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On December 14 2017 13:32 ticklishmusic wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2017 13:21 mozoku wrote:On December 14 2017 12:53 ticklishmusic wrote:On December 14 2017 12:33 mozoku wrote:On December 14 2017 11:23 ticklishmusic wrote: Asia (China mostly, but also others) also "gifted" Europe with gunpowder, medicine, science and a bunch of other things. It just so happened that for a bunch of complicated historical reasons imperial China didn't bother conquering and enslaving the world, with the excepting of the Yuan dynasty. (White people feel free to say thanks any time).
The Caliphate also gifted the Europeans, who were too busy trying to kill each other, with a bajillion things as well. At what point do you think China was capable of conquering and enslaving the world? This is the most egregious historical misstatement I've seen so far, with the possible exception of the rest of your post. The Yuan dynasty was really "we were conquered and ruled by the Mongols (who mostly left us alone)" so I have no idea what you're talking about. I have no idea how you're equating the Mongols capturing both China and their western territories with the Yuan dynasty taking over the world. That makes literally no sense. Next I bet you'll be telling me about the time India saved Europe from the Nazis during WW2. Probably at various points near the height of several dynasties. So a few centuries or so? You do realize the Yuan dynasty was literally composed of the descendants of Genghis Khan, right? And that his other descendants ran the other khanates around Asia and the Middle East. You realize the Khans weren't even Chinese? I feel like I shouldn't have to tell you this but China then and China now are made up of different territories and peoples. That makes the Khans as Chinese as I am Iraqi (I'm an American of European descent). Even the Chinese don't equate the Yuan dynasty with the Mongol Empire ffs. Way to give a specific answer on the bold. The point is that no civilization was capable of long distance overseas colonization until the 15th or 16th century, and by that time there was no way the Ming dynasty could have conquered Europe from the other side of the world, even if it wanted to. China, for most of its history, was a pretty insular empire. There was no reason for them to go out and explore and conquer because they basically had everything they really wanted.
You mean dragons?
I guess I'll agree with you that they do it because they can.
I won't agree with you on the integration part. Setting Erdogan aside, I know people that STILL, after second or third generation are more inside their own Turkish community (but work in a Belgian establishment) because they feel more comfortable there. They speak Dutch with an accent. They speak Turkish better than Dutch. Some will be more integrated, some will have a hard time doing so. Some don't want to and they don't need to. I don't think the people need to be shunned for shying away/not trying to integrate into somewhere when they have an entire network at their disposal that they're already integrated in (their own culture).
I kind of agree with you that you're not in the country just to do your own thing. You need to learn the lay of the land in a sense, but the infrastructure is shaped in a way that there isn't a necessity for this. And you know this. If an entire group of Germans suddenly formed a community in the country you reside in now... what do you think would happen?
On December 14 2017 13:32 ticklishmusic wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2017 13:21 mozoku wrote:On December 14 2017 12:53 ticklishmusic wrote:On December 14 2017 12:33 mozoku wrote:On December 14 2017 11:23 ticklishmusic wrote: Asia (China mostly, but also others) also "gifted" Europe with gunpowder, medicine, science and a bunch of other things. It just so happened that for a bunch of complicated historical reasons imperial China didn't bother conquering and enslaving the world, with the excepting of the Yuan dynasty. (White people feel free to say thanks any time).
The Caliphate also gifted the Europeans, who were too busy trying to kill each other, with a bajillion things as well. At what point do you think China was capable of conquering and enslaving the world? This is the most egregious historical misstatement I've seen so far, with the possible exception of the rest of your post. The Yuan dynasty was really "we were conquered and ruled by the Mongols (who mostly left us alone)" so I have no idea what you're talking about. I have no idea how you're equating the Mongols capturing both China and their western territories with the Yuan dynasty taking over the world. That makes literally no sense. Next I bet you'll be telling me about the time India saved Europe from the Nazis during WW2. Probably at various points near the height of several dynasties. So a few centuries or so? You do realize the Yuan dynasty was literally composed of the descendants of Genghis Khan, right? And that his other descendants ran the other khanates around Asia and the Middle East. You realize the Khans weren't even Chinese? I feel like I shouldn't have to tell you this but China then and China now are made up of different territories and peoples. That makes the Khans as Chinese as I am Iraqi (I'm an American of European descent). Even the Chinese don't equate the Yuan dynasty with the Mongol Empire ffs. Way to give a specific answer on the bold. The point is that no civilization was capable of long distance overseas colonization until the 15th or 16th century, and by that time there was no way the Ming dynasty could have conquered Europe from the other side of the world, even if it wanted to. The Normans conquered England and ruled it for quite awhile. Would you like to argue that's not part of English history? Right, the parts that happened in fucking England. I don't consider the Norman wars with the Byzantines and in the Mediterranean part of English history though. I suppose you do?
China, for most of its history, was a pretty insular empire. There was no reason for them to go out and explore and conquer because they basically had everything they really wanted. More China pop history myths. "China" was pretty expansive until the emperors figured out that they couldn't retain control of general too far away (as it repeatedly led to the fall of their dynasties). It had nothing to do with "having everything they wanted."
