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After having heard so much about Madoka (really, just "madoka" a lot) I decided to watch some.
First episode was weird.
At first it was like the opening credits, except it wasn't. Then it was like Azumanga Daioh but not, and then it was like Lucky Star, but also not. Then some chick sprayed a fire extinguisher full of LSD and shit got all trippy.
On September 29 2011 20:02 tofucake wrote: After having heard so much about Madoka (really, just "madoka" a lot) I decided to watch some.
First episode was weird.
At first it was like the opening credits, except it wasn't. Then it was like Azumanga Daioh but not, and then it was like Lucky Star, but also not. Then some chick sprayed a fire extinguisher full of LSD and shit got all trippy.
Then it was over.
Also the OP has a techno version, goes well with the LSD
On September 29 2011 20:02 tofucake wrote: After having heard so much about Madoka (really, just "madoka" a lot) I decided to watch some.
First episode was weird.
At first it was like the opening credits, except it wasn't. Then it was like Azumanga Daioh but not, and then it was like Lucky Star, but also not. Then some chick sprayed a fire extinguisher full of LSD and shit got all trippy.
On September 29 2011 20:02 tofucake wrote: After having heard so much about Madoka (really, just "madoka" a lot) I decided to watch some.
First episode was weird.
At first it was like the opening credits, except it wasn't. Then it was like Azumanga Daioh but not, and then it was like Lucky Star, but also not. Then some chick sprayed a fire extinguisher full of LSD and shit got all trippy.
Then it was over.
It's one awesome ride from start to finish, and easily one of the top anime of this year. Your 288 minutes of your life will be well spent
and my photobucket account is saved... i went up 15% in a matter of like 1 hour.. but with it being on the previous page, it should just drop off dramatically.
On September 29 2011 20:02 tofucake wrote: After having heard so much about Madoka (really, just "madoka" a lot) I decided to watch some.
First episode was weird.
At first it was like the opening credits, except it wasn't. Then it was like Azumanga Daioh but not, and then it was like Lucky Star, but also not. Then some chick sprayed a fire extinguisher full of LSD and shit got all trippy.
Then it was over.
This is a relatively accurate representation of what Madoka looks like as the series progresses. It doesn't really spoil the plot details, but I've spoiled the picture anyway. Also, it's kinda large.
nice man i got a handful of "draw anime" pdfs from torrent, hopefully they will have some tips in them i just wanna learn loli & chibi so i can do fun cartoons not really sure how to do it other than copy a load of pix until i start having some revelations ("proportions/sizing/distances is number one key nomatter what", "adding careful detail eg to hair and clothes is key") like idk how to draw eyes for instance (i mean i can do it, just not too sure what im doing), imma just have to copy loads of eyes until i realise how not to fuck them up!
as for your pix CrAzzYmr, i think the head or hairline needs to be slightly higher . i read that listed as one of the top beginner mistakes
maybe i will make a "draw anime" thread somewhere since i dont keep track of this thread :D
On September 29 2011 22:41 FFGenerations wrote: nice man i got a handful of "draw anime" pdfs from torrent, hopefully they will have some tips in them i just wanna learn loli & chibi so i can do fun cartoons not really sure how to do it other than copy a load of pix until i start having some revelations ("proportions/sizing/distances is number one key nomatter what", "adding careful detail eg to hair and clothes is key") like idk how to draw eyes for instance (i mean i can do it, just not too sure what im doing), imma just have to copy loads of eyes until i realise how not to fuck them up!
as for your pix CrAzzYmr, i think the head or hairline needs to be slightly higher . i read that listed as one of the top beginner mistakes
maybe i will make a "draw anime" thread somewhere since i dont keep track of this thread :D
ya proportions and sizing I have alot of trouble with. thanks for the feed back. I didn't want to make to big of a forehead so it was kinda small. i'll keep that in mind. just gotta keep practicing :p
On September 29 2011 16:25 Southlight wrote: Eca, for whatever reason Makina route just gives me goosebumps. It's so warm and cuddly but there's like this bizarre, sick, twisted feeling I get from seeing the father-daughter-mother relationship :|
It is that fucked up relationship getting veiled behind MC-Makina behavior, just so much wtf all around.
On September 29 2011 16:25 Southlight wrote: Eca, for whatever reason Makina route just gives me goosebumps. It's so warm and cuddly but there's like this bizarre, sick, twisted feeling I get from seeing the father-daughter-mother relationship :|
It is that fucked up relationship getting veiled behind MC-Makina behavior, just so much wtf all around.
