On May 20 2019 13:34 Sermokala wrote: Yes out of all the canidates they went with the worst possible one. The guy who doesn't follow the local religion Doesn't belong to a local house and won't have a succession plan.
It's like the allies after WW1 decided to create on purpose WW2.
I'm not angry with the ending surprisingly. I'm so frustrated and confused I don't know how to feel.
They ever consider how allowing the North to secede just like that would set a bad precedent for the Iron Isles and Dorne that only creates more strife? Oh wait, D&D don't bother with the politics.
They forgot that the Iron Isles aren't counted among the 7 kingdoms. If the north secedes but the ironborn join, that still makes 7 kingdoms, not 6. Yara was there for a reason, right? She acted like they were part of the new council to choose the king.
She very clearly rejoined the fold by bowing to Dany. Her purpose was to be part of the Dany loyal faction that wanted blood.
Right, which means Bran is the king of the 7 kingdoms. They aren't down to 6 even with the north leaving.
Well, it ended. Now we can move on. Maybe with proper build up this ending will be decent... but still not good. Hopefully GRRM will change it somehow, if he ever finish his books, that is.
Was pretty fun to see them vote Brann as King. And i mean funny because it's bad. Like, they had people vote him as King that should not even be voting? But then again noone seemed to care or know themselves which vote would count. Now that would not be my biggest problem, but appartenly Greyworm is mad enough to kill prisoners of war and everything but not mad enough to kill the guy that killed his queen because 10 random people voted on a new King.
Remember that scene with Meera leaving after getting Bran back and he’s like “l8r g8r” and she goes “really? Jojen died for this shit. Summer and Hodor died for this shit. Why are you such a dick Bran” only for him to explain that Bran is gone and he’s some weird Children of the Forest thing possessing Bran’s corpse?
I don’t think the writers remembered that. This is some Lost shit all over again.
I think this episode was terrible because the politics were completely unconvincing. Why are a bunch of people there just sitting listening to Tyrion, who was apparently carried there to be executed. And Tyrion tells them how the Seven Kingdoms should be ruled from thereon. And they all listen to Tyrion. Except for Sansa. But everyone is ok with that. And that is absurd, because of those there with an actual army, only Sansa actually wants Bran to be king, I mean, she is ok with the Starks being in control of King's Landing, right? Even if it's not her? I couldn't really tell to be honest, and I don't know if it was supposed to be that way.
And not only is that absurd. They surrounded that scene, where they should already be worried about the audience buying it, with jokes. A joke with this guy I don't even recognize who he is anymore, but he must be Edmure Tully, talking and then being shut down and him then hitting his sword against the post of the tent. Only to continue with Sam proposing democracy, and everyone just laughing in his face. And all the while Grey Worm is standing there, and he seems to be in control, and he says he wants vengeance. But then suddenly he is ok with it all.
And this in a universe that has been completely cutthroat and backstabby and just saw the capital completely burned down.
And then they force Jon to 'take the black' even though the writers have Jon himself question why there even would be a Nights Watch (a basic trick that writer seem to think solves any plot hole. Just have someone in the story point out the plot hole and it apparently no longer is one.) And this has to be because this is the only way Grey Worm is ok with them not executing Jon. Why? If Grey Worm is in control and Jon lost, why is everyone else voting on who gets to be king? And if Grey Worm lost and his queen is dead and they are fleeing back to Essos, what does it matter that Grey Worm wants revenge?
And I guess the moral of the story is that Bran manipulated Jon into telling Daenerys and Sansa about his parents, so that Daenerys would burn down KL, Jon would kill Daenerys. All so Bran himself could be king. I mean, this is literally what the story says us. If Bran hadn't told Jon, Daenerys wouldn't have burned down Kings Landing. So the big bad is not the Night King or Daenerys. It was actually Bran because Bran deviously manipulated everyone, with an economy of words of absurd proportions, so he would become king. And he was only able to do so because he can change the past and see the future. I thought this was a plot hole, but they put in a scene where Bran and Jon deliberately talked about this.
