Nani saying that he feels bad but not terrible, he knew it could happen as he hasn't practiced vs Zerg for the last month. He complains a bit about the maps, and mentions incompetence among the DH admins. GSL: Naniwa claims he just practiced one map for the ro32 as he didn't think he would have a chance, and just wanted to take one map to not get embarrassed. He felt that he was the worst player in the ro16 so he wasn't surprised to be picked first. He got some help from his friends at the StarTale house for his builds. He says that SaSe also helped him a lot as he is very ambitious, and Nani sees himself as a slacker, so SaSe inspires him to practice. He thinks his chances in the ro8 are okay as he has seen MVP vP in the GSL and hasn't been that impressed.
i hope he doesnt get to cocky now and embarass himself, keep going with the "im an underdog, ill just play to win that one game"-attitude, and u can go very far nani
NaNiwa also said that he likes his Swedish fans more than the rest because they don't stop cheering for him when he plays less well, while the international ones seem to stop caring about him/flaming him when he doesn't own every event up.
EDIT: Synd att du rykte ur DH turneringen men nu tar du GSL istället :D! Gogo first foreigner to win GSL Code S!
On April 23 2012 01:18 sereniity wrote: NaNiwa also said that he likes his Swedish fans more than the rest because they don't stop cheering for him when he plays less well, while the international ones seem to stop caring about him/flaming him when he doesn't own every event up.
EDIT: Synd att du rykte ur DH turneringen men nu tar du GSL istället :D! Gogo first foreigner to win GSL Code S!
T_T I've been cheering for Naniwa since late 2010.
I just heard on the stream that Nerchio 2-0d Naniwa, which kind of surprised me a bit. Would you guys know whether those matches have been streamed anywhere? I want to see whether Nerchio played well or Naniwa just messed up.
On April 23 2012 01:34 Jinsho wrote: I just heard on the stream that Nerchio 2-0d Naniwa, which kind of surprised me a bit. Would you guys know whether those matches have been streamed anywhere? I want to see whether Nerchio played well or Naniwa just messed up.
Quite sure it wasnt streamed anywhere because I was looking around on every stream under category Dreamhack frantically and not finding it,, so yeah pretty sure it wasnt
On April 23 2012 01:34 Jinsho wrote: I just heard on the stream that Nerchio 2-0d Naniwa, which kind of surprised me a bit. Would you guys know whether those matches have been streamed anywhere? I want to see whether Nerchio played well or Naniwa just messed up.
Quite sure it wasnt streamed anywhere because I was looking around on every stream under category Dreamhack frantically and not finding it,, so yeah pretty sure it wasnt
Probably more surprising than that is that he got 2-0'd by a less known player sLivko in the same group. Bad day I guess? Seems to have trouble with zerg. Oh well, he still beats Genius regularly
On April 23 2012 01:18 sereniity wrote: NaNiwa also said that he likes his Swedish fans more than the rest because they don't stop cheering for him when he plays less well, while the international ones seem to stop caring about him/flaming him when he doesn't own every event up.
EDIT: Synd att du rykte ur DH turneringen men nu tar du GSL istället :D! Gogo first foreigner to win GSL Code S!
T_T I've been cheering for Naniwa since late 2010.
Ye me too ever since his King of the hill games v ret and kiwi, I knew he didnt give a fuck about public opinion and just played to win
I don't know exactly like how Nani feels about everything but I am pretty sure that his main focus right now is Code S and I've gotten the impression that when Nani is focused and prepares for an event that's when he does really great - I'm thinking about the MLG grand finals 2011 for example i remember he was really focused on that event and beat mvp and nestea back to back (and this was when they still felt "unbeatable") and even nestea another time. Then i remember i stayed up really late to watch the finals against Leenock and it was painful to see, it was so close to a quick 2-0, but well a little bad luck there it was still great play and im happy to see that Nani is still improving :D
fortsätt träna Nani, vinner du inte GSL denna gången så gör du det snart!
On April 23 2012 01:18 sereniity wrote: NaNiwa also said that he likes his Swedish fans more than the rest because they don't stop cheering for him when he plays less well, while the international ones seem to stop caring about him/flaming him when he doesn't own every event up.
