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Also is there anyone around the Austin area that wants to meet up to see them? Also I'm going to be down there for the gaming expo 2 days prior for IPL and SC.
Still think it's a bit weird for EXID to be subuniting so "early" in their career. But damn, I can't argue against Hani and Solji in those dresses. Low quality, but Shinsadong decided to let us have the EXID: Dasoni/ Dasoni MV a little bit sooner.
Hello Hello is so good. Too bad the video was cut short o_O
Fellow nuest bros. I usually discuss kpop with others but they always resort to calling me gay when I bring up boy groups (*cough Craton/everyone else). Personally I like 너네 누나 소개시켜줘 but wondering what others thought. Pretty much the whole album though is pretty damn good and I like the whole thing, least favorite is probably the one featuring yoonhan.
I wondering what your favorite song from album was?
Hello Hello is so good. Too bad the video was cut short o_O
Fellow nuest bros. I usually discuss kpop with others but they always resort to calling me gay when I bring up boy groups (*cough Craton/everyone else). Personally I like 너네 누나 소개시켜줘 but wondering what others thought. Pretty much the whole album though is pretty damn good and I like the whole thing, least favorite is probably the one featuring yoonhan.
I wondering what your favorite song from album was?
Aahh, I've heard that one a few 100 times in life I think. :DDd
The song with the pop pianist guy was just plain bad imo. Anyway, really good comeback. Didn't expect it to be this good to be honest. I hope they keep grow this year kinda like how B1A4 became really good during the later 2012.
NU'EST really surprise me actually. Hello is great live, the dance is cool. A big step forward for them since their 2/3 previous releases were quite forgettable I think. Beautifull Solo is nice too.
<3 Jevice! I hope they'll be a little more successful this time.