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Due to the poor nature of this thread in the past, temporary two-day bans will occur more than often if people slip up. It appears the reason for Labums huge album sales was due to a cosmetic company, that had chosen them to be spokesmodels, having bought ass loads of albums for promotion. That seems a bit backwards. Usually when you think promotion, you think of a company securing a limited number of signed albums/goods from a big name, or at least an up-and-coming name, and using those signed albums to induce consumers to buy large quantities of your product in hopes of increasing their chances of obtain that limited item. Instead, they nabbed some relatively unknown spokesmodels, proceeded to buy their albums in order to inflate the prestige of spokesmodels, and then dump those albums on anyone that purchases their products.
- Wonder if it's the perfume that's causing Soyeon's nose to bleed?
I dunno if its just me but I was such a Lovelyz hypeboi when they debuted.. Really liked their stuff but now.. I can't care at all almost. Feels like all their songs sound the same and are so forgettable I dunno :/
Jiae should go solo again. That shit was so cash yo.
GUESS WHO SOLD 29,000 ALBUMS IN KOREA ON THEIR FIRST WEEK COMING BACK! Judging by the audience they've drawn at 1pm on a week day. Be they: People on their lunch breaks. Truant students. Just bored people. etc. + Show Spoiler [Contestant 1] +
On May 03 2017 14:39 Nesserev wrote: Solji's replacement is soooo much more entertaining. Would watch every EXID performance a hundred times if she became a permanent member. /s
I noticed she was missing in a recent performance they did. Seolhyun was missing too but she was doing some CF shit but no info why ChoA wasnt there. Seems like her instagram link from FNC is gone and I dunno maybe she is on her way out which would blow. There is no AOA without her tbh. She fucking sings 70-80% of their songs solo. The rest just stand there leeching off her effort. Congrats to everyone if she leaves, enjoy some more Jimin awful rapping HEY!
yea - i have noticed choa not being part in their recent activities plus her instagram / link gone from fnc made me "feel" like there is something going on.
On May 05 2017 07:38 {ToT}ColmA wrote: yea yuna is the second singer in the group - still - choa is love, choa is life. yuna looks odd to me when looking at the face.
She looked great some time ago but now too much PS. And yeah I know she sings too but ChoA is main vocal and in AOA that actually means MAIN VOCAL.