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On August 08 2013 16:23 DarkLordOlli wrote: I like the new character looks a lot better than their old ones. It scales well with how wild and distinct all the important people in the world look. As for Nami... yeah I can get behind that + Show Spoiler +
Meh. For me Franky looks so stupidly misproportioned that I hate his new model, it was just too much.
On August 07 2013 18:13 Shikyo wrote: "I kind of wonder why the factory is under the colosseum."
The toysoldier was pursued until he stepped into the collosseum zone and the marines seemingly can't just go in to capture their targets, but have to wait outside until they come out. The collosseum is probably a zone, where government law does not apply. That explains, why the Marines never took action against Dofla's factory. It's off their legal limits.
also i think the Colloseum may even be used as bait to gather people to toy-ify
Could very well be, considering the lady says it's not uncommon to be without a husband/unmarried. I'd say it's safe to assume that most of the champions of the colosseum are men by now, so it seems plausible.
plus the factory is under the colloseuam and the lsoers are mysteriously missing
i think the new looks are all pretty well done, some better than others. except franky. looks so stupid D:
i think he looks fine with the buzz cut he oringially had woth the hair its just too much
Franky looks pretty awesome now in my opinion actually. He made the old Franky look weak. By the way, does he still use Cola as power source? I see him eating and drinking now, he didn't do that before.
just my opinion: luffy: should have been a bit taller chopper: good brooke: freaky..but ok ^^ zoro: goddamn badass sanji: good robin: good usopp: good nami: ok..dunno, maybe a bit too much fanservice? just like with hancock franky: :x
Nami and Robin are kind of overdone. I like Sanji and Zoro, along with Chopper and Brook. Luffy looks awkward but it might be the anime as he looks normal in the manga.
One of my biggest problems isn't so much Nami, but rather Oda's single design for an "attractive woman".
Seriously. Face swap Boa, Nami, Robin, Margeritte, Vivi, Nojiko, Baby5, Bonney, Kalifa, etc etc etc and you'll see that there's really no difference. I mean, ffs Rebecca the gladiator is just another ribless, size 0 E-cup.
The men in One Piece have enormous variety in design. The women either have 1 design if they're "attractive" or something really warped if they're not. Hancock's crew and island was, is and will be the only time I've seen variety in women in One Piece. It's probably my only gripe with the series.
On August 09 2013 22:31 bittman wrote: One of my biggest problems isn't so much Nami, but rather Oda's single design for an "attractive woman".
Seriously. Face swap Boa, Nami, Robin, Margeritte, Vivi, Nojiko, Baby5, Bonney, Kalifa, etc etc etc and you'll see that there's really no difference. I mean, ffs Rebecca the gladiator is just another ribless, size 0 E-cup.
The men in One Piece have enormous variety in design. The women either have 1 design if they're "attractive" or something really warped if they're not. Hancock's crew and island was, is and will be the only time I've seen variety in women in One Piece. It's probably my only gripe with the series.
Oda used to say that he is not good with drawing woman. He thinks they all turn out the same when he draws them.
old luffy was very lanky. i actually prefer the new luffy. i actualy like the new looks for every character except usopp. his new body and facial hair doesnt suit his personality, which to me is the same as when he first appeared in the manga/anime
I don't mind the post timeskip character designs, only person that bothers me is Robin, not because of her increasing boobsize but somethings just wrong about her face ever since the timeskip, maybe it's the same and having no bangs anymore made a huge difference.
I think Robin should have been the last Nakama. i dont want more Strawhats, because more crewmates means less time for each character. There was much more humorous interactions between the characters back when the crew was smaller, like alabasta arc.
Also, Franky and Brook suck. Brook is as hollow as his skeletal body: panties and skull jokes, no personality. Franky is just annoying and his stupid posing and his "SUPER FRANKY MEGA BOOM BOOM" jargong was never funny.
just my opinion: luffy: should have been a bit taller chopper: good brooke: freaky..but ok ^^ zoro: goddamn badass sanji: good robin: good usopp: good nami: ok..dunno, maybe a bit too much fanservice? just like with hancock franky: :x
This is a great example of the many moments where the badass level went above 9000. As for the guy saying the old designs aren't manly...I question your judgement of what's manly. Nothing so far is as manly as this.