On December 05 2011 17:44 Sultan.P wrote: If these ppl represent the halo community then I'm glad im a part of the starcraft community. Seriously some moronic, gangsta wannab kids who are basically parroting two things: a) to be a pro at halo you don't have to be as smart or hardworking as a starcraft pro and b) sc pros have no 'style' (ie we dont dress up unless paid... wtf?).
First of all, I think it's awesome sc pros have to work so hard to become the best. It makes being a champion a much more prideful thing. It's true that if you don't practice hard your skills won't be as refined and this leaves the pros with little other time to do anything else but play, but how can they seriously believe that the pros dont have any other hobbies, ffs.
Second of all. No style? Look at a picture of Demuslim. that fucker's got style that doesn't require you to wear your boxers over your head and look instead like a complete buffoon.
I know nothing of the FPS community... absolutely 0. But I refuse to believe they are actually as retarded as these ppl make them appear.. >.<
+1, and they were right about 1 thing, WHITE-RA IS THE MAN
These ignorant dolts clearly show their pathetic level of intelligence(and possibly the entire community's) and the laughable amount of effort it takes to be good at Halo compared to Starcraft.
FPS communities are so trash, except for the CS1.6 which is pretty much dead.
On December 05 2011 11:20 Fionn wrote: I'm pretty sure if League of Legends came into MLG next season and took the main stage from SC2, we would have something like SotG calling a call to arms the same way the Halo community is trying to. They were the top dog at MLG forever, then SC2 came in and dwarfed them in no time. Now Halo is in the back corner and totally ignored while SC2 dominates all the coverage, fans and money.
No the situation is different. SC 2 is still getting bigger so even if LoL took the 'main stage' they'd just get another stage that's just as big and there would still be a lot of SC 2 streams, but LoL would have the equivalent. Soo having a major LoL tournament at MLG would be only good for SC 2 it would give a lot of exposure to SC 2 and maybe fuel the community with a few more fans and the same with lol, but I think pretty much every sc 2 fan knows lol, but not the other way around.
On December 05 2011 17:49 MassacrisM wrote: These ignorant dolts clearly show their pathetic level of intelligence(and possibly the entire community's) and the laughable amount of effort it takes to be good at Halo compared to Starcraft.
FPS communities are so trash, except for the CS1.6 which is pretty much dead.
Quake? I'm not a fan, but it looked pretty competative when I was watching DH
Toolbags with late-highschool/early-college mentality, trying to act like they aren't 'just another nerd for their game'.
Is there some sort of meme with these 'thick skin' comments? The negative reactions are justified, when people come across as bigots they are going to recieve flak over it. You don't see anyone posting photos of their wrists slit over this or how their day was ruined.
I dont know, maybe its the fact that i dont have any sand in my vagina like a select few of you fine gentlemen, but it seemed to me like these guys were just having fun. They dont seem to be angry, or to genuinely hate sc2. Yeah they threw out some stereotypes about the SC2 community, but we shit on their community WAAAY more. I've seen sotg hosts say way more offensive shit.
If you listen to the show, it's less than 5 minutes of poking fun at SC players, and they are just having fun saying they dress better than them. They then go on to pre-emptively apologise and say they are just trying to put some passion in to their own communities.
I see no problem with this at all and I feel sorry that their game is less exciting and interesting to the general population of people that watch e-sports. I wish they did have more followers, they are passionate, they are actually pretty intelligent, and I wish them massive success.
On December 05 2011 17:49 MassacrisM wrote: These ignorant dolts clearly show their pathetic level of intelligence(and possibly the entire community's) and the laughable amount of effort it takes to be good at Halo compared to Starcraft.
FPS communities are so trash, except for the CS1.6 which is pretty much dead.
Honestly, I think your post makes OUR community look worse than their video does, because you've clearly missed the sarcasm and irony inherent in their video.
Also, way to grossly generalize by insulting FPS communities en masse.
I think a more accurate statement is most of the pros have no style, which I agree with (except many of the koreans, but that's because in Korea style is part of their culture), but the casual players that play for fun (ladder or team games or whatever) probably are more like the halo community in that we have more time to enjoy other activities and hobbies, but probably not as douchebag. Most foreign professionals have pretty poor fashion tastes, but I'm not hating on them, if they don't want to put time into that who cares, it makes no one better or worse. I enjoy watching the foreigners because I'm apart of that demographic, and I support them, I love their passion for the game, and I definitely enjoy watching their display of skill, I don't watch them for their style and would probably never take any style cues from them. When I go to MLG, Blizzcon and other events though in general it's quite a geek fest (seems like a lot of people just don't care their attire) lol, please don't be offended it's just my observation. But hey to each his own, I have utmost respect for whoever has passion, if your passion is purely SC2 and you give a rats ass about your style, I really don't give a flying fuck and do not hate whatsoever, just be you. To flat out defend the pros just because you're passionate about the SC2 community is wrong as well, because from my opinion they have poor tastes.
