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For currently airing anime, please see Anichart.net
On December 23 2011 08:46 Sentenal wrote: Guilty Crown was REALLY good this week. I am impress. Now I hear its going on a 3 week break or some shit. Is that true? If so, I'm mad. I'll probably be mad until Gundam SEED HD Remaster airs and gets subbed and then I forget all about my rage.
I read it was 12 EP season some where and other places 24. What is the truth. TELL ME THE TRUTH
Where did you read it was 12 eps? Because I'm like 99% sure its 22. I'm more irritated at the (apparent) 3 week break because of the holidays.
On December 23 2011 11:31 NationInArms wrote: What's with all of these weird breaks?
First Fate/Zero, now Guilty Crown...someone's going to feel my wrath in BW tonight >.>
The "break" with F/Z isn't anything alike the break with GC. F/Z's break has been done before with shows like Code Geass and Gundam 00. Guilty Crown's break is because of Holiday programming taking up its normal timeslot. I imagine other shows, not just GC, will be the same.
On December 23 2011 02:18 Requizen wrote: So I was discussing this with some people on Vent the other day, made me think a bit.
Why do you watch anime? Not in a condescending "children's cartoons" tone, but as in, what draws you to it?
The three big things that we focused on were these:
1) Animation style. The art style is generally pleasing to watch (depending on show), simple enough to differentiate characters and places, but can be detailed enough for any art lover to enjoy.
2) Story style. While most American shows (and comics, cartoons, etc), have their characters and long-running timelines, they often don't have an overarching plot, usually just separate arcs based on season that often don't have anything to do with one another. Take Stargate for example. Great show, and there is a plot (stop Goa'uld from taking over the galaxy), but most episodes and sometimes arcs have nothing to do with this. Anime is usually self-contained and follows the story with little to no wandering, one structured plot/story with character development that ties in. This is my favorite, if the wall of text wasn't a clue.
3) This is the tricky one. It sounds sorta racist, but some people like it for the "japanese-y" style. Not as in weeaboo, per se, but they like the style of humor in anime, or the character archetypes, or something like that which is a cultural thing. Anime has a tenancy to "whiplash" tone and emotion. FMA, for example, will go from goofy humor to action to serious plot in the span of a few minutes in some scenes, which isn't something you see often in western shows/animation.
Do these describe why you like anime? Or is it something else?
Anime tends to be larger than life, which is why I prefer it to most normal television shows. Although that applies to American cartoons like Family Guy, where things can happen that just can't happen in a normal sitcom. It's also extremely accessible, which is great.
#2 applies somewhat to me. While I mainly just watch anime for entertainment, I do like the fact that an over-arching plotline exists for most. Also the comedy in anime tends to be a lot different than american television.
There's a whole genre of slice-of-life anime. o_O
None of those are larger than life. I think they're basically about life.
I said "tends to be", not that all of them are. Even then, within the "Slice of Life" genre shows can still be larger than life, unless you think that the floating cat from Azumanga Daioh could actually exist.
Or cat-girls Or squid-girls Or time travel Or alternate realities
All of which from shows considered "Slice of Life".
On December 23 2011 02:18 Requizen wrote: So I was discussing this with some people on Vent the other day, made me think a bit.
Why do you watch anime? Not in a condescending "children's cartoons" tone, but as in, what draws you to it?
The three big things that we focused on were these:
1) Animation style. The art style is generally pleasing to watch (depending on show), simple enough to differentiate characters and places, but can be detailed enough for any art lover to enjoy.
2) Story style. While most American shows (and comics, cartoons, etc), have their characters and long-running timelines, they often don't have an overarching plot, usually just separate arcs based on season that often don't have anything to do with one another. Take Stargate for example. Great show, and there is a plot (stop Goa'uld from taking over the galaxy), but most episodes and sometimes arcs have nothing to do with this. Anime is usually self-contained and follows the story with little to no wandering, one structured plot/story with character development that ties in. This is my favorite, if the wall of text wasn't a clue.
3) This is the tricky one. It sounds sorta racist, but some people like it for the "japanese-y" style. Not as in weeaboo, per se, but they like the style of humor in anime, or the character archetypes, or something like that which is a cultural thing. Anime has a tenancy to "whiplash" tone and emotion. FMA, for example, will go from goofy humor to action to serious plot in the span of a few minutes in some scenes, which isn't something you see often in western shows/animation.
Do these describe why you like anime? Or is it something else?
Anime tends to be larger than life, which is why I prefer it to most normal television shows. Although that applies to American cartoons like Family Guy, where things can happen that just can't happen in a normal sitcom. It's also extremely accessible, which is great.
#2 applies somewhat to me. While I mainly just watch anime for entertainment, I do like the fact that an over-arching plotline exists for most. Also the comedy in anime tends to be a lot different than american television.
There's a whole genre of slice-of-life anime. o_O
None of those are larger than life. I think they're basically about life.
I said "tends to be", not that all of them are. Even then, within the "Slice of Life" genre shows can still be larger than life, unless you think that the floating cat from Azumanga Daioh could actually exist.
Or cat-girls Or squid-girls Or time travel Or alternate realities
All of which from shows considered "Slice of Life".
Oops, I misinterpreted your post before. I thought you said prefer normal T.V. shows to shows larger than life. My bad. >< I'm assuming my post makes no sense when I put it against your post's actual meaning. Oops.
But even so, I think that small details like squid girls in an otherwise mostly normal show doesn't necessarily make it larger than life.
On December 23 2011 08:46 Sentenal wrote: Guilty Crown was REALLY good this week. I am impress. Now I hear its going on a 3 week break or some shit. Is that true? If so, I'm mad. I'll probably be mad until Gundam SEED HD Remaster airs and gets subbed and then I forget all about my rage.
