Here are my reactions to the OP's video:
1. Right off the bat, one minute in: The middle guy thinks that the StarCraft pros don't have style or know how to dress. From Nada's body to team uniforms to Ret always dressing like a baller (to TLO's sense of style), I don't see him having a case there, and I actually think this is pretty hilarious. Who cares who dresses better? You can dress better; we'll still take all your empty seats at MLG.
2. I have no qualms about being a video game "nerd", in that sense. There's probably different degrees (how much do you play? how obsessed are you? how much do you know about the scene?) I wouldn't say everyone who's ever tried playing StarCraft is a nerd because of it, but if you play a decent amount, you could certainly be considered a nerd in some (non-negative) respect. Sounds fine with me.
3. StarCraft is a much harder game than Halo, and so it requires more practice, but even the famous Korean teams play soccer and work out and occasionally do other things. But obviously to be the best, you need to donate a lot of time towards your professional career, the same way you would for any job. So Halo players have more free time than other gamers. What does that actually mean? Your job is easier? (I don't know; you're saying it, not me.)
4. They're putting us down to "light up their community"? Yeah, that's a really healthy way of going about doing it. We don't need a rivalry, nor would it make sense for there to exist one (RTS =/= FPS). It's a pity that their game series is aging- and it had a great run- but I don't see this as a way to re-establish themselves.
5. Then they start ranting about Halo fans... and I don't know (or really care) what's going on with them and the fans, but I find it a bit hypocritical how they pretend to care so much about their fans when they throw other gaming pros under the bus, but then turn around and shit all over their fans too. They couldn't be less angry at everyone. So I don't really take anything they say to heart. They're venting, and their points are either unnecessary or hilarious. And they clearly have time to organize all of this, because they're not StarCraft players. Don't worry, taht's just Halo.
There are idiots in every community, and this thread pretty much shows it. Whatever individual merits that the games may have, they do not carry over to the players. People don't automatically become superior human beings because they prefer SC2 to Halo.
On December 05 2011 13:02 DarkPlasmaBall wrote: You can dress better; we'll still take all your empty seats at MLG.
People make little one liners like this, and then only a few lines later, make insults to them for being immature, tools, or unnecessarily hostile towards our game and community.
Hypocrisy at its best.
On December 05 2011 13:04 Newbistic wrote: There are idiots in every community, and this thread pretty much shows it. Whatever individual merits that the games may have, they do not carry over to the players. People don't automatically become superior human beings because they prefer SC2 to Halo.
The voice of reason has returned.
I couldn't find a single thing to be mad about. They made jokes about a stereotype that has a ring of truth to it. No big deal.
Later they commend Starcraft fans for having passion to start things like Barcraft and they encourage halo fans to be a little nerdier like that.
The show got pretty funny later on when the one dude revealed the pranks that he'd pulled on the other two from years back lol
Halo has auto-aim right?
i wonder how that can make a game competitive.
Look, if you actually watch the video they do give accolades to the SC2 fans for being ambitious and doing things such as barcraft. I mean the beginning is just said in a light hearted manner so get over it. I mean if you want to look at the dress of fans from halo and starcraft at mlg, well it is very different.
On December 05 2011 13:06 GGQ wrote: I couldn't find a single thing to be mad about. They made jokes about a stereotype that has a ring of truth to it. No big deal.
Later they commend Starcraft fans for having passion to start things like Barcraft and they encourage halo fans to be a little nerdier like that.
The show got pretty funny later on when the one dude revealed the pranks that he'd pulled on the other two from years back lol
This whole thread is as nauseating as the jackasses in the video.
Halo takes less practice than SC2 because the players are a joke, they don't even practice full-time. Maybe if they did practice more and raised the skill gap in their own game it would be more popular, rather than treating it like a hobby.
Personally i don't really care about if Halo stays on the scene or not, didn't do it before the movie, didn't do it after. Thats because i think Halo is probably the least entertaining e-sport to watch, i rather watch any other FPS, preferably quake or CS. Honestly tho, 95% of my e-sport interest is in SC2, rest is in Dota/Hon.
It's up to the folks of each respective community to tend to their own game. Do Ice-hockey players fans care about the soccer scene? Unless they are interested in it aswell, making them fans of both. I don't care if any other games are at MLG, it really doesn't affect me. I just hope that Starcraft keeps being big, and that it has a growing fanbase.
