On May 24 2012 15:30 TheWorldToCome wrote: For me I have always had a real big issue with the fact that he claims to be some SC2 guru with his day9 dalies, yet has never provided evidence on how good he is at SC2.
He claims he is GM in all 3 races yet has never provided proof of this. And the only games he ever streams of himself are like Amnesia and Diablo 3.
Also when he is on SOTG he comes across as very phony IMO. If a discussion ever goes towards anything remotely controversial (like balance) he just seems to give a PR type response which is frustrating. It would be great to hear his thoughts on these types of things once in a while.
This sums it up. claiming to have gm accounts with zero evidence, generally seeming to be pretentiously nice (some call fake) while not being so nice when the camera is off (as posted in first page). Also the fact that he asks and takes donations and seems to downplay the money he makes.
Edit: the video posted further confirms his attitude for me. He is looking at the cameramen like they are peasants or something and the other casters seem knowingly uneasy about it.
Do you think he was getting subscribers and donations when he started the daily in the first place? No, he was not. He's obviously doing the show because he WANTS to do the show.
In conclusion I don't think is nice to write very misleading statements when asking for donations. Non misleading donation requests are ok because the donor has true information to make their decision.
The statements are only misleading when you purposefully misinterpret them.
Honestly, regardless of Day9 being a nice person or not, I'm sure there was a financial motive behind this. I'm sure he figured down the road when more people are playing Starcraft 2, he could profit from it. Did he ever expect to grow this big? I'm not sure.
But for people to say he doesn't give a shit about money is straight up silly. If he didn't care about money, he'd donate the rest to tournaments or so after his standard expenses.
On May 24 2012 17:00 Secret05 wrote: I hate to do this because I really like day9 as a caster, but here's a video I watched a while back and it kinda shows day9's elitism personality. The part I'm talking about starts at 3:35 and shows how he kinda has an attitude and thinks he's better than everyone else.
Wow Day9 handled that really well. It's the two other guys that look like assholes in this.
On May 24 2012 16:17 Xeris wrote: This whole thread is stupid. Even if Day9 has been rude to a guy before (whether that story is true or untrue), who hasn't? It happens sometimes. Especially during a LAN event where you're working A LOT (Dreamhack notoriously over-works the casters) and are absolutely exhausted at the end of the day, maybe you let something slip and do something you might regret later. Everyone does stupid things, and celebrities are no exception. Either way, that incident is: a) not a big deal, everyone's been in the situation before, b) unfortunate that it's even come this far (trust me I know).
I also think it's silly that people talk about his persona being fake. It actually isn't at all. I've known Sean since 2005, we used to car-pool to SoCal LAN events together, I was his manager on the USA national team in BW, and I'd have to call him every weekend to make sure he showed up to matches because he always overslept. He's always been the same. What you see when he's on camera isn't a persona, it's just how he is. He loves Starcraft. He literally can't stop talking about it. I remember when I was practicing for WGF 2008 and I wanted advice on build orders I called Sean and we talked for a longass time about a specific PvZ build on Requiem (you can read about it here, from one of his first ever podcasts: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=99950). He'll talk about Starcraft with anyone. He used to have OSL/MSL viewing parties at his apartment when he went to USC, he played for the USC CSL team in Season 1, he coached their CSL team in Season 2.
He's casted for CSL every season and he does it because he's a good guy. I can name other casters who are less famous than him who when I approached them about CSL the first thing they asked was "what's the pay." I've literally never heard that question come out of Sean's mouth. Whether it's casting for a community endeavor like the CSL or a big league like the NASL, the first thing he says is "omg awesome, more SC casting... I hope it fits into my schedule." That's what separates him from other people and it's why he's an amazing person and how he's been able to be so successful. He doesn't let things like money drive him, he lets his passion drive him. The money comes as a byproduct.
And I'm sure he makes money from SC - this is his full time job. He has employees and staff that help him plan events, do bookings, and help promote esports. He pays these people out of his pocket with money that he earns. He also has to live, too.