There was also the arguably more important matter of the surrounding deserts and mountains. What do you think Zheng He was doing with that large army on the open ocean anyway? To prove to the Europeans it could be done? It was an imperial mission lol.
United Kingdom13775 Posts
Well unlike the Europeans the Chinese got to keep almost all of their empire (only losing some minor territories like Korea) so I'd say they did it right. Solid empiring on their part.
On December 14 2017 13:37 Uldridge wrote: I guess I'll agree with you that they do it because they can.
I won't agree with you on the integration part. Setting Erdogan aside, I know people that STILL, after second or third generation are more inside their own Turkish community (but work in a Belgian establishment) because they feel more comfortable there. They speak Dutch with an accent. They speak Turkish better than Dutch. Some will be more integrated, some will have a hard time doing so. Some don't want to and they don't need to. I don't think the people need to be shunned for shying away/not trying to integrate into somewhere when they have an entire network at their disposal that they're already integrated in (their own culture).
That's where we disagree. It doesn't matter if you want to integrate or not, you sooner or later have to interact with "the natives". Chances are, quite often. Where that ends is seen in germany where multiple Sachbearbeiter (case workers) were killed/knifed because they tried to argue with someone who thinks his culture is above everything else, so if that case worker tries to take welfare money of him for not making an effort to integrate, slit.
I don't care if someone wants to pray. Sure, the fuck, go ahead. I start to care once people think they're above the law or superior, or start killing/raping people because their culture labels a girl in a mini fair game.
I kind of agree with you that you're not in the country just to do your own thing. You need to learn the lay of the land in a sense, but the infrastructure is shaped in a way that there isn't a necessity for this. And you know this. If an entire group of Germans suddenly formed a community in the country you reside in now... what do you think would happen?
Hard to imagine, because we kinda don't. I go to the pub for the piss they call beer, i talk english to other germans, none of these would suddenly try to force german laws on people here because "that's what a retarded book says". All the things that are not applicable to 90% of refugees or people "in islamic communities". It simply isn't comparable, my values are quite in line for the most part with the country i live in. What you should really ask is, what would happen if germans form a huge community in turkey (especially rural), where they sell pork at every corner, and drink beer.
Now that'd be interesting.
Yes, let people who run from war and poverty die in the area we've meddled with. Fuck other people!
There are hundreds of thousands of air-conditioned tents in Saudi Arabia used only for Muslim pilgrimage. It would've been both economically and morally superior to have situated the Syrian refugees there instead of taking them into Europe. (Many of the migrants flooding into Europe aren't even Syrian, and Germany has curiously accepted far fewer Ukrainian refugees despite sharing the same continent).
Cologne was sexual assault. I didn't know groping women was equal to rape. I bet you've never had a culture shock. It doesn't excuse them, but in the context of their strict prude culture, it makes a bit more sense. Show me number of how dramatic the spike in terror and murder has become since they've arrived, please. I agree with you on family values, however. The problem is still not solved by people wanting to reproduce. And it's especially not solved by abolishing a welfare state, because both people in a relationship already need to work full time. you'd either have to increase wages, or give tax breaks or give subsidies, because core family values AND 2+ children per family don't go well with the current economic situation. Dumping the children in a creche isn't the answer either, because that kind of fucks with core family values, wouldn't it?
In 10 years we'll have a more aged populous and we'll have more children that immigrated from there. I don't see the problem with automating and getting people (among which are children) engaged in our society when they benefit us in the long run. It's not like every child from every Muslim will become a low sill low educated person. You're acting like it's going to become a huge drag, while you don't know the impact. We've had mass imports before. It's not that much of an issue ultimately. And how the fuck dare you point fingers at such a large number of people with only 2-3 years past since they came in Germany. I don't think you have any clue what it takes to adjust to a new culture, a new language, a new system, do you?
You'd be surprised how quickly other cultures assimilate when they aren't possessed by a cancerous third world ideology. Did you know that 42% of French Muslims aged 18-29 believe suicide bombings are justified to one extent or another? The younger generations are becoming MORE radicalized, NOT less. That's what happens when you open the flood gates and take in far too many migrants at once -- they form cultural enclaves and refuse to assimilate (hence Sharia zones like in Sweden and France). Welfare state or open borders -- Europe must pick one, you cannot have both and hope to survive the next century.
France also has the highest Muslim population in Europe, and Jews are fleeing France in greater numbers than any other European country. Interesting how that works. By the way, I'm actually jealous that Jews will at least have the luxury of a homeland to escape to should this multicultural experiment in Europe end as disastrously as I anticipate it will.
You fucking think colonialism was African countries being flooded with white people? Give it a good hard thought man. Also, we're not being exterminated or colonized,why do you think that'll ever happen? You're following a trend? You do know trends based on current statistics is very naive, right? Extrapolating current numbers don't do well compared to the actual numbers so many years don't the line, so stop hyperventilating over the so feared self destruction of the EU.
I was giving a hypothetical you fool. Of course Whites never outnumbered Africans in their own capital cities, there aren't enough White people on the planet to do so. We're a global minority, which is another interesting perspective on this.
