On April 14 2012 19:03 HwangjaeTerran wrote:
I somehow have a craving for a mecha /sci-fi show though :/
I somehow have a craving for a mecha /sci-fi show though :/
Forum Index > Media & Entertainment |
If you come in here looking for "anime recommendations" then please refer to this chart before posting: Anime Recommendations (as of may 2014). We also have an IRC channel called #tladt where we all hang out. The channel is on Rizon, not QuakeNet! Feel free to check it out. TLADT discord is Discord.gg For currently airing anime, please see Anichart.net | ||
Pakistan10726 Posts
April 14 2012 10:15 GMT
On April 14 2012 19:03 HwangjaeTerran wrote: I somehow have a craving for a mecha /sci-fi show though :/ http://myanimelist.net/anime/12677/Ozuma | ||
Finland5967 Posts
April 14 2012 10:35 GMT
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France31 Posts
April 14 2012 16:14 GMT
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United States791 Posts
April 14 2012 16:35 GMT
Geez…Tokiomi sets Kariya on fire and Kariya falls off the building. LOL Iri fumbling with the cell phone. Lots of teamwork with Lancer, Saber, and Rider teaming up to take down Caster. Lancer made quick work of Jetserker. Sucks being Caster, Ionioi Hetairoi into Excalibur combo. GG! Can't really cover a massive explosion in the middle of town up. | ||
China10272 Posts
April 14 2012 16:37 GMT
I must say the OP is amazing, if nothing else OP is AMAZING!!!~ + Show Spoiler + LOL naming conference for the pet...Not a name vs CRYSTAL GUY!!! vs Too formal vs a Gag, I'd choose the gag =D, but for the white haired ouji character to deliver a cold joke, It's NOT LIKE HIM. lol, Then proceeds the knights and princess plot and some fighting. meh. | ||
United States207 Posts
April 14 2012 17:58 GMT
+ Show Spoiler [eiyuusenki] + ![]() | ||
Sweden4717 Posts
April 14 2012 18:03 GMT
On April 15 2012 01:35 TealLurker wrote: + Show Spoiler [Fate/Zero 15] ++ Show Spoiler [Fate/Zero - 15] + Geez…Tokiomi sets Kariya on fire and Kariya falls off the building. LOL Iri fumbling with the cell phone. Lots of teamwork with Lancer, Saber, and Rider teaming up to take down Caster. Lancer made quick work of Jetserker. Sucks being Caster, Ionioi Hetairoi into Excalibur combo. GG! Can't really cover a massive explosion in the middle of town up. Rider why so boss?! And I love how Berserker just always randomly ends up in the battle and then anticlimatically disappears. Can't wait for when they fight him for reals. So I guess this is the event Saber refered to in FSN (in the fate route IIRC) when she was with Shirou on the bridge? I think they mentioned boats there though... D: I really can't stand it when she shouts EXCALIBUR, either. It irked me in the VN and it does that here too. + Show Spoiler [Upotte! - 2] + I still cannot believe I find this entertaining T_T it really hurts to admit. And FNC why so awkwardly adorable. ![]() | ||
United States12398 Posts
April 14 2012 18:23 GMT
