On April 29 2012 16:24 dicex wrote: I watched "Pride and Prejudice" recently. What is the name of the strategy Mr. Darcy used? Because it looked like: Being awkward --> Being awkward --> Being awkward --> Get the hot one
That is a really bad example considering that book was written a few hundred years ago when all women needed to do was get married. But what he actually does is Be rich --> Be handsome --> Piss her off --> Declare his love by pissing her off --> For the rest of the movie help her out and be nice to her --> Hear that she might like him after all --> Get the hot one
You are also ignoring the natural attraction that existed between them in the first place, which is telegraphed in every version.
Don't go to her party. Later if she asks you wtf happened, then burst out your game. Or if she simply ignores your punctuality, she never prioritized you in the first place. Since the primary goal of reaching there is just to have sex, you know that you haven't waste your time on her.
Call me an idealist, but if I had fun with a girl in any kind of way and I didn't achieve "Leave her better than you find her" because of me failsaucing along the way, I'm not satisfied. I would be lieing if I said I had relationships with dozens of "bombshells" like that but my general experience is that they are exactly the same as the girl in case 1. They just are fed up with the hundreds of guys hitting on them and started to think like "Well, if they're dumb enough I'm not gonna say no."
You can do as you wish when it comes to this. I prefer not to buy into the "leave her better than you find her" attitude because I find most of the girls around my age (not sure how old you are) are too emotionally immature to handle breaking it off with grace. There's usually crying and tears and all of that other stuff that goes along with it. Perhaps this will change when I get older I'm not sure yet.
If you only aim for a sexual relation with that girl and she DOES invite you to an event like that, you fucked up somewhere earlier.
You're right, and that's what my earlier comments were insinuating. Going at this point just throws gas on the fire in terms of trying to bed the girl. You can go to try and go after her friends, but I believe you need some pretty tight game to go into an environment like that and have the other girls wooing over you, because like squattin said you'll be in heavy competition for attention.
I'll respond to the rest of your points later. I have other shit to do right now.
On April 29 2012 22:48 Xiphos wrote: Don't go to her party. Later if she asks you wtf happened, then burst out your game. Or if she simply ignores your punctuality, she never prioritized you in the first place. Since the primary goal of reaching there is just to have sex, you know that you haven't waste your time on her.
Don't know if you are taking the piss, but considering there have been a couple of posts about not going to her birthday or not buying her a present I will answer.
Not going to her birthday will be a bad idea, don't try and "game" chicks there, but if she invites you, you should go IMO. Why? Same reason when a friend invites you, you should go, because without a really good reason, you will look like a douche if you don't. If you want a chance with her, by not going to her birthday, you can often ruin that chance.
There are quite a few times, and a few of my friends, who decided to not go to a birthday because we didn't know any one and thought it would be really boring, afterwards, nearly every time, she either hasn't responded in a good way, or will never talk to me again.
About presents, don't worry about it too much, but you should buy one, even if its just a card. If its a card, write something meaningful on it, guys don't give a crap about cards so its easy to fall into the trap of just writing "happy b'day dude kthxbai", but girls actually read it and take it personally. If you are the kind that is really good at coming up with presents, then do that. Give her the card/present, give her a hug, if she is about to kiss you, kiss back at the same time, hang around for the reaction or leave doesn't really matter.
The only time you shouldn't buy one, is if she specifically tells you not to, that's happened to me before, because apparently she "doesn't respond well to receiving presents", although I told her I wouldn't go to her party because I didn't know anyone of her friends and I would get really really bored, but we still hung out for the following weeks. Although she never contacted me again after her bday .
Call me an idealist, but if I had fun with a girl in any kind of way and I didn't achieve "Leave her better than you find her" because of me failsaucing along the way, I'm not satisfied. I would be lieing if I said I had relationships with dozens of "bombshells" like that but my general experience is that they are exactly the same as the girl in case 1. They just are fed up with the hundreds of guys hitting on them and started to think like "Well, if they're dumb enough I'm not gonna say no."
