On December 05 2011 17:04 jinixxx123 wrote: there is no problem here, can someone tell me what the problem is? who cares if there is crossbashing between games. Either way it shows loyal fans , NOTICE THE WORD LOYAL. You cant really call yourself loyal to a game if you support every game.
my loyalty lies within starcraft, so if i have to bash other games i will do so, Much like the guys of these "other games" will bash to get there own games attention.
This is my sentiment as well.
Every community has their own standards, their own criteria for skill, behaviour, what's good and what isn't etc. These guys are doing a Halo podcast for Halo community, and that is the ONLY game and community that is relevant to what they have to say.
The podcast isn't made for us and we're not even meant to hear any of this - and most of us wouldn't if it wasn't brought up to our attention by the few people that did.
We act the same way in our community and that's fine as well, because we have different history and different standards.
Let everyone do what they want in their own little corner of the internets. When they bring their trash talk to TL or a Starcraft related show, THEN you can be upset.
Honestly Slasher pisses me off way more than anything these guys said.
first impression: typical halo douchebags but as i watched more, you know, you can't really argue with what they're saying. the top sc2 pros don't do anything outside play sc2 (can be a good thing depending on the way you look at it). The whole "style" thing is a joke. It's really more that they seem a little jealous that sc2 is getting more attention than halo nowadays at MLG
On December 05 2011 17:19 blabber wrote: first impression: typical halo douchebags but as i watched more, you know, you can't really argue with what they're saying. the top sc2 pros don't do anything outside play sc2 (can be a good thing depending on the way you look at it). The whole "style" thing is a joke. It's really more that they seem a little jealous that sc2 is getting more attention than halo nowadays at MLG And they're more jealous of the amount of time SC2 pros spend on the game than insulting; they even state that they wish that the community, especially the pros, take the game more seriously because the way it is right now it does seem much more casual.
I don't care about Halo, or Call of Duty, or Street Fighter, or this whole "e-sports" movement or whatever the hell it is.
I like to play and watch Starcraft and that is all. I don't care what "our relationship with other games" is like.
if halo was competative enough and had enough money involved, the players would be less stylish cos they'd wear whatever the sponsors wanted them to and they wouldnt care.
you cant hate on a community just because its a much much much much much much harder game to play and requires more time to get good at.
also style wise, the host looked like a tool so its all good
in my personal opinion there is has never been any real esport beside SC1/2, WC3, quake, maaaaybe counterstrike (if camping on the floor and headshotting everything can be considered esport). I don't know about Dota2/HoN/Lol really anything so I won't say much about them, but it looks like it could be played competively. But Halo, Cod and stuff like that as an esports is just laughable (again: my opinion)
On December 05 2011 10:52 firehand101 wrote:This is the video that has inspired this thread. If you can't view it, it is basically 3 notable identities in the halo community discussing their thoughts on starcraft in general, and most are just plain offensive and cheap shots at our game (most are in the first 10 minutes so that is all you have to watch to get the general idea). EDIT: There seems to be a misconception on how serious this video actually was. Although they are taking a poke at SC2, they are just having fun, and have even made an apology located here: http://www.twitch.tv/thehalocouncil/b/301735446
Gee OP, I wonder how people could have gotten that impression? Could it be because of the overstated tl;dr of the video that you typed out?
I didn't see anything offensive at all about Starcraft, they said multiple times that they liked the game, but they were upset that their own fans were bailing while Starcraft was doing so well, and were just trying to get a reaction out of people. Even if they hadn't pointed that out, nothing they said was really that bad. Halo players have better senses of fashion than Starcraft players? Better fucking send in the internet cavalry on that one, sounds pretty serious to me.
Yeah, this video didn't seem bad at all. Just 3 guys talkin' shit, they are pretty funny as well.
What's the big deal?
Don't worry, taht's just Halo?
BW is huge, mostly because of its spectacular influence in Korea, and that inspiring a relatively smaller Foreign scene, and people played the game for the sake of the competition, not to set up competitions for the sake of the game, a la CoD or Halo. I think that's where the difference lies between the established ESPORTS like BW, CS, Dota, Quake, SF, and others like Halo and CoD which are more of a popular game that of course necessarily spawns a competitive scene for the duration of the popularity of the game itself.