+ Show Spoiler + + Show Spoiler [Moon Rune transcript the dude posted] + NT ドヤ顔カグラに抱かれるミコノ、険しい顔のアマタと悲しい顔のゼシカ。背 景に三ツ星 ある程度バレ出てたけど、それ以外の部分 ・カイエンが予知した絶望の「未来」もゼシカが鏡をとおしてみた「過去生 」らしき映像もミコノと結ばれる相手がカグラであることを示すがアマタ は受け入れない ・命とは魂の躍動だ。守りたい奪いたい愛し合いたい、それぞれの胸に宿る 重いがこの宇宙に生のリズムを刻みつける 茨の檻のようにからみつく運命にもがきながらも「今」を生きようとする 男女。 茅野・花澤対談より ・「ミコノは知らない間に男を転がすワルイ女だよ、フフフ」(岡田 ・カグラをかばったことに対して「ミコノ自身自分のことがよくわからない んです。”過去”からの関係があるので自分自身の感情じゃないところで 何かが反応するというか。もどかしくて苦しい。今後明かされていく部 分~」(茅野 ・これからはモロイの時代が来ますよ!(茅野 ・サザンカの協力な能力もわかるしね(花澤 ・女子ならゼシカに感情移入しちゃうところがいっぱいあると思います(花 澤 ・ミコノ×アマタ→手を取り合い、空に舞い上がる初恋 ・ミコノ×カグラ→1万2千年の時を越えた禁断愛 ・ゼシカ×アマタ→秘めた純情、諦められない片思い ・ユノハ×ジン→いたいけなロミオとジュリエット ・MIX×アンディ→穴を埋め合う凸凹カップル メディア 水着ミコノユノハ、一緒に遊んでもらいたい様子のカグラ ・ミコノ+仲間たち=絆・無限大 友情を強固にするのはきのこ力!? ・14話で元気をもらったユノハが逆にミコノを励ますシーンも。その際の シュシュの動きに注目 ・シュシュのしぐさにはちゃんと意味がありミコノが相手に持つ感情に察知 しそれによって態度を変えている ・ミコノはゼシカがアマタに対する恋心にはまったく気づいてない ・ゼシカも実は色恋沙汰に慣れてないのでアマタとミコノの間に割り込もう という意識が希薄 ・朴念仁なアマタもゼシカの気持ちにまったく気づかずミコノ一直線(笑) ・このあやふやな関係が明らかになるのは16話(山本 ・ミコノの能力はきのこ力 ・アンディは初めての男女機合体の相手はMIXと決めている ていうかNTに 「アマタ・ソラ 自身をしばる過去や執念を捨て、新たな強さを得た。 「太陽の翼」の生まれ変わりといわれ、 カグラにも因縁のようなものを感じている」 PASH追加バレ ・アマタ、ミコノ、ゼシカの関係は16話が見どころ。16話以降、ゼシカの女 心はけっこう揺れ動く ・今後はミコノを挟んだアマタとカグラの攻防戦がポイント ・ミカゲの野望にアマタ、カグラ、ミコノ、ゼシカが関わっている ・ミカゲは前作の誰かとつながりのある人物 ・1万2千年前にあったある出来事が、ミカゲの行動の鍵 ・今後の注目は、地球とアステカの因果と、アマタと母親の再会 ・ミカゲはアマタがアリシアに捨てられた理由を知っている ・前世で恋人でも、今生でも恋人にならなくちゃいけない法はない ・ジンの死はオーディションのときにすでに決まっていた Translation provided by /m/: Segment 1. (Newtype) There was a spoiler picture of Kagura holding Mikono while looking all smug, Amata looking grim, Zessica looking sad, with three stars (the Orion?) in the background. Others: -Both Cayenne's vision of the "future" and Zessica's vision of the "past" point toward Mikono getting together with Kagura, but Amata is having none of that -Life is the pulsing of souls. The feelings of wanting protect, to possess, to love carve the rhythm of life into the universe as men and women struggle against fate coiling around them like a cage made of briars. (my god, I love this sentence, I wish I could do it justice in English. XDDD Btw, O HAI ENDING PICTURE IMAGERY.) From the Kayano x Hanazawa interview: -"Mikono is a bad girl for manipulating guys without even noticing, hahaha" (by Okada) -About protecting Kagura, Mikono doesn't quite understand herself. Since it's connected to her past life she thinks it was a reaction that didn't come from her own feelings. As we'll find out it bothers and saddens her. (by Kayano) -Malloy's time will come. (by Kayano) -We'll learn Sazanka's power (by Hanazawa, NB she makes a pun here that I'd rather not translate because I have no idea what she means) -Female viewers will find that there's a lot about Zessica to emphatize with (by Hanazawa) -Mikono x Amata -> first love where even holding hands can make you feel you're soaring in the sky -Mikono x Kagura -> forbidden love crossing over 12000 years -Zessica x Amata -> hidden pure feelings, one-sided love that you can't give up on -Yunoha x Jin -> innocent Romeo & Juliet -Mix x Andy -> a fitting couple that fills each other's holes (OH LOL) Segment 2. (Pash) That spread we already saw, with Yunoha & Mikono in swimsuits with Kagura seems like he wants to play together -Mikono + the gang = bonds + infinity (? this is not clear, here) -The power of mushrooms is to strengthen friendships (WHAT?) -This time Yunoha will try to cheer up Mikono. Here note Shushu's behavior: Shushu senses Mikono's feelings and behaves accordingly -Mikono has absolutely no idea that Zessica is in love with Amata -Zessica is not used to this whole being in love thing, so she's not trying to wedge herself between Amata & Mikono -Amata has no idea that Zessica is in love with him, he's dead set on Mikono -ep 16 will reveal this ambivalent triangle (by Yamamoto) -Mikono's power = the power of mushrooms (....wat, btw