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Ekria always felt to me to be primarily buff based, I also just got her buffs up to M because the damage output and survival potential changes dramatically with her buffing. Pure is just so slow to be useful, we can fit in 3 different buffs in the time. Satia-Celica in this game is just sick though, heal+magic+magic sword+ougi...too ridiculous.
Did you try using the angel maids and Lily? Lily is actually bloody amazing once you go to a decent level and get 魔導砲 much like how Luna Clear just started to actually do damage once you get her with it. I was trying to save up and get the angel maids since it is always amusing to beat people around with brooms and water containers 
Weird, why is Lifia underleveled for you? Well, I didn't particularly try to level the first playthrough, so I ended true history route with everyone from Celica's side around 210~220. Then I got to Louie's side and they just bumped everyone's level to like 220 and gave Louie over 100k xp to spend. Lifia did have some time by herself in light playthrough, so not sure why she should be so underleveled for you. For 乗り気じゃない, my copy Eva got rid of it by around lvl 250 or something. Might be something to do with clone mode giving her titles that should be from evil route though?
If you mean 2.22 then later this month, or so Amazon says?
I started off with Ekria being buff-based but once she hit S-tier spells she started doing one of the highest amounts of damage in the game, and when she hit M she started doing even more than Navelius. It's also very fast - she usually beats everyone else to the first cast, so she gobbles up most exp. No surprise she's level 400 right now while Navelius 370 and Celica/Satia far behind at 340.
I haven't gotten any of the maids yet because, well... I turned off engagement >_> And yeah I've been running around this whole route with cannon Luna Clear.
I'm not sure why Lifia's underleveled because I actively tried to level her. In fact, I have no bloody idea why Marinya hit level 320 and Lifia's still hanging behind at 250. Whatever the case, I finished light route with Celica's party all in the 300s, while Louie's route was all in the 220s. So now we're looking at Louie level 300, Karlian level 340 (LOL), Lifia level 250, Petreene 290, etc. And I wasn't even using Petreene until I started getting my face bashed in O_o;;
Later this month! Finally! And then like another half-year until UBW, and so on and so forth. At least Higashi no Eden films came out relatively quickly.
United States10264 Posts
Ah yes, Bungaku Shoujo and Ibaru no Ou aired. Heard good things about both, though I heard that Ibaru no Ou got really gay during the 2nd half. To be expected though... Too much to cram into such a short period of time.
Shit does anyone know anything about Vagabond chapter 292? I cant seem to find it even though 293 and 294 are out
Canada8028 Posts
Yeah, another raw gap. *sigh* Well, we have good quality raws for 294 and 295 at least. We should be getting those out soon. The next volume of Vagabond will include 292, so that’s looking like the most probable solution to the raw gap issue. Link
Since it's summer and I have nothing to do, I finally gave in and watched the Disappearance camrip. I was impressed at how much Mazui managed to clean up the video. Anyway, the movie did not disappoint. It was everything I expected it to be, and then some. There seemed to be a lot of focus on Kyon's motivations and whether or not he enjoyed his situation in the SOS Brigade (more than I remember in the light novel at least, but it's been a while), which I thought was a fairly nice touch. The pacing of the story was pretty good, though it did make for one long ass movie. Although I thought it was odd that they used Bouken Desho Desho as the OP, it's an excellent song, so I have no complaints. On that note, the music used in the movie was pretty good overall. Most of it fit the mood pretty well, and it was suitably epic when needed. Shy Nagato is ridiculously cute. + Show Spoiler [Funniest part of the movie] +Kyon, you sly bastard. ![[image loading]](http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/9972/mazuisuzumiyaharuhinosh.jpg)
GAH Spazer why do you torture me so.
Canada8028 Posts
On May 04 2010 16:22 triangle wrote:GAH Spazer why do you torture me so.  Oh, it's only a few more months.
On May 04 2010 13:58 Tenryu wrote: Shit does anyone know anything about Vagabond chapter 292? I cant seem to find it even though 293 and 294 are out
I'm fairly sure I have the raw to 292, if you care when I get home.
more people need to watch Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou >
Spazer, you bastard. I'd almost forgotten about it... T_T
United States10264 Posts
So the opening chapters from the prequel novel to Angel Beats! -track zero- were released recently, and I finally found them and read them (lol I'm so behind the curve), but since no one mentioned them here, I thought I'd put up the relevant stuff in a spoiler of course.
