While I understand that there's a need to discuss this matter, this thread has way too many trash posts in it. Please think carefully about what you want to say. Ad hominem attacks on Swedish people in general, calling you fellow Starcraft fans idiots etc etc will be dealt with with harsher punishment from here on out. Keep it civil people.
Page 230: Here's some more stuff that'll get you banned! - Conspiracy theory mongering about MLG and GOM - Comparing people to Hitler - Posting useless one liners of arguments that have already been repeated ad nauseum. |
On December 14 2011 20:51 Deadeight wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:47 NEEDZMOAR wrote: It sucks that gom is basically punishing him for his personality
That's not an argument. Some personalities enjoy killing people.... I also think that throwing a game away by 6 pooling if you think it has zero chance to win should be punished, but it's impossible to tell. So the difference is that 6 pool is a valid strategy and many, many games have been won with a 6 pool, whether it involves trying your hardest or not. Naniwa didn't only not try his hardest, he didn't try at all.
Dude why are you cutting my qoute, then of course it doesnt make sense.
Naniwa must be so sad right now, after all his hard work he gets his seed revoked..
Is he completely banned from GSL this season or will he be allowed to try to qualify for code A?
On December 14 2011 20:55 pookadin wrote: Hai Gaiz
NaNiWa got baned an I AM MAD! I kno he frew teh matches bt he shuld b able 2 becuz he is NaNiWa an they cnt kik him out cuz then it wuldnt b 'GLOBAL' star league.
Las nite i a mov my probes against this other guy who waz zerg an he died now I am #1 bronze in my group. Dis is legit play an NaNiWa waz tryin 2 win!
Iz so unfare bcuz I like him. GOMTV give mi moneiz bak. You do not hav the rite 2 kik him out bcuz NesTea wuz nt offended. The game meant nthing 2 him.
Refund me bcuz I am a overly vocal little brat with an over zealous sense of entitlement and no regards for sportsmanship, respect or integrity.
-Naniwa Fanbois all over the world
You tried to make fun of people but the effort you went to in doing so just made you appear sad and pathetic.
On December 14 2011 20:54 TwoSIXTY wrote: Come to think of it.
I believe the better way for GOM to handle this would have been to fine him a good amount of money. Since some people say that "He doesn't care for it." If he decided not to pay up, ban him.
However GOM fining players is probably not feasible. So a ban will do just fine.
With all this cultural bullshit being bought into the thread. It really should be closed, I think we all know where this is going to lead to....... every single thread along similar lines will end up in a shitstorm anyway. hilarious
Tbh,It's just silly how GOM are taking away and giving away code S spots at the same time like it's a ticket for the roller coaster.I kinda can't really take the tournament serious anymore and I'm not watching the GSL all too often. GL to GOm and Naniwa either way.
On December 14 2011 20:53 grobo wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:49 Pwnographics wrote:On December 14 2011 20:46 grobo wrote:On December 14 2011 20:46 Pwnographics wrote:On December 14 2011 20:45 grobo wrote:On December 14 2011 20:43 Pwnographics wrote:On December 14 2011 20:42 grobo wrote:On December 14 2011 20:41 Demonaz wrote:On December 14 2011 20:37 Klaent wrote: What the fuck? This is fucking retarded... If it was Nestea doing a drone rush they would NEVER banned him, and the korean wouldnt have freaked the fuck out. Let him probe rush if he wants to, whats the big fucking deal... Oh they would totally punish nestea for the same thing, if anything it would be an even worse penalty I imagine Kind of like how the Koreans got punished for throwing games at WCG, oh wait.. The koreans didn't even mention the damn thing. 100% pure bias. Because GomTV was in charge of WCG right? Different tournament holders reserve the right to punish players the way they see fit. I know that... I'm saying they should have at least mentioned it in their news, but they didn't. 'Their news'? Who's news? Don't be stupid I'm legitimately asking. News outlets are completely separate from GomTV, and why would GomTV go out of their way to publish news on something that was none of their business. I'm talking about the korean scene. As you can probably tell right now, they flipped their shit on this whole naniwa ordeal, the korean pros on twitter wants his "progaming license" revoked, the MVP house are talking shit about how they dodged a bullet with Nani, Thisisgame and GOM are calling him "amateur prize money hunter" and this is fucking bullshit. If they valued pride and honor as much as they claim they would be ALL OVER the korean players ass at WCG for throwing games just so they could face foreigners instead of other Koreans, but they didn't. That is gross bias.