I hope SC2 is the former, it surely feels like that now, with the competitive scene often driving people to play (or just watch) the game rather than the game driving the top players to be competitive.
But in the end, I don't really care what other gamers think, and I don't think other gamers should care that much about us either. If you enjoy a game, play it, if you enjoy its competitive scene, watch it/join it, if you don't enjoy any, ignore it.
I seriously dont understand how people can feel THAT offended by this lol. It seriously wasnt that bad. I guess people must of been sharpening their pitch forks and torches....
Dmaq was on F slasher and he made very solid points. I don't think what they said about the starcraft community really came off as they meant it to during the video. Dmaq has great respect for the game and the pro gamers from starcraft.
Halo is what introduced me to competetive gaming, but the halo community right now is not doing well. Anyone who browses the halo section of the MLG forum can see, it's just not doing well. There is very little fan support and the vast majority of forum posts are complaints about the state of the game. There's little effort from the fans to make change, instead the majority of good posts either get ignored in the flood of "trash game" posts or are downvoted for disagreeing with the majority. Halo needs more fan involvement, and I think these guys are just trying to get their community pumped.
People also seem to forget that halo was boo'd by starcraft fans some time ago at MLG, and that really hurts a community already struggling. This just seems like friendly banter to me.
On December 05 2011 17:09 Chained wrote:Show nested quote +On December 05 2011 17:04 turdburgler wrote:On December 05 2011 17:01 sh4w wrote: Reading the responses, it's pretty clear most people only watched the first 5 minutes of the video :O didnt want to watch more of a video where they are just being plain insulting. they give no clue they are joking, and the joke isnt funny. pretty much content production 101 to make it clear when you are joking, or people will just turn it off. I saw no difference then this and some of the stuff said on SOTG or even LO3 sometimes. It was pretty obvious to me they were kind of joking...
incontrol is known in the sc2 community, and his voices changes blah blah blah. he doesnt shit on a different game, where they dont know him then after go "hurr joking". if you are going to shit on a community that doesnt know you, you have to be damn sure they know your joking. you cant fill in the caveats or the explanations at the end.
like i said content production 101
I actually really liked what they had to say. They were correct on every point, and they were not dicks about it at all. What is everyone pissed about? Like, you don't even need thicker skins, you just need skins in general.
I think this is completely stupid? Over reaction much? Being in a dying eSport really sucks, how would boxer feel if in his prime all of the tournaments just closed down? i think we would have inControl or destiny or any of some of those players would be doing things like this. The death of a community is a awful thing.
SC2 player for 2 years, and a Halo player since 4 years old btw
Who ever said we aren't nerds? I mean they talked for 5 minutes about how we say we aren't nerds. I think in general the community acknowledges that we are nerds.
its just a bad opinion that aired on a very popular stream. it isn't something they will reform from just because TL.net makes a fuss. They might apologize but we all know they will still think like that. Why try to accept them? let us form our own negative prejudices against halo and be done with that
They sound really dumb, but I don't have a problem with anything they said.
I just watched the first 2 minutes of this video. 'talking shit' 'know what i'm saying' 'motherfucking nerds', need I say more?
These are uneducated, insecure kids thinking they are so cool. Annoys the hell out of me.
Did anyone actually see the complete video? lol
If these ppl represent the halo community then I'm glad im a part of the starcraft community. Seriously some moronic, gangsta wannab kids who are basically parroting two things: a) to be a pro at halo you don't have to be as smart or hardworking as a starcraft pro and b) sc pros have no 'style' (ie we dont dress up unless paid... wtf?).
First of all, I think it's awesome sc pros have to work so hard to become the best. It makes being a champion a much more prideful thing. It's true that if you don't practice hard your skills won't be as refined and this leaves the pros with little other time to do anything else but play, but how can they seriously believe that the pros dont have any other hobbies, ffs.
Second of all. No style? Look at a picture of Demuslim. that fucker's got style that doesn't require you to wear your boxers over your head and look instead like a complete buffoon.
I know nothing of the FPS community... absolutely 0. But I refuse to believe they are actually as retarded as these ppl make them appear.. >.<
These guys are tools.
You automatically lose any credibility about fashion when you wear a beanie or speak Ebonics and talk about how "Air Max" shoes make you stylish.