see above) -Mix will be the first girl Andy does gattai with Segment 3. Moar Newtype: "Amata Sora: He gained new power by casting away the past and the thoughts that bound him. He's believed to be the reincarnation of the Wings of the Sun, and feels something like a deep connection to Kagura." (sent note: This 99% means that Kagura and Amata are both reincarnations of Apollo) Moar Pash: -ep 16 will focus on the relationship between Amata, Mikono & Zessica. After ep 16 Zessica's heart will tremble greatly (not sure how to say this in English) -From now on the main point will be the fight between Amata & Kagura over Mikono. -Mykage's plans involve all the four main charas -Mykage is connected to a certain someone from Genesis (sent note: O RLY I NEVER KNEW) -The key to Mykage's motivation is a certain incident 12000 years ago (sent note: see above -Mykage knows the reason why Alisia left Amata -There's no rule saying that lovers in previous life must be lovers in this life (sent note: personally im gonna be mad if Amata isn't the reincarnation of Apollo) -Jin's death was already decided before auditions were held for him | ||
China10272 Posts
April 14 2012 19:30 GMT
On April 15 2012 03:03 Elem wrote: Show nested quote + + Show Spoiler [Fate/Zero 15] +On April 15 2012 01:35 TealLurker wrote: + Show Spoiler [Fate/Zero - 15] + Geez…Tokiomi sets Kariya on fire and Kariya falls off the building. LOL Iri fumbling with the cell phone. Lots of teamwork with Lancer, Saber, and Rider teaming up to take down Caster. Lancer made quick work of Jetserker. Sucks being Caster, Ionioi Hetairoi into Excalibur combo. GG! Can't really cover a massive explosion in the middle of town up. Rider why so boss?! And I love how Berserker just always randomly ends up in the battle and then anticlimatically disappears. Can't wait for when they fight him for reals. So I guess this is the event Saber refered to in FSN (in the fate route IIRC) when she was with Shirou on the bridge? I think they mentioned boats there though... D: I really can't stand it when she shouts EXCALIBUR, either. It irked me in the VN and it does that here too. + Show Spoiler [Upotte! - 2] + I still cannot believe I find this entertaining T_T it really hurts to admit. And FNC why so awkwardly adorable. ![]() damn mobile devise | ||
China10272 Posts
April 14 2012 19:30 GMT
On April 15 2012 03:03 Elem wrote: Show nested quote + + Show Spoiler [Fate/Zero 15] +On April 15 2012 01:35 TealLurker wrote: + Show Spoiler [Fate/Zero - 15] + Geez…Tokiomi sets Kariya on fire and Kariya falls off the building. LOL Iri fumbling with the cell phone. Lots of teamwork with Lancer, Saber, and Rider teaming up to take down Caster. Lancer made quick work of Jetserker. Sucks being Caster, Ionioi Hetairoi into Excalibur combo. GG! Can't really cover a massive explosion in the middle of town up. Rider why so boss?! And I love how Berserker just always randomly ends up in the battle and then anticlimatically disappears. Can't wait for when they fight him for reals. So I guess this is the event Saber refered to in FSN (in the fate route IIRC) when she was with Shirou on the bridge? I think they mentioned boats there though... D: I really can't stand it when she shouts EXCALIBUR, either. It irked me in the VN and it does that here too. + Show Spoiler [Upotte! - 2] + I still cannot believe I find this entertaining T_T it really hurts to admit. And FNC why so awkwardly adorable. ![]() I am more of a SIG person though. | ||
