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On May 14 2013 12:42 cHaNg-sTa wrote: TL has this weird tradition of bashing on Hyoyeon to the point where now that her make up/hair stylist actually gives her something that isn't horrendous, TL doesn't know what to do but shit on people that post pictures of her (granted a little spammy). I've seen plenty of posts where the popular kpop girls get spammed but no one says anything.
Haters gonna hate.
It's not about quantity of posts it's that for some reason he feels like posting one pic, then waiting till someone posts, then posting another one. picspams where most of the pics are spoilered are fine.
Agree with Losing ID8 here. Especially on my phone a lot of media on one page, no matter of who, is annoying.
Late to the party b/c finals and moving and shit but new 2pm is terrible. Can't believe they waited 2 years to put out such a steaming pile of shit.
I hope the rumor that I saw was true and they will promote a different song with Jonghyun later in the month. Personally I think Like a Fire
would be an awesome song for performances and I wish they would have made this their main song for this half of the album, excluding the fact that I think they would need Jonghyun for it a little more than they need him in WSS. I feel like they only made WSS the title song because it was the best song for them to sing without Jonghyun. The rumor I saw said that they will promote + Show Spoiler [Nightmare] +
with Jonghyun though, and Nightmare makes more sense for them to promote and name an album after since the name contrasts Dream Girl so if this does happen then i'll be pretty certain on my theory.
On May 14 2013 18:48 Hall0wed wrote: I hope the rumor that I saw was true and they will promote a different song with Jonghyun later in the month. Personally I think Like a Fire
This would be awesome! I would prefer either Dangerous or Evil, but Like A Fire would be my third pick. This album is only full of great potential title songs if you take Why So Serious out tbh.
Hope you all have a wonderful day; Stay bright. Stay happy. Stay SUNNY. <3
Caution: Lots of pictures inside, if you experience loss of breath, or start feeling like you're going to have a heart-attack, please call your doctor right away.
There really ought to be some sort of rule that if a song doesn't get an MV, there should at least be recording studio footage. Being cheated out of the chance of being able to see Kahi while "Nnngh, 자꾸만~" rolls out of her mouth is a crime of the highest possible order. + Show Spoiler [Searchable hits] +
C-Luv C-Mack 태완 Verbal Jint 버벌 진트 김진태 Kahi 박가희
It's OK
Bed Time Statements 자꾸만 Profiling Buttock Profiling Butt Profiling Ass Profiling
- Younha getting an SNL episode. My body is unable to handle the turmoil of being hyped for rated 19 Younha and the bile-jaculation at the thought of Shin Dong Yup being ground zero of this blessed occasion. On a related note, can't be said enough, but + Show Spoiler [Younha nomming] +