When the Korean players threw their matches there was probably an underlying problem that would cause multiple people to react in the same manner.
The same can't be said here.
On December 14 2011 20:52 ptrpb wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:49 MooMooMugi wrote:On December 14 2011 20:46 ptrpb wrote:On December 14 2011 20:45 MooMooMugi wrote:On December 14 2011 20:44 ptrpb wrote:On December 14 2011 20:43 Vari wrote:On December 14 2011 20:43 Shortynut wrote:On December 14 2011 20:30 MooMooMugi wrote:
I think you are confusing a probe rush with a 6 pool. A 6 pool is a strategy that actually has a chance of winning no matter how small it is. Not to mention 6-pool is actually a good strategy on Tal'Darim Alter lol.. a probe rush actually has a chance of winning too, it's much much smaller but it IS a strategy, the problem people are having is that he did it under the circumstances of the competition (down 0-3 playing to stay out of last place in the group), that and he decided not to give viewers what they actually wanted, which was a rematch to settle the heat. it's that he said he did it to throw the game. Yes but MooMoo is saying that worker rush has a zero percent chance of winning a game, which is wrong. 0% against 6 pool. Given any skill level? Yeah, no. Given if you're opponent is either Bronze or has no pulse, NesTea is neither Alright let's bring the BlizzCon finals into this. NesTea creates a ton of broodlords and nothing else when MVP has mass ghosts, many vikings, and marines. Zero percent chance of winning that engagement, should NesTea be reprimanded? If you argue "well it's not the GSL" then there goes the argument for "professionalizing eSports" because there will be no set standard. Your argument is retarded. You can't be banned for bad decision making in the later stages of a game, it's completely different to start a game, and immediately do something that will lose you the game. Don't even try to make the case that Naniwa thought his rush had any chance of winning, your embaressing naniwa, yourself, and the rest of us. Don't act like it's even a question whether or not he completely threw that game.
On December 14 2011 20:46 bella.test wrote:
As someone who doesn't even like Naniwa (don't know if I'd say I hate him, but I certainly don't like him), this is pretty fucking pathetic by GOM. Everyone talks about how Naniwa is an egotistical piece of crap, but this is a 100% ego move by GOMTV, and I will no longer buy any of their products, I also plan to watch a whole lot less of GSL next year.
Naniwa legitimately earned his code S spot. Revoking it simply because he did something that only made them look bad (but was probably a good thing overall for PR since all of the buzz it created) is extremely pathetic, especially when you consider that they (GOM and Naniwa) were only in that situation because of a terrible format (which is also nothing at all like the original Blizzard Cup format, and the only person to call GOM out on it is MVP, people should really be a lot more critical of GOM) that was created by GOM.
Also, even though I like Sen, giving him a code S seed is pretty lame. You can't just give a seed that was legitimately earned through a predetermined structure and give it to some random (not a knock against Sen's skill) foreigner because you revoked it from a foreigner. That's extremely unfair for all the players in code A and code B, if they're going to take away Naniwa's seed, it should become a wild card spot and become up for grabs.
All around, GOM is showing themselves to be just as classless as Naniwa. But unfortunately, there's nothing Naniwa can do because he's committed to Korea and there's no alternatives there, and there's nothing anyone who has gripes with GOM for their decision (and their decisions on other things) can do to affect GOM at all since they have a monopoly on the Korean players and they employ Tastosis (who people will watch no matter who's playing and how bad the games are, and will support no matter how wrong they are at things).
