[Manga] One Piece - Page 715
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This is a thread that is dedicated to discussing One Piece. Do not read this thread if you are not currently caught up as there are spoilers in here. If an episode or a chapter has already been officially released, then it is not necessary to post using spoilers. If you have knowledge on a chapter that has not been officially released yet, do NOT post it in this thread. Ignoring this public note will result in a mod action. | ||
United States12398 Posts
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Canada6518 Posts
IMO Luffy/Zoro>Sanji>Franky/Robin>Usopp>>Brook/Nami>>>>Chopper Though I agree with Sentenal Strawhats have no bad members. I would however like this Usopp fight to get cut short from here. No more flashbacks(Unless it shows how Zoro fucked up his eye or Robin meeting Dragon) Cut short Usopp's fight and maybe let Sanji have some redemption and kick some ass, that or show Zoro owning faces. | ||
France10239 Posts
Usopp's fight is the fulcrum for the arc right now. EVERYTHING is riding on him knocking out Sugar. In the blink of an eye, the DD family will be dealt a huge blow: Kyros comes back and starts owning everything, every toy becomes an ally vs DD, everyone on Dressrosa remembers the toys, Robin comes back, etc. His fight is so important and pivotal, but let's be honest, he's the underdog right here. Trebol is top three in the DD family and Usopp isn't top three of the SH. Not to mention that Usopp is essentially 2 v 1. This fight is so amazingly stacked and so much is riding on it. Usopp is going to go all-out, which we haven't seen him do since his fight against Perona. Usopp going all-out is the best kind of Usopp. I don't give a crap about Sanji, Zoro, Luffy or anyone else at the moment. At this point I'm reasonably certain that Luffy is being forced to sit tight by Viola, that Zoro hasn't figured out how to get rid of Pica yet and that Sanji has already destroyed half of big mam's ship. I just want to see Usopp shine. Just can't wait. Usopp you're amazing. | ||
Canada6518 Posts
On March 21 2014 14:22 Incognoto wrote: I am waiting for Usopp's fight with amazing anticipation. To each his own but you guys are getting it all wrong. Usopp's fight is the fulcrum for the arc right now. EVERYTHING is riding on him knocking out Sugar. In the blink of an eye, the DD family will be dealt a huge blow: Kyros comes back and starts owning everything, every toy becomes an ally vs DD, everyone on Dressrosa remembers the toys, Robin comes back, etc. His fight is so important and pivotal, but let's be honest, he's the underdog right here. Trebol is top three in the DD family and Usopp isn't top three of the SH. Not to mention that Usopp is essentially 2 v 1. This fight is so amazingly stacked and so much is riding on it. Usopp is going to go all-out, which we haven't seen him do since his fight against Perona. Usopp going all-out is the best kind of Usopp. I don't give a crap about Sanji, Zoro, Luffy or anyone else at the moment. At this point I'm reasonably certain that Luffy is being forced to sit tight by Viola, that Zoro hasn't figured out how to get rid of Pica yet and that Sanji has already destroyed half of big mam's ship. I just want to see Usopp shine. Just can't wait. Usopp you're amazing. Like I said I do like Usopp, and yes everything is riding on him knocking out sugar. But just like you said everything is actually going to start when he does knock out sugar. So I personally can't wait for him to knock her out then get the real fun started. Serious Usopp is awesome and cool, but there is too much going on for me to want to see him more then other's. | ||
France10239 Posts
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44023 Posts
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6007 Posts
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France10239 Posts
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United States980 Posts
Pretimeskip it was chopper fights strong opponent he is owning him/ or coming out decently even, o no 3 minutes have past chopper now can't do shit. He is the one I really want to see backed in a corner so we can see how well that goes. | ||
Germany5364 Posts
Poll: Best crew member Zoro (8) Luffy (3) Franky (3) Sanji (2) Robin (2) Brook (2) Usopp (1) Vivi (1) Chopper (1) Nami (0) Kinemon (0) 23 total votes Your vote: Best crew member (Vote): Luffy Poll: Second best crew member Luffy (5) Nami (2) Zorro (1) Sanjui (1) Jinbei (1) Choppa (1) Robiland (1) Furanky (1) Usop (0) Book (0) Kinmon (0) 13 total votes Your vote: Second best crew member (Vote): Luffy Poll: Least good/worst crew member Sogekiko (4) Get to da choppa (3) Mr. Corpse (2) Narni (1) Artist formerly known as Prince (1) Who cares (1) That from that Mecha anime (1) Ruffdy (0) Zork (0) Morticia Adams (0) Zabuza (0) 13 total votes Your vote: Least good/worst crew member (Vote): Ruffdy That's all I have to say right now. | ||