EDIT: Synd att du rykte ur DH turneringen men nu tar du GSL istället :D! Gogo first foreigner to win GSL Code S!
T_T I've been cheering for Naniwa since late 2010.
He probably wasnt talking about everyone, but in general. I love all his fans anyways =D interview NaNiwa after his games at Dreamhack Open. The interviewer is called bobhund.
First of all: This is MY OWN PERSONAL TRANSLATION. I am Swedish and I've done my best to represent all expressions etc. used as accurately as possible in English. I'm not a trained translator by any means. OBVIOUSLY I could have made many mistakes, but I think my English is quite reasonable. PM me to suggest a fix if you find something particular.
The text below does not perfectly reflect Naniwa's words or what asked him. T/N = Translator Note.
Now enjoy, my non Swedish speaking friends! --- RAKAKA.SE: bobhund here for Standing here with Naniwa.
You just got knocked out.... How does it feel?
NANIWA: It doesnt feel THAT bad. I knew it could happen. I havent practised against Zerg in probably 1 month, since Ive only played against Protoss and Terran in GSL.
It just feels like.. I knew how these maps were gonna be played, but I still went here. I didn't think it would be such a big problem
RAKAKA.SE: We could return the maps later. You couldve gone to MLG Spring Arena instead and you were placed on a 7/8th place from the MLG Winter Championship
Why did you decide on going here? (T/N: Sweden, Dreamhack)
NANIWA: Sweden is where Im from so.. that was probably a big factor in it. It's fun to come to Sweden as often as I can now that I live in Korea. It's always nice to be able to speak your own native language every now and then.
And... Asus wanted us (T/N: him and SaSe) to go here rather than MLG. It was either go alone and play MLG or go here with SaSe, and that seemed like more fun. It felt as, perhaps didnt need "a break", but take it a little bit more easy prior to GSL (T/N:the upcoming matches). RAKAKA.SE: You've mentioned that you try to not pay attention too much to what people say, except for the Swedish ones?
Why are Swedish fans more important? (T/N: in that regard)
NANIWA: It feels like many international fans turns their cape along with how the wind blows (T/N: I don't think this expression really "exists" in English? But it means to always adjust your opinion in accordance to the situation). As long as it's going good they love you, but when it goes bad you get a hate thread with about 600 comments. That's what HuK got and he is possibly the most loved player. It's just absurd.
But.. what I've seen on for instance I've always gotten support. It's always nice to have a site you can check without too much negativity.
RAKAKA.SE: You've been to many dreamhack tournaments. Would it be greater to win a Swedish event than a foreign one (non swedish)? Or does it not matter that much?
NANIWA: Yeah.. Well... It's one of my dreams, perhaps. I would much rather win a Dreamhack than MLG for example. It wouldve felt incredible to stand on stage with the trophy and all the fans, cheering. It would be unbelievable.
RAKAKA.SE: You did get knocked out as mentioned in the 3rd round (T/N:today, at dreamhack). You talked a little bit about the maps. What sort of maps have Dreamhack chosen to have and how has it affected you and the tournament? NANIWA: Me, SaSe and many other pro gamers had many... complaints for the maps prior to arriving here. We wrote to the main responsible person but never got any help with it. He said that this is how it is and nothing here would change and we finally got the answer that they would modify the maps with supply depots and space sharks to solve the problem (T/N: no idea what the problem actually is), so it was by then we assumed they werent particularely competent admins, but by then it was already too late. RAKAKA.SE: SaSe said something similar under IPL (IPL4)...
Other than that, regarding the tournament, have you had... You said it was nice to be back in Sweden. Has it been many fans who said hi? Has it been many interviews? Do you feel like a real star when youre home? NANIWA: Uh... I don't know about being a Star. It's been more people now lately than before, and its always good, always fun actually.
I've never played to be "famous" so to say, it's always been a bonus. I think its troublesome with too much notice, for example some time in USA. But perhaps it is because Im simply not as used to it. They are a little bit more forward, they're not shy to say what's on their mind.
RAKAKA.SE: You are through now to the round of 8 now in GSL.
I thought we could go back to the beginning of this season. What did think about your chances going in to this season?
