![[image loading]](http://www.dutchstarcraftleague.nl/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/tl-banner.jpg)
The DSCL Open is back in 2015! It is the flagship among the tournaments hosted by the Dutch StarCraft League. And it is exactly what you'd expect it to be: OPEN! 16 players have qualified for the final stages of our event. The top 8 will be playing the offline event in the Melkweg on June 20th and 21st. Join us in the heart of Amsterdam to see 8 of the best European StarCraft-players engage in an e-sports battle that will jolt your mind!
Those qualified will play an online group stage at the beginning of June (3rd, 6th, 10th and 13th), after which the top-8 will be invited to the Finals Event in the capital of Holland, Amsterdam! None of these dates (online groups and finals-event) conflict with WCS.
Of course EVERYTHING, including the top 16 - online group stages, will be streamed on Twitch.tv/DSCLeague. We hope you will all tune in and cheer for your favorite players! If you want to help e-sports grow in the Netherlands, tell your friends about the broadcasts too - we promise we'll make them fun and informative.
But wait! You can also join the offline event and meet the players! Tickets are available through our website only, to buy them click here. We have weekend tickets, single-day tickets and even VIP tickets available. Remember to sign up for the event on Facebook as well, and invite your friends!
For this year’s prize pool we’ve set up a Kickstarter campaign! The total amount the backers brought together is €1619.95, which will be divided over the players in the following ratio:
1st place: €647.98 2nd place: €323.99 3rd/4th place: €188.99 5th/6th place: €81 7th/8th place: €54
External links: - DSCL Open-page on official website - Liquipedia article - Official stream - Twitter - Facebook - Tickets Finals-Event
Groups: A: Wednesday, June 3rd (19h) – Ret, InZaNe, StrinterN and Jade B: Thursday, June 4th (19h) – uThermal, SpaceMarine, FeaR and TomikuS C: Saturday, June 6th (19h) – Optimus, GoOdy, Namshar and JackO D: Wednesday, June 10th (19h) – Harstem, Guru, Tarrantius and Teetie
Groups A, B and D will be casted by BaseTradeTV over at Twitch.tv/BaseTradeTV, group C will be streamed on our own channel Twitch.tv/DSCLeague. The groups will be played in WCS-format (double elimination), with the top 2 per group advancing to the offline finals on June 20/21st.
And we have our top 8! Protoss: StrinterN, SpaceMarine Terran: uThermal, GoOdy Zerg: Ret, Namshar, Guru and Jona
Who will claim the title and win the DSCL Open 2015? Come join us at the Melkweg in Amsterdam!
For all our HearthStone fans out there: On Sunday we’ll have a demonstration from the best Dutch HearthStone players: Thijs ‘ThijsNL‘ Molendijk and Teun ‘Vortex‘ Eielts! Thanks to Blammo Events, we will be given a taste of what HearthStone can be like at the pro level. But that’s not all: after the demonstration all members of the audience are welcome to try their hand at HearthStone themselves! ThijsNL and Vortex will be hosting an open audience competition in the ‘Cinemazaal’ with lots of Blizzard goodies as prizes. Feel free to join in, have some fun, and possibly even win some very nice loot .
First qualifier is today! Confirmations start at 13:30h and the matches start at 14h (CEST). Brackets are here - sign up while you can .
We'll stream the whole thing of course, go to Twitch.tv/DSCLeague to see some champions-to-be in action!
Qualifier #2 is tonight at 19h CEST! Among the signups are Team Acer's Bly and compLexity gaming's qxc, and many other badasses .
Sign up now right here, and tune in to Twitch.tv/DSCLeague around 19h.
Two new qualified players from yesterday's (3rd) qualifier: Teetie (NL) and Guru (PL)!
Also: with only 5 days left, the Kickstarter for the DSCL Open prize pool is currently hovering at 88%. Can we get to 100% (or beyond) by May 12th? If you want to see more e-sports in the Netherlands, consider helping out! All the money will go to the players, which you can meet at the offline event on June 20th/21st.
The kickstarter goal has reached 100%! We're going to have €1500+ for the DSCL Open 2015!
We're going to go live at 2PM CEST with Qualifier #4! Myself and Xilogh will be casting. Tune in to see all the players that signed up fight for their place in the DSCL Open 2015. Click here!
If you haven't played in the DSCL Open qualifiers this year, tonight's your FINAL CHANCE! At 19h CEST the 5th qualifier kicks off, and it's the last one where anyone can sign up. Enter while you can, the prize pool is now at least €1600!
Tomorrow is the 6th and final qualifier, where only players who've made it to the Ro8 before can sign up.
AMSTERDAM: here we come! The finals will take place in the Melkweg on June 20th and 21st. Tickets are available through our website in the shop. Watch 8 of the best EU players engage in an e-sports battle. See you guys in Amsterdam!
The groupstages of 3,4 and 10th of June will be casted by none other than BaseTradeTV! More than 11 million people have tuned in to their channel of famous community casters. They are going to support the DSCL Open in the way they know best, casting our event!
link to the groups: https://www.dutchstarcraftleague.nl/dscl-open/.
Namshar overcoming all that mech.
Tonight it's time for the FINAL group in the online stage of the tournament. It's two Dutchies this time (Jona and Teetie), together with the German Protoss Tarrantius and the Polish Zerg ladder hero Guru!
Tune in to Twitch.tv/BaseTradeTV at 19h CEST.
And we have our top 8!
Protoss: StrinterN, SpaceMarine Terran: uThermal, GoOdy Zerg: Ret, Namshar, Guru and Jona
Who will claim the title and win the DSCL Open 2015? Come join us at the Melkweg in Amsterdam, 20 - 21th of June! Buy the tickets in our shop.
The fun doesn't stop with these top 8 StarCraft players from Europe! Some fun facts: - There will be awesome presentations about gaming science - A Legacy of the Void Archon-mode Showmatch - A 4v4 match with members of the audience - A HearthStone demo from Thijs "ThijsNL" Molendijk and Teun "Vortex" Eielets - And of course: visiting the DSCL Open finals gives you a great opportunity to enjoy the Netherlands’ capital!
Hope to see you this weekend!
We're LIVE FROM AMSTERDAM right now! Tune in all day on Twitch.tv/DSCLeague for fun, giveaways and awesome StarCraft
GoOdy's ride didnt show up so he didn't get to Amsterdam. : (
On June 20 2015 20:11 NarutO wrote: GoOdy's ride didnt show up so he didn't get to Amsterdam. : (
Omg that's the reason? Sad....
Hoping for a nice uThermal - Ret final !
rofl, the zerg still cant kill the mech terran
Ret what happened to you TT