, whoever the person who disagreed is just obnoxious
EU server just disced me from a game and I can't reconnect. My internet is fine. Usually when this happens the game disappears soon enough, but this one keeps on running. I'll probably get a leave for this too. For a game that has been in the WCG and is getting more and more players and attention, they've been handling their servers like fucking 5 year olds.
so whatcha thinking about that new "star" player from riot who got 450k RP and IP on lvl 1 by riot?
United States37500 Posts
On October 05 2010 18:00 SCC-Faust wrote:Character draft question in solo queue. Here are the picks from memory, so one or two might be misplaced: Bans: Amumu, Garen, Kog'Maw, Vladimir
(Team 2)Morgana
(Team 1)Twitch (Team 1)Mordekaiser
(Team 2)Shen (Team 2)Pantheon
(Team 1)Rammus (Team 1)Sona
(Team 2)Udyr (Team 2)Master Yi
(Team 1) ???
I'm on team 1, and our current line up is - Twitch, Mordekaiser, Rammus [JUNGLE], and Sona. Against team 2, who have selected - Morgana, Shen, Pantheon, Udyr, and Master YiKnowing this, who do you pick and why? After you made your decision read the first spoiler. + Show Spoiler [MY TEAM'S CHOICE] +I actually thought about picking Ryze. Their team is filled with very low-health DPS carries and I think Ryze would be an amazing pick with Rammus/Sona to just melt them to nothing. My team's Twitch urged me to go Galio though. I argued that they were all DPS and it seems ridiculous because we already have a Sona + ult and Rammus for CC. What are your thoughts on picking Galio here and why? And after you write your post and submit it, check this spoiler so we don't be results oriented: + Show Spoiler [RESULTS] +I picked Galio and we actually face rolled. Not sure how this would've worked verse most teams though as their Yi and Udyr were not that great. I was afraid of not having enough damage but actually our ability to survive just outlasted their ability to deal damage. That and Sona ult + Galio ult + Rammus ult 3v5 disintegrated them in less than 3 seconds at one point when we happened to catch all 5 of them together in an easy AOE for me and Sona to hit right after one another. My item build was: Doran's Ring -> Sunfire Cape -> Ninja Tabi -> Sunfire Cape -> Guardian Angel. I think the build was actually really good considering their line-up, even if I miss out on AP. In the beginning I was considering going AP if the Twitch didn't carry but our whole team just pretty much raped shit up so I thought two Sunfire Capes were just a lot safer and they do 80x3 = 240 damage while I use my ultimate plus that damage, and everyone is melee with the exception of Morgana so boy did they get buttfucked.
With Twitch and Sona, I would've gone Galio or Amumu. Twitch mid, Morde top, you get to lane with Sona. Your team has a hard carry, support, two tanky champions and jungle covered. You needed to provide more CC since Rammus has a single target taunt and Sona is a 2 second AOE. Build off of your Sona and Twitch, while covering the AP side of the attack spectrum would mean going Galio. Countering their 4 physical champions means leaning towards Amumu.
United States37500 Posts
On October 05 2010 21:12 Kexx wrote: so whatcha thinking about that new "star" player from riot who got 450k RP and IP on lvl 1 by riot?
uh, link?
United States37500 Posts
I never read these cool threads while they're on the first page. LoL pub forums are that bad, meh.
Anyways, more power to this guy, guess he talked to the right Riot guys. But really, who is he? Plays professionally in SC and WC3? I'm pretty on top of the "foreign" scene but I've never ever heard of a player named Milkfat. So is he famous in the DotA/HoN circles?
United States37500 Posts
England2656 Posts
I like:
Doran's Blade, Beserker's Boots, Sheen, Brutalizer, Bloodthirster (Trinity Force, Infinity Edge GA/Banshees). I got this somewhere, can't remember where exactly. Starting to doubt that Sheen still works, but I think it does. Don't really need mana regen at all, so manamune isn't really worth it. Getting Blue and Red runes will make you dumb powerful. Unless you're at a very high level and can farm very well, I don't think double Doran's is worth it unless you've had a bad start.
The general Ranged carry build is Brut -> IE -> Last Whisper if you want to try that out.
United States37500 Posts
Doran's Blade, Zerker or Merc Treads, Vamp Scepter, stack BF Swords. Brutalizer is ok but I don't really think he needs CDR. Get red every time it's up, gank and land your Q.