I literally can't say enough about how amazing Sean is as a person, friend, and anchor/spokesperson of our community. People need to back off and realize that everyone has their bad days, and it's really hard to put on a daily show the way he does. So ya, he's not fake at all.. he's just genuinely addicted to this game, he lives and breathes it! :D
He's also really funny, which helps a lot :D
The whole money thing is stupid, because obviously that has no bearing on anything. I think if it's legitimately true that he is pretty rude to staff/production/whatever (as talked about in the article linked on the first page), then it's probably a good thing that it's brought out and he fixes it; not in an esports sense, but as a person. I know I'd be pretty upset if I was some no-name guy working at an esports event and someone was really rude to me but I couldn't say anything about it because it would be career suicide.
As someone who staffed MSI Battlegrounds with Day9 two weeks ago, I'll testify that Day9 do not act as a prima donna with the staff.
Well, others have stated that he is (as in the article; the journalist in question and he stated that he's talked to others with similar experiences), and I find it hard to believe that they would risk getting lynched by all the rabid day9 fans to make up something completely untrue. I'm not saying that it is a 100% truth, but I would find it difficult that this would come out if it was a 1 time thing and didn't happen at least on a fairly regular basis. And like I said, I would be really upset if I was the guy who got mistreated and I couldn't say shit about it because of who mistreated me.
Pretty convenient that he doesn't actually say who any of these others are and none of them have come forward. I also happened to talk to a bunch of people who worked with the guy who wrote that article and they said he's a primadonna and difficult to work with. Prove I didn't.
I think day9 could ward off a lot of hate and attacks if he would just give us some proof that he really is GM with all three races, because as it is right now his credit as a bw progamer just isn't enough to cut it anymore.
It's amazing how hard these people are grasping at possible straws to show day9 is not a great guy, and the fact that they have to do misleading stuff and put in all this effort just shows what a great guy he is that nobody can find him being a dick... especially in circumstances like that aggressive interview team. Honestly I'm not sure I'd be as nice as day9 if someone jumped me like that and tried to get their camera on my computer... lol.
On May 24 2012 17:00 Secret05 wrote: I hate to do this because I really like day9 as a caster, but here's a video I watched a while back and it kinda shows day9's elitism personality. The part I'm talking about starts at 3:35 and shows how he kinda has an attitude and thinks he's better than everyone else.
Lol, are you kidding me? Those guys just run up to the guy and stick a microphone and camera in his face when he's doing something on his computer. If it was some guy saying "oh hi day9!" he'd be chill but you cant just bust out a camera on a dude who's taking some downtime and is clearly unprepared. After he's made it clear he's busy, they go in for the "closeup" and basically get inside his personal space AFTER he's basically like "no".
Honestly... if I were in day9's position in there I'd have some very harsh words for those guys. But instead, he MOVED OUT OF THE WAY for their shot cause he's a considerate fellow.
i hate how they just go up to him and ask questions, its polite to just ask "hey day9 do you have time to answer a couple of questions?" if he says no, just walk away.
I have never had a reason to hate Day9. He is about 50% of the reason why I am into Starcraft, the other half being Husky. But from what I can tell he has done an amazing job in this community, and for that alone I would never hate him. But that was kind of a loaded question in the interview anyway so I dunno what to say. I don't blame him, but I'd never blame Day9 for doing anything but creating growth either.
I have met Day[9] 5 times since the Day[9] countdown, and he is hardly any different from when he was before. In every tournament he looks absolutely exhausted, he literally puts his whole self into it. I even was kind of his "bitch" in making everything work out better for his broadcasting in some ways here and there at the MSI Battlegrounds in Ventura. Told me what he needed to make it work better, and I got on people to get us the information we needed for smoother transitions in between games. I actually have to say, how he talked to us, and told us what we need was very professional and smooth. He had a good amount of positivity in his voice to help motivate us to do what he asked of us. In my experience, a stand up guy, who seems like he gets abso-fucking-lutely bombarded by fans who don't know what it's like to be bombarded like that.
On May 24 2012 17:00 Secret05 wrote: I hate to do this because I really like day9 as a caster, but here's a video I watched a while back and it kinda shows day9's elitism personality. The part I'm talking about starts at 3:35 and shows how he kinda has an attitude and thinks he's better than everyone else.
