[Hero] Invoker - Page 11
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United States239 Posts
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United States3584 Posts
On February 28 2014 11:40 edgemega wrote: i dont see why orchid just has to be for the ghost walk cold snap build. Orchid is overall a good item especially on int heroes and has good utility. You dont just have to ghost walk and cold snap, and its universal damage amplify so it even amplifies your emp tornado combos as long as you dont tornado them when its about to wear off. It's a great utility item to have. The ability to silence any hero is always great to have, especially for a hero like invoker. I think he's best when played as a super utility style hero, and the current quas wex trend suits him the most. I don't necessarily have to be going around getting lots of kills and carrying, as long as I'm using spells correctly when needed in different situations, I'm happy. Orchid just messes up a lot of heroes who would otherwise have methods of escaping, or who cause big issues in team fights. | ||
6040 Posts
1. iceiceice seems to prefer going naked Boots and go straight BoTs after necro 3. Reso1ution seems to prefer getting PTs before working on Necro. Even in situations where momentum was clearly on Empire's side, Reso1ution would play it like this. Is this simply personal preference or is there math behind this that I am missing? 2. How many points of Wex do you need before pouring in points into maxing Invoke? I've seen iceiceice play it out with just 1 point in Wex, and there was a game he went 2 points of Wex. Reso1ution seemed to favor just keeping it at 1 point. 3. It seems like the tendency is to split push with a QE Invoker and just using Sunstrike to assist with the action on other parts of the map while Invoker has not yet maxed Exort (hence no points in Wex yet). Would it be advisable to put a point in Wex earlier (before maxing exort, but after double forge) and participate in fights if the team is a bit on the backfoot? Or is it generally better to split push and take objectives to infuse a bit of gold into the rest of the team? I am not sure if maybe the lack of levels will keep you from really contributing in fights as you may not have the mana pool to actually throw out everything you have. | ||
United States4013 Posts
On April 30 2014 14:46 rebdomine wrote: Going over iceiceice's and Reso1ution's Invoker games in SL9 recently, and just had a couple of questions. 1. iceiceice seems to prefer going naked Boots and go straight BoTs after necro 3. Reso1ution seems to prefer getting PTs before working on Necro. Even in situations where momentum was clearly on Empire's side, Reso1ution would play it like this. Is this simply personal preference or is there math behind this that I am missing? 2. How many points of Wex do you need before pouring in points into maxing Invoke? I've seen iceiceice play it out with just 1 point in Wex, and there was a game he went 2 points of Wex. Reso1ution seemed to favor just keeping it at 1 point. 3. It seems like the tendency is to split push with a QE Invoker and just using Sunstrike to assist with the action on other parts of the map while Invoker has not yet maxed Exort (hence no points in Wex yet). Would it be advisable to put a point in Wex earlier (before maxing exort, but after double forge) and participate in fights if the team is a bit on the backfoot? Or is it generally better to split push and take objectives to infuse a bit of gold into the rest of the team? I am not sure if maybe the lack of levels will keep you from really contributing in fights as you may not have the mana pool to actually throw out everything you have. One point wex early only if you absolutely have to teamfight and need to have extra dmg with Chaos Meteor/Deaf Blast. Remember, you're not gonna do much else outside of casting 2/3 spells if you went Exort early, so you better be on point with dropping the Chaos/Deaf Blast quickly. Iceiceice plays with a team with alot better coordination and space creators than Reso1ution does (not saying Empire sucks or anything, just that in comparison, Mushi and Burning have a much bigger presence on the map by reputation alone). Having Mushi/Burning alone puts alot of pressure on teams to shut down both of them, thus opening up the offlane into a 1v1 situation for iceiceice. He gets alot more freedom on choice of items than other players because of this. There's a reason why occasionally, iceiceice is more farmed than mushi and has like a 600 gpm Centaur Warchief. You'll notice that in alot of iceiceice's games, he's typically way more farmed than alot of other offlaners from other teams. | ||
United States2694 Posts
