On May 24 2012 16:17 Xeris wrote: This whole thread is stupid. Even if Day9 has been rude to a guy before (whether that story is true or untrue), who hasn't? It happens sometimes. Especially during a LAN event where you're working A LOT (Dreamhack notoriously over-works the casters) and are absolutely exhausted at the end of the day, maybe you let something slip and do something you might regret later. Everyone does stupid things, and celebrities are no exception. Either way, that incident is: a) not a big deal, everyone's been in the situation before, b) unfortunate that it's even come this far (trust me I know).
I also think it's silly that people talk about his persona being fake. It actually isn't at all. I've known Sean since 2005, we used to car-pool to SoCal LAN events together, I was his manager on the USA national team in BW, and I'd have to call him every weekend to make sure he showed up to matches because he always overslept. He's always been the same. What you see when he's on camera isn't a persona, it's just how he is. He loves Starcraft. He literally can't stop talking about it. I remember when I was practicing for WGF 2008 and I wanted advice on build orders I called Sean and we talked for a longass time about a specific PvZ build on Requiem (you can read about it here, from one of his first ever podcasts: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=99950). He'll talk about Starcraft with anyone. He used to have OSL/MSL viewing parties at his apartment when he went to USC, he played for the USC CSL team in Season 1, he coached their CSL team in Season 2.
He's casted for CSL every season and he does it because he's a good guy. I can name other casters who are less famous than him who when I approached them about CSL the first thing they asked was "what's the pay." I've literally never heard that question come out of Sean's mouth. Whether it's casting for a community endeavor like the CSL or a big league like the NASL, the first thing he says is "omg awesome, more SC casting... I hope it fits into my schedule." That's what separates him from other people and it's why he's an amazing person and how he's been able to be so successful. He doesn't let things like money drive him, he lets his passion drive him. The money comes as a byproduct.
And I'm sure he makes money from SC - this is his full time job. He has employees and staff that help him plan events, do bookings, and help promote esports. He pays these people out of his pocket with money that he earns. He also has to live, too.
I literally can't say enough about how amazing Sean is as a person, friend, and anchor/spokesperson of our community. People need to back off and realize that everyone has their bad days, and it's really hard to put on a daily show the way he does. So ya, he's not fake at all.. he's just genuinely addicted to this game, he lives and breathes it! :D
He's also really funny, which helps a lot :D
this wins the thread :D
Please stfu about "winning threads", you post that shit on every thread. There's no such thing as winning a thread, it's about discussion. Please, really.
Uhh, I dont remember posting such in every thread lol. You got the wrong guy it seems. In any case Im sorry kk? <3
It is below the subscription link and it is for people who are already subscribing to give even more. Thats why is says "offer additional support" Anyone who does it is not doing it for monobattles.
If the people do give him money just because they enjoy the content day9 has no reason to say
"The subscription revenue, while helpful, only partially defrays the cost of operating Day[9]TV."
Why not?
Why is day9 implying his business loses money?
Because it's free?
If his business is not losing money this is a very misleading sentence. Thats what I don't like it is misleading your most loyal fans to get more money that they would not give if they had more correct information.
The show is free, but the show also costs money to make. It's not misleading.
f you have the means to offer additional support so that Day[9] can continue his efforts to grow eSports,
He does not say the donation is to thank him for enjoying his content.
It's implied. It's also to thank him for his contributions to esports as a whole and not just the show. He also thanks you back for donating by playing monobattles with you, and putting extra donations back into esports to bring awesome tournaments or lans, such as the AHGL.
It is to continue to grow esports. A very vague goal with no meaning besides imply he'd stop his efforts without donations.
Day[9] has undoubtedly grown esports, that is just fact. If you like how he has helped esports grow so far, you may donate extra money.
Would he quit esports all together without donations? I doubt it so I also find this misleading.
Do you think he was getting subscribers and donations when he started the daily in the first place? No, he was not. He's obviously doing the show because he WANTS to do the show.
In conclusion I don't think is nice to write very misleading statements when asking for donations. Non misleading donation requests are ok because the donor has true information to make their decision.
The statements are only misleading when you purposefully misinterpret them.
