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JUST PLAYED: 20. Bc1-b2
VOTING CLOSES: 24 NOV, 0.00 AM GMT (24 NOV, 8.00 AM KST)
Reversed Board for Team 2 convenience:
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![[image loading]](http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/964/rev22.jpg)
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1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 b6 4. Nc3 Bb7 5. g3 Bb4 6. Bg2 0-0 7. 0-0 Bxc3 8. bxc3 d6 9. a4 Nc6 10. Rb1 Na5 11. Nd2 Bxg2 12. Kxg2 Qc8 13. Qc2 c5 14. f3 Qc6 15. e4 cxd4 16. cxd4 Rfc8 17. c5 dxc5 18. dxc5 Qxc5 19. Qxc5 Rxc5 20. Bb2*
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19...Rc8xc5 - 8 VOTES
19...Kh8 - 1 (LOL)
19...Kh8 - 1 (LOL)
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> I'm playing with white pieces.
> You have 24 hours to vote for each of your moves.
> I'll update my move 24 hours after voting closes.
> You are voting by posting in this thread "I vote... /move/".
> Please use Long Algebraic notation to avoid confusion.
> Voting always closes at midnight (0.00 GMT, 8.00 AM KST).
> I'll count the votes immediately after deadline.
> Members who'll be late WON'T be taken in account.
> After counting votes, I'll publish info, as follows:
- Voting results.
- Current position.
- Last move played.
- Updated list of moves.
- Exact time of next deadline.
> No chess engines or outside help, please.
> You have 24 hours to vote for each of your moves.
> I'll update my move 24 hours after voting closes.
> You are voting by posting in this thread "I vote... /move/".
> Please use Long Algebraic notation to avoid confusion.
> Voting always closes at midnight (0.00 GMT, 8.00 AM KST).
> I'll count the votes immediately after deadline.
> Members who'll be late WON'T be taken in account.
> After counting votes, I'll publish info, as follows:
- Voting results.
- Current position.
- Last move played.
- Updated list of moves.
- Exact time of next deadline.
> No chess engines or outside help, please.
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Team 1: Me
Vekzel Poland
Team 2: TL Members (53)
BlackJack United States
disciple Bulgaria
Divinek Canada
ToN Canada
mdb Bulgaria
unknown.sam Philippines
Ver United States
Pawsom United States
Scaramanga Australia
dismiss United Kingdom
Zozma United States
motbob United States
QuickStriker United States
huameng United States
Spazer Canada
lighter United States
l10f United States
Malinor Germany
cascades ?
BrTarolg United Kingdom
Railxp Hong Kong
lazz Australia
jfazz Australia
micronesia United States
TanGeng United States
Zinbiel Sweden
The Raurosaur ?
oBlade ?
Uligor Netherlands
scintilliaSD Hong Kong
Depops Australia
Stuyvesant Australia
ZBiR Poland
Pellucidity Netherlands
Quint ?
Auhsoj United States
Khenra Netherlands
neobowman Canada
Arbiter[frolix] United Kingdom
ProoM Lithuania
iloveambiguity United States
synapse China
O-ops United States
anImaru United States
benjammin United States
Syntax Lost Finland
Kazius Izrael
Athos United States
tube United States
MuffinDude United States
Sinedd Poland
Slayer91 Ireland
lightman United States

Team 2: TL Members (53)

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If you have an idea what else might be put here, feel free to suggest it!
From time to time I won't be able to submit my move exactly at 0.00 GMT. On that occasion, I'll do it earlier. This won't have any impact on your voting deadline: you'll just have more time to ponder and discuss. I'll accept all votes from the moment I posted my move till your voting closes. I hope you understand.