On December 30 2011 13:52 Sabu113 wrote: Also it has jack on the Battle Royale Manga. It's surprisingly dark for a western children's novel but Battle Royale is a much richer experience. Conversely, might make more sense than the battle royale movie.
thing is you really can't judge BR based off of just the movie, it was low budget and absolutely terrible lol. graphic novel/manga was good, but the actual original novel is miles ahead of any existent adaptation
It absolutely wasnt. The direction and image were great, any fan of cinema would tell you that, the actors on the other end... Well, lets say that all teenage looking actors arent good in Japan, but the music / cinematography and storyline was good.
Now Battle Royale 2 I would totally agree with that comment, to this day, I have to find a worse movie than that, and I mean with such a motha fucking high budget, like craaazily high for such a shitty movie. The son of Fukasaku shouldnt have try to finish his deceased' father, what a huge waste of money
I just watched the movie and what the fuck! After I heared alot of it I expected something good and not this terrible crap. Its basically a copy of "Battle Royale" only in really bad. I should stop watching these hyped Movies.
And as many point out, its really difficult to be ORIGINAL nowadays. Pretty much every possible subjects have been covered somewhere (And some would even argue Battle Royale wasn't original, because there was Lord of Flies)...
I agree that it is not as good as reviews want to make it. My biggest issue with this universe : too thin. I feel like there is no depth in the story.
Even the books are pretty bad IMO. Its pretty much a single POV of the main character, and we get little to no information about the surrounding world.
I felt like Stephanie Meyer managed to create something interesting, but failed to explore it (And also, IMO, book 1, so the first movie, is the best out of the 3)
And as many point out, its really difficult to be ORIGINAL nowadays. Pretty much every possible subjects have been covered somewhere (And some would even argue Battle Royale wasn't original, because there was Lord of Flies)...
I agree that it is not as good as reviews want to make it. My biggest issue with this universe : too thin. I feel like there is no depth in the story.
Even the books are pretty bad IMO. Its pretty much a single POV of the main character, and we get little to no information about the surrounding world.
I felt like Stephanie Meyer managed to create something interesting, but failed to explore it (And also, IMO, book 1, so the first movie, is the best out of the 3)
I watched this movie yesterday, but since I'm not so immersed into the whole Hunger Games universe I have just a few comments: it would be nice if movies had a chance to be independent of the source material, so there was no need for random scenes thrown in just to reference characters from the books and so on.
This movie reminded me a lot of The Tournament which was a fun action flick with a similar plot, so I suppose there's some common inspiration. (I haven't seen Battle Royale though) I guess having a gladiator type plot where only one survives dates back to old period movies about the Roman empire, but for some reason I always like them. There's a first season Angel episode with a similar story that's also interesting, but there the gladiators manage to rise up against their captors (which is a really common type of plot in comic books too)
On the whole I did not like Hunger Games too much, since it took too long for the action to start and once it did it was all too calculated. The heroine is only allowed to kill in self-defense, so all her non-evil competitors conveniently get taken out by the evil ones etc. and it was like a b-movie in that all the twists and kills followed a very obvious type of movie logic. It was okay to watch though, maybe I'll read the first novel.
I never did get around to watching it...but now I guess I have no choice since Nana Mizuki is dubbing Katniss, so I'll end up watching Japanese dub once it's available
I read the book series this summer, because I saw how popular the movie was. The books were good for young adult fiction. Meaning, I was entertained will reading them without feeling too distracted by the flaws.
Just watched the movie yesterday. It stuck to the book pretty well. A lot of the book was based around Katniss's thoughts though, and it was hard for them to impart her intimacy and knowledge into it. It's hard for me to judge the movie independently of the book, since I read and watched them so close together.
Overall, I thought the movie followed the book closely enough, and I thought Katniss was well acted. I thought the imagery of the scenes was captured well, and obviously the budget helped. On the other hand, I thought the scene with Rue's death was bad. It felt too slooowww. I hate when scenes that are supposed to be emotional are unecessarily drug out, as if by making them longer it will make them more powerful.
6/ 10 as a standalone movie 8/ 10 as an adaption of the book
leave out the actual games. I don't think they can keep it 'secret' till release but at least its not obvious. Only concern is, that they spend too much time on the victory tour and stuff and then rush the games again.