On May 24 2012 16:17 Xeris wrote: This whole thread is stupid. Even if Day9 has been rude to a guy before (whether that story is true or untrue), who hasn't? It happens sometimes. Especially during a LAN event where you're working A LOT (Dreamhack notoriously over-works the casters) and are absolutely exhausted at the end of the day, maybe you let something slip and do something you might regret later. Everyone does stupid things, and celebrities are no exception. Either way, that incident is: a) not a big deal, everyone's been in the situation before, b) unfortunate that it's even come this far (trust me I know).
I also think it's silly that people talk about his persona being fake. It actually isn't at all. I've known Sean since 2005, we used to car-pool to SoCal LAN events together, I was his manager on the USA national team in BW, and I'd have to call him every weekend to make sure he showed up to matches because he always overslept. He's always been the same. What you see when he's on camera isn't a persona, it's just how he is. He loves Starcraft. He literally can't stop talking about it. I remember when I was practicing for WGF 2008 and I wanted advice on build orders I called Sean and we talked for a longass time about a specific PvZ build on Requiem (you can read about it here, from one of his first ever podcasts: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=99950). He'll talk about Starcraft with anyone. He used to have OSL/MSL viewing parties at his apartment when he went to USC, he played for the USC CSL team in Season 1, he coached their CSL team in Season 2.
He's casted for CSL every season and he does it because he's a good guy. I can name other casters who are less famous than him who when I approached them about CSL the first thing they asked was "what's the pay." I've literally never heard that question come out of Sean's mouth. Whether it's casting for a community endeavor like the CSL or a big league like the NASL, the first thing he says is "omg awesome, more SC casting... I hope it fits into my schedule." That's what separates him from other people and it's why he's an amazing person and how he's been able to be so successful. He doesn't let things like money drive him, he lets his passion drive him. The money comes as a byproduct.
And I'm sure he makes money from SC - this is his full time job. He has employees and staff that help him plan events, do bookings, and help promote esports. He pays these people out of his pocket with money that he earns. He also has to live, too.
I literally can't say enough about how amazing Sean is as a person, friend, and anchor/spokesperson of our community. People need to back off and realize that everyone has their bad days, and it's really hard to put on a daily show the way he does. So ya, he's not fake at all.. he's just genuinely addicted to this game, he lives and breathes it! :D
He's also really funny, which helps a lot :D
The whole money thing is stupid, because obviously that has no bearing on anything. I think if it's legitimately true that he is pretty rude to staff/production/whatever (as talked about in the article linked on the first page), then it's probably a good thing that it's brought out and he fixes it; not in an esports sense, but as a person. I know I'd be pretty upset if I was some no-name guy working at an esports event and someone was really rude to me but I couldn't say anything about it because it would be career suicide.
As someone who staffed MSI Battlegrounds with Day9 two weeks ago, I'll testify that Day9 do not act as a prima donna with the staff.
Well, others have stated that he is (as in the article; the journalist in question and he stated that he's talked to others with similar experiences), and I find it hard to believe that they would risk getting lynched by all the rabid day9 fans to make up something completely untrue. I'm not saying that it is a 100% truth, but I would find it difficult that this would come out if it was a 1 time thing and didn't happen at least on a fairly regular basis. And like I said, I would be really upset if I was the guy who got mistreated and I couldn't say shit about it because of who mistreated me.
I hate to do this because I really like day9 as a caster, but here's a video I watched a while back and it kinda shows day9's elitism personality. The part I'm talking about starts at 3:35 and shows how he kinda has an attitude and thinks he's better than everyone else.
Just a general observation no opinion on the matter/Day9 -
I actually find it quite humorous that people use anecdotal evidence of someone being nice as proof that the person has legitimate intentions. "That's gold Jerry, gold!"
How DARE he make money at something that he has made his life and full-time job for the past 10+ years! .... Meanwhile in the real world, quit making stupid idealisms out of everything? People have to eat and successful people generally have worked incredibly hard to get where they are. I'm not a fan of the dailies like I used to be at this point last year but I still think people like Sean Plott need to stop being crucified for making money. You can't make eSports a legitimate industry unless you can have jobs and support additional job creation, which Sean is doing with his Day9TV corporation (or whatever it is).
i would personally love it if day9 was getting filthy rich off of sc2, he deserves it.
and at the end of the day, he spends 100% of his time dedicated to sc2, and the daily is always free and so is everything he does, if he is getting rich its not your money anyway...
