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On September 05 2010 07:43 Southlight wrote: To me the trailer seemed more directed toward people already familiar with the series, given that it uses irrelevant characters in an irrelevant, random battle to display the two main characters. It does nothing regarding a plot, etc. so...
Oh of course it does, I am not doubting that all, but like I said, the first part peaked my interest as someone who likes this genre of anime since it suggested not just standard giants robots on a battlefield, then those two show up and it went down hill from there....
Based on what Ecael and Sentenal have suggested, there's probably more there, but I shouldn't need supplemental information from the game to figure that out.
The trailer shows mecha stuff to expect from the anime, and the rest was just fanservice. Especially the Kyosuke part, with the music it was playing during his scene. SRW is big on character theme songs.
On the matter of books, bungaku shoujo gaiden vol 3 came out recently, I need to go find myself the scans
Sentenal, did you watch OG1? I didn't bother since I wasn't too interested in the first OG plot, but OG2 was a lot more interesting to me so I might watch it.
I didn't watch the OG 1 anime. From what I've heard, it wasn't that good. My friend says it had "shitty CG animation [which thankfully the new one won't have]", and that plot wise, it pretty much follows OG1. I THINK it follow's Ryusei's route of OG1. So plot-wise, it wasn't bad, but I imagine it left out alot of stuff that was in the game, so it was probably just a watered down version of OG1.
On September 05 2010 07:16 Southlight wrote: Her voice is by design, and you might take to it better once you get a better handle on who she is as a character... but that's all I can really say. I mean it is what it is, I have a lot of voices I despise as well ;p
In Nekomonogatari (the latest? Bakemonogatari volume) there's a listing of the books planned... looks like they're going Mayoi -> Suruga -> Nadeko -> Shinobu -> Hitagi, with the last one being Koimonogatari (love story) and being subtitled Hitagi End. So I guess it's winding down (last one is scheduled for 12/2011, looks like he's churning out a volume every 3 months.)
Didn't see this post lol, so looking forward to Koimonogatari here because I am immensely interested in what Nishio Ishin plans to do with Gahara-san after Nise vol 1.
Also Nekomonogatari was scary in a way, really, really scary.
On September 05 2010 05:59 Ecael wrote: He could speak the language?
Well Excellen is pretty much acting the exact same way as she does in game, so I don't know how anyone can suggest that's already fucked up lol. At any case, she is just in super high tension during combat, so should be fine rest of the time. Probably.
Now I want to dig up my OG2 to replay.
The dialogue means nothing to me if the voice is annoying. The contrast between the two voices doesn't help matters. Like the trailer started off well and then bam it turns into a shitfest with their convo. If they don't act like that all the time, that's fine, but it's detracting from the already generic battle scenes in the trailer for me.
Guess it's a love it or hate it kind of a series.
Oh and the you-would-like-it-if-you-played-the-game argument is pointless and pretty insulting to any series; anyone who says that just degraded it to a weak series at best. Keep in mind that this isn't the same as saying you would like it more if you knew about the series. And since I feel the need to qualify that previous statement some more, I am not speaking to anyone specifically.
All we are saying, I think, is that since you haven't played the game, you don't really know enough about her personality, history, and stuff like that, so you can't really make informed decisions about the character.
Also, since you are saying 'they', does that mean Kyosuke (the guy) was annoying too? Hes just your token "bad ass" robot pilot who punches other robots do death with his robot. Generic? Maybe. Annoying? I disagree.
Ecael already cleared up the girl. It's just the dumbest shit to present a nice intro to the preview (like oh hey there might be more than just giant robots fighting here) and then fuck it up with that sequence of generically (annoying) characters.
Kyosuke was annoying because of the contrast between the two, going from one extreme to the other is pretty jarring so it's not helping his character; from childishly playful to john rambo was pretty wtf.
Keeping in mind I am speaking from a pretty unbiased point of view, sure I might not know the game, but this was the anime's chance to make me like it, make me go look it up, or make me want to. Obviously I am using me as someone who's coming in on a blank slate.
Kyousuke isn't Rambo lol, not sure what about the sound gave you that idea, but yeah. The contrast between Kyousuke and Excellen was funnier in game where we don't have to put up with voice, tbh I have to say that Excellen's voice is kinda annoying too. Well, that can't be helped, the two has decent character developments though so I am fine in general with OG2.
As for the last paragraph, honestly, OG is a series designed for people who likes the games already. I don't really see people who are new to the series enjoying it all that much. Anyway, I want to replay OG, now to figure out how to make GBA games work.
Rambo was the reference to his deep semi-monotone voice, not his actual combat prowess.
Haha, forgot about the Gespenst Kick. There are tons of stuff I'm looking forward to for this show. The show has the potential to be a mecha fan's wet dream.
On September 05 2010 04:27 NB wrote: angel beats is a freaking musical movie, not an anime... the animation quality and those extra details are top tier except the story is C-
amagami manga is really good but i hate how they have different artist for different arc (anime + manga) the style, the drawing are too much different from each others make its hard to compare between... the current arc's style is soooo shoujo-like (or school day-like to be exact) >.< and its so different from the 1st arc which i was enjoying :<
Which is sad because the story had potential to be really really really good.
Angel Beats is a perfect example of wasted potential. They had an allstar lineup of voice actors, great visual/sound team, GOOD CONCEPT, but totally blew it.
On September 06 2010 06:41 CaffeineFree-_- wrote: Angel Beats is a perfect example of wasted potential. They had an allstar lineup of voice actors, great visual/sound team, GOOD CONCEPT, but totally blew it.
On September 06 2010 23:28 Latham wrote: Shit, I need the uncensored version of this anime with English subs (HSotD I mean).
It's really not as bad (or good) as you think, the manga pretty much kept the general stuff fairly censored. It's not Gantz or even Berserk level.
Is the berserk anime any good? Censored/uncensored? I'm up to date with the manga, but I've never seen any anime episode. Is it worth my time like the Helsing manga ----> Helsing Ultimate OVAs or should I just stick to the manga?
Berserk in general is so epic :< It's really shocking how dark a story it has. Easily top 3 manga of all time in my book.