On January 30 2005 16:22 baal wrote: i hate people admiring the blind gamer, its just an idiot who cant accept their own limits and instead of doing things he can he insists on things he cant...
i can take him 20-0 so whats the point -_-; dumbass blind.
Someone is just mad because the Blind starcraft player can get games with better people than Baal can.
Baal, after ur last post, I think there is nothing to add, except I am very sorry for u. I know u won't understand. Plz close, and someone find me the pics ^^.
Hmmm boxer wasnt idle for 3 minuits was he? I remember he was blindfolded too. But not sure.
Baal we all know that he isnt good because hes fucking blind. But the rest of humanity can just look at him and give him some respect for trying. But for some reason you feel the need to point out the obvious saying that he "sucks" and that he's an "idiot". You must feel threatened by a blind bw player ~_~
baal i own you 99x out of 100 games k? you sux
baal you suck at everything, have you even accomplished anything with your life? have you done ANYTHING noteworthy? no? you're no better than the blind gamer, when you die you'll be remembered by being a dumb prick-
this and the other post about hating stupidity while acting so ignorant has made me hate you as a poster and a human being
On January 30 2005 16:22 baal wrote: i hate people admiring the blind gamer, its just an idiot who cant accept their own limits and instead of doing things he can he insists on things he cant...
i can take him 20-0 so whats the point -_-; dumbass blind.
hope you become blind one day and tell us then how do you feel about it, try and look for some empathy!
hey baal. In the other thread you said "I won't understand because I am young." Yes i am young, I'm only 19, but do you get the picture that your opinions can be wrong? Or do you still think you are the only right person and all these other people who disagree with you are too young/stupid to understand.
Baal i think i can understand what u're trying to say because i'm myself a handicaped player (deaf) but your logic seems to be wrong : I don't know why you noticed things about limitations : Basically it's the same that ur body can't smoke weed nor shit but u do and u even buy, spend time to find weed, smoke it, etc. instead of spending time to others things. So why can't blind player plays bw even if it's hard ? Think about it.
That's why I love boxer. He overcame that cheese rush and raped the kid.
pretty funny story, some blind guy vs the best player ever haha
On January 30 2005 16:22 baal wrote: i hate people admiring the blind gamer, its just an idiot who cant accept their own limits and instead of doing things he can he insists on things he cant...
i can take him 20-0 so whats the point -_-; dumbass blind.
On January 31 2005 05:16 RaiZ wrote: Baal i think i can understand what u're trying to say because i'm myself a handicaped player (deaf) but your logic seems to be wrong : I don't know why you noticed things about limitations : Basically it's the same that ur body can't smoke weed nor shit but u do and u even buy, spend time to find weed, smoke it, etc. instead of spending time to others things. So why can't blind player plays bw even if it's hard ? Think about it.
I have nothing against him playing, i think its kind of dumb if he can do other things like probably playing music or plenty of other things, but if he likes it, its kinda ok if he does, what i dont agree with, is that people suck his cock for being blind and playing wtf!
You are deaf and you play BW, i think you wouldnt like people giving you props and cheering you, only because you are a handicapped, atleast i would like to be appreciated for something i really do well not for phoney simpathy to wash away their guilt in their subconcient, i find it disgusting and probably you have felt that phoney simpathy.
Probably you understand what im saying, if i were a handicapped i would like to be appreciated for what i am, not because im a fucking cripple everyone has to pity me and suck my dick for things i dont deserve.
And louden you are a moron, why asking for a Ban im simply posting my opinion, its not as politically correct as yours... so bohooo ban anyone who disagrees with your phoney beliefs?
"what i dont agree with, is that people suck his cock for being blind and playing wtf!"
Not one person sucked his cock for being blind and playing SC when you 1st posted this argument in the thread. No one even said anything positive about it before you posted. The only post I saw after skimming thru here that can even remotely be related to cock sucking is Bard's post, which wasn't really aimed at the blind kid as much as it was SC itself (Edit - And lastas' post can also be remotely related to cock sucking even though he only commented on his expanding)
So unless there was another thread on this topic or you're talking about the WGT thread, I think no one is going to agree with this stupid argument of yours
Very nice -_- You realize the kid isn't an idiot because he plays sc, can't admit it and jump to another point.
I'm not sucking his cock, it's just that he can do something I cannot and people are always amazed by things they can't do and never in their dreams could picture themselves doing it. I'm really impressed, how you can get on with live, even if you do not have eyesight.
Edit: What I agree on with you is that I don't like people with that condescending pity (can't express it better in english), but I really didn't feel too much in this thread.
I do not pitty Min-Seok, nor is my respect for him "phoney". I just acknowledge the fact that he does something, I thought of as impossible... He plays BW although he is blind. I am 23 and I have no need to discuss this with u, but Baal, learn something from this topic. Things u consider simple can be difficult for others, doesn't matter if they are difficult because of a handicap or just plain difficult. To do something really difficult is worthy of my respect whether it's a blind guy playing BW or Nada gosu vulture control. And plz no more flaming, or BAN HIM posts. Just post arguments not endless childish flame.
On January 31 2005 01:13 ScoliosiS wrote: How come nobody talks about how Boxer disgracefully won? I woulda let the kid won and tried to make it look like i was doing my best ffs. Oh well, i dont know the full story of it.
i think the greatest respect boxer could give him is his best efforts.. as it went, boxer had a very hard time anyway so i think it all turned out for the best ;o
Chris just beated a terran computer blindfolded with 4 pool... Chris > Blind guy... go suck his cock.
errr... limitations cant be surpassed lol, thats why they are limitations >.<
man.. you are SO wrong, SO wrong T_T
if the human being didnt try to reach the impossible, we would not be enjoying what today is possible
you can always go beyond your limitations, and then other limitations will come
damn man baal boy needs some attention... someone appreciate him for something.. find something he did well and praise him.. the guy prolly needs some lovin'