44023 Posts
On March 21 2014 23:51 Serejai wrote: Nami > Robin > Vivi > Zoro > Luffy > Everyone else >>> Chopper More like Pre-Timeskip: Nami > Zoro/Luffy > Sanji > Everybody else aside from Brook After Timeskip : Zoro > Jinbei > Luffy > Franky/Chopper > Usopp/Robin > Nami wasn't as impactful as before timeskip > Sanji/Brook are just so annoying nowadays. | ||
Sweden879 Posts
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Canada1884 Posts
Zoro > Luffy > Everyone else >>>>Franky Is basically my list. | ||
1073 Posts
Ussop is annoying as fuck and i wish they left him on W7. Nami > Sanji if u put on hentai goggles Chopper doesnt really do anything besides be periodically annoying as f. Zoro is just fucking badass. Franky doesnt really have too much for me to be attached to but is good. Luffy cos luffy. Brook because i cried like a bitch at remembering laboon and i loved that yohohoho anime song. | ||
6007 Posts
On March 22 2014 01:08 goody153 wrote: More like Pre-Timeskip: Nami > Zoro/Luffy > Sanji > Everybody else aside from Brook After Timeskip : Zoro > Jinbei > Luffy > Franky/Chopper > Usopp/Robin > Nami wasn't as impactful as before timeskip > Sanji/Brook are just so annoying nowadays. Nonsense. After the timeskip the value of Nami and Robin... grows. | ||
Sweden1637 Posts
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593 Posts
The only thing that really keeps me into OP is seeing how the world that has been created by Oda expands out as the story progress's. Characters like Doflamingo, Blackbeard, the world government etc are my main interest. The strawhats are just the medium to show these things in my eyes. | ||
Sweden1637 Posts
On March 22 2014 05:49 shark. wrote: Honestly the only strawhat who I'm actually interested in is Sanji. The rest are a bore. It seems that the only character development they get is through flashbacks. No personality development. They are all basically the same as when they are first introduced apart from the odd bit in a fight which is quickly forgotten. The only thing that really keeps me into OP is seeing how the world that has been created by Oda expands out as the story progress's. Characters like Doflamingo, Blackbeard, the world government etc are my main interest. The strawhats are just the medium to show these things in my eyes. I agree on the latter part. But dont forget that Robin is actually the key to solving many of the intriguing mysteries in the story. Im waiting for the Revolutionaries to finaly enter the game. After Doflamingo goes down i probably wont have much interest in the series for a while. Oda has spent over a decade building up some of the Villains, and once Doflamingo drops there is pretty much only BB and the WG left. | ||
United States980 Posts
If she is indeed lola's mom then big mam has been built up since thriller bark. Even longer if you count when garp first mentioned the yonkou back in water7 and it was implied that the yonkou all had the strength to rival each other and whitebeard had already been hyped before we knew he was a yonkou. | ||
Germany5364 Posts
On March 22 2014 05:49 shark. wrote: Honestly the only strawhat who I'm actually interested in is Sanji. The rest are a bore. It seems that the only character development they get is through flashbacks. No personality development. They are all basically the same as when they are first introduced apart from the odd bit in a fight which is quickly forgotten. The only thing that really keeps me into OP is seeing how the world that has been created by Oda expands out as the story progress's. Characters like Doflamingo, Blackbeard, the world government etc are my main interest. The strawhats are just the medium to show these things in my eyes. Sadly I have to agree. Usopp still ran at first like a coward until he literally heard the screams of the people he left behind. Sanji even got worse with his behavior towards women. For the rest we didn't really have many character moments. Zoro fighting against Monet with Tashigi's help was the biggest one that comes to mind. A nice change is that Chopper hasn't tried to hide himself yet when meeting new people, which he did before timeskip. Luffy also seems to be a bit more serious than before. Aside from that all we've seen is a few new combat tricks, it feels to me. That's why Water 7/Enie's Lobby is still the best arc of OP. It had all the best character moments. Usopp being resourceful, Franky crying manly tears, Sanji behaving less awkward, Chopper choosing to turn into an uncontrollable beast out of desperation, Robin breaking into tears. Its so much better than the whole crew run around as one group, then they split up and everyone gets one enemy to fight and then Luffy beats the big bad guy. Which roughly was how Alabasta and Skypiea and Fishman Island went. I hope he does one arc like Water 7 again. I don't think it will be Dressrosa though. | ||
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