Things I love to do: - Play sports (bball, tennis, USfootball, volleyball) - Hiking/Camping - Play Starcraft 2!! (almost into masters, fighting my way there one step at a time) - Go Shopping - Gymming
I bet if everyone here listed their hobbies, it would be VERY diverse, like myself I wish I had more creative hobbies, but I'm lacking in that area, unless I explore my creative side with some weed =D They also made an accurate statement that professional SC2 leaves less (again less, not no time) time for other hobbies, but that's no reason to hate either, it can be fairly accurate to some degree, but again the point is PASSION!! If fulltime SC2 is that, then I'm happy for those individuals.
At first I thought these guys were totally douchebags for saying such ignorant, overgeneralized, stereotypical things about our community, but then I realized they were poking fun, so it wasn't so bad it was actually quite funny haha. I think there's a lot of people blowing this outta proportion, seriously lighten up.
On December 05 2011 17:49 MassacrisM wrote: These ignorant dolts clearly show their pathetic level of intelligence(and possibly the entire community's) and the laughable amount of effort it takes to be good at Halo compared to Starcraft.
FPS communities are so trash, except for the CS1.6 which is pretty much dead.
Honestly, I think your post makes OUR community look worse than their video does, because you've clearly missed the sarcasm and irony inherent in their video.
Also, way to grossly generalize by insulting FPS communities en masse.
I must agree with you here, you make our community look absolutely NO better with those kinds of remarks.
P.S. I made very OVERGENERALIZED statements about foreigner pro style, but I certainly don't think it represents them all whatsoever. Need I remind who gives a flying crap about their style, I watch them for their skill.
On December 05 2011 11:01 Mity wrote: Don't really care what they think? Halo compared to Quake, Counter-Strike and other FPS games is a laughable excuse for an eSport. (Just personal opinion, dont bother flaming me.)
I played Halo semi-competitively from 2006 to 2009 and I agree with you. Even while I was playing and competing hardcore, I was bored when watching the MLG streams... It's so bland, boring and just not exciting... When I watch Quake pros play I'm amazed like every time, I look at what they do and I'm like damn, I would never be able to do that! Halo is just so easy to aim, control, etc. It has so munch variance, it's horrible as an esport.
I should precise that I was talking about Halo 3 and Halo:Reach, 1 and 2 were actually legit competitive games.
On December 05 2011 17:42 riverkim09 wrote: its just a bad opinion that aired on a very popular stream. it isn't something they will reform from just because TL.net makes a fuss. They might apologize but we all know they will still think like that. Why try to accept them? let us form our own negative prejudices against halo and be done with that
Just wanted to quote you. Good insight as to why the cycle of racism/discrimination is ongoing, this type of logic and thought process will advance society no where.
If you actually watch it, those just basing opinions on comments, ghandi, dmaq, and the other guy are talking about style. If you look at both there is no argument which community has style. There should be no shame in being a nerd.When you look at the systems, you can have friends over and play on the xbox, while starcraft can only be played on one computer(unless there is a lot of laptops or computers). This is there opinion and they repeat over and over again that they are not bashing starcraft 2, they are just joking around. They go on and talk about the halo community problems.
This is what the entire thing started with. They are just trying to get the Halo community fired up. They are only praising SC2.
That trash talking video was just unprofessional and random. This video is what it's actually about.
This video should be added to the OP. This adds the context (you know destiny and niggers) to the whole swagger video.
I feel bad for them, they have a community falling apart, 2011 seems to have been a fiasco for Halo and the pros are not doing anything to keep the game alive.
at one point they even say that maybe the halo community needs to stop being so stylish and start being nerdy, organizing barcrafts, making shows, etc.
The big fear is not that the community will die, its the fact that the game might not be picked up my mlg if it is not popular enough to justify a cut of the budget.
Found the cast really interesting, listened to all of it.
On December 05 2011 17:22 CuSToM wrote: I don't care about Halo, or Call of Duty, or Street Fighter, or this whole "e-sports" movement or whatever the hell it is.
I like to play and watch Starcraft and that is all. I don't care what "our relationship with other games" is like.
fair enough
alot of people have this opinion, as long as you arn't being disrespectful to other communities. watching hundreds of people cry every time sc2 isn't on is so annoying especially when it isn't schedualed to be on, and ontop of that people with your opinion don't have to spew shit about how X game is super easy etc.
Hmmm... well first off I hope everyone treats fans of other games with a degree of respect.... though that doesn't seem to be what the video is about (I'm not going to watch the whole thing), but at the same time I can't help but feel Halo just doesn't have what it takes (imo) to be a very competitive FPS that will continue on. As people already have, if you compare it to games like CS and Quake... they are just in a different league.
Honestly if I had a Halo team, I would look into a new game like Tribes since that is a team game that is guaranteed to at least have moderate success based on the games business plan, and it also seems to be a game that will be more appealing as the fights will (again, imo) be more interesting to watch (though I have my concerns about how interesting the fights will be) the strategy will be more in depth, and the individual skill cap will be higher.
Also of course they keep mentioning the game may not get picked up, so that would also be a reason to switch over. I know at least one of them works for MLG, and they are talking about Halo like it is really up in the air for the next season. Then again maybe it is a way to get people motivated.