And lastly, let me ask you this: what if Europe would be replaced with another culture, or let's not even say culture, but let's just say people that are traditionally not like white people. What's the big deal? Can you elaborate why other people are worse than your people? Is it an innate fear of losing what "we" have built over the last couple of centuries? It's just something I've thought about myself and I can't really seem to place it that well yet, would love your insight on it.
Yes of course it would be worse. If I tried telling you that Japan would thrive as a superior culture compared to its current state if every Japanese person were replaced with Somalians, who refused to learn Japanese or adapt to their customs, would you believe me? Japan faces a reproduction crisis of its own, but they observe the West with a sense of morbid curiosity as to what fate awaits an open borders society. In the meantime, they lose little by maintaining strict immigration laws.
Stronger men than you or I have bled and died to preserve Europe's monolithic culture. But now it's decaying by intent of the EU. It's clear they are deliberately creating chaos in order to justify a future military crackdown and authoritarian governments.
Edit to add some more: not all Muslims are the same, by the way. Coming from different regions they'll have different ways of wanting to live their lives and they won't suddenly all band together to form a super Muslim alliance banishing all the other already set political parties. It's just naive thinking Muslim people all get along on every level simply because they're Muslim. Just in my city, in my Belgian, slowly Muslimifying city (as you are fearing it to be), the Turks don't get along with the Moroccans. Some do, most don't. I'm also pretty sure the Turks or Moroccans themselves have different ways of looking at life within their own communities. You've never met a Muslim in your life, have you?
No shit Muslims aren't all the same. There wouldn't so much strife in majority Muslim countries otherwise. The point you seem to be missing is that these Moroccans and Turks (don't forget Kurds) will turn Europe into their next battleground with one another. For the record, I have met Muslims before, although I find ex-Muslims to be far less disingenuous.
The double dose of white nationalism and xenophobia. All this because I typed White Mans burden and it summoned this high quality topic.
Edit: Lol all the white babies.
On December 14 2017 13:22 IgnE wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2017 12:42 ShakeN_blake wrote:On December 14 2017 12:35 Aquanim wrote:On December 14 2017 12:16 ShakeN_blake wrote: Would you be content with African capital cities being flooded with White immigrants until Blacks became minorities? Based on your previous arguments regarding White Colonialism, the answer would be no. So drop your bullshit about right-wing propaganda and admit already that the reverse scenario of Europe being colonized is true. Perhaps if pressured enough, you'll concede that the West IS being conquered, but you're simply indifferent due to a pathological hatred for the White race and it's wretched "patriarchy." I've seen this pattern many times before. I'll grant you that large-scale immigration into Europe is causing short-to-medium term problems but I don't see how a bunch of poor migrants is analogous to technologically advanced colonists taking over, exploiting or straight-up exterminating the locals with their superior technology, and shipping resources back home. It seems thoroughly implausible to me that these immigrants are somehow going to take over and subjugate Europe. Causing some unrest is an entirely different question. Demography is destiny. They will replace us and subjugate Europe in time because European culture has become weak and submissive. We are the only culture that thinks demographic replacement is a meritorious act. How do you propose to stop Sharia Law when Whites are a minority in their own countries? Try convincing the Israelis to have open borders and invite the entire third world into their country like Sweden has. Surely they wouldn't mind becoming minorities in their homelands to a fatally hostile Muslim population? Diversity is our strength, after all. It's not like Israel would cease to exist as a Jewish homeland or anything . . . are you doing your part to save the white race and having as many white children as possible?
I plan to, just as Israelis should have many Jewish children as possible to ensure that Israel remains a Jewish-majority nation. Or is that somehow morally reprehensible to you?
On December 14 2017 13:59 ShakeN_blake wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2017 13:22 IgnE wrote:On December 14 2017 12:42 ShakeN_blake wrote:On December 14 2017 12:35 Aquanim wrote:On December 14 2017 12:16 ShakeN_blake wrote: Would you be content with African capital cities being flooded with White immigrants until Blacks became minorities? Based on your previous arguments regarding White Colonialism, the answer would be no. So drop your bullshit about right-wing propaganda and admit already that the reverse scenario of Europe being colonized is true. Perhaps if pressured enough, you'll concede that the West IS being conquered, but you're simply indifferent due to a pathological hatred for the White race and it's wretched "patriarchy." I've seen this pattern many times before. I'll grant you that large-scale immigration into Europe is causing short-to-medium term problems but I don't see how a bunch of poor migrants is analogous to technologically advanced colonists taking over, exploiting or straight-up exterminating the locals with their superior technology, and shipping resources back home. It seems thoroughly implausible to me that these immigrants are somehow going to take over and subjugate Europe. Causing some unrest is an entirely different question. Demography is destiny. They will replace us and subjugate Europe in time because European culture has become weak and submissive. We are the only culture that thinks demographic replacement is a meritorious act. How do you propose to stop Sharia Law when Whites are a minority in their own countries? Try convincing the Israelis to have open borders and invite the entire third world into their country like Sweden has. Surely they wouldn't mind becoming minorities in their homelands to a fatally hostile Muslim population? Diversity is our strength, after all. It's not like Israel would cease to exist as a Jewish homeland or anything . . . are you doing your part to save the white race and having as many white children as possible? I plan to, just as Israelis should have many Jewish children as possible to ensure that Israel remains a Jewish-majority nation. Or is that somehow morally reprehensible to you?
