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On May 15 2013 11:46 bsmith wrote: Loving the new B1A4 album.
Mah niggah!! distinct lack of b1a4 appreciation in this thread. I swore they havent released a song I haven't liked and they always seem to stick to their originial image which is cool.
Yea all of their albums are really consistent. Definitely my favourite boygroup.
she used a word incorrectly out of stupidity or on accident. the diction error occured in a way that's coincidentally used in a controversial forum whose audience believes, sardonically or not, that democracy is the wrong form of governing for Korea. in questioning democracy as the best form of governance, this idea furthermore calls into question the necessity of the Korean War and in doing so, indirectly dishonors those who sacrificed their lives.
so basically kor making a mountain out of a molehill once again. or in this case, making a mountain out of a Korean meme.
Pretty big storm in a teacup really. Doubt it will really damage them that badly in the long run. The people saying "RIP Secret" don't seem to realise that it isn't actually that big of a story for the average Korean.
Even if she accidentally used the word she said (which I'm like 50/50 on right now that it was an accident), it still shows massive stupidity on her part for not knowing what democratize meant plus just plain ignorance for using that exact word when the only people that use it are Ilbes.
You can dig through the NB comments on these 3 articles if you are looking for more info
She should probably just come out and just tell people straight up that she is just really stupid and not an Ilbe, seems a lot worse for people to call her the Ilbe goddess than for them to call her stupid.
On the plus side it looks like Secret is making money out of this on the short term, lol.
On May 15 2013 18:24 bsmith wrote: Pretty big storm in a teacup really. Doubt it will really damage them that badly in the long run. The people saying "RIP Secret" don't seem to realise that it isn't actually that big of a story for the average Korean.
Isn't that true for all scandals though?
On May 15 2013 18:34 Hall0wed wrote: She should probably just come out and just tell people straight up that she is just really stupid and not an Ilbe, seems a lot worse for people to call her the Ilbe goddess than for them to call her stupid.
didn't she already do that?
“Hello, this is SECRET’s leader Hyosung. I apologize for the incorrect phrase I used on ‘Choi Hwa Jung’s Power Time’ today. I’m self-reflecting on the point that I misused a word without understanding what it really meant. I’m sorry. I’ll be careful to make sure this never happens again. I apologize again.”
On May 15 2013 18:24 bsmith wrote: Pretty big storm in a teacup really. Doubt it will really damage them that badly in the long run. The people saying "RIP Secret" don't seem to realise that it isn't actually that big of a story for the average Korean.
Isn't that true for all scandals though?
Not really. Bigger scandals like T-ara bullying, Jay Park leaving 2PM, or Park Shi Hoo's Trainee scandal received pretty big coverage from the mainstream media from the get-go. As far as I can tell the Secret 'scandal' is only really big on online portal sites.
The logic behind it is that the expression she used is associated with Ilbe and is pretty much only used by Ilbe users. The special airs on May 18th, the same date as the Gwangju massacre. Which Ilbe is known to be extremely vocal about with their fucked up views on it, it's just very unfortunate timing.
On May 15 2013 14:26 Juliette wrote: still in the middle of an adventure ill post a blog about this tomorrow
wont be posting a video but i pretty much have a recording of the security dudes saying after the meet and greet they'll be going to a "studio session."
they were a lot skinnier in person, even eunjung who normally seems a little thicker. tiny arms. she spoke english a little - she asked for my name so she could sign it.
i kinda wish i had said more than just thank yous and stuff but i really didnt wanna be a creeper ass fan. some dudes were yelling "marry me" and i used ot think that was funny but when youre actually around the idols.... bleh. i dunno. feels kinda silly not to treat them like i would any other person - with respect and stuff. learned a lot. by the way dani looks really really young. you can tell shes like 15 or whatever.
they smiled the whole time but you could tell a lot was fake (except for when dani hugged a little girl, that was cute as fuck) i kinda feel bad for them. makes me want to support more.
good experience over all. ill post more info when i make a blog tomorrow.
the spare that's titled toward "TL" goes to someone. unichan has first choice cause she likes t-ara the most but if her friends got her one its up for grabs. ill make a contest tomorrow
Sounds amazing, I envy your experience and I can feel the adrenaline in your post... I guess this was your first time meeting k-idols. T-ara was the first ones I saw too, at mcountdown almost two years ago. I had almost complete blackout but I remember I was about to take off to the moon during their roly poly perf :D Luckily I can see myself on tv so I know it wasnt a dream^^