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On March 29 2013 12:36 Ryndika wrote: Paid services should be just as good as nyaa imo, or better. A lot of the stuff I really like can't be found from nyaa either. Those random paid anime sellers just put pretty shit shows usually and you are very restricted assuming you don't take a step outside of it's prepertuar. Maybe you should just email your thanks and give money directly if you want to support industry WITH MONEY.
? CR has 1080p and their subbers are people that started working in fansubbing in the late nineties to mid 00s to put out quality subs as opposed to the usual shit subs that license and publishing companys up until a few years ago put out, that generation of subbers is the reason you see fansubbing at all.
Didn't mean to bash their pixels or subquality. It's just that they can't provide what I want. Which is not just any ANIME in general but something I want to watch. Yeah it works for some people but not all watch anime for sake of it's being an anime. And of course it wouldn't make sense if they could provide.
Sayonara Zetsubou - a great comedy that is full of references and need VERY good translation. But after searching our beloved CR, I could not find it! Ohno! Tatami Galaxy - one of the only good slice-of-life romances made. I imagine translating the narration can be annoying since it's so incredibly fast, but subgroups did quite well! Unfortunately, it's nowhere to be found on CR. A shame! Mushishi - a very interesting supernatural fantasy anime, and also one which is quite popular. It is not actually filled with that much speech either. It's too bad CR doesn't have it.
I don't even think these are very niche, most of people should know them by name and art style atleast.
I was really hoping for Rika and Kodaka to get together, but it looks like Rika is in the same situation as Kodaka. Also, I think we know what Yozora is doing. When she played that game Rika brought in, she got kinda sad when she only focused on one guy. I expect she'll be trying to get more friends around school now.
Rika would be alright, but she pretty much friendzoned herself in the last episode. Still a good character though, especially after season 1 where she didn't really do much.
Which game? Homo Game Club or the one from the first season? Oh no wait, the VN? Yeah I remember it now. I don't think she'll be trying to make more friends, but I wouldn't be too surprised if she tried to be nicer to meat. I mean she gets faint when she's around lots of people, and I don't think running off to be on your own will change that.
I think what's going to happen is they'll look for her, not find her. She'll turn up in the clubroom one day and act less like a crazy person. I think the only time we saw her being relatively normal was when she and Kodaka went to the cinema and the cat cafe. Rest of the time she's just on edge.
On March 29 2013 11:20 ZenithM wrote: I just checked out, almost nothing is licensed in France on CrunchyRoll. I remembered having wanted to take a premium account a few years ago and being disappointed because none of the stuff I like was broadcasted I've watched literally 2 shows (of mediocre quality mind you: Nobuna no Yabou and Kamisama Dolls) from what they provide since Winter 2011, and I've watched more than 10 times more in those 2 years, so not really worth it for me.
For reference, here's what I can watch on CR for Winter 2013: http://imgur.com/zJKtJJr Not really inspiring to say the least. I watch none of those regularly. I don't think I'm looking at the wrong list because on most anime pages (I stumbled upon Kotoura-san's page by chance), I have a nice :
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I have the same problem, even less shows are licensed in Spain. All i can watch in CR is the list i posted when i asked about the free trial, just 13 series and only Time of Eve ( 6 episodes ) seems good
I recall Blargh saying he would leave this thread forever, but here he is again!
On March 26 2013 15:16 Blargh wrote: Just so you know, I was insulting his page because he made some condescending post linking his MAL, when he happens to have roughly average taste. It's totally likely he is a troll, but I'm assuming he is not. Then again, this thread actually needs a notice saying for people to stop trolling with School Days. Maybe that's a sign as to how badly trolls terrorize this thread.
The very fact that Hentai is included on MAL makes me cringe. Seriously, it being animated and made in Japan is no excuse to throw animated pornography into the same system. Hell, they don't even bother filtering that shit. It's so depressing to look at upcoming anime only to find half of it a hentai. I'll let you tentacle-obsessed people enjoy yourselves.
And now, I shall be done with Anime Discussion Thread. I tried, I really did (or something like that). And I appreciate anyone attempting to give an honest recommendation. I would hate to derail this thread into oblivion. Carry on, amigos.
I've only just been able to watch Guilty Crown. The first half of episode 1 is, without a shadow of doubt, the best first half of any episode of any anime I have ever watched. Those 10 minutes were absolutely amazing, and I don't think it'll be easy to top. I have absolutely no idea what happened after those 10 minutes
On March 30 2013 19:07 aloT wrote: I've only just been able to watch Guilty Crown. The first half of episode 1 is, without a shadow of doubt, the best first half of any episode of any anime I have ever watched. Those 10 minutes were absolutely amazing, and I don't think it'll be easy to top. I have absolutely no idea what happened after those 10 minutes
GC is one of the most highly recommended anime on ADT. Glad you're enjoying it =D
On March 30 2013 19:07 aloT wrote: I've only just been able to watch Guilty Crown. The first half of episode 1 is, without a shadow of doubt, the best first half of any episode of any anime I have ever watched. Those 10 minutes were absolutely amazing, and I don't think it'll be easy to top. I have absolutely no idea what happened after those 10 minutes
On March 30 2013 19:07 aloT wrote: I've only just been able to watch Guilty Crown. The first half of episode 1 is, without a shadow of doubt, the best first half of any episode of any anime I have ever watched. Those 10 minutes were absolutely amazing, and I don't think it'll be easy to top. I have absolutely no idea what happened after those 10 minutes
GC is one of the most highly recommended anime on ADT. Glad you're enjoying it =D
On March 30 2013 19:07 aloT wrote: I've only just been able to watch Guilty Crown. The first half of episode 1 is, without a shadow of doubt, the best first half of any episode of any anime I have ever watched. Those 10 minutes were absolutely amazing, and I don't think it'll be easy to top. I have absolutely no idea what happened after those 10 minutes
GC is one of the most highly recommended anime on ADT. Glad you're enjoying it =D