I think the morals come into play once we talk about how big said Israel should be.
Sidenote, your entire japan example is worthless considering how incredibly racist japan in general is. Shown by the fact that even integrated foreign engineers speaking the language etc are not uncommonly denied service.
On December 14 2017 14:01 m4ini wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2017 13:59 ShakeN_blake wrote:On December 14 2017 13:22 IgnE wrote:On December 14 2017 12:42 ShakeN_blake wrote:On December 14 2017 12:35 Aquanim wrote:On December 14 2017 12:16 ShakeN_blake wrote: Would you be content with African capital cities being flooded with White immigrants until Blacks became minorities? Based on your previous arguments regarding White Colonialism, the answer would be no. So drop your bullshit about right-wing propaganda and admit already that the reverse scenario of Europe being colonized is true. Perhaps if pressured enough, you'll concede that the West IS being conquered, but you're simply indifferent due to a pathological hatred for the White race and it's wretched "patriarchy." I've seen this pattern many times before. I'll grant you that large-scale immigration into Europe is causing short-to-medium term problems but I don't see how a bunch of poor migrants is analogous to technologically advanced colonists taking over, exploiting or straight-up exterminating the locals with their superior technology, and shipping resources back home. It seems thoroughly implausible to me that these immigrants are somehow going to take over and subjugate Europe. Causing some unrest is an entirely different question. Demography is destiny. They will replace us and subjugate Europe in time because European culture has become weak and submissive. We are the only culture that thinks demographic replacement is a meritorious act. How do you propose to stop Sharia Law when Whites are a minority in their own countries? Try convincing the Israelis to have open borders and invite the entire third world into their country like Sweden has. Surely they wouldn't mind becoming minorities in their homelands to a fatally hostile Muslim population? Diversity is our strength, after all. It's not like Israel would cease to exist as a Jewish homeland or anything . . . are you doing your part to save the white race and having as many white children as possible? I plan to, just as Israelis should have many Jewish children as possible to ensure that Israel remains a Jewish-majority nation. Or is that somehow morally reprehensible to you? I think the morals come into play once we talk about how big said Israel should be. Sidenote, your entire japan example is worthless considering how incredibly racist japan in general is. Shown by the fact that even integrated foreign engineers speaking the language etc are not uncommonly denied service.
I'm not talking about expanding Israel's borders beyond it's current state. That should not be necessary. Maintaining their current demographic foothold is another matter entirely.
And I chose Japan precisely because they are a monolithic culture with self-preservational instincts, unlike the West. It is their sovereign right as a nation to restrict immigration as they see fit.
And their population is shrinking last time I checked. And they are super racist by most modern standards.
On December 14 2017 13:59 ShakeN_blake wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2017 13:22 IgnE wrote:On December 14 2017 12:42 ShakeN_blake wrote:On December 14 2017 12:35 Aquanim wrote:On December 14 2017 12:16 ShakeN_blake wrote: Would you be content with African capital cities being flooded with White immigrants until Blacks became minorities? Based on your previous arguments regarding White Colonialism, the answer would be no. So drop your bullshit about right-wing propaganda and admit already that the reverse scenario of Europe being colonized is true. Perhaps if pressured enough, you'll concede that the West IS being conquered, but you're simply indifferent due to a pathological hatred for the White race and it's wretched "patriarchy." I've seen this pattern many times before. I'll grant you that large-scale immigration into Europe is causing short-to-medium term problems but I don't see how a bunch of poor migrants is analogous to technologically advanced colonists taking over, exploiting or straight-up exterminating the locals with their superior technology, and shipping resources back home. It seems thoroughly implausible to me that these immigrants are somehow going to take over and subjugate Europe. Causing some unrest is an entirely different question. Demography is destiny. They will replace us and subjugate Europe in time because European culture has become weak and submissive. We are the only culture that thinks demographic replacement is a meritorious act. How do you propose to stop Sharia Law when Whites are a minority in their own countries? Try convincing the Israelis to have open borders and invite the entire third world into their country like Sweden has. Surely they wouldn't mind becoming minorities in their homelands to a fatally hostile Muslim population? Diversity is our strength, after all. It's not like Israel would cease to exist as a Jewish homeland or anything . . . are you doing your part to save the white race and having as many white children as possible? I plan to, just as Israelis should have many Jewish children as possible to ensure that Israel remains a Jewish-majority nation. Or is that somehow morally reprehensible to you?
