This reminds me of GuildWars and the Happy Red Resigns day.
It was on a 1vs1 format, where you would spawn either as the blue team, or as the red, with 50% chances. Since there were in game rewards for winning those games, people just agreed on "Red Resigns": if you spawned red you had to leave and take a loss, and if blue you just waited for your opponent to quit and take the win. It was engineered on a forum, but it grew very fast in popularity because you shortened a 10 to 15 minute match to a 5 second, with a 50% chance of winning. Of course there were some "griefers" to that system (people that actually liked to play the format), but still the game was exploited to a level nobody thought possible.
I really hope this doesn't become standard in SC2. Because we already spawn in red and blue teams.
There are problems beneath choya playing rock paper scissors on the ladder. Although you can punish him for actively abusing and discourage people from doing that in the future, you can't excise all games that weren't "real" games. Every time someone leaves 2 seconds in because they don't want that matchup or gets an urgent phone call or the baby's diaper needs changed and leaves... these things are all as fake as rock paper scissors.
Who's to say the guy ranked #199 isn't worse than the guy at #201, but he ran into someone who was MU dodging a couple times in a row on ladder?
The deep problem is relying on Blizzard's ladder to determine qualifying spots for tournaments. For any tournaments. There is only one ladder in the world to play on. Players have very few accounts to work with. It should frankly be open qualifiers, specific invites, or bust.
United States2643 Posts
this seems dumb. i understand for a pro gamer to be doing this is frowned upon, but to be taking action is just stupid. its his own ladder account, let him grind his way up however.
if anyone should have any word to be said, its blizz
We're talking about a heavily sponsored league here. How can you even pretend behaviour like that coming from one of the top players doesn't matter ?
On January 14 2011 23:55 peachsncream wrote: Wow just lost complete interest in gomtv after seeing this....
Must be hard living with a such a fickle personality.
On January 15 2011 08:08 AngryJackB wrote: Did GOMTV ever say that gaming the ladder system was against the rules. I cant get over how funny it is that people would leave if they lost.
being fucked over by a shitty ladder point system is pretty gay. He would get the same shit if he just 6 pooled all fucking day. Yea i know he plays protoss.
I'd hardly call it gaming the system.
On January 15 2011 17:08 Rawenkeke wrote: Broodwar match fixing was a scandal(!), this is just plain stupidness on the ladders :/
Any publicity is good publicity.
I guess...
This just in, Rock Paper Sissors is funner than SC2.
I remembered during an interview where Jinro said that he got someone to use his ladder account to play some fake matches to cover up his ladder history. What's to stop someone from doing this ladder abuse and then claiming that they did it for this particular reason?
This is blizzard fault to make not a perfect laddersystem.
So GomTV went all Kespa on his ass? When did GomTV become the ladder police? What's next? Idra's sanctioned for being bad mannered on the ladder? Christ...
This is hilarious, Blizzard taking out its own faults on someone doing something completely innocent. Not the first time either.
On January 13 2011 17:40 Cambam wrote: Just a quick and efficient way to get his displayed rating up to his hidden rating (MMR), because of the master leauge reset. And it looks like it worked, he is #1 on KR ladder at the moment.
It will stop working once his displayed rating reaches his hidden rating. Read Excalibur_Z's thread on how the ladder system works.
Here's a quick rundown:
Let's say he gets promoted to masters and reset to 2400 displayed rating. Meanwhile, we'll say his MMR is 3000. He plays a game against IMNestea who is also 2400 displayed, 3000 MMR (hypothetically).
IMNestea will appear favored to choya and choya will appear favored to IMNestea. This is because the favored system works by comparing your opponents HIDDEN rating to your DISPLAYED rating. Thus:
IMNestea's HIDDEN rating of 3000 > choya's DISPLAYED rating of 2400
and vice versa.
Everyone will be favored to choya (and thus give +20~ and -5~) until his displayed rating catches up to his hidden rating.
Hope that made sense. It's just choya's clever way of skyrocketing to the top of the ladder faster than everyone else. But like I said, it will stop working eventually.
So in truth he's just making his DISPLAYED rating reach his HIDDEN rating faster. There's nothing wrong with that!
this is like, giving Choya an F in Sexuality101 despite he aced every single exam just because he had sex with the professor's daughter without using a condom.
Why not do something similar to how ratings work in chess? There is a major globally recognized chess organization, FIDE. They hold sanctioned tournaments and your ratings change when playing in those tournaments.
1. Build a tournament system into SC2. 2. Have only 1 rating (no displayed rating) and a confidence in that rating (Elo, TrueSkill, etc.). 3. "Sanctioned" tournaments can be run every week or every other day if players are willing to play in them. 4. This is separate from the ladder system.
Only question is, who would sanction a tournament? Who would be the globally recognized organization? (not Blizzard for sure).
I say go for it. If people really want to reduce their ladder experience to that instead of actually playing the game, then who cares?
Hell, he probably could have won just as quickly by worker rushing everyone every time; he's just being more efficient. Both people have to agree on rock-paper-scissors anyway.
This is so *not* a big deal.
On January 15 2011 20:47 Ender985 wrote:Of course there were some "griefers" to that system (people that actually liked to play the format)
Quoting for hilarity.
Seems that GomTV are trying to send a message early to anybody with this in mind rather than singling out Choya as Starcraft 2 Satan.
This is retarded on so many levels...
how do u rock paper scisser online o.O