Lol, are you kidding me? Those guys just run up to the guy and stick a microphone and camera in his face when he's doing something on his computer. If it was some guy saying "oh hi day9!" he'd be chill but you cant just bust out a camera on a dude who's taking some downtime and is clearly unprepared. After he's made it clear he's busy, they go in for the "closeup" and basically get inside his personal space AFTER he's basically like "no".
Honestly... if I were in day9's position in there I'd have some very harsh words for those guys. But instead, he MOVED OUT OF THE WAY for their shot cause he's a considerate fellow.
i hate how they just go up to him and ask questions, its polite to just ask "hey day9 do you have time to answer a couple of questions?" if he says no, just walk away.
Really unproffesional interview team.
Yeah I can't believe people could watch that video and not see the interviewers as unprofessional and inconsiderate and that is why he reacted the way he did, which wasn't negative AT ALL.
On May 24 2012 15:30 TheWorldToCome wrote: For me I have always had a real big issue with the fact that he claims to be some SC2 guru with his day9 dalies, yet has never provided evidence on how good he is at SC2.
He claims he is GM in all 3 races yet has never provided proof of this. And the only games he ever streams of himself are like Amnesia and Diablo 3.
Also when he is on SOTG he comes across as very phony IMO. If a discussion ever goes towards anything remotely controversial (like balance) he just seems to give a PR type response which is frustrating. It would be great to hear his thoughts on these types of things once in a while.
This sums it up. claiming to have gm accounts with zero evidence, generally seeming to be pretentiously nice (some call fake) while not being so nice when the camera is off (as posted in first page). Also the fact that he asks and takes donations and seems to downplay the money he makes.
what? people were begging to give him money for so long, so he let them, there is nothing changed for people who dont wanna pay anything.
And he was asked SO MANY TIMES if he was GM or not, of course he is going to answer them eventually.
day 9's ego is so fucking huge. I'm actually surprised many people don't even see it. He doesn't make the casts enjoyable to listen to. He doesn't make it interesting. He will often interrupt fellow casters to say something often unimportant and not even pertaining to the game. I'm happy someone from the pro community called him out. And when day9 says "I'm broke" I actually laugh, because even idra said top tier casters make tons and tons of money. TBH the community doesn't need anyone like this. Its a turn off when I'm watching tournaments. I honestly have to mute because all he does is talk over or talk for extended periods of time and his ego shows during the whole thing. And in this video posted above he was browsing Facebook how is that fucking busy? Is Facebook so fucking important that he couldn't answer a few questions about the tournament? Knowing that tournaments have crews that walk around doing live feeds. Sure he is a knowledgeable person to talk to about the game. But when he goes on and it not only makes me, but probably hundreds of others irritated. Before sc2 took off, i can say this for a fact he wasn't as obnoxious as he is now. I could care less if he casted a major tournament ever again, but its annoying to have to mute it.
On May 24 2012 17:00 Secret05 wrote: I hate to do this because I really like day9 as a caster, but here's a video I watched a while back and it kinda shows day9's elitism personality. The part I'm talking about starts at 3:35 and shows how he kinda has an attitude and thinks he's better than everyone else.
Why can't we just have our opinions of the man and just keep them to ourselves? Whether or not you think he's a wonderful or abhorrent person, it's not like he's out there kicking puppies in the name of esports or embezzling from Sundance's wallet. Why don't you guys start when there's a legitimate reason, with substantial proof, to start shitting on someone?
I don't think anyone understands that he has a niche following and doesn't really appeal to the mainstream. He basically just fits this role of super pumped nerd that loves to hear his own voice and ideas.
As long as day9 is a main caster only nerds will watch. Tastosis has a lot more mainstream appeal than day9 / anyone. I can't stand day 9 at all, when he first started doing shows (sc:bw) and had maybe 100 viewers it was okay but the ego is really affecting him and he honestly thinks he is better than the pros in these tournaments. He's like secretly super insecure too and at every point must mention how much better he is than X.
On May 24 2012 17:14 Aberu wrote: I have met Day[9] 5 times since the Day[9] countdown, and he is hardly any different from when he was before. In every tournament he looks absolutely exhausted, he literally puts his whole self into it. I even was kind of his "bitch" in making everything work out better for his broadcasting in some ways here and there at the MSI Battlegrounds in Ventura. Told me what he needed to make it work better, and I got on people to get us the information we needed for smoother transitions in between games. I actually have to say, how he talked to us, and told us what we need was very professional and smooth. He had a good amount of positivity in his voice to help motivate us to do what he asked of us. In my experience, a stand up guy, who seems like he gets abso-fucking-lutely bombarded by fans who don't know what it's like to be bombarded like that.