United States6703 Posts
April 14 2012 19:46 GMT
Item carry over, it lets you get all the items you have obtained in clear data from the start. Oh, left is yes and right is no. The game was pretty average, don't think it is really worth the effort if you don't understand Jap lol. | ||
United States905 Posts
April 14 2012 19:54 GMT
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9553 Posts
April 14 2012 20:22 GMT
I came, it was just so beautiful and well-animated. | ||
United States2253 Posts
April 14 2012 20:31 GMT
On April 15 2012 05:22 Latham wrote: Fate Zero 15 + Show Spoiler + I came, it was just so beautiful and well-animated. + Show Spoiler + i know right, after 14 episodes still not used to this godly animation. Also poor Kariya :/ | ||
United States2099 Posts
April 14 2012 20:49 GMT
+ Show Spoiler + ![]() | ||
United States2497 Posts
April 14 2012 21:34 GMT
On April 14 2012 18:50 Ushio wrote: just got the Ever17 VN. Some people said it was the BEST VN they've ever played. Lets see if the hype lives up. so excited! (*≧▽≦) It's a great VN, but has a few issues. It's very slow to start for one thing; you probably won't be too interested in it until the second playthrough. The English translation is messy, especially in the beginning, and later in the game there are a few instances of Japanese word-play that get muddled. There's no scene skip feature so if you get a bad ending, it can take an hour to fast forward through all the text to make different choices. For at least one of the good endings, you have to answer some seemingly unimportant questions correctly so you'll probably want a basic walkthrough after you've played a bit. | ||
United States12398 Posts
April 14 2012 22:03 GMT
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1418 Posts
April 14 2012 22:11 GMT
Poll: IT'S TIME Nichijou (16) Nichibros (Daily Lives of High School Boys) (9) 25 total votes Your vote: IT'S TIME (Vote): Nichijou IRC opinions: + Show Spoiler + [15:01] <gAOxI> Nichijou is good [15:01] <gAOxI> but Nichibros is godly [15:00] <nagisama> nichijou didn't feel that great [15:01] <Vysaga> nagi your taste isn't good enough obv [15:01] <Vysaga> because nichijou is the bomb Apr 11 16:15:39 <nagisama> nichibros still better than nichijou Apr 11 16:15:49 <AP0CALYPSE> [16:15] <nagisama> nichibros still better than nichijou Apr 11 16:15:52 <AP0CALYPSE> nooooooooooooooooooope Apr 11 16:15:58 <gAOxI> [17:15] <nagisama> nichibros still better than nichijou Apr 11 16:16:00 <gAOxI> yeeeeeeeeeeeeeep Apr 11 16:22:55 <KazeHydra> nagi hasn't seen nichijou? Apr 11 16:22:57 <nagisama> no Apr 11 12:49:39 <ecael> Hakase is like the highlight of nichijou to me Apr 11 18:15:45 <Seki> nichijou a disappointment? ._. Apr 11 13:04:52 <Zeke> What's Nichijou? Shauni on Nichijou: + Show Spoiler + Apr 07 18:09:01 <Shauniugu> isnt nichijou terrible slapstick humor Apr 10 11:17:16 <Shauniugu> how come all the females in nichijou are evil sluts kupon3ss Apr 10 14:52:17 <Shauniugu> why are all women cruel sluts in nichijou Apr 10 14:55:01 <Shauniugu> the slapstick in nichijou is only a curtain over the gender sadness in this world Apr 12 15:24:38 <Shauniugu> im glad i didnt watch nichijou though, it seems extremely moe from the op Apr 12 15:34:26 <Shauniugu> popo