What I also find strange is how the writers on the one side can milk the audience for emotion by visually portraying the devastation of the city so well. But then they just keep staying in King's Landing. Just compare that with Manhattan during 911 or even the atom bombs of the firebombings. It makes a city completely unlivable. The stench of all those people in the rubble will be horrendous and the cleanup will take a long time. And no one will actually want to clean up KL. It could be the end of the city. And why is there room for jokes all over? It is like the people writing the dialogue haven't seen the scenes all the people in KL being burned. Why isn't everyone deeply depressed? It is like they lost a football match in a horrible way, but a new match is coming up and now the result of the old one doesn't matter anymore. And then having a council meeting about how the rest of the Seven Kingdoms, those places that do have rulers, taxes, farmlands, armies, paying to have the complete ghost town that is King's Landing rebuild didn't help (if I was able to ignore the jokes).
The only good scenes in this entire episode was with Daenerys and Jon. That looked like Daenerys genuinely using a lot of charm to convince Jon of her position. I think the emotion she expressed was very well done. I mean, she should feel elated, in a way, but she should also know what Jon thinks. I think that was a very believable performance. Not sure about Jon's. Jon just kept giving the dumb line 'She is my queen' to Tyrion. I don't get that Jon never tried to debate with Daenerys. If he still had hope about changing her back into how he viewed her, why didn't he try to find that in Daenerys? And if he never believed in that anymore, why did he even come? Maybe I am being a bit too critical here, because this was actually good. I would have loved a "Why" from Daenerys lips as she died, though. And I thought it was silly that Drogon burned the Iron Throne. Silly symbolism that the show doesn't need.
I can kind of suspend disbelief in Daenerys never considering Jon as a traitor and have him walk around armed, have him meet Tyrion (why would you want two enemies to be able to meet and conspire?), But that was really stretching it.
Alll the scenes about paying off things like Brienne writing about Jaime, Tyrion leading the council. Sansa getting her dick hard because her bannermen lift swords and cheer "Queen in the north" to her. Sam bringing the book, Arya going to travel west, that didn't really do anything for me. They should have cut out all those scenes. All we needed to know was that Jon killed Daenerys and that he wasn't going to claim the throne. They could have had him ride out of King's Landing before anyone knew what was happening, and end the story there and then and leave everything else open. I think that would have been better.
I don't know if this was the worst episode. But probably bottom 3, and maybe because it was the last one. It was really strange how the first part of the episode was really good. But the mood of the second part, the epilogue was corny, clumsily put together, and absurd.
On May 20 2019 14:10 KwarK wrote: Remember that scene with Meera leaving after getting Bran back and he’s like “l8r g8r” and she goes “really? Jojen died for this shit. Summer and Hodor died for this shit. Why are you such a dick Bran” only for him to explain that Bran is gone and he’s some weird Children of the Forest thing possessing Bran’s corpse?
The whole episode was corny as hell, had me cringing the entire time. I have to agree that Dany + Jon was the only highlight of the episode, I think she did a great job of playing the insane girlfriend with her speech and facial expressions.
I guess other than that it was lowlights, but the ones that stuck out to me most were Grey Worm just being like "okay, go ahead and pick a king then even though whoever you pick is obviously gonna free Jon," then Tyrion giving a speech about how he's fucked up so many times he's not qualified to do anything, but then lays down some sacred ritual about choosing Kings at that exact spot forever after, then Jon for some reason has to go back to the wall because "it's the only way," Sansa makes a big deal out of apologizing about it, but the last Unsullied are on boats (where did they get yet another massive fleet so quickly?) back to Essos before Jon is even halfway out of Kings Landing. It was just...bizarre.
On May 20 2019 13:11 KadaverBB wrote: The entire speech tyrion gave to the lords about Bran being the 3-eyed raven and everything must have sounded completely ridiculous to most of them.
There are actually many lines of dialogue this season where one character assumes the other character knows what the audience knows (Like Daenerys telling Sansa she knows what Sansa went through, when she has no idea). But even here, the audience, who watched Bran go beyond the wall and do all this stuff, don't know what this "Three eyed raven"-thing really is. I guess Bran and Tyrion did have a long talk, where they cut away.
On May 20 2019 14:39 Emnjay808 wrote: i guess reading the leaks ahead of time helped for me lol. people are very upset with how it ended, and i dont blame em, haha
the cgi was sick. and they showed the "dream" dany had in season 1(?). I thought it was snow at the time, but it was human ashes instead.