More specifically, how often do I use forged spirits and how, is it viable in pubs, is there a scenario where I need to go quas-wex instead, how do I level, and what items do I get? | ||
Tebellong44238 Posts
I mean, if you HAVE to offlane invoker. Ideally you don't. | ||
5286 Posts
On April 30 2014 20:09 superstartran wrote: One point wex early only if you absolutely have to teamfight and need to have extra dmg with Chaos Meteor/Deaf Blast. Remember, you're not gonna do much else outside of casting 2/3 spells if you went Exort early, so you better be on point with dropping the Chaos/Deaf Blast quickly. Iceiceice plays with a team with alot better coordination and space creators than Reso1ution does (not saying Empire sucks or anything, just that in comparison, Mushi and Burning have a much bigger presence on the map by reputation alone). Having Mushi/Burning alone puts alot of pressure on teams to shut down both of them, thus opening up the offlane into a 1v1 situation for iceiceice. He gets alot more freedom on choice of items than other players because of this. There's a reason why occasionally, iceiceice is more farmed than mushi and has like a 600 gpm Centaur Warchief. You'll notice that in alot of iceiceice's games, he's typically way more farmed than alot of other offlaners from other teams. doesn't icex3 start a lot of his invoker games from the middle? i have seen ones from the side as well, but in the sl9 games that rebdo is referencing i think he played a lot from the middle. | ||
Singapore11446 Posts
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Lalalaland34486 Posts
Regarding when to put additional points in Invoke, I believe it boils down to personal preference. Do you want a slightly faster Invoke cooldown or do you want slightly stronger spells? As long as you have level 4 Invoke by level 17 (so if you're sticking on one point as long as possible, you need to start putting points in at level 15 + 16), it's up to you. | ||
United States545 Posts
On May 01 2014 16:04 Firebolt145 wrote: DK do whatever they feel like doing on a whim. Regarding when to put additional points in Invoke, I believe it boils down to personal preference. Do you want a slightly faster Invoke cooldown or do you want slightly stronger spells? As long as you have level 4 Invoke by level 17 (so if you're sticking on one point as long as possible, you need to start putting points in at level 15 + 16), it's up to you. Yea, there is no point putting points into invoke for exort builds before 14-16ish. You have 3 core spells, Fire Spirits/Cold Snap ready to go, and sunstrike ready to be invoked for ganks. Ghost walk, Deafening Blast and Ice Wall as subspells to invoke in emergency situations (they also all cost a billion mana). If you were quas/wex, then you really only need 2 spells + coldsnap ready to be invoked, once again even if you have a point in exort other spells would be terrible and really bad for mana. | ||
Denmark4618 Posts
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Northern Ireland22207 Posts
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Denmark4618 Posts
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Denmark4618 Posts
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Singapore11446 Posts
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United States1485 Posts
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Northern Ireland22207 Posts
Get 4 points in Quas and 4 points in Exort asap so that you get two forged spirits. You only need lvl 1 invoke early, a) because you only really need three spells early-mid game (cold snap, sunstrike and forged spirits) and b) you're new to invoker so you won't be invoking that fast anyway. Then finish maxing Exort, and start levelling Wex around lvl 11 or so, for meteor and deafening blast, and also ghost walk for emergencies. I go phase/treads, force staff then necro3 and hex. I don't think the aghanims will benefit you very much as a new player. After hex, it's really what your team needs, like AC, daedalus, mkb etc.... you might need a BKB too. In teamfights, just make sure you have your forge spirits summoned, pop your necrobook, choose a target and cold snap them, then watch as they're perpetually stunned. Try and drop a meteor on grouped up enemies, followed by a deafening blast to stun them and keep them in the meteor. Ice wall is very hard to place correctly, but it's such a good spell. You can also invoke and use Alacrity on yourself or another carry on your team. Sunstrike is good for picking off stragglers at the end. Honestly, most new invokers just run around with cold snap & forge spirits and are effective enough. Then as they get more confident, they start adding other spells to their repetoire. | ||
United States1485 Posts
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Tebellong44238 Posts
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