Nichijou is to me, one of a kind. It emphasizes what seems to be the essence of slapstick comedy, but induces your favorite lighthearted scenario all within the same episode. If you were keen of Lucky Star, Azumanga Daioh, Hidamari Sketch, or Pani Poni Dash, then you would definitely know what I'm talking about. Except, Nichijou, or "EveryDay", takes a twist and turn every now and then to let you know this is not so ordinary, and fro Apr 14 15:00:22 <Shauniugu> ive watched 5 minutes of nichijou and i already hate it [18:07] <Shauniugu> i dont get it [18:07] <Shauniugu> are you guys seriously putting a moeshit kyoani-slapstick-anime [18:08] <Shauniugu> in "ok" tier? [18:08] <Shauniugu> how is it even remotely okay [16:50] <Shauniugu> nichijou so amazing [17:55] <Shauniugu> the slapstick in nichijou is Shauni's mind is an enigma | ||
United States10639 Posts
April 14 2012 22:19 GMT
On April 15 2012 07:11 xAPOCALYPSEx wrote: Poll: IT'S TIME Nichijou (16) Nichibros (Daily Lives of High School Boys) (9) 25 total votes Your vote: IT'S TIME (Vote): Nichijou IRC opinions: + Show Spoiler + [15:01] <gAOxI> Nichijou is good [15:01] <gAOxI> but Nichibros is godly [15:00] <nagisama> nichijou didn't feel that great [15:01] <Vysaga> nagi your taste isn't good enough obv [15:01] <Vysaga> because nichijou is the bomb Apr 11 16:15:39 <nagisama> nichibros still better than nichijou Apr 11 16:15:49 <AP0CALYPSE> [16:15] <nagisama> nichibros still better than nichijou Apr 11 16:15:52 <AP0CALYPSE> nooooooooooooooooooope Apr 11 16:15:58 <gAOxI> [17:15] <nagisama> nichibros still better than nichijou Apr 11 16:16:00 <gAOxI> yeeeeeeeeeeeeeep Apr 11 16:22:55 <KazeHydra> nagi hasn't seen nichijou? Apr 11 16:22:57 <nagisama> no Apr 11 12:49:39 <ecael> Hakase is like the highlight of nichijou to me Apr 11 18:15:45 <Seki> nichijou a disappointment? ._. Apr 11 13:04:52 <Zeke> What's Nichijou? Shauni on Nichijou: + Show Spoiler + Apr 07 18:09:01 <Shauniugu> isnt nichijou terrible slapstick humor Apr 10 11:17:16 <Shauniugu> how come all the females in nichijou are evil sluts kupon3ss Apr 10 14:52:17 <Shauniugu> why are all women cruel sluts in nichijou Apr 10 14:55:01 <Shauniugu> the slapstick in nichijou is only a curtain over the gender sadness in this world Apr 12 15:24:38 <Shauniugu> im glad i didnt watch nichijou though, it seems extremely moe from the op Apr 12 15:34:26 <Shauniugu> popo Nichijou is to me, one of a kind. It emphasizes what seems to be the essence of slapstick comedy, but induces your favorite lighthearted scenario all within the same episode. If you were keen of Lucky Star, Azumanga Daioh, Hidamari Sketch, or Pani Poni Dash, then you would definitely know what I'm talking about. Except, Nichijou, or "EveryDay", takes a twist and turn every now and then to let you know this is not so ordinary, and fro Apr 14 15:00:22 <Shauniugu> ive watched 5 minutes of nichijou and i already hate it [18:07] <Shauniugu> i dont get it [18:07] <Shauniugu> are you guys seriously putting a moeshit kyoani-slapstick-anime [18:08] <Shauniugu> in "ok" tier? [18:08] <Shauniugu> how is it even remotely okay [16:50] <Shauniugu> nichijou so amazing [17:55] <Shauniugu> the slapstick in nichijou is Shauni's mind is an enigma I had no idea people actually liked Nichijou. Odd. | ||
Germany3392 Posts
April 14 2012 22:22 GMT
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