NANIWA: To be fully honest I practised to only win one map. I was aware of loosing Code A three times and I felt I didn't want to be embarassed. If I won one map I could at least say "Ok, I ... It's the toughest league, and I did my best". With this mindset I had no nerves and could play as usual and that lead to making good decisions (T/N: in-game decisions) and eventually I felt so home in the GSL that I continued to play well.
RAKAKA.SE: Yeah, you beat Puzzle 2-1 and Ryung 2-0 and advanced. That resulted in many Gifs (T/N: animated pictures taken from video), the fists pumps you made.. You looked damn happy. Everyone at home were of course really happy.
If you went in with the mindset of winning one map, how did it feel the seconds afterwards, was it unreal? NANIWA: Yeah I got back to the house (T/N: His practise ground, startale team house) and felt nothing. I didn't even think I had won (T/N: winning the group I assume). I didn't know what would happen. But when I got home Bomber and the gang gave me high fives and apparently I did win.
It sunk in when you read it on Teamliquid and such. It really felt unreal. It was just like when I won MLG I remember. I remember going home, not feeling anything special. Then you read it, and you saw that you won and then you felt it more.
So, yeah... But now in retrospect it feels really good.
RAKAKA.SE: Going in to the second round of group play you beat Genius 2-0 and Virus 2-0.
As you went into this stage, did you have more confidence? NANIWA: No, I felt of those 16 that were left as I sat in Group Selection (T/N: prior to playing Genius and Virus) I was the worst player. That's what I thought and I was not surprised when I was picked first either. I thought ”OK, Genius got 2nd in last season, he's an incredibly good player, been to Code S 2 years now actually and it's not surprising he picking me.
Then I thought how I should play and what builds to use, calmed myself down a bit, asked my teammates for advice in StarTale, got some ideas how I should play. Everything went exactly as I planned and it felt unreal.
RAKAKA.SE: SaSe came running in after the win there... How important is SaSe for you? From a training perspective and a friendly level? How important is it to have someone to talk to when youre in Korea? NANIWA: It's incredibly important. After all I remember when I lived alone in the MVP house. I was seldomly there and I went to meet other friends as often as I could, about 5 days a week perhaps, so that didnt result in too much practise. Because you get so lonely and.... then you cannot play too well.
With SaSe, we've sort of become best friends one could say. We think its fun to be together and it never gets boring. Also, SaSe is perfect for me because he's a guy who trains incredibly much and I'm a guy who's always slacking, so when I see him play all the time I want to practise myself as well. He's a good match for me. RAKAKA.SE: That's great to hear. Let's go back to Round of 8 (GSL), you will play against Im_MVP, whom perhaps hasn't played that great this season, getting 2nd place in his group both rounds.
What do you think about your chances? NANIWA: I have as a rule to not predict prior to playing but... Completely realistic I think I have an OK chance. I don't think he's much better than Ryung or Virus. Looking at this GSL he hasn't been unbeatable against Protoss now.
I will just do as usual, plan as much as possible. If I win I'll win. RAKAKA.SE: We hope of course that you'll beat Jinro's record, to come to the final as well. Thank you so much for the interview. Anything to finish with? NANIWA: I want to thank ASUS who flew us here. Thanks to SaSe for being funny, so you're not too bored when you're knocked out. I'm just sorry for the fans to not make it far in Dreamhack.
I really hope that Dreamhack would start listen to what players have to say and not just do their own thing. Because eventually players will start skipping Dreamhack in favour of other tournaments unless they listen to their players. RAKAKA.SE: I'm certain all of esports wish you good luck in GSL. Be well!
Initially was a fan, then was heavily turned off after the Blizzard Cup happenings. Although I think he handled that controversy pretty well, with good support from Quantic.
After really enjoying his playstyle and seeing him representing foreigners again in the best of GSL, I have to admit I'm a fan again.
On April 24 2012 22:45 Nekovivie wrote: Bump, hehe.
Initially was a fan, then was heavily turned off after the Blizzard Cup happenings. Although I think he handled that controversy pretty well, with good support from Quantic.
After really enjoying his playstyle and seeing him representing foreigners again in the best of GSL, I have to admit I'm a fan again.
Keep fighting Naniwa~
Can't understand how you can get mad for something like that, probarbly just made me a bigger fan...