i was asking if you were actually doing it or if you just fantasize about it. now i know. you only fantasize about it
On December 14 2017 14:05 ShakeN_blake wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2017 14:01 m4ini wrote:On December 14 2017 13:59 ShakeN_blake wrote:On December 14 2017 13:22 IgnE wrote:On December 14 2017 12:42 ShakeN_blake wrote:On December 14 2017 12:35 Aquanim wrote:On December 14 2017 12:16 ShakeN_blake wrote: Would you be content with African capital cities being flooded with White immigrants until Blacks became minorities? Based on your previous arguments regarding White Colonialism, the answer would be no. So drop your bullshit about right-wing propaganda and admit already that the reverse scenario of Europe being colonized is true. Perhaps if pressured enough, you'll concede that the West IS being conquered, but you're simply indifferent due to a pathological hatred for the White race and it's wretched "patriarchy." I've seen this pattern many times before. I'll grant you that large-scale immigration into Europe is causing short-to-medium term problems but I don't see how a bunch of poor migrants is analogous to technologically advanced colonists taking over, exploiting or straight-up exterminating the locals with their superior technology, and shipping resources back home. It seems thoroughly implausible to me that these immigrants are somehow going to take over and subjugate Europe. Causing some unrest is an entirely different question. Demography is destiny. They will replace us and subjugate Europe in time because European culture has become weak and submissive. We are the only culture that thinks demographic replacement is a meritorious act. How do you propose to stop Sharia Law when Whites are a minority in their own countries? Try convincing the Israelis to have open borders and invite the entire third world into their country like Sweden has. Surely they wouldn't mind becoming minorities in their homelands to a fatally hostile Muslim population? Diversity is our strength, after all. It's not like Israel would cease to exist as a Jewish homeland or anything . . . are you doing your part to save the white race and having as many white children as possible? I plan to, just as Israelis should have many Jewish children as possible to ensure that Israel remains a Jewish-majority nation. Or is that somehow morally reprehensible to you? I think the morals come into play once we talk about how big said Israel should be. Sidenote, your entire japan example is worthless considering how incredibly racist japan in general is. Shown by the fact that even integrated foreign engineers speaking the language etc are not uncommonly denied service. I'm not talking about expanding Israel's borders beyond it's current state. That should not be necessary. Maintaining their current demographic foothold is another matter entirely. And I chose Japan precisely because they are a monolithic culture with self-preservational instincts, unlike the West. It is their sovereign right as a nation to restrict immigration as they see fit.
Of course they can do whatever they want. But don't cite them for failed or good immigration politics if the only immigration politics they have is "if you're not japanese, you're not welcome". If you start to argue that regardless of status, foreigners should be thrown out/not let in, you're an idiot. And, well, a racist.
Not even i who's incredibly critical about immigration in the EU currently would argue that contributors and people willing to integrate should not be let in. That's dumb beyond belief and only "justifiable" by white supremacy.
On December 14 2017 14:05 ShakeN_blake wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2017 14:01 m4ini wrote:On December 14 2017 13:59 ShakeN_blake wrote:On December 14 2017 13:22 IgnE wrote:On December 14 2017 12:42 ShakeN_blake wrote:On December 14 2017 12:35 Aquanim wrote:On December 14 2017 12:16 ShakeN_blake wrote: Would you be content with African capital cities being flooded with White immigrants until Blacks became minorities? Based on your previous arguments regarding White Colonialism, the answer would be no. So drop your bullshit about right-wing propaganda and admit already that the reverse scenario of Europe being colonized is true. Perhaps if pressured enough, you'll concede that the West IS being conquered, but you're simply indifferent due to a pathological hatred for the White race and it's wretched "patriarchy." I've seen this pattern many times before. I'll grant you that large-scale immigration into Europe is causing short-to-medium term problems but I don't see how a bunch of poor migrants is analogous to technologically advanced colonists taking over, exploiting or straight-up exterminating the locals with their superior technology, and shipping resources back home. It seems thoroughly implausible to me that these immigrants are somehow going to take over and subjugate Europe. Causing some unrest is an entirely different question. Demography is destiny. They will replace us and subjugate Europe in time because European culture has become weak and submissive. We are the only culture that thinks demographic replacement is a meritorious act. How do you propose to stop Sharia Law when Whites are a minority in their own countries? Try convincing the Israelis to have open borders and invite the entire third world into their country like Sweden has. Surely they wouldn't mind becoming minorities in their homelands to a fatally hostile Muslim population? Diversity is our strength, after all. It's not like Israel would cease to exist as a Jewish homeland or anything . . . are you doing your part to save the white race and having as many white children as possible? I plan to, just as Israelis should have many Jewish children as possible to ensure that Israel remains a Jewish-majority nation. Or is that somehow morally reprehensible to you? I think the morals come into play once we talk about how big said Israel should be. Sidenote, your entire japan example is worthless considering how incredibly racist japan in general is. Shown by the fact that even integrated foreign engineers speaking the language etc are not uncommonly denied service. I'm not talking about expanding Israel's borders beyond it's current state. That should not be necessary. Maintaining their current demographic foothold is another matter entirely. And I chose Japan precisely because they are a monolithic culture with self-preservational instincts, unlike the West. It is their sovereign right as a nation to restrict immigration as they see fit.
Lol, Japan is not who you want to be referencing here. They are what goes wrong when you get too weird about immigration. They are having some major issues lately and their culture is a really, really big part of it.
