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On June 24 2015 18:16 Reaps wrote:Didn't read it myself though, contains possible book spoilers. + Show Spoiler +http://www.msn.com/en-gb/entertainment/tv/game-of-thrones-season-6-leaked-script-introduces-new-red-priestess-and-hints-at-the-fate-of-daenerys/ar-AAbZ56A
Is she going to be that red priestess that stared at Tyrion in Volantis?
I guess it's good to know that D&D aren't entirely flying by the seat of their pants.
On June 30 2015 00:55 HighPassage wrote:Show nested quote +On June 24 2015 18:16 Reaps wrote:Didn't read it myself though, contains possible book spoilers. + Show Spoiler +http://www.msn.com/en-gb/entertainment/tv/game-of-thrones-season-6-leaked-script-introduces-new-red-priestess-and-hints-at-the-fate-of-daenerys/ar-AAbZ56A Is she going to be that red priestess that stared at Tyrion in Volantis? I guess it's good to know that D&D aren't entirely flying by the seat of their pants. Since the script comes from an audition tape, no, it's not her.
For all the hate the Dorne arc is getting in the show, it was just as bad in the books. I'm surprised a lot of people aren't forgetting this. I also wasn't particularly a fan of what they did with Jamie in the books either.
At least the final scene was a nice touch and to me, quite surprising.
Dorne arc on the books had a badass speech by Doran.
And the revolution made sense. Unlike a certain person saying that dorne doesnt harm little children, and then plots to kill one.
On July 04 2015 21:01 Figgy wrote: For all the hate the Dorne arc is getting in the show, it was just as bad in the books. I'm surprised a lot of people aren't forgetting this. I also wasn't particularly a fan of what they did with Jamie in the books either.
At least the final scene was a nice touch and to me, quite surprising.
It is short and it had an awesome Doran speech about Dorne future plan. For me is quite better than in the show.
"Oberyn and me worked together. Oberyn was the snake, and I was the grass where he hided" was awesome 
In the show it was terrible. And the Myrcella death...
also book Doran actually makes sense, is extermely smart and a good player of the game while show doran was terribly underwhelming.
If half of what has been theorized about Qyburn and the Brave Companions working with Dorne is true, Doran is indeed pretty brilliant. Consider, for example, the plan to kill Tywin Lannister and the Mountain:
Oberyn goes to King's Landing for Joffrey's wedding, and plans to kill the mountain there - he tells Tyrion as much, and even hints that his father "may not live forever". So how does he kill Tywin? He poisons him, of course - and of course, being the Red Viper, everyone would instantly suspect him as soon as Lord Tywin died from poison.
Oberyn goes on trial, and chooses trial by combat. There's basically two likely options that House Lannister would choose to represent them in the trial; they're fully aware that Oberyn is one of the best fighters in Westeros. The two options are: The Mountain, and Jaime. Oberyn isn't really that interested in killing Jaime, so for the plan to work, he needs to be totally sure that it's the Mountain he fights, not Jaime.
Now, wouldn't it be very convenient if someone were to cripple Jaime so he can't fight? The only thing that went wrong in Oberyn's/Dorne's plan is, basically, that he went on trial for a different crime than he intended. Before his poison (the one described by Pycelle during Tyrion's trial - shuts down the bowels, etc) could have its intended effect on Tywin, Tyrion was accused of Joffrey's murder.
There's a lot more information that hints at Tywin's poisoning, Qyburn's involvement, and also the fact that The Mountain's necromancy-resurrection was part of the Dornish plan, but this is just summarizing what could be the true intention behind Oberyn's visit to King's Landing.
i have a question
im rewatching the series
i spent fucking ages going through subtitle files trying to find some with dohtraki subtitles
now im trying to find some with high varlarian (unsullied) subtitles and cant find it yet
i remember when i first watched got it had everything subtitled ... since you're supposed to know what the dohraki and varlarians and unsullied are saying
so my question is
why is it fucking impoossible to fucking find any fucking subtitles with give dialogue for these languages??
ok i downloaded the hdtv video version instead of the shaanig version and it looks like the wanted language subs are hard coded here
high valarian : The day is hot.
instead of
[speaks valarian]
I once watched a version of the last samurai where all the Japanese dialogue was translated to (speaks japanese). That's about 70% of all the dialogue in the movie lol.
i got to that part where you find yourself googling + Show Spoiler +will you die if penis chopped off
Poll: Who will Ian McShane be?(Vote): Euron Greyjoy (Vote): Arthur Dayne (Vote): Randall Tarly (Vote): Some new character (Vote): Other, namely ...
wait wait, Ian McShane is joining GOT!?
i dont give a damn who he plays, this is fcking awesome
I only seen him play charismatic and a bit sleazy characters so I guess Euron :D
Netherlands19129 Posts
Him as the crows eye would be amazing. I can just imagine him sitting there, acting all superior with sarcasm and venom dropping from every word he speaks while smiling all the while. Perhaps too old for the role/character though?
I voted for Euron, but Randyll Tarly also fits the bill, imho. I was also briefly toying with him being Wyman Manderly, but it just doesn't make any sense (so I left him out of the poll).
I don't think he's too old to play Euron. He is, imho, too old to play Arthur Dayne if they do a flashback to ToJ, but Euron is not young and vigorours. A little bit of makeup could easily make Ian McShane look like this guy's younger brother:
Definitely hoping he will be Aerys Targaryen in a flashback, but Euron is probably most likely. What about Howland Reed? I don't know much about his stature and age, but if D&D toy with ToJ flashback, Howland Reed would surely be significant yet not a major role for the entire season, as the role suggests.
France7248 Posts
R+L=J is one step closer to being confirmed