Again, this is pretty fucking pathetic.
You seem to forget that it was Naniwa who played the game like that, given the situation.
Also, Naniwa didn't "earn" his spot. He got 2nd at providence and GOM decided to give him a spot. It could've been someone else from WCG or IEM or whatever.
so a protoss can make nexus first in pvp but nani cant do that shit? i guess winrates of those two strats are almost equal?!
On December 14 2011 20:54 Deadeight wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:53 PoisedYeTi wrote: Both player and tournament decisions are childish and unprofessional. I do not want to support GOMtv with my dollars anymore.
Zenio BACKHANDED idra when he beat him in a GSL game for god sake, WHERE IS HIS BAN? How is this the same thing? He backhanded that air after an good game, it was just a ceremony.
If Naniwa had 'backhanded' a Korean player I doubt it would have been ignored.
On December 14 2011 20:51 Doraemon wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:46 XRaDiiX wrote:On December 14 2011 20:44 Doraemon wrote: i'm going to repost my analogy here because i think it's very relevant
how would you feel if someone comes to your poker game, starts throwing hands and revealing hands and just being disrespecful.
even though he didn't break any rules, he did not follow the etiquette of the game, would you want him back? no Thing is the game he was playing didn't matter if he won or lost. It was more just for entertainment maybe Naniwa didn't know there would be such a reaction for him doing that... Even if he did know there would be a huge reaction for him doing that in a game. He didn't break any rule. revealing your hand at the end of the round does not break any rules or effect the result. it's about etiquette more than the rules.
a more correct analogy is you kept hitting on BlackJack beyond the 10th cards, it still possible to win but 99.9% you would go over
On December 14 2011 20:54 ptrpb wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:53 PoisedYeTi wrote: Both player and tournament decisions are childish and unprofessional. I do not want to support GOMtv with my dollars anymore.
Zenio BACKHANDED idra when he beat him in a GSL game for god sake, WHERE IS HIS BAN? Koreans were not offended, therefore it was completely fine. shockingly, the way the koreans who run the korean company do matter when it comes to the people who play in their korean tournament
but again these two things are quite different. a celebration of victory vs. tossing your game away.
a touchdown celebration vs handing the ball to your opponent and walking off the field.
On December 14 2011 20:52 Parcelleus wrote: Might be time to follow BW.
SC2 scene just became a joke. What's really funny about this is anyone who has been following BW for a while knows KeSPA would have banned Naniwa permanently for throwing a game.
On December 14 2011 20:54 roymarthyup wrote: its hilarious guys
this is only being done because of korean culture. i swear korean culture if it could be explained in one phrase would be "whining troublemaker crybaby"
koreans as a culture have no sense of forgiveness and understanding like exists in american culture
when coca threw a game cuz he wanted more practice, all the koreans were grabbing their pitchforks demanding swift punishment
koreans at any opportunity to take off someones head will take it. any small tiny sense of anything that could be taken as an excuse to punish someone will be seen as justification to punish
in american culture we are all thinking about how crazy this overreaction by the koreans are, or most americans/canadians are thinking that. but yeah its all about culture, and sadly the korean culture just loves doing crap like this
Thank you, random person from unknown area speaking for Americans. All of us would be lost without you telling us how we should think and feel.
