Teamliquid hostile to minorities? - Page 3
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Valhalla18444 Posts
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is awesome32269 Posts
On April 13 2007 12:27 MoltkeWarding wrote: It's not racism that makes our site inaccessible to black people, but the lack of internet access in Africa. In seriousness, I agree that such expressions are unfunny, but that is because they are uninteresting, and contain no conviction or thought. A racist with a theoretical approach, that is to say, a real racist might give better contributions. You forgot to mention your theory on how everyone that lives between the tropics is stupid. | ||
Baltimore, USA22250 Posts
On April 13 2007 10:59 bine wrote: And if I actually believed that garbage about ignoring naked prejudice because someone has 25k posts (omg!), I think I'd be taking this place too seriously. Just to nitpick, Mani said 25k users, he's refering to you collectively calling every single person on a racist. Personally - I was immediately put off by the title of your thread more than anything else. The implications of "Teamliquid hostile to minorities?" pretty much threw away any credibility you had in my eyes. But, to be fair, I did read through the thread in question (which I previously hadn't even glanced at [minus the first page] before you pointed it out), and I saw nothing that constitutes an 'embarassment for our community'. What I saw was a combination of people trying to have an actual discussion, sprinkled with a few people going for cheap laughs and knee-jerk reaction trolling attempts. People acting immature on teh internetz?!? OH EM GEEE!! Were there any genuine, direct racist comments? No. I think it should be common sense that any ***real*** examples of racism would not be tolerated by us, and I'm a bit insulted that you would think otherwise, you give us no credit. I don't think you can honestly expect to survive in a conversation about racism online if you're going to be so overly sensative. What did you honestly expect was going to happen when you tell someone "Please don't say the N word."? You've been here long enough to know that you're going to get trolled with a comment like that, and you should handle the trolling comments on this issue like any other thread you find, just ignore them; otherwise, you're giving the troll exactly what they want. Internet psychology 101 dude. ![]() | ||
United States2352 Posts
On April 13 2007 13:01 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: bine you are seriously some sort of idiot This is such a conspicuously worthless thing to say. It's not even pointing at anything or making any statements about anything I've said. It's vomit; I'm not claiming to be the most intelligent person on the planet, but I refuse to accept that a legitimate criticism can be dismantled by jocky humor and self congratulatory dismissal. | ||
Valhalla18444 Posts
do you really want to go this direction with me | ||
United States2352 Posts
![]() Chibi was banned because he consistently made inappropriate comments consistently, and wouldn't stop when asked. I'm not saying using the N word or making a racist joke about black people should be an instant ban or something, but that the expectation should be that it's unacceptable and that it should at least result in a warning. If you don't think that thread was an embarrassment, then I guess you don't expect that many educated people read team liquid. Even racist right wing psychos would stop their friends from saying many of the things said in that thread. 8882 was warned and temp banned for using the N word before Rekrul made it fashionable. Just because you guise something in humor doesn't change its content. ETT: I understand what you mean and if I could edit the title I would. It sounds "punchy" in a way I didn't intend. But I'm not being sensitive; I'm not talking about how I'm personally offended, and that's not the basis of any of my arguments. Insulting people who aren't around is deplorable whether you're offended by it or not. Again, there's nothing subjective about it. The dilemma for me is that since it's not insulting me, I'm not ethically justified in just choosing to ignore it. Unfortunately, there don't seem to be any people of African decent here that feel up to dealing with this shitstorm of ignorance and politics, but the things going on and the casualness with which racist comments are being slung requires me to say something. I can't just ignore it (although granted, in the short term, it might result in a few less racist comments), because the people it's insulting aren't here to speak for themselves, and because these attitudes are harmful even if they aren't directed at the people they're mocking. This is embarrassing: If you hate all black girls but like black guys but you like white girls and white guys are you a racist or a sexist or both? Or do you just hate loud skreeky voices? As is this: oh i forgot to say it, nigger. (and all of the other trolling opportunists doing similar things to the second) But even aside from that thread, people consistently use the N word in jest here and it's ignored. You can tell from some of the responses to this thread, too, that people take this subject incredibly lightly. I can understand how I might seem to be overreacting or blowing things out of proportion. But you have to understand that this feels incredibly insurmountable; again, I regret the tone of the thread title, but at the time I felt, and still feel, like nothing I can say can change the pervasive slackness with regard to these issues. But I still feel an obligation to bring it up, even though it feels like shooting myself in the foot. If I didn't say anything, I would feel like an asshole. | ||
United States2352 Posts
On April 13 2007 21:43 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: i refuse to believe that anyone besides an idiot can accept your criticism as legitimate do you really want to go this direction with me What are you talking about? I'm not interested in having a conflict with you personally, again, you seem like a decent guy. But your posts are incredibly personally insulting to me without being at all productive in terms of the discussion. What about my criticism requires that only idiots can agree with it? I'm not interested in what's wrong with me personally, or how uncool it seems to bring this up, or how lame a subject it is, or how emphatic it's appropriate for me to be. Just excuse my obvious inability to be impressive and aloof enough to navigate internet subculture and address the substance of this conversation, please. | ||
Valhalla18444 Posts
two mods have basically told you to go fuck yourself and you still want to have a grand debate about it | ||
Valhalla18444 Posts
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United States2352 Posts
On April 13 2007 22:19 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: and chibi was banned because he was constantly the center of controversy and thread derailment, don't talk about stuff you don't know about I'm not. There was a huge thread about it that explained that the controversial things he was doing involved the content of his posts. It's conspicuously analogous; if someone consistently makes racially insensitive posts, they should be warned just like Chibi probably was the first 1000 times. In other words, you could reframe the debate we're having as being about whether or not racist jokes are controversial. | ||
Valhalla18444 Posts
how many fucking times do i have to say its common sense blatant racism doesn't fucking fly here stop being a moron and STOP POSTING | ||
Valhalla18444 Posts
nigger and you are offended by it | ||
United States2352 Posts
On April 13 2007 22:17 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: i'm trying to convey the message to you that there is no discussion two mods have basically told you to go fuck yourself and you still want to have a grand debate about it Just because there isn't a discussion doesn't mean I can't continue trying to ignite one. I'm not oblivious to the fact that people are dismissing me, and I don't think that any of this is grand. But just because people are ignoring my argument doesn't mean that the imperative to bring up this issue subsides at all. | ||
Valhalla18444 Posts
you arent even talking about it now, you're just arguing with some asshole about whether or not you can post here without his permission | ||
United States2352 Posts
On April 13 2007 22:33 FakeSteve[TPR] wrote: seriously you are in a vast minority here if i type the word nigger just now like this: nigger and you are offended by it I'm not offended by that at all. It was obviously referencing the word nigger and using it as an example. The problem isn't just typing out the word, the problem is using it casually as something funny to say, as if its inappropriateness makes it funny. | ||
United States2352 Posts
1. When is it appropriate to use the N word? 2. Are jokes which would be offensive if said in front of a particular group of people offensive when said in public? Are they appropriate for this site? 3. What recourse to do concerned members have if they find behavior by a member of the mod staff to be inappropriate? 4. If you know your feelings about something is unpopular, should you always refrain from arguing for it? | ||
Osaka27118 Posts
2. Usually not. Sometimes. 3. None. 4. That depends on what type of person you are. | ||
United States2352 Posts
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Valhalla18444 Posts
crusade somewhere else you simple-minded shit | ||
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