No one complains that bill gates is rich cos of windows/microsoft etc, so why is it any different for esports? good on sean if hes making money.
Some people love him, some hate him, who cares? Facts are he is one of the better casters and he has done a lot for esports. But you can dislike/hate his attitude or his casting style.
On May 24 2012 17:00 Secret05 wrote: I hate to do this because I really like day9 as a caster, but here's a video I watched a while back and it kinda shows day9's elitism personality. The part I'm talking about starts at 3:35 and shows how he kinda has an attitude and thinks he's better than everyone else.
That was fucking weak man, that's not elitism at fucking all rofl. What a skewed view of the word. Sean says he's busy, the guys stick around despite his clear message that he can't talk.
They prod further into what he's doing despite being unopen about it and clearly stating he's busy (a.k.a. please leave me alone).
I didn't realise this was even an issue or even seen or read anything to suggest it was until this thread was created. I'm sure the op didn't intend to spark a discussion that wasn't an issue but until now I've not seen anything about this, sorry if i'm wrong.
If it is true it seems a very bizare thing to get upset about. In my opinion he is one of the best things to ever happen to esports especially sc2, surely it's normal to get paid well when you do something well, i'd be more concerned if he wasn't making much at all. From what I see on his show etc he probably works harder than alot of people so he deserves good money for it. It's also no one elses business but his own what he makes, you wouldn't go around asking people who wern't your friends or family how much they earn. He's in the spotlight and in the entertainment business so i guess there's interest but still.
As far as being fake, i personally think this isn't the case by a long shot but again he produces a show which people watch and enjoy even if it was true how would it be an issue?
Day9 is one of the people to get me into esports and I can't fualt him. I'm a big day9 fan.
Stopped reading at "silent majority." The majority of people don't care and are silent as a result of that. It's not as if the majority of the posters on TL believe or voice anything negative. It's often split depending on the topic.
day9 is a great contributor to SC, even if he is has a large ego about it, IMO his contributions far outweigh these flaws. You can discern from his casting (when he is doing it informally and being candid) that he is definitely aware that he is famous within the community. This is nothing new, it goes back to BW. But like I said, what he has done for the community really offsets him being rude to people. Besides, he must get approached all the time, gotta get annoying.
On May 24 2012 17:00 Secret05 wrote: I hate to do this because I really like day9 as a caster, but here's a video I watched a while back and it kinda shows day9's elitism personality. The part I'm talking about starts at 3:35 and shows how he kinda has an attitude and thinks he's better than everyone else.
Admittedly, he didn't know he was going live and they kind of jumped on top of him in the middle of working/doing his stuff. I don't think anyone reasonable can hold that against him. He got kind of jumped by guys with a camera.
On May 24 2012 17:00 Secret05 wrote: I hate to do this because I really like day9 as a caster, but here's a video I watched a while back and it kinda shows day9's elitism personality. The part I'm talking about starts at 3:35 and shows how he kinda has an attitude and thinks he's better than everyone else.
Lol, are you kidding me? Those guys just run up to the guy and stick a microphone and camera in his face when he's doing something on his computer. If it was some guy saying "oh hi day9!" he'd be chill but you cant just bust out a camera on a dude who's taking some downtime and is clearly unprepared. After he's made it clear he's busy, they go in for the "closeup" and basically get inside his personal space AFTER he's basically like "no".
Honestly... if I were in day9's position in there I'd have some very harsh words for those guys. But instead, he MOVED OUT OF THE WAY for their shot cause he's a considerate fellow.
On May 24 2012 17:00 Secret05 wrote: I hate to do this because I really like day9 as a caster, but here's a video I watched a while back and it kinda shows day9's elitism personality. The part I'm talking about starts at 3:35 and shows how he kinda has an attitude and thinks he's better than everyone else.
How is that having an attitude or elitism? Some random people with microphones and cameras walk up to him out of nowhere and stick a microphone in his face, he says "Whoa....." "Is this live" "I'm busy right now", but all in a polite way. To the impolite people who shoved a mic in his face.
