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On November 21 2011 12:36 boon2537 wrote: I just finished Monster...and I don't know what to think about it. The show is certainly very well done, as it kept me on the back of my seat for some time. Still, I think its main conflict is not as grand as some anime like Death Note. After I got like half way through the show, I was expecting to see something like World War 3, only to get somewhat disappointed with the predictable final showdown. Perhaps, I expected too much, as many people say that it's the "masterpiece."
Now, I need to watch a lighthearted moe to tame the monster within me
Did you really just say that Monster's problem is that it isn't as "grand" as Death Note? And you expected to see WW3? In fuckin Monster? What the hell am I even reading....
Well, that's just my opinion on it. I know many people would disagree and I respect that. And, to be fair, + Show Spoiler +
when some general hinted like in the half way of the show that Johan's goal is to see the destruction of human race and that Johan is getting financial power and political influence, these details really made me falsely expect to see Johan starting WW3.
But still, WW3 in Monster would've been o.O for the type of anime it was
On November 21 2011 10:36 Sentenal wrote: Apparently, me and Ecael are by far the most wordy posters in the ADT. Spazer has the actual numbers, he posted them on IRC.
In terms of total number of words, it goes from me, then Ecael, then huge gap, then Ferrose lol. Within the top 10, Blasty (unsurprisingly) has the lowest words per post of anyone in the top 10.
How do you get these numbers? O?O Do you just not have a life and manually count them? (jk)
I'm thoroughly perplexed as to why you need librtmp (among other things) to text parse a forum thread.
On November 21 2011 16:44 Ferrose wrote: Catching up to Haganai (and other airing animes) finally.
Kukuku...Kobato is too good.
Kobato is the greatest.
Take Kuroneko, insert loli, get Kobato. I'd rather not bother tracing Kuroneko back.
While I don't think there is anything wrong with liking lolis and feel that Kobato is one of the few reasons to endure the suffering that is Haganai. Seriously boring if you can't turn off your brain. I thought this genre required a little bit of thinking.
On November 21 2011 10:36 Sentenal wrote: Apparently, me and Ecael are by far the most wordy posters in the ADT. Spazer has the actual numbers, he posted them on IRC. In terms of total number of words, it goes from me, then Ecael, then huge gap, then Ferrose lol. Within the top 10, Blasty (unsurprisingly) has the lowest words per post of anyone in the top 10.
That's quite surprising. I'd have thought Uta would have been relatively high up. Although his average is probably dragged down by his posts consisting only of his screencaps with modified subtitles.
Of the 1K+ club, Southlight has the lowest total words, but still manages to beat Blasty the Quality Poster in terms of words per post.
I am sure if we take recent posts only, even Blast would beat Uta.
On November 21 2011 17:13 Limpo wrote: One Piece, The best anime that is!
I think some people in here would like to have a word with you...
Words of agreement.
On November 21 2011 18:58 Southlight wrote: Re-watching Gundam Seed marathon-mode makes me appreciate some of the themes more, hahah.
I've been wanting to rewatch SEED myself recently, but when I saw that SEED HD was going to be coming out soon, I decided to just put it off till then.
Keima looking so down and then we get that nice scene with Diana/Tenri. I am glad that the cheesy line Keima planned for Ayumi didnt work out right away. Serves him right to get that kick
Keima looking so down and then we get that nice scene with Diana/Tenri. I am glad that the cheesy line Keima planned for Ayumi didnt work out right away. Serves him right to get that kick
Yeah he deserved it hope this won't be fixed as easily as the chapter implied. I really want him to ponder on what he did for a little while at least xD. Diana putting Tenri into Keima's (occupied) bathtub was a hilarious move too. Diana is so much better than Tenri character-wise
Keima looking so down and then we get that nice scene with Diana/Tenri. I am glad that the cheesy line Keima planned for Ayumi didnt work out right away. Serves him right to get that kick
Yeah he deserved it hope this won't be fixed as easily as the chapter implied. I really want him to ponder on what he did for a little while at least xD. Diana putting Tenri into Keima's (occupied) bathtub was a hilarious move too. Diana is so much better than Tenri character-wise
Keima looking so down and then we get that nice scene with Diana/Tenri. I am glad that the cheesy line Keima planned for Ayumi didnt work out right away. Serves him right to get that kick
Yeah he deserved it hope this won't be fixed as easily as the chapter implied. I really want him to ponder on what he did for a little while at least xD. Diana putting Tenri into Keima's (occupied) bathtub was a hilarious move too. Diana is so much better than Tenri character-wise
Keima might be one of the most developed characters out there right now. I love this manga so much.