Again, I think it's really worth noting that there are tons of posts like this in the thread, from people who have worked directly with Day9 and have really found him to be a great guy, and the vast majority of hater posts are people who have never met him who are just like "well he seems fake on his webshow"... I think we know who's more credible.
On May 24 2012 17:00 Secret05 wrote: I hate to do this because I really like day9 as a caster, but here's a video I watched a while back and it kinda shows day9's elitism personality. The part I'm talking about starts at 3:35 and shows how he kinda has an attitude and thinks he's better than everyone else.
Lol, are you kidding me? Those guys just run up to the guy and stick a microphone and camera in his face when he's doing something on his computer. If it was some guy saying "oh hi day9!" he'd be chill but you cant just bust out a camera on a dude who's taking some downtime and is clearly unprepared. After he's made it clear he's busy, they go in for the "closeup" and basically get inside his personal space AFTER he's basically like "no".
Honestly... if I were in day9's position in there I'd have some very harsh words for those guys. But instead, he MOVED OUT OF THE WAY for their shot cause he's a considerate fellow.
i hate how they just go up to him and ask questions, its polite to just ask "hey day9 do you have time to answer a couple of questions?" if he says no, just walk away.
Really unproffesional interview team.
Yeah he was so busy working on facebook, really couldn't make time to talk for a bit or even just say a couple words.Sure doesn't match the day9 i see on the fucking daily, always jumpy and excited and happy.
On May 24 2012 17:00 Secret05 wrote: I hate to do this because I really like day9 as a caster, but here's a video I watched a while back and it kinda shows day9's elitism personality. The part I'm talking about starts at 3:35 and shows how he kinda has an attitude and thinks he's better than everyone else.
Lol, are you kidding me? Those guys just run up to the guy and stick a microphone and camera in his face when he's doing something on his computer. If it was some guy saying "oh hi day9!" he'd be chill but you cant just bust out a camera on a dude who's taking some downtime and is clearly unprepared. After he's made it clear he's busy, they go in for the "closeup" and basically get inside his personal space AFTER he's basically like "no".
Honestly... if I were in day9's position in there I'd have some very harsh words for those guys. But instead, he MOVED OUT OF THE WAY for their shot cause he's a considerate fellow.
i hate how they just go up to him and ask questions, its polite to just ask "hey day9 do you have time to answer a couple of questions?" if he says no, just walk away.
Really unproffesional interview team.
Yeah he was so busy working on facebook, really couldn't make time to talk for a bit or even just say a couple words.Sure doesn't match the day9 i see on the fucking daily, always jumpy and excited and happy.
You're really lacking some perspective here. The dude basically got jumped by an interview team and had stuff shoved in his face. He might have been talking to a family member, or setting something up on the day9tv facebook feed. The fact of the matter is, that interview team was so amazingly unprofessional I'm apalled.
EDIT: in fact, if he seems to be in a different mood during his downtime at a tournament than he is doing his daily show, and that surprises you, you should think for a moment about how tiring casting like 10 hours a day is. And the fact of the matter is, he isn't rude at all to the interview team even though they're dicks. he just politely decline then when they shove their camera in his computer he moves out of the way.
Frankly, as someone who suffers from a bit of it myself, I could immediately tell from watching Day9's videos that he suffers from a good deal of narcissism. I am not sure how he manages to convince people that he's a down-to-earth guy; he loves attention, he loves games, and my guess is that's about it. His interpersonal skills likely extend no further than exhibiting the image he wants people to see, and being extremely good at it. However, for such a person, it's challenging to keep that facade up all the time. It taxes you, makes you bitter.
I don't have anything against Day9, he puts a ton of work in, and he's in the spotlight all the time. Just remember though, he chose this. He started making dailies when nobody was watching because he wanted to believe that he is important, and the game he's playing is important. It was all about him. Now, he's in a world where he has to react to hundreds of thousands of other people and pretend he cares about their opinions.