Seriously guys, watch more than the first four minutes. They actually said a lot of good things about SC and how they need to learn from us. We have active fans who set up Barcrafts. We have very visible personalities and celebrities who are paid to travel around the world. We have a kick-ass community. We will survive without MLG. In fact at this point I don't think MLG can survive without us. But can Halo survive MLG pulling the plug? Apparently thats the debate going on over there right now.
The guys on that show talked up everything that the SC community has achieved and how they want to do the same thing with their own.You gotta respect that. The fact that the *best* thing they could think of to rag on about us is fashion sense says alot. (And there's some truth to that; Western teams need to raise their uniforms up to Korean pro team level. Comparing Slayers' bomber jackets to FXO's crappy iron-on Tshirts makes me wince.)
I gotta say though, it made me laugh when the first SC2 personality they thought of was Slasher. He's like the least-SC2 SC2 personality out there. I thought it was cool they all knew WhiteRa though, I can't say that I know the same about any Halo player.
On December 05 2011 13:06 Headnoob wrote: Halo has auto-aim right?
i wonder how that can make a game competitive.
On December 05 2011 13:07 schmutttt wrote: Halo takes less practice than SC2 because the players are a joke, they don't even practice full-time. Maybe if they did practice more and raised the skill gap in their own game it would be more popular, rather than treating it like a hobby.
How is this even remotely relevant to the topic at hand?
Is this really how the fucking community, on Teamliquid of all places, is going to react to this kind of stuff? I can understand if this is reddit, 4chan, or whatever. I wouldn't mind at all, actually, in those cases. However, Teamliquid, a place prized for it's intelligent community -- this is our response to this video? Something that was initially a joke, and then turned into them PRAISING our community for being so passionate, and then scolding their OWN community for being so complacent and shit. They were using us as an example to better themselves, and made some jokes at us in the process that were pretty damn funny.
And the way we react to that, as a community is to insult them, berate them, and downplay their game because it doesn't live up to our arbitrary standards of what makes a competitive game? Are you serious? How much more insecure could you be, if I may dare go to that length?
I'd rather have those people as our community than most of the people in this thread, if it's any indication of intelligence and maturity. At least they are proactively trying to better themselves and not being as incredibly arrogant and hypocritical as the stuff being said in this thread.
/continues to rant
On December 05 2011 13:06 GGQ wrote: I couldn't find a single thing to be mad about. They made jokes about a stereotype that has a ring of truth to it. No big deal.
Later they commend Starcraft fans for having passion to start things like Barcraft and they encourage halo fans to be a little nerdier like that.
The show got pretty funny later on when the one dude revealed the pranks that he'd pulled on the other two from years back lol
If by the prank you mean that he stole some cheque and headphones, that's just fucked up imo. I'd be so pissed at that guy, and totally lose respect aswell. Who steals that from a gaming convention? That's really low...
On December 05 2011 13:06 Headnoob wrote: Halo has auto-aim right?
i wonder how that can make a game competitive.
Eh I have never really played halo outside of messing around with a few friends, but I watched some of their games during MLG downtime and it seemed like a pretty good competitive game. The CTF reminded me a lot of MOBA style play, where the teamwork is more important or on par with individual skill.
On December 05 2011 12:57 InvalidID wrote: Nothing particularly bad was said, in fact they seem like sc2 fans.
These guys are trolling hard, Nexy used to run an SC Tourney several months ago. These guys helped build MLG to what it was before Starcraft took off. A lot of our community is too elitist to appreciate that MLG is based on the foundation of almost ten years of console gaming.
The real problem is that the console gaming community is absolutely horrible. These guys spent half the video telling the halo fans to do more stuff to help the community, to emulate the SC fans and help boost the profile of their dying game. As for Halo itself, it's such a shame that the multiplayer in Combat Evolved 10th Anniversary still uses the Reach engine, there could have been a lot of potential in going back to a shiny Halo 1.
Also to the person who mentioned PrimeZZang, Walshy (The second most successful Halo player) started his own clothing company, does that match that?
Ummm, who cares? Its not like they are saying that Halo is better than SC they are just talking about clothes, they even say that they like SC. Now if we got idra talking about Halo they might have something to complain about.