On December 14 2017 14:09 m4ini wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2017 14:05 ShakeN_blake wrote:On December 14 2017 14:01 m4ini wrote:On December 14 2017 13:59 ShakeN_blake wrote:On December 14 2017 13:22 IgnE wrote:On December 14 2017 12:42 ShakeN_blake wrote:On December 14 2017 12:35 Aquanim wrote:On December 14 2017 12:16 ShakeN_blake wrote: Would you be content with African capital cities being flooded with White immigrants until Blacks became minorities? Based on your previous arguments regarding White Colonialism, the answer would be no. So drop your bullshit about right-wing propaganda and admit already that the reverse scenario of Europe being colonized is true. Perhaps if pressured enough, you'll concede that the West IS being conquered, but you're simply indifferent due to a pathological hatred for the White race and it's wretched "patriarchy." I've seen this pattern many times before. I'll grant you that large-scale immigration into Europe is causing short-to-medium term problems but I don't see how a bunch of poor migrants is analogous to technologically advanced colonists taking over, exploiting or straight-up exterminating the locals with their superior technology, and shipping resources back home. It seems thoroughly implausible to me that these immigrants are somehow going to take over and subjugate Europe. Causing some unrest is an entirely different question. Demography is destiny. They will replace us and subjugate Europe in time because European culture has become weak and submissive. We are the only culture that thinks demographic replacement is a meritorious act. How do you propose to stop Sharia Law when Whites are a minority in their own countries? Try convincing the Israelis to have open borders and invite the entire third world into their country like Sweden has. Surely they wouldn't mind becoming minorities in their homelands to a fatally hostile Muslim population? Diversity is our strength, after all. It's not like Israel would cease to exist as a Jewish homeland or anything . . . are you doing your part to save the white race and having as many white children as possible? I plan to, just as Israelis should have many Jewish children as possible to ensure that Israel remains a Jewish-majority nation. Or is that somehow morally reprehensible to you? I think the morals come into play once we talk about how big said Israel should be. Sidenote, your entire japan example is worthless considering how incredibly racist japan in general is. Shown by the fact that even integrated foreign engineers speaking the language etc are not uncommonly denied service. I'm not talking about expanding Israel's borders beyond it's current state. That should not be necessary. Maintaining their current demographic foothold is another matter entirely. And I chose Japan precisely because they are a monolithic culture with self-preservational instincts, unlike the West. It is their sovereign right as a nation to restrict immigration as they see fit. Of course they can do whatever they want. But don't cite them for failed or good immigration politics if the only immigration politics they have is "if you're not japanese, you're not welcome". If you start to argue that regardless of status, foreigners should be thrown out/not let in, you're an idiot. And, well, a racist. Not even i who's incredibly critical about immigration in the EU currently would argue that contributors and people willing to integrate should not be let in. That's dumb beyond belief and only "justifiable" by white supremacy.
The EU's litmus test for who they think will actually contribute to society instead of being a welfare leech or criminal has failed beyond a shadow of a doubt. Travel bans should have been in place years ago. It would have at least prevented much of the carnage France, Germany and the U.K. have faced in particular over the past five years.
Meanwhile, Poland and Hungary are among the safest countries in Europe to visit. It must be nice having Christmas markets without the need for patrolling officers armed with assault rifles. Or concrete barriers on every street corner (I hear they call them "Merkel-Lego" in Germany).
On December 14 2017 14:16 ShakeN_blake wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2017 14:09 m4ini wrote:On December 14 2017 14:05 ShakeN_blake wrote:On December 14 2017 14:01 m4ini wrote:On December 14 2017 13:59 ShakeN_blake wrote:On December 14 2017 13:22 IgnE wrote:On December 14 2017 12:42 ShakeN_blake wrote:On December 14 2017 12:35 Aquanim wrote:On December 14 2017 12:16 ShakeN_blake wrote: Would you be content with African capital cities being flooded with White immigrants until Blacks became minorities? Based on your previous arguments regarding White Colonialism, the answer would be no. So drop your bullshit about right-wing propaganda and admit already that the reverse scenario of Europe being colonized is true. Perhaps if pressured enough, you'll concede that the West IS being conquered, but you're simply indifferent due to a pathological hatred for the White race and it's wretched "patriarchy." I've seen this pattern many times before. I'll grant you that large-scale immigration into Europe is causing short-to-medium term problems but I don't see how a bunch of poor migrants is analogous to technologically advanced colonists taking over, exploiting or straight-up exterminating the locals with their superior technology, and shipping resources back home. It seems thoroughly implausible to me that these immigrants are somehow going to take over and subjugate Europe. Causing some unrest is an entirely different question. Demography is destiny. They will replace us and subjugate Europe in time because European culture has become weak and submissive. We are the only culture that thinks demographic replacement is a meritorious act. How do you propose to stop Sharia Law when Whites are a minority in their own countries? Try convincing the Israelis to have open borders and invite the entire third world into their country like Sweden has. Surely they wouldn't mind becoming minorities in their homelands to a fatally hostile Muslim population? Diversity is our strength, after all. It's not like Israel would cease to exist as a Jewish homeland or anything . . . are you doing your part to save the white race and having as many white children as possible? I plan to, just as Israelis should have many Jewish children as possible to ensure that Israel remains a Jewish-majority nation. Or is that somehow morally reprehensible to you? I think the morals come into play once we talk about how big said Israel should be. Sidenote, your entire japan example is worthless considering how incredibly racist japan in general is. Shown by the fact that even integrated foreign engineers speaking the language etc are not uncommonly denied service. I'm not talking about expanding Israel's borders beyond it's current state. That should not be necessary. Maintaining their current demographic foothold is another matter entirely. And I chose Japan precisely because they are a monolithic culture with self-preservational instincts, unlike the West. It is their sovereign right as a nation to restrict immigration as they see fit. Of course they can do whatever they want. But don't cite them for failed or good immigration politics if the only immigration politics they have is "if you're not japanese, you're not welcome". If you start to argue that regardless of status, foreigners should be thrown out/not let in, you're an idiot. And, well, a racist. Not even i who's incredibly critical about immigration in the EU currently would argue that contributors and people willing to integrate should not be let in. That's dumb beyond belief and only "justifiable" by white supremacy. The EU's litmus test for who they think will actually contribute to society instead of being a welfare leech or criminal has failed beyond a shadow of a doubt. Travel bans should have been in place years ago. It would have at least prevented much of the carnage France, Germany and the U.K. have faced in particular over the past five years. Meanwhile, Poland and Hungary are among the safest countries in Europe to visit. It must be nice having Christmas markets without the need for patrolling officers armed with assault rifles. Or concrete barriers on every street corner (I hear they call them "Merkel-Lego" in Germany).
