On April 07 2011 05:46 Kylig wrote: Huk sucks and is incredibly BM.
I really apreciate idra more and more as time goes by and I see his games and interviews.
GJ idra keep it going.
I dont know if you saw the interview of Huk or watched him at MLG Dallas 2011, but he was trying to be nice to IdrA, he was'nt being BM and I have no idea where you got the idea of him being incredibly bad mannered because hes not towards IdrA at all. IdrA is incredibly BM towards Huk and its funny as hell, dunno if your so wraped around in your own dumbassness that you would actually say somthing so ironic and stupid.
On April 07 2011 02:30 loveeholicce wrote:Like I said in the SotG thread, talking balance with Day[9] is like talking about the origins of the universe with a religious zealot. Day[9] camps on the idea that there is no such thing as imbalance out of principle, even when it's in his face and pro players using 5rax reaper are coming out saying it's too good.
It's a philosophy thing. It's not that he thinks the game is literally never imbalanced, more that he's hedging his bets that blizzard is going to figure out how to fix things eventually, and in the mean time he wants to spread positive messages about the game's fundamental ability to be fun and competitive, even if some of the particular unit stats and map designs are a little out of whack right now.
He's mentioned various things that he'd like to see changed on his show, so he clearly doesn't think the game is perfect. He just doesn't want to waste mental energy worrying about it. I'd say it's a given that Idra has some hope for Blizzard's ability to fix things too, at least to some extent, otherwise there's no way he'd be putting this much work into a doomed game.
But if pros aren't vocal about balance issues how will Blizzard know what's imbalanced and what course to take to fix it? As good as they are, nobody on the Blizzard balance team is remotely close to the skill of a pro player. They said their intention is to balance this game at its highest level, but I don't think that can be done effectively unless the players who actually play at the highest level give their insight. I understand the whole "time and place for everything" concept, and players definitely shouldn't be bitching every chance they get right after losing a tournament but a discussion show like SotG is one of the most contstructive places to discuss these things.
Blizzard has a million and one ways of knowing what's imbalanced and what isn't. Pros are not the ones making balance decisions whether you like it or not. Blizzard is who decides what is imbalanced or not. Just because pros don't like a certain thing or the way something works, does not mean Blizzard has to do something about it.
That being said, Blizzard does get lots of balance information from pro players. Idra is not the only pro player out there, and he is not a game designer by any means. None of the players on SotG are. Idra is very vocal about game balance. Like very vocal. Maybe unnecessarily vocal.
Not to mention that this is easily the most balanced Blizzard game to date pre-expansion.
On April 07 2011 07:43 TheBruky wrote: Can anyone make gif from that happy celebration of idra in 5:33? I think it's pretty cool
if you listen to the interview at around 6:37-6:44, he says " idra is a cocky (S*** then they bleep it out then 2 seconds afterwards he says "SH**" again without a bleep.. i found that funnny haha
On April 07 2011 08:31 dre2k wrote: HuK is BM in an annoying, sneaky way. Where as IdrA is just blunt.
I can agree with the annoying part, I never understood while people like Huk so much, I mean he does well in Starcraft 2, but i'm not sure if any fan boys are needed
When I did the math about Idra's revenue from his stream I was stunned.
Yesterday as an average for when I was watching Idra's viewers were around 7.9-8.1k. Lets say 1000 viewers have Ad-block on. Take out another 1000 for foreign viewers (I thought ads were only regional correct me if I'm wrong here)
.002 Cents per commercial, Idra is making 12 dollars a commercial. JESUS thats at a minimum 36 dollars an hour.
By the way sign me up for the fan club, long time lurker, finally made my account.
Sadly I suspect the proportion of people who view the ads is much less forgiving than you have accounted for. I'm going to guess it's more like $5 per commercial, and more like $15 an hour. But for what is essentially just practice and profile raising, that's not a terrible little extra bit of income on the side.
Note: my estimations are based entirely on cynicism and speculation
if you listen to the interview at around 6:37-6:44, he says " idra is a cocky (S*** then they bleep it out then 2 seconds afterwards he says "SH**" again without a bleep.. i found that funnny haha
I hope they do meet up at the dreamhack event, they provide entertaining games. A partial rivalry is great too, go Idra!
On April 07 2011 09:17 Airship wrote: Sadly I suspect the proportion of people who view the ads is much less forgiving than you have accounted for. I'm going to guess it's more like $5 per commercial, and more like $15 an hour. But for what is essentially just practice and profile raising, that's not a terrible little extra bit of income on the side.
Note: my estimations are based entirely on cynicism and speculation
if you listen to the interview at around 6:37-6:44, he says " idra is a cocky (S*** then they bleep it out then 2 seconds afterwards he says "SH**" again without a bleep.. i found that funnny haha
On April 07 2011 09:17 Airship wrote: Sadly I suspect the proportion of people who view the ads is much less forgiving than you have accounted for. I'm going to guess it's more like $5 per commercial, and more like $15 an hour. But for what is essentially just practice and profile raising, that's not a terrible little extra bit of income on the side.
Note: my estimations are based entirely on cynicism and speculation
It's not just practice and profile raising; it's entertainment for the masses. I am happy to endure a 30-second advertisement every 10 minutes or so if it means I get to watch the best western Zerg player in the world strut his stuff. This guy is a true professional (regardless of his "BM"), he has trained harder and for longer than almost every other current SC2 western "pro". I've been watching him since he won King of the Beta and before, he has always been at the top of his league and will continue to do so for many years to come. So, I don't think $15 an our, or even $35 an hour, is much money, at all. Think about how much money other professionals with a viewership earn; many thousands of dollars an hour.
Go Greg. Lead the example for what is required to be the best of the best.
I root for Huk when he is a foreigner, but what bugs me about him is his ridiculous cockiness, making ridiculous claims like, "top 3 control." He's good but he's not God's gift to Starcraft or anything. Anytime he goes to a tournament he talks about how tough he is and I find it off putting.
Idra on the other hand is just hilarious. He doesn't talk about how good he is, he talks about how bad everyone else is, it's really funny.
btw, Huk's BM is that he acts like he's being friendly and agreeable while saying toolish things, like "IdrA's teammates apologize to me about him all the time." which is basically him feigning a moral high ground, meanwhile he's talking trash too.
Possible major spoilers about an upcoming tournament guys. (seriously these may be results so don't read if you don't want to risk it being legit) + Show Spoiler +
I just checked IdrA's US profile and he had played 3 custom games vs Fenix, the first was diconnected in the first few seconds, the second game was MLG Xel'naga and the 3rd was MLG Shakuras and he had won both of them. Are these the IGN pro league games being played?
The re-macro he was doing in that game w/ the celebration... was really really well done... one of the best and longest battles I've seen in SC2, I'll never forget that game on scrap station. I had no idea he cheered like that though. lol
On April 07 2011 13:29 ratMortar wrote: Possible major spoilers about an upcoming tournament guys. (seriously these may be results so don't read if you don't want to risk it being legit) + Show Spoiler +
I just checked IdrA's US profile and he had played 3 custom games vs Fenix, the first was diconnected in the first few seconds, the second game was MLG Xel'naga and the 3rd was MLG Shakuras and he had won both of them. Are these the IGN pro league games being played?
I DOUBT it. I dont think theyd play almost a month in advance.