On December 05 2011 13:02 DarkPlasmaBall wrote: Here are my reactions to the OP's video:
1. Right off the bat, one minute in: The middle guy thinks that the StarCraft pros don't have style or know how to dress. From Nada's body to team uniforms to Ret always dressing like a baller (to TLO's sense of style), I don't see him having a case there, and I actually think this is pretty hilarious. Who cares who dresses better? You can dress better; we'll still take all your empty seats at MLG.
2. I have no qualms about being a video game "nerd", in that sense. There's probably different degrees (how much do you play? how obsessed are you? how much do you know about the scene?) I wouldn't say everyone who's ever tried playing StarCraft is a nerd because of it, but if you play a decent amount, you could certainly be considered a nerd in some (non-negative) respect. Sounds fine with me.
3. StarCraft is a much harder game than Halo, and so it requires more practice, but even the famous Korean teams play soccer and work out and occasionally do other things. But obviously to be the best, you need to donate a lot of time towards your professional career, the same way you would for any job. So Halo players have more free time than other gamers. What does that actually mean? Your job is easier? (I don't know; you're saying it, not me.)
4. They're putting us down to "light up their community"? Yeah, that's a really healthy way of going about doing it. We don't need a rivalry, nor would it make sense for there to exist one (RTS =/= FPS). It's a pity that their game series is aging- and it had a great run- but I don't see this as a way to re-establish themselves.
5. Then they start ranting about Halo fans... and I don't know (or really care) what's going on with them and the fans, but I find it a bit hypocritical how they pretend to care so much about their fans when they throw other gaming pros under the bus, but then turn around and shit all over their fans too. They couldn't be less angry at everyone. So I don't really take anything they say to heart. They're venting, and their points are either unnecessary or hilarious. And they clearly have time to organize all of this, because they're not StarCraft players. Don't worry, taht's just Halo.
1. Yea I agree with you. 2. I think what they're saying is that it takes more dedication to play SC2 than it does to play halo. Halo is a much more casual game. 3. Yea they basically said starcraft is a bigger investment as well. And if you know nothing about their community, do you really expect them to know the starcraft community in depth. 4 and 5. They're trying to encourage people to make more content for halo. This video is very anecdotal, if you listen to some of their other videos they actually praise the SC community for being much more dedicated to their game.
All I heard was that guy saying how much better Halo was because their players have more style and spend more money on things... Yeah, maybe we just don't give a fuck or maybe we don't flaunt our 50k winnings that our pros make. Yea most of the best players are korean, americans don't know what the fucks going on over there. Nestea probably is a super star and drives a mazagatti, fuck we don't know so how would they? idiots. Not even mentioning idras gf or his sick commercial with the car, or TLO or all the other great personalities that give them style. SC2 personalities don't need cool clothes to make them cool.
That's my rant, my personal opinion is that I support all video games. I really enjoy watching Street Fighter, Marvel vs. Capcom and Gears of War. I also play those and I play COD/DOTA2 sometimes but I really can't watch COD, DOTA2 or Halo even though I respect and sometimes play those games. I think esports, any kind of video game is good and talking shit about each other just demotes us and perpetuates the cycle of never being mainstream. Maybe there really are guys out there who don't want this to be mainstream because they want to be hipsters forever... I dunno
But don't ever admit one game is harder than another, maybe Halo doesn't require multi tasking but it requires more precision that SC2 doesn't. You wouldn't say chess is easier because it's not played in real time would you? This is the same for any game, some may be easier to master but playing and winning at the highest level is something completely different.
If the game I loved was totally eclipsed by another game, then I'd be pissed off too. It's understandable.
Why do some of you guys care what they think about the game? They don't even follow it or know enough about it. It's weightless.
As long as you enjoy it that should suffice.
On December 05 2011 13:14 emc wrote: All I heard was that guy saying how much better Halo was because their players have more style and spend more money on things...
Then perhaps you should "hear" the rest of the video.
This is the most inane statement ever said on any discussion ever. Not yours specifically, just that sentiment of "all I heard was..." crap. You're literally admitting, "I haven't heard the entire point or listened to the entire thing but I'm going to base my opinion on cherry picking what I hear in the beginning."
Come on dude.
Why are people so willfully ignorant is beyond me. These guys are just pissed off that their game, which used to highlight MLG all the time, is suddenly overthrown by our game in less than a year. I mean, look at the dramatic change that happened. How do you expect there not to be a bit of an uproar? And it wasn't even an uproar. It was more of them saying "Look at the Starcraft 2 community, look at how successful, passionate, and great they are. Why the fuck aren't we doing that?"