On December 14 2011 20:54 xrapture wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:52 EZSkull wrote:On December 14 2011 20:49 MasterBlasterCaster wrote:On December 14 2011 20:46 pookadin wrote:On December 14 2011 20:44 MasterBlasterCaster wrote:On December 14 2011 20:43 razz wrote: Respect to the people who payed is essential. Respect to your opponent is essential. Congratulations GOM for making an unpopular decision that defends the your principles! No it isn't. Only little kids and soccer mommies think that. Your forgetting Professionals in there. They also like to uphold their principles because integrity is important in adulthood. You'll find that out when you get older. LOL! Yeah, that's why the Colts sat every single starter for their last three games two seasons ago when they were gauranteed a playoff spot... That's why every single QB will come out once the game is beyond winning or losing. That's why every single coach runs BS plays until the clock runs out if they have no chance of winning. Oh wait... you're flat out wrong. Pros play for money. Little kids who cry about not being drafted play for "love of the sport". Here's the difference. You're using football. If the Colts play Manning in a game that doesn't effect seeding and he gets hurt then what? The difference between football and SC2; You can get hurt and out for the playoffs in Football. Horrible example. And yet the backups are still trying their asses off. They aren't just sitting down and letting the other team score. Their TEAM is not paying them to only play matches when they "matter" to them.
The backups have something to play for. I just didn't like using a football example to try and compare it the Naniwa situation. It's totally different on why teams pull starters for games near the end of the season when they have it locked up and aren't undefeated(because you damn well know if the Packers go 17-0.. Aaron is playing game 18.)
On December 14 2011 20:52 Koshi wrote: When GSL January finals end with Nestea doing 5 worker rushes because he felt disheartened playing against MVP again, then I want to see the reaction of all people who think it is ok to trow matches...
I'm sure there is something on line if you are playinh in a GSL final. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure I'm not.
On December 14 2011 20:54 xrapture wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:52 EZSkull wrote:On December 14 2011 20:49 MasterBlasterCaster wrote:On December 14 2011 20:46 pookadin wrote:On December 14 2011 20:44 MasterBlasterCaster wrote:On December 14 2011 20:43 razz wrote: Respect to the people who payed is essential. Respect to your opponent is essential. Congratulations GOM for making an unpopular decision that defends the your principles! No it isn't. Only little kids and soccer mommies think that. Your forgetting Professionals in there. They also like to uphold their principles because integrity is important in adulthood. You'll find that out when you get older. LOL! Yeah, that's why the Colts sat every single starter for their last three games two seasons ago when they were gauranteed a playoff spot... That's why every single QB will come out once the game is beyond winning or losing. That's why every single coach runs BS plays until the clock runs out if they have no chance of winning. Oh wait... you're flat out wrong. Pros play for money. Little kids who cry about not being drafted play for "love of the sport". Here's the difference. You're using football. If the Colts play Manning in a game that doesn't effect seeding and he gets hurt then what? The difference between football and SC2; You can get hurt and out for the playoffs in Football. Horrible example. And yet the backups are still trying their asses off. They aren't just sitting down and letting the other team score. Their TEAM is not paying them to only play matches when they "matter" to them. No they aren't trying their asses off, and yes they usually are just sitting and waiting for the game to end.
This is somehow sad, but there had to be made an example.
On December 14 2011 20:56 tomatriedes wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:54 Deadeight wrote:On December 14 2011 20:53 PoisedYeTi wrote: Both player and tournament decisions are childish and unprofessional. I do not want to support GOMtv with my dollars anymore.
Zenio BACKHANDED idra when he beat him in a GSL game for god sake, WHERE IS HIS BAN? How is this the same thing? He backhanded that air after an good game, it was just a ceremony. If Naniwa had 'backhanded' a Korean player I doubt it would have been ignored. well that's a baseless assumption so it doesn't really have any bearing
On December 14 2011 20:56 tomatriedes wrote:Show nested quote +On December 14 2011 20:54 Deadeight wrote:On December 14 2011 20:53 PoisedYeTi wrote: Both player and tournament decisions are childish and unprofessional. I do not want to support GOMtv with my dollars anymore.
Zenio BACKHANDED idra when he beat him in a GSL game for god sake, WHERE IS HIS BAN? How is this the same thing? He backhanded that air after an good game, it was just a ceremony. If Naniwa had 'backhanded' a Korean player I doubt it would have been ignored.
yeah, the culture that institutes the basic concept of a ceremony would be infuriated at the practice of said concept.
I really just want to nuke this thread from orbit.