Makina, if I recall is the imouto archetype chara right? haven't gotten around reading there yet
On September 29 2011 01:57 EchOne wrote: On vulcans fixed to Gundams: I believe the RX-78-2's 60mm vulcans were the first weapons ever used by a Gundam on TV. At the time they offered the benefits of being fixed, fast, replete with ammo, and sporting enough firepower to seriously deter enemies that were armored only with a steel alloy. I don't know enough to say much about whether fixed vulcans are consequential for later Gundams, but at the very least we can consider it a kind of tradition in Gundam design akin to the V-fin.
In a real life analogue, modern combat aircraft still carry vulcans. Compared to its WW2 predecessors, the F-22 is far less likely to strafe ground targets or get in vulcan dogfights deep within missile range, but it still carries a 20mm vulcan. I suppose when push comes to shove, there can be times when the vulcan is your last prayer.
In addition to what Southlight said, they do have their uses, sorta. Although, I don't remember Unicorn's Vulcan damaging the Sinanju, I don't doubt it happened. The big question is whether the Unicorn was in NT-D mode when it used it, because apparently the Unicorn has a beam vulcan cannon that is only usable in NT-D mode. Otherwise the Vulcan is just the normal 60mm vulcan that the Original had. Also, what was the extent of the damage? Most of the time when a Vulcan is used, it causes light damage to a vulnerable part of a mobile suit, like destroying the main camera or something, but I don't remember seeing the vulcan actually take down a mobile suit.
Unless it was in the novels and hasn't been animated yet, the Unicorn has only fought Sinanju twice, the only time it fired it's 60mm vulcan (one attached to the head), it either missed, or didn't even scratch Sinanju's paint.
On September 29 2011 23:20 Southlight wrote: I said it has the ability to. It was evaded.
Oh, so it was avoided? Well, then that begs the question as to how much damage it would have inflicted. Dodging implies that it would have done damage, but the question is just how much. Again, I suspect it would probably maybe cause minor damage that would be an annoyance in a fight, but nothing life threatening probably. Unless it was that beam vulcan cannon, that would probably kill him lol
On September 29 2011 20:02 tofucake wrote: After having heard so much about Madoka (really, just "madoka" a lot) I decided to watch some.
First episode was weird.
At first it was like the opening credits, except it wasn't. Then it was like Azumanga Daioh but not, and then it was like Lucky Star, but also not. Then some chick sprayed a fire extinguisher full of LSD and shit got all trippy.
Then it was over.
Just wait until episode 3 D:
ep 3 is ridiculously overhyped despite being very meh -_-
On September 29 2011 20:02 tofucake wrote: After having heard so much about Madoka (really, just "madoka" a lot) I decided to watch some.
First episode was weird.
At first it was like the opening credits, except it wasn't. Then it was like Azumanga Daioh but not, and then it was like Lucky Star, but also not. Then some chick sprayed a fire extinguisher full of LSD and shit got all trippy.
On September 29 2011 20:02 tofucake wrote: After having heard so much about Madoka (really, just "madoka" a lot) I decided to watch some.
First episode was weird.
At first it was like the opening credits, except it wasn't. Then it was like Azumanga Daioh but not, and then it was like Lucky Star, but also not. Then some chick sprayed a fire extinguisher full of LSD and shit got all trippy.
Then it was over.
Just wait until episode 3 D:
ep 3 is ridiculously overhyped despite being very meh -_-
On September 30 2011 02:59 Carnivorous Sheep wrote:
On September 29 2011 21:40 Nemesis wrote:
On September 29 2011 20:02 tofucake wrote: After having heard so much about Madoka (really, just "madoka" a lot) I decided to watch some.
First episode was weird.
At first it was like the opening credits, except it wasn't. Then it was like Azumanga Daioh but not, and then it was like Lucky Star, but also not. Then some chick sprayed a fire extinguisher full of LSD and shit got all trippy.
Then it was over.
Just wait until episode 3 D:
ep 3 is ridiculously overhyped despite being very meh -_-
On September 30 2011 02:59 Carnivorous Sheep wrote:
On September 29 2011 21:40 Nemesis wrote:
On September 29 2011 20:02 tofucake wrote: After having heard so much about Madoka (really, just "madoka" a lot) I decided to watch some.
First episode was weird.
At first it was like the opening credits, except it wasn't. Then it was like Azumanga Daioh but not, and then it was like Lucky Star, but also not. Then some chick sprayed a fire extinguisher full of LSD and shit got all trippy.
Then it was over.
Just wait until episode 3 D:
ep 3 is ridiculously overhyped despite being very meh -_-