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On July 27 2010 19:11 Stratos wrote: Does anyone else have a problem with Hyoyeon from SNSD? I love all the other girls (especially Jessica), but Hyoyeon I just hate to see. I guess it's not that she's ugly, but in comparison with the other girls she just doesn't fit there for me. Is anyone suffering from the same problem and how do you deal with this? :D
On July 27 2010 19:11 Stratos wrote: Does anyone else have a problem with Hyoyeon from SNSD? I love all the other girls (especially Jessica), but Hyoyeon I just hate to see. I guess it's not that she's ugly, but in comparison with the other girls she just doesn't fit there for me. Is anyone suffering from the same problem and how do you deal with this? :D
On July 27 2010 06:32 Lyter wrote: shinee's pretty good for idolbased singing ability
They're damn lucky to have Jonghyun. He's a really powerful vocalist. I think they balance out pretty well in terms of talent - with strong dancers (especially Taemin) and a lulzy rapper (Minho.) I still think Beast are more interesting lately though.
He is really good but i think people often underestimate onew/key, those guys are allround stars i think. They can both dance and sing pretty darn well.
not korean but needs HD version of Jap. Mr. by kara MV this ones piss poor
should also help this snjung guy who's subbing Heros. subbing hella stuff all by himself 0.0
edit: fangurl comments on YT are pretty friggin crazy. browsing dbsk solo's and the comments are fucking worst than AKP level. can only imagine what korean fangirl netizens are like
lol I learned to get over YT comments, they're so dumb.
If Rainbow does anything better than KARA, its the fact that their top singers are like twice as better than KARA's. HyunYoung and JaeKyung (throw in JiSook maybe) >> GyuRi, Nicole, and SeungYeon. SungHee would balance things out but whatever
Cute Moment while picking the songs lol. JaeKyung and HyunYoung say the numbers together. The guy is like "you really gonna keep doing that?" and then YoonJung imitates them + Show Spoiler +
^ jaekyung sounds like a broken record in the last clip. sounds just as bad as kara members singing. the other chick is alright though. davichi is too godly on 1000 song challenge.
No worries, it's gonna bite the horny Japanese good all the same. And tbh I almost wanna say it sounds better but maybe that's just because I can finally tell what they're singing about.