A snowflake melted on Daenerys cheek just as she died. So while it rained ash, it actually started snowing for real. Which I think is fine.
While Edmure Tully makes a great punching bag it’s probably worth remembering that most of the war was fought in the Riverlands. Edmure instantly volunteered his full support for his sister’s son, despite it being House Stark bullshit. Then Gregor Clegane went rampaging through there right at the start of the war massacring everyone. Then Robb’s rebellion was fought there. Then Edmure pledged the Riverlands to the north. Then Edmure volunteered to marry a Frey below his station to bail Robb out. Then they all got massacred at the Red Wedding. Then Riverrun was besieged forever and he spent years with a noose around his neck being told each day would be the day they’d hang him.
Edmure was basically the bro-est bro in the whole series. After Robb died he was still a good uncle to his nieces etc. He’s been way more loyal to the North than anyone in the North actually was. Sansa is a dick to him for no reason.
Maybe the writers weren't convinced yet that the audience realizes that Sansa is a bad person. So they had to put in this joke at this crucial moment. Or were d&d expecting us to laugh with Sansa?
On May 20 2019 15:15 KwarK wrote: Edmure was basically the bro-est bro in the whole series. After Robb died he was still a good uncle to his nieces etc. He’s been way more loyal to the North than anyone in the North actually was. Sansa is a dick to him for no reason.
To be fair, Sansa's basically a dick to everyone since about season 6. I hated where they took her character, it's like they're trying to give the illusion that she's some kind of mastermind when she really just comes across as unpleasant. We get it, Sansa's had a rough road, but it's annoying how we're all supposed to act like she's had it way worse than everyone else.
On May 20 2019 15:15 KwarK wrote: Edmure was basically the bro-est bro in the whole series. After Robb died he was still a good uncle to his nieces etc. He’s been way more loyal to the North than anyone in the North actually was. Sansa is a dick to him for no reason.
To be fair, Sansa's basically a dick to everyone since about season 6. I hated where they took her character, it's like they're trying to give the illusion that she's some kind of mastermind when she really just comes across as unpleasant. We get it, Sansa's had a rough road, but it's annoying how we're all supposed to act like she's had it way worse than everyone else.
pretty sure thats her actor deciding that stuff, she seems to be that type of character
Thoughts on the dragon? Is he intelligent enough to understand the situation and know that what Jon did was right? Can he sense that Jon is a Targaryen? Is he retarded? I’m honestly not sure.
This was a good final episode, I'm happy with it I don't think one has to find full detail in all subplot endings, some things are voluntarily left open because the story does not end with the show (Arya sailing off to the West, what will happen with the north as independent kingdom, where did Drogon go, etc.). I mean, I don't care if Arya's plans are not 100% fledged out, it's enough to know that she does not want to live in the North as a "lady" of winterfell, but decides to explore and lives other adventures.. it's a good ending that leaves me wondering about the next stories (even if they won't be written) and fits the character.
I was a bit worried before the episode, but I have to say I'm happy with it and if I think about the series as a whole I think they did a good job. Clearly one can see the difference between books (earlier seasons) and show, but there's a bit more to it I think (mainly, when the storylines start to converge towards an ending, the feeling of open world with many subplots and endless possibilities is necessarily lost) but I'm ok with it, I think if I were to re-watch the whole show start to finish I would enjoy it as a full story.
gg to everyone! (won't read this thread much anymore as I imagine it will devolve in a competition to who can be more disappointed and edgy, not much use for that.. )
On May 20 2019 15:45 TheEmulator wrote: Thoughts on the dragon? Is he intelligent enough to understand the situation and know that what Jon did was right? Can he sense that Jon is a Targaryen? Is he retarded? I’m honestly not sure.
Maybe he thought danny went to hug the throne got stabbed and he burned it down in revenge...idk that scene was weird as hell
Also fuck sansa...what is the one smart thing uve done? Killing littlefinger was due to brans magic seeing powers. Pissing off danny into crazyness fucked over alot of innocents (tho she probably doesnt care about the south) but what was the plan if she didnt go crazy?
Ok I must admit it's not realistic but I felt satisfied with the last episode overall. And I find the hound's narrative wasn't too much slaughtered like Jaime's one.