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Amazing f(x) special episode has been subbed, here's part 1 :
But beware, this is just like the first episode of SHINee Wonderfull Day, it spoils the whole story in one episode, so you may not want to watch it if you are planning on watching the complete show.
Honestly I don't think it's as bad as a lot of people think. The song is okay, and the dance is awesome. It's definitely better than what CL released to me.
Has it really been 2 years since Chocolat debuted? Holy crap I still listen to like all their songs. I guess that says something, can't waaaaaaaaaaaait for their comeback been waiting for so long. I guess Jaeyoon still has health problems?
I think Wolf isn't that bad. Everything before 1:15ish or before Luhan starts to sing, the song is shit terrible, but afterwards, it isn't bad minus the chorus. The song has some redeeming parts like Gayoon's part in 'What's your name'.
It's not new levels of bad, it's IGAB levels of bad. They even got the same mess at the end where they put all the individual tracks on top of each other just like IGAB.
On May 30 2013 21:45 DwD wrote: Has it really been 2 years since Chocolat debuted? Holy crap I still listen to like all their songs. I guess that says something, can't waaaaaaaaaaaait for their comeback been waiting for so long. I guess Jaeyoon still has health problems?
"health problems". I think it's one of those things where she left the group/got kicked out but they haven't announced it as such.
On May 31 2013 04:08 krndandaman wrote: ^I agree. Wolf isn't a great song but most kpop idol songs aren't either. I don't see what makes it that much worse than other kpop idol songs. It's bad but not new levels of bad people are making it sound like lol.
I'd agree with you if you'd say that it's just as bad as some of the other recent songs, but, lol, saying that it's not that much worse than most other kpop idol songs... what songs have you been listening to? Wolf is a huge stepp down from what I'd call the average kpop song lol.
I have pretty low standards and will listen to just about anything that's catchy (been jamming to Wonder Boyz and 100%'s latest songs) but Wolf is bad. Its redeeming factor that it has over other bad Kpop songs is that it's hilarious.
On May 31 2013 04:08 krndandaman wrote: ^I agree. Wolf isn't a great song but most kpop idol songs aren't either. I don't see what makes it that much worse than other kpop idol songs. It's bad but not new levels of bad people are making it sound like lol.
It would have been new levels of bad if CL's single hadn't come out a few days ago