On October 05 2011 06:05 Shiladie wrote: WTF My thoughts on this for a long while were that it was was a bunch of people trolling, and then it became the 'in' thing to say that you liked it or w/e. I then read a number of people's 'discovery' stories, and watched some of the remixes of the show. One of the overwhelming sentiments was that people were surprised and confused at how much they enjoyed it after they started watching. I decided I'd give it a shot, thinking I would laugh it off as people jumping on a retarded bandwagon. For the first few episodes I was dubious, but once it got past the season opener stuff into the episodic episodes, I was hooked. I am not entirely sure I know why I enjoy the show as much as I do, but I'll throw out some ideas. It's pure distilled happiness with very polarized caricatures of characters. You know what to expect from each character, and when time and time again everything ends happily ever after it's in stark contrast to most other entertainment right now. I think we (namely the desensitized internet crowd) have been lacking this kind of almost purely positive interaction, and MLP fills that gap perfectly.
Fluttershy all the way!
Welcome welcome all! Ya know a lot of people are quick to point that everything happens/ends as expected in MLP:FIM. I have found that yes while this is true it always happens in a different way than you expect. I will say that nobody I have heard of knew that Twilight would get her letters back from Celestia to turn things around in the S2 EP2 to take an example from our most recent episodes.
On October 05 2011 12:13 BioSC wrote: Speaking of well written fan media, the newest story on EqD is something I would recommend to everyone. Fair warning though-MASSIVE amounts of DAWWWWWW, HNNNNHHHGGGHHH, and manly tears possible. Steel your heart. Based off of a comic posted a few days back.
On October 05 2011 12:13 BioSC wrote: Speaking of well written fan media, the newest story on EqD is something I would recommend to everyone. Fair warning though-MASSIVE amounts of DAWWWWWW, HNNNNHHHGGGHHH, and manly tears possible. Steel your heart. Based off of a comic posted a few days back.
You have been warned =D (oh, and OP, I would like to be added to the fan list! THANKS!)
Wow that story is incredible. I ignored your warning and needless to say my heart was not steeled enough for this.
Very nice story, quite heartwarming but also a bittersweet ending without spoiling anything thanks for linking it.
I see many fanfics posted on Equestria daily but its unlikely that ill check them out without some praise from a reliable source before I do so which is still quite a step-up from reading none at all, my approach works quite well as ive yet to be disapointed by any fanfic recommended to me
Luna episode confirmed 100% now by the way, incoming brony frothing rampage from the fanbase, will be funny to hear Luna speak more than a few words (its Tabitha st Germain that voices her same as Rarity and Zeocra, that woman has some talent, so i'm sure she will have put a good performance in.)
On October 05 2011 15:25 Gary Oak wrote: Ah, fanfics. Something I'd never thought I'd involve myself in. Yet here I am, almost 7k words and just over 2 chapters in.
I might post some of it here once I get some feedback from a friend or two.
We cannot wait!
I can't believe that I haven't done this already... I just wanted to thank GMarshal for his super-awesome OP! I probably wouldn't have ever taken MLP seriously if I hadn't come across this thread and seen how legit and thoughtful that first post was. GMarshal brought ponies to TL, and TL brought me to ponies!
On October 05 2011 15:25 Gary Oak wrote: Ah, fanfics. Something I'd never thought I'd involve myself in. Yet here I am, almost 7k words and just over 2 chapters in.
I might post some of it here once I get some feedback from a friend or two.
We cannot wait!
I can't believe that I haven't done this already... I just wanted to thank GMarshal for his super-awesome OP! I probably wouldn't have ever taken MLP seriously if I hadn't come across this thread and seen how legit and thoughtful that first post was. GMarshal brought ponies to TL, and TL brought me to ponies!
I was actually terrified to post this thread, but I figured someone had to do it :-P
I'm glad it worked out really.
On October 05 2011 23:23 A_Bandersnatch wrote: Haha, it is amazing to see how much this thread has grown since I last visited! Impressive guys. Also, is the irc channel for #tlponies still up?
#tlponies should still be up, I haven't been on in a while because I've been busy and IRC is really distracting.
As for growth, I won't be satisfied untill we overtake the Anime thread!
On October 05 2011 15:25 Gary Oak wrote: Ah, fanfics. Something I'd never thought I'd involve myself in. Yet here I am, almost 7k words and just over 2 chapters in.
I might post some of it here once I get some feedback from a friend or two.
We cannot wait!
I can't believe that I haven't done this already... I just wanted to thank GMarshal for his super-awesome OP! I probably wouldn't have ever taken MLP seriously if I hadn't come across this thread and seen how legit and thoughtful that first post was. GMarshal brought ponies to TL, and TL brought me to ponies!
Aye please post your work once you are quite happy with it Gary Oak
Yes thanks to GMarshal from me aswell, I was already a total brony before this thread existed but the OP was / is really well written and it's the best a MLP thread and synopsis any forum could hope for its why I registered to TL for this discussion.
Aside from the odd random troll (less and less often) the discussion has gone very well and covered many facets and the latest news from the community when it could just as easily gone down the road of people arguing for MLP and against MLP with alot of flaming without any discussion of the actual show and community content, which reflects well on TL as a whole (with a little help from the banlings. :p)
edit: you should visit more often A_Bandersnatch we have friendship! or something...
kinda funny now when I browse TL and see a regular poster from this thread I always think to myself "hey he posts in the pony thread" its like a mini community within a community.
edit: you should visit more often A_Bandersnatch we have friendship! or something...
kinda funny now when I browse TL and see a regular poster from this thread I always think to myself "hey he posts in the pony thread" its like a mini community within a community.