If you don't want to be spoiled, don't read obviously.
+ Show Spoiler [Angel Beats -track zero-] +No word yet on when Yuri or Tachibana appeared in the world or when the world was created, but we do know that the second member of the squad was Ooyama, and the third was Hinata (that we know of at least). Hinata was the second member of the squad to join up with Yuri, and Ooyama was the third. Chaa (the guy from Guild if you don't remember him), was the fourth, and once he appeared in the world, he apparently already knew how to generate guns from what appears to be thin air (no reference to dirt yet). Something else to note is that apparently Yuri and Tachibana had no contact with each other prior to Hinata appearing in the World (obvious reference, but I think it fits  ). Yuri merely considered Tachibana another NPC in the World. She also had no inkling of Tachibana's Guard Skills prior to Chaa appearing in the World, which occurs in Chapter 2. The only Guard Skill we've had a name attached to so far is Hand Sonic, but Yuri mentioned Tachibana "moving strangely" in Chapter 3, so I'll assume that that's a reference to the dodge skill that Tachibana displays in Episode 2 of the anime (name escapes me). We also discover that Hinata was not killed by drug OD, but rather by a truck running him over. Rather anti-climatic if you ask me, but whatever. No reference to drugs or baseball in the light novel yet. As for dialogue, the only interesting tidbit that I picked up is a strange line that Tachibana speaks in Chapter 2, when Chaa appears: "The unreasonable people in this world who have focused on the principal because they think the principal is the highest position. However, they are wrong, in this world, the principal is of little consequence. As this error has continued to propagate, I must correct it." The principal, when assaulted by Yuri and Hinata, also mentions that this is not the first time that an assault on him has occurred, and it apparently predates Yuri's appearance into the world since she had no knowledge of any other assaults. Anyway, Tachibana's line is rather mechanical in nature, and implies that she has a connection to the world, though she denies this fact right after. Another slightly interesting bit of dialogue is when Hinata asks Tachibana some questions about the world, to which Tachibana's standard answer is "I don't know". Hinata also tried to hit on Tachibana and ask her out, but Yuri killed him before we could see Tachibana's response. The only thing that jumps out to me right now is the fact that Yuri is much, much, much more bitchy and cruel in the light novel. There's no real ambiguity as to who is clearly in the wrong here, as the novels portray her as a selfish and cruel person. At one point she suggests killing the entirety of the school population to try to draw God out, and she repeatedly abuses Hinata, to the point that he's become rather well acquainted with the nurse's office. Anyway I gotta go to class now, but I think I hit all the essentials.
A "what she should have done" from the last Angel Beats episode:
+ Show Spoiler +
Canada8028 Posts
On May 05 2010 16:11 bubblegumbo wrote:more people need to watch Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou >  This show is bad, and I know it's bad, but it somehow manages to be entertaining, so I just try to ignore that it's bad.
On May 05 2010 16:21 PH wrote: Spazer, you bastard. I'd almost forgotten about it... T_T Don't worry, it's not like you're missing the best addition to the Haruhi series in ages...
So I just watched 5cm per second.
Mystlord, I brought it up, but neither Southlight nor I have found the raw
Can anyone else not wait for 2.22
I'm seriously on the verge of just watching the camrip version that's floating around the web.
On May 06 2010 12:30 Mystlord wrote:Show nested quote +On May 06 2010 11:20 Ecael wrote:Mystlord, I brought it up, but neither Southlight nor I have found the raw  You aren't looking hard enough then ^_^ If anyone wants to read them, they're being translated and uploaded here: http://www.mediafire.com/angelbeatstrackzeroNot sure where the raws for 03-05 are though  . Mysteriously missing... I found those, though personally I have a policy not to read incomplete things if it is skipping around wildly like that 
At some point I'll give up, doubt it'll happen too soon.
Can someone tell me if the 2 TTGL movies are just the series in a movie format or is it different? i want to know if they're worth downloading, thanks
First one was a rehash of the first half of the series, and the second one single-handedly revived the hot-bloodedness I haven't felt since 2007 when the series first aired.
Yeah, I'd say they're worth the download.
Awesome, thanks. Gotta plan some time for it this weekend then :D