But honestly, how do you come back from all that with Ayumi? She just about hates him right now, he's going to have to go into full-on Light style planning mode to get this worked out.
Keima looking so down and then we get that nice scene with Diana/Tenri. I am glad that the cheesy line Keima planned for Ayumi didnt work out right away. Serves him right to get that kick
Yeah he deserved it hope this won't be fixed as easily as the chapter implied. I really want him to ponder on what he did for a little while at least xD. Diana putting Tenri into Keima's (occupied) bathtub was a hilarious move too. Diana is so much better than Tenri character-wise
Keima might be one of the most developed characters out there right now. I love this manga so much.
But honestly, how do you come back from all that with Ayumi? She just about hates him right now, he's going to have to go into full-on Light style planning mode to get this worked out.
Use the Quick Load button obviously.....but seriously I guess when you screw up the parameters the only thing you can rely on is events for parameter jumps I mean if you manage your events right some bad decision can be ignored....
Keima looking so down and then we get that nice scene with Diana/Tenri. I am glad that the cheesy line Keima planned for Ayumi didnt work out right away. Serves him right to get that kick
Yeah he deserved it hope this won't be fixed as easily as the chapter implied. I really want him to ponder on what he did for a little while at least xD. Diana putting Tenri into Keima's (occupied) bathtub was a hilarious move too. Diana is so much better than Tenri character-wise
Keima might be one of the most developed characters out there right now. I love this manga so much.
But honestly, how do you come back from all that with Ayumi? She just about hates him right now, he's going to have to go into full-on Light style planning mode to get this worked out.
Use the Quick Load button obviously.....but seriously I guess when you screw up the parameters the only thing you can rely on is events for parameter jumps I mean if you manage your events right some bad decision can be ignored....
and let's be honest. If anyone can manage to achieve harem end without bad ending, it's Keima. He knows every trick in the book game and will definitely find the correct event for a parameter jump to cover up for this temporary loss regarding Ayumi. But it looks like he somehow managed to get himself onto Tenri route without realizing it. I agree Diana>Tenri though and would love to see actual Diana route explored some. Still waiting for Haqua to return to his harem.
Keima looking so down and then we get that nice scene with Diana/Tenri. I am glad that the cheesy line Keima planned for Ayumi didnt work out right away. Serves him right to get that kick
Yeah he deserved it hope this won't be fixed as easily as the chapter implied. I really want him to ponder on what he did for a little while at least xD. Diana putting Tenri into Keima's (occupied) bathtub was a hilarious move too. Diana is so much better than Tenri character-wise
Keima might be one of the most developed characters out there right now. I love this manga so much.
But honestly, how do you come back from all that with Ayumi? She just about hates him right now, he's going to have to go into full-on Light style planning mode to get this worked out.
Use the Quick Load button obviously.....but seriously I guess when you screw up the parameters the only thing you can rely on is events for parameter jumps I mean if you manage your events right some bad decision can be ignored....
and let's be honest. If anyone can manage to achieve harem end without bad ending, it's Keima. He knows every trick in the book game and will definitely find the correct event for a parameter jump to cover up for this temporary loss regarding Ayumi. But it looks like he somehow managed to get himself onto Tenri route without realizing it. I agree Diana>Tenri though and would love to see actual Diana route explored some. Still waiting for Haqua to return to his harem.
On November 22 2011 07:59 Requizen wrote: Alright, friends are bugging the crap out of me to get on the Index/Railgun bandwagon. Anime or Manga better?
well Railgun sucks less ( because it got no Touma) and you should take the anime.