On May 14 2011 04:11 Ahelvin wrote: lol @Idra biting his lips to prevent himself from bursting in laughters earing White-Ra's interview...
On May 14 2011 04:07 ViperVwV wrote:
On May 14 2011 03:56 JeffJohnson wrote:
On May 14 2011 03:51 Jinsho wrote: Cruncher always BMs him on ladder, actually.
Do u have an example?
At least twice on the stream, I've seen IdrA beat cruncher, but cruncher doesn't leave the game. IdrA has to kill everything to get the win. Thats pretty BM by itself, but the whole time cruncher talks shit.
I can confirm this as a fact, Cruncher is very immature each time he faces Idra on ladder ("Hello my old friend !" and various allins to try to get some tears from him).
Can't really say I blame him, I mean "I consider this match a walkover" is quite arrogant and would make most serious players annoyed.
Yes and no. Defeating Idra was the best response he could have ever hoped for. If he wanted to be BM, he could have done it on ladder or in the forums or in a post-match interview, like Idra himself usually would. Doing it in a broadcasted game was BM on a different level, not to mention that it is something illegal in a lot of major leagues.
I'm assuming that their history doesn't start with Idra's "I consider the match a walkover" and Cruncher's in-game BM during TSL - they have probably exchanged pleasentries on ladder before that. It's all blown way out of proportion, as it usually is. Complexity's "disappointment" is hypocritical but they are expected to defend their player, even when he is BM. Similarly, no one expects Liquid to publicly say anything negative about Huk.
Still, I'm a bit disappointed by the fact that Idra used his role as a commentator to express his feelings in such a way. He is usually really professional when necessary and there are enough opportunities for him to make fun of Cruncher.. It sounded almost as if NASL wanted some controversy.
On May 14 2011 04:36 Dawski wrote:
On May 14 2011 04:15 OrchidThief wrote:
On May 14 2011 04:11 Ahelvin wrote: lol @Idra biting his lips to prevent himself from bursting in laughters earing White-Ra's interview...
On May 14 2011 04:07 ViperVwV wrote:
On May 14 2011 03:56 JeffJohnson wrote:
On May 14 2011 03:51 Jinsho wrote: Cruncher always BMs him on ladder, actually.
Do u have an example?
At least twice on the stream, I've seen IdrA beat cruncher, but cruncher doesn't leave the game. IdrA has to kill everything to get the win. Thats pretty BM by itself, but the whole time cruncher talks shit.
I can confirm this as a fact, Cruncher is very immature each time he faces Idra on ladder ("Hello my old friend !" and various allins to try to get some tears from him).
Can't really say I blame him, I mean "I consider this match a walkover" is quite arrogant and would make most serious players annoyed.
id like to read the thread title and remind yourself that this is IdrAs fanclub, though you prolly wont get moderated due to thousands of posts in here id remember the fact that insulting the player in his own fan club does merrit a temp ban.
basically this is a place where we can share the same view of idrAs and be complete fan boys and others cant do anything about it :D
Eh... what? There was no insult and nothing worth of even a warning, let alone a ban.
to be fair incontrol really led him into it with "so idrA how do you feel about Cruncher" *trollface* and i guess idrA thought that they wanted controversy.
Oh and id say calling IdrA arrogant is an insult
...You're kidding right? You don't think IdrA is arrogant? I'm pretty sure even IdrA thinks IdrA is arrogant. I wasn't saying it was a bad thing, heck I'm the biggest fanboy of the bunch, I'm not naive though.
On May 14 2011 04:37 xtfftc wrote: I'm assuming that their history doesn't start with Idra's "I consider the match a walkover" and Cruncher's in-game BM during TSL - they have probably exchanged pleasentries on ladder before that. It's all blown way out of proportion, as it usually is. Complexity's "disappointment" is hypocritical but they are expected to defend their player, even when he is BM. Similarly, no one expects Liquid to publicly say anything negative about Huk.
It didn't even start publicly at that, actually.
Was the first time I had heard of cruncher too; kinda makes his obsession for trolling idra understandable in a way. The embarrassment from this game and the walkover comment had to have left cruncher with some extremely bitter thoughts to mull over.
Ah, I had completely forgotten about that as I had no idea who Cruncher was at the time. Typical, really - Idra has his "he's just a skilless newbie" attitude, although he's lost some important matches against Cruncher, while Cruncher is "omg, I'm just having fun making him rage", yet he is ruining his own credibility by cheesing and BM-ing, not to mention the likely cheating. This is a major difference between him and drewbie, for example, who didn't jump on the opportunity to produce a ton of drama out of Idra's comments - and, unsurprisingly, no one seems to have negative feelings about him.
On May 14 2011 07:20 BadWithNames wrote: Can we change it out for a different picture? No offense but as baller as it is the GSL picture isn't that relevant anymore. Lets have a vote after the vote about what picture is up there! YAY DEMOGRACY!
I've been waiting for an "iconic" photo for a while. There's quite a few good ones from MLG:Dallas 2011 but, although he was the top Zerg yet again, it wasn't a great tournament for him. I'm sure there will be a new one pretty soon though.
On May 14 2011 07:40 Essentia wrote: Why dont we just ask Idra how he wants his fanclub layout? instead of a poll
because it's a fanclub made by fans.. I don't think he cares too much
I asked him to pick the header because legatus legionis had done a great job with all of them and I didn't want to simply pick the one I liked best. Still, I don't want to start bothering him all the time.
P.S. I found two old interviews that I was supposed to add to the OP two months ago... A bit outdated but still worth watching/reading.
On May 14 2011 08:01 xtfftc wrote: I've been waiting for an "iconic" photo for a while. There's quite a few good ones from MLG:Dallas 2011 but, although he was the top Zerg yet again, it wasn't a great tournament for him. I'm sure there will be a new one pretty soon though.
If it weren't so small, a still of the fistpump when he beat HuK would have been good... although you're right, it wasn't that great of a tournament for him.