I did log onto it a few minutes ago but only 'runbunny was there' and assumed-ly idle :/ but yeah, i feel the same, randomly browse tl forums and see people i recognize from this thread, mostly GMarshal and Bibbit, but a few others its awesome!
Good luck Gary Oak, and do post your fanfic here when you finish it!
And yeah, the OP is so well-written that I actually sometimes link to this thread when I'm trying to convert someone (TL is pretty well-known even by those who don't care about SC, so the fact that there's such a large thread with so many names on the fanlist + a very convincing OP is quite mindblowing for most people and they end up giving in and giving the show a chance just because of showing them this thread), so yeah, thanks GMarshal
Will read that My Little Dashie fanfic a bit later.
Speaking of which, one of my converts just received the pony toys he had ordered, and he couldn't help himself but laugh even more at the pink Trollestia one than he would've originally imagined he would, so he took a few photos and made a comic from them. + Show Spoiler +
those eyes... Trollestia was Derpy all this time!
And now for some sad stuff:
From the same artist as the sad Pinkie cutie mark story and the sad RD/RD's mother ones; not quite as sad as those, but I still got a bit teary-eyed at it.
Then, remember the non-colored version of that Spike growing old comic? Now prepare to cry buckets at the colored version; the dark blue pic and the last 3 ones are a lot more sad than when not colored, interestingly enough.
Also, the story in this post (it's a short one btw) made me shed a few mantears, I guess because not only can I relate to it but also because + Show Spoiler +
I don't want to consider MLP as merely a "stepping stone" to happiness, as the show, the quality fancontent and the nice community already lead to more happiness than I have ever found in this life (though may there be more!), and I think it's already limitless rather than within limitations.
So yeah, confound these ponies, I've cried more due to them in the past month than I've ever cried since I was a little kid, and I love it. I have a feeling that My Little Dashie fanfic will have a similar effect as well, judging by the previous posters' reactions to it.
Speaking of which, one of my converts just received the pony toys he had ordered, and he couldn't help himself but laugh even more at the pink Trollestia one than he would've originally imagined he would, so he took a few photos and made a comic from them.
Hey, those figures of AJ and Twighlight don't actually look too bad (ignoring the pink celestia for a second) the non brushable figures look like they would suit my desk quite nicely maybe I will infact get some
you don't happen to know if the Applejack comes with a hat or not do you?
Speaking of which, one of my converts just received the pony toys he had ordered, and he couldn't help himself but laugh even more at the pink Trollestia one than he would've originally imagined he would, so he took a few photos and made a comic from them.
Hey, those figures of AJ and Twighlight don't actually look too bad (ignoring the pink celestia for a second) the non brushable figures look like they would suit my desk quite nicely maybe I will infact get some
you don't happen to know if the Applejack comes with a hat or not do you?
My friend says it doesn't come with a hat . And he thinks PP looks the best out of all of them, in terms of accuracy and general quality.
I didn't cry, but it really moved me. Now I'm slightly frustrated because I'm trying to do other things and my mind keeps lingering on that story and making me sad.
Speaking of which, one of my converts just received the pony toys he had ordered, and he couldn't help himself but laugh even more at the pink Trollestia one than he would've originally imagined he would, so he took a few photos and made a comic from them.
Hey, those figures of AJ and Twighlight don't actually look too bad (ignoring the pink celestia for a second) the non brushable figures look like they would suit my desk quite nicely maybe I will infact get some
you don't happen to know if the Applejack comes with a hat or not do you?
My friend says it doesn't come with a hat . And he thinks PP looks the best out of all of them, in terms of accuracy and general quality.
Oh okay thanks for the quick reply, thats too bad i'd like a little AJ for my desk but without the hat it isnt the same maybe ill pick up a nice Pinkie Pie i'm not really too fussed anypony is good.
if any lurkers in this thread are Hasbro employees let it be known if you havent got the idea by now that people are willing to spend some decent cash on show accurate figures! :p
On October 05 2011 15:25 Gary Oak wrote: Ah, fanfics. Something I'd never thought I'd involve myself in. Yet here I am, almost 7k words and just over 2 chapters in.
I might post some of it here once I get some feedback from a friend or two.
We cannot wait!
<3 <3 <3
I'd post the first chapter now, but I haven't gotten anyone's feedback on it yet and I'm a bit timid of doing so on a public forum before it's been looked at by at least one person. =P
To not give anything away, if it were to have EqD story tags, it'd probably have [Grimdark] [Sad] [Adventure] and MAYBE [Light-Shipping] (no, there will be no clopping/eroticism/lesbians/childrens, what I have in mind would be implied at best).
Holy shit, I just noticed how much of resemblance that the character Blanche DuBois from a Street car named Desire and Rarity have in common, I can TOTALLY see Rarity being a younger version of Blanche!
So yeah, confound these ponies, I've cried more due to them in the past month than I've ever cried since I was a little kid, and I love it. I have a feeling that My Little Dashie fanfic will have a similar effect as well, judging by the previous posters' reactions to it.
And it did end up having a similar effect. ;_;
I admit I had disliked the writing style a bit at the start and couldn't take it that seriously at first, but kept on reading due to the topic of the fanfic, and the style ended up really growing on me in the meanwhile. That ending... 10/10
I'm so amazed that so much pony content manages to be at the same time heartwarming, tearjerking and inspiring.