[Citation needed]
On December 14 2017 14:15 Mohdoo wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2017 14:05 ShakeN_blake wrote:On December 14 2017 14:01 m4ini wrote:On December 14 2017 13:59 ShakeN_blake wrote:On December 14 2017 13:22 IgnE wrote:On December 14 2017 12:42 ShakeN_blake wrote:On December 14 2017 12:35 Aquanim wrote:On December 14 2017 12:16 ShakeN_blake wrote: Would you be content with African capital cities being flooded with White immigrants until Blacks became minorities? Based on your previous arguments regarding White Colonialism, the answer would be no. So drop your bullshit about right-wing propaganda and admit already that the reverse scenario of Europe being colonized is true. Perhaps if pressured enough, you'll concede that the West IS being conquered, but you're simply indifferent due to a pathological hatred for the White race and it's wretched "patriarchy." I've seen this pattern many times before. I'll grant you that large-scale immigration into Europe is causing short-to-medium term problems but I don't see how a bunch of poor migrants is analogous to technologically advanced colonists taking over, exploiting or straight-up exterminating the locals with their superior technology, and shipping resources back home. It seems thoroughly implausible to me that these immigrants are somehow going to take over and subjugate Europe. Causing some unrest is an entirely different question. Demography is destiny. They will replace us and subjugate Europe in time because European culture has become weak and submissive. We are the only culture that thinks demographic replacement is a meritorious act. How do you propose to stop Sharia Law when Whites are a minority in their own countries? Try convincing the Israelis to have open borders and invite the entire third world into their country like Sweden has. Surely they wouldn't mind becoming minorities in their homelands to a fatally hostile Muslim population? Diversity is our strength, after all. It's not like Israel would cease to exist as a Jewish homeland or anything . . . are you doing your part to save the white race and having as many white children as possible? I plan to, just as Israelis should have many Jewish children as possible to ensure that Israel remains a Jewish-majority nation. Or is that somehow morally reprehensible to you? I think the morals come into play once we talk about how big said Israel should be. Sidenote, your entire japan example is worthless considering how incredibly racist japan in general is. Shown by the fact that even integrated foreign engineers speaking the language etc are not uncommonly denied service. I'm not talking about expanding Israel's borders beyond it's current state. That should not be necessary. Maintaining their current demographic foothold is another matter entirely. And I chose Japan precisely because they are a monolithic culture with self-preservational instincts, unlike the West. It is their sovereign right as a nation to restrict immigration as they see fit. Lol, Japan is not who you want to be referencing here. They are what goes wrong when you get too weird about immigration. They are having some major issues lately and their culture is a really, really big part of it.
Israel and Japan will both seek solutions to manage their demographic future. That does not mean they need to embrace the suicidal mindset of countries like Sweden when it comes to managing immigration.
Isn't Poland in the middle of a struggle against the ultra right nationalist government they elected? I seem to remember them almost causing riots by trying outlaw abortions.