On May 24 2012 17:00 Secret05 wrote: I hate to do this because I really like day9 as a caster, but here's a video I watched a while back and it kinda shows day9's elitism personality. The part I'm talking about starts at 3:35 and shows how he kinda has an attitude and thinks he's better than everyone else.
That was fucking weak man, that's not elitism at fucking all rofl. What a skewed view of the word. Sean says he's busy, the guys stick around despite his clear message that he can't talk.
They prod further into what he's doing despite being unopen about it and clearly stating he's busy (a.k.a. please leave me alone).
Weak shit, just weak.
yeah what the hell, he is obviously busy and/or doesnt want to talk right now for reasons he does not have to give. The camera man was insanely rude trying to see what he was doing, and so were the interviews for asking him a question after he said he is busy. He is simply busy.
Stop trying to find reasons to hate him when they arent fucking there.
On May 24 2012 17:00 Secret05 wrote: I hate to do this because I really like day9 as a caster, but here's a video I watched a while back and it kinda shows day9's elitism personality. The part I'm talking about starts at 3:35 and shows how he kinda has an attitude and thinks he's better than everyone else.
How is that having an attitude or elitism? Some random people with microphones and cameras walk up to him out of nowhere and stick a microphone in his face, he says "Whoa....." "Is this live" "I'm busy right now", but all in a polite way. To the impolite people who shoved a mic in his face.
Yeah honestly if I were in the middle of doing something, and someone came up behind me with a mic and camera then shoved the mic in my face, I wouldn't just be like "whoa". Day9 is a manner guy and was polite, more than most people would be if they get jumped on by surprise with recording equipment in their faces...
On May 24 2012 17:00 Secret05 wrote: I hate to do this because I really like day9 as a caster, but here's a video I watched a while back and it kinda shows day9's elitism personality. The part I'm talking about starts at 3:35 and shows how he kinda has an attitude and thinks he's better than everyone else.
Oh, that video. Exactly what I was saying earlier, now people are starting to jump on the "OMG ELITISM" bandwagon and pulling out random shit. I have no idea how did you reach that conclusion, but the video by no means shows Day9 as elitist. It shows him as being busy with facebook or something, taking some time off, and then those reporters interrupt him, expecting him to be ready to answer questions and what not. Can you honestly say that you wouldn't be at least slightly surprised?
I think one of the underlying problems that people have with day9 has to do with the fact that since we're a developing industry, a lot of things are hazy and informal where they should perhaps be formal, and vice versa in other scenarios.
First the community is a bit inconsistent imo. We hate on Orb (although i guess the lying was his big problem) and Destiny for racial slurs, but we don't say anything when someone calls Incontrol fat to his face.
I'd also like to touch on what MVTaylor said in his Reddit comment about how day9 is in (essentially) fake GM. This could call be cured with 1) a show match or 2) seeing his reps or 3) see him stream right? The slight problem is how solid Day9 is, in the fact that I don't really ever recall a scenario where he collapsed to the community and said "ok, i'll show you!".
1)A show match is pretty out of the question seeing as if he manages to beat a well known player, that player will get a lot of shit for losing to a guy who doesn't even play full time. If he loses, well then he's just bad and there'll be a shitstorm there as well. A mob mentality simply can't see a win-win scenario.
2)Day9 isn't much of a bragging guy, and I don't think it's fair to want him to be, or to blame him for not being so. That being said, his dailies are meant to cover specific areas of game play, and to say "watch how I wait for x to do y. See how smart that is? etc etc and then I win the game. Awesome right? It's because I'm so smart that I can make such good decisions and beat this guy" is just. not him.
3)Lastly, for streaming, I think it would be fair to see some games, I think like a 1 day event would be reasonable, but frankly, considering reddit and the fact that this thread even exists and that some people clearly don't like him, it doesn't change anything. If he plays any less than perfection or losses a couple games, he'll get shit for it. "aren't you suppose to be some guru who knows everything?"
It's kind of amusing to me that it seems that people are just so negative and cynical in their own lives that they just can't believe it's possible for someone to be as happy and social as day9 is.
Edit: Secret05 has obviously can't tell the difference between being rudely interrupted and being an elitist.