I read it was 12 EP season some where and other places 24. What is the truth. TELL ME THE TRUTH
I'm pretty sure it's 22.
MAL says its 22. But there is gonna be a small break in the middle of full-season animes atm.
if you could recommend series based on what i like it'd be great
Alot of stuff that I liked that you didn't... Well, you liked Black Lagoon, so a clear answer would be Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trail. I see FMA you gave a 7, so you could watch FMA: Brotherhood, which is alot better than the original.
On December 23 2011 02:18 Requizen wrote: So I was discussing this with some people on Vent the other day, made me think a bit.
Why do you watch anime? Not in a condescending "children's cartoons" tone, but as in, what draws you to it?
The three big things that we focused on were these:
1) Animation style. The art style is generally pleasing to watch (depending on show), simple enough to differentiate characters and places, but can be detailed enough for any art lover to enjoy.
2) Story style. While most American shows (and comics, cartoons, etc), have their characters and long-running timelines, they often don't have an overarching plot, usually just separate arcs based on season that often don't have anything to do with one another. Take Stargate for example. Great show, and there is a plot (stop Goa'uld from taking over the galaxy), but most episodes and sometimes arcs have nothing to do with this. Anime is usually self-contained and follows the story with little to no wandering, one structured plot/story with character development that ties in. This is my favorite, if the wall of text wasn't a clue.
3) This is the tricky one. It sounds sorta racist, but some people like it for the "japanese-y" style. Not as in weeaboo, per se, but they like the style of humor in anime, or the character archetypes, or something like that which is a cultural thing. Anime has a tenancy to "whiplash" tone and emotion. FMA, for example, will go from goofy humor to action to serious plot in the span of a few minutes in some scenes, which isn't something you see often in western shows/animation.
Do these describe why you like anime? Or is it something else?
Anime tends to be larger than life, which is why I prefer it to most normal television shows. Although that applies to American cartoons like Family Guy, where things can happen that just can't happen in a normal sitcom. It's also extremely accessible, which is great.
#2 applies somewhat to me. While I mainly just watch anime for entertainment, I do like the fact that an over-arching plotline exists for most. Also the comedy in anime tends to be a lot different than american television.
There's a whole genre of slice-of-life anime. o_O
None of those are larger than life. I think they're basically about life.
I said "tends to be", not that all of them are. Even then, within the "Slice of Life" genre shows can still be larger than life, unless you think that the floating cat from Azumanga Daioh could actually exist.
Or cat-girls Or squid-girls Or time travel Or alternate realities
All of which from shows considered "Slice of Life".
Oops, I misinterpreted your post before. I thought you said prefer normal T.V. shows to shows larger than life. My bad. >< I'm assuming my post makes no sense when I put it against your post's actual meaning. Oops.
But even so, I think that small details like squid girls in an otherwise mostly normal show doesn't necessarily make it larger than life.
Well it kinda made sense. I mean, from it I took that you were trying to say that since the slice of life genre exists then my whole "I like anime because its larger than life" idea would be false since there's an entire genre dedicated to, well, being normal.
The small details really do add up. If you just look at "slice of life" animes within the context of anime only, then yea they're pretty normal. But, compare Ika Musume to something like Friends and you'll see just how large a difference there is between the anime "slice of life" genre and an American sitcom.
Granted not all of them will be larger than life, but the ones I've watched and enjoyed were.
if you could recommend series based on what i like it'd be great
If you liked GTO you could take a look at Shonen Junai Gumai, its pretty short and covers his gang days roughly decent value for your time, but I wouldnt watch it expecting the GTO student problem fixing dynamic obviously. You could try Dennou Coil aswell, doesnt have as sinisterish a vibe as Lain but pretty decent.
Although to be fair you dont seem to like most of the stuff youve seen, so it would be difficult to throw out to many reccs.
Wtf? Not more than 2 days ago, Ryuuto is stabbed 9 times to the point where Amamiya thinks she killed him... he's hospitalized... then suddenly he's out and about visiting Amamiya with Konoha, Touko, and Maki?
>The official website for the previously announced Mobile Suit Gundam Seed HD Remaster project revealed on Friday that the remastered anime will stream on the Bandai Channel website in Japan on December 23. It will then start running on the BS11 satellite channel on January 1 at 7:30 p.m., before airing on the Tokyo MX station on January 3 at 10:29 p.m. Finally, the three Blu-ray Boxes will ship next year on March 23, June 22, and September 21, respectively.
From /m/
I am sad. Its on Youtube right now, but just in 480p. We won't get a TV broadcast (in presumably HD) until January. Youtube stream has english subs. I went ahead and watched it, will rewatch and take screen shot comparisons when the HD raw comes out. I can't be sure, but it seems like they are NOT going the Dragonball Kai route, and just cropping the picture to get it widescreen. The animation itself seems wider, like more stuff was added on the side. So that is a big plus, although it could just be faulty memory on my part. The OP is officially the best OP of the Winter Season. Invoke is back, and just as good as it was back then. The OP even has a few new scenes in it (such as Miguel Orange GINN getting owned my Mwu's Mobius Zero, a brief scene with the Strike 1v4ing above the Earth, and smaller bouncing boobs with a shuttle exploding in the background). The biggest change is that the ED is now a Remix of the original ED. I thought the original ED was just perfect, especially with how it cuts in during the last scene of the episode, so I'm not sure if the new ED fits quiet as well. It also seems like the mechanical detail of various things got stepped up, but I'm not entirely sure. Like, I can notice recoil on the GINNs shooting their rifles, or some spinning stuff around the GINN's eye-camera in a close-up, like its focusing. Maybe I just didn't notice those details the first time.
But what IS clear is that Gundam SEED shits all over Gundam AGE in like every category.