On December 14 2017 13:20 IgnE wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2017 12:32 xDaunt wrote:On December 14 2017 12:28 IgnE wrote:On December 14 2017 08:53 TheTenthDoc wrote:On December 14 2017 08:37 Plansix wrote:On December 14 2017 08:29 xDaunt wrote:On December 14 2017 08:22 Plansix wrote:On December 14 2017 08:17 xDaunt wrote:On December 14 2017 08:13 Plansix wrote:On December 14 2017 07:19 On_Slaught wrote: [quote]
"Some very fine people on both sides." Again: Racist in the US long ago adopted the topic secret super power of saying they were not really racists. Western Culture is the new States Rights, which was the new White Man’s Burden. A quick look at the current state of post-colonial Africa suggests that Kipling may have had a point. At this point this post by you doesn’t even shock me. And if we hadn’t spent well over 200 years fucking with Africa, I might agree. But imperialism leaves it mark. So how would you explain away the shittiness of pre-colonial Africa? Its fucking super hot there and its hard to grow crops. The same with some regions of North America pre colonies, except harsh winters were the real killer. Civilizations advanced at different rates depending on the environment they existed in. That super dope regions where Greece and Rome started, prime early civilization real estate. That land by the river in Egypt, also prime early civilization real estate. On December 14 2017 08:35 GreenHorizons wrote:On December 14 2017 08:29 xDaunt wrote:On December 14 2017 08:22 Plansix wrote:On December 14 2017 08:17 xDaunt wrote:On December 14 2017 08:13 Plansix wrote: [quote] Again: Racist in the US long ago adopted the topic secret super power of saying they were not really racists. Western Culture is the new States Rights, which was the new White Man’s Burden. A quick look at the current state of post-colonial Africa suggests that Kipling may have had a point. At this point this post by you doesn’t even shock me. And if we hadn’t spent well over 200 years fucking with Africa, I might agree. But imperialism leaves it mark. So how would you explain away the shittiness of pre-colonial Africa? Like compared to the Dark Ages of Europe? The dark ages were super shit. People overlook that era and the 20 crusades just to export warlords and assholes to the south. I don't think xDaunt thinks Egypt counts as Africa. That or he doesn't believe the Code of Hammurabi was a big deal. babylon isnt really in africa though? Excellent, the A-team is finally here. Would you mind making the proper counter-argument for all of these lost leftists? actually i thought our south african friend did a fine job of doing that, which i appreciate because i dont find your arguments here to be worth taking seriously. i mean come on man. saying post war japan had it worse than postcolonial africa? complete bollocks Now, now. Don't be lazy. I want to see where this goes. The typical response is that Japan was in an advantageous position because it had a national identity whereas the colonies did not. Is that your response, too?
On December 14 2017 14:19 ShakeN_blake wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2017 14:15 Mohdoo wrote:On December 14 2017 14:05 ShakeN_blake wrote:On December 14 2017 14:01 m4ini wrote:On December 14 2017 13:59 ShakeN_blake wrote:On December 14 2017 13:22 IgnE wrote:On December 14 2017 12:42 ShakeN_blake wrote:On December 14 2017 12:35 Aquanim wrote:On December 14 2017 12:16 ShakeN_blake wrote: Would you be content with African capital cities being flooded with White immigrants until Blacks became minorities? Based on your previous arguments regarding White Colonialism, the answer would be no. So drop your bullshit about right-wing propaganda and admit already that the reverse scenario of Europe being colonized is true. Perhaps if pressured enough, you'll concede that the West IS being conquered, but you're simply indifferent due to a pathological hatred for the White race and it's wretched "patriarchy." I've seen this pattern many times before. I'll grant you that large-scale immigration into Europe is causing short-to-medium term problems but I don't see how a bunch of poor migrants is analogous to technologically advanced colonists taking over, exploiting or straight-up exterminating the locals with their superior technology, and shipping resources back home. It seems thoroughly implausible to me that these immigrants are somehow going to take over and subjugate Europe. Causing some unrest is an entirely different question. Demography is destiny. They will replace us and subjugate Europe in time because European culture has become weak and submissive. We are the only culture that thinks demographic replacement is a meritorious act. How do you propose to stop Sharia Law when Whites are a minority in their own countries? Try convincing the Israelis to have open borders and invite the entire third world into their country like Sweden has. Surely they wouldn't mind becoming minorities in their homelands to a fatally hostile Muslim population? Diversity is our strength, after all. It's not like Israel would cease to exist as a Jewish homeland or anything . . . are you doing your part to save the white race and having as many white children as possible? I plan to, just as Israelis should have many Jewish children as possible to ensure that Israel remains a Jewish-majority nation. Or is that somehow morally reprehensible to you? I think the morals come into play once we talk about how big said Israel should be. Sidenote, your entire japan example is worthless considering how incredibly racist japan in general is. Shown by the fact that even integrated foreign engineers speaking the language etc are not uncommonly denied service. I'm not talking about expanding Israel's borders beyond it's current state. That should not be necessary. Maintaining their current demographic foothold is another matter entirely. And I chose Japan precisely because they are a monolithic culture with self-preservational instincts, unlike the West. It is their sovereign right as a nation to restrict immigration as they see fit. Lol, Japan is not who you want to be referencing here. They are what goes wrong when you get too weird about immigration. They are having some major issues lately and their culture is a really, really big part of it. Israel and Japan will both seek solutions to manage their demographic future. That does not mean they need to embrace the suicidal mindset of countries like Sweden when it comes to managing immigration.
You used Japan as an example of good immigration policy. It is bad and hurting their economy a lot. You're just copy pasting the same boring talking points from the_donald as if it is remotely new or substantial. We've all heard all these simplistic, elegant, yet brain dead arguments before. Overall, you've done a very poor job at adding actual substance to your argument.