You can do as you wish when it comes to this. I prefer not to buy into the "leave her better than you find her" attitude because I find most of the girls around my age (not sure how old you are) are too emotionally immature to handle breaking it off with grace. There's usually crying and tears and all of that other stuff that goes along with it. Perhaps this will change when I get older I'm not sure yet.
If you only aim for a sexual relation with that girl and she DOES invite you to an event like that, you fucked up somewhere earlier.
You're right, and that's what my earlier comments were insinuating. Going at this point just throws gas on the fire in terms of trying to bed the girl. You can go to try and go after her friends, but I believe you need some pretty tight game to go into an environment like that and have the other girls wooing over you, because like squattin said you'll be in heavy competition for attention.
I'll respond to the rest of your points later. I have other shit to do right now.
Girls are usually never emotionally too immature to break it off with grace (unless she is like 13). Its just that guys are really brutal when it comes to breaking up. If you reciprocated her feelings, but distance yourself slow enough, and you get her to realise that the spark is gone before saying anything, you can break up and still be friends and hook up later if you really wanted to. It seems like then your goal is no strings attached sex though, so its impossible to break up, you are just taking time off.
If going to a bday is a lose lose situation for game, then just don't game. Be a normal person and go to the b'day out of courtesy, drive there so you can't drink, leave as soon as you get bored (which is almost immediately for me when it comes to those parties ).
On April 29 2012 17:02 dicex wrote: So, as soon as both the girl and you are self-conscious about some PU Artistry going on, aren't you back to square one because it doesn't make sense to use tricks anymore and you both are one step above "the game"?
Seduction isn't about canned routines; those are merely stepping stones for beginners. Seduction is about understanding general concepts about human interaction and attraction, and applying that understanding to becoming a more attractive version of yourself.
If you're using recognizable "tricks" or some other crap you stole from the Internet, then yeah, you're out of your league with a girl who's familiar with pickup artists. But the whole point of seduction is to learn how to be attractive in a general sense, so that instead of running some canned routine, you're naturally acting in an attractive manner. Being a confident, dominant, funny, socially adept man isn't a "trick", and there's nothing about that a girl can recognize except "that cool guy makes me horny".
On April 29 2012 17:02 dicex wrote: Edit: Waht I mean is, you have to be just yourself and be cool about it right?
"Be yourself" is awful advice used by girls to weed out losers dumb enough to listen. What you want to instead do is be your best self.
No one tells you to "be yourself" in a job interview, right? No, instead you try to put your most professional self forward. That doesn't mean becoming an entirely different person, but you do (ideally) make changes to yourself so that you become a more desriable candidate. The same applies to seduction, where you want to be your most attractive self, and make positive changes to yourself so that you are more desirable.
Situation for me is that i'm in a long term relationship (4 years so far) I am no player, but i do enjoy talking to others and flirting occasionally. I dont take numbers & i dont cheat or anything, i just enjoy being social & flirting with attractive people.
how do you deal with the jealousy & how do you approach the possibility of a threesome?
On April 30 2012 10:58 Kh0rne wrote: I have a bit of a question.
Situation for me is that i'm in a long term relationship (4 years so far) I am no player, but i do enjoy talking to others and flirting occasionally. I dont take numbers & i dont cheat or anything, i just enjoy being social & flirting with attractive people.
how do you deal with the jealousy & how do you approach the possibility of a threesome?
Oh, just jump straight into advanced three somes huh?
Never been in one, you are SOL! lol
Ill give you my keyboard jockey version.
1. you have to heavily screen for girls who are down for them 2. you have to do it when they are in the moment when the state is pumped. Alcohol helps!
On April 30 2012 10:58 Kh0rne wrote:Situation for me is that i'm in a long term relationship (4 years so far) I am no player, but i do enjoy talking to others and flirting occasionally. I dont take numbers & i dont cheat or anything, i just enjoy being social & flirting with attractive people.
how do you deal with the jealousy & how do you approach the possibility of a threesome?
Those are very general questions, so without more specific details about your relationship, I can only provide general answers.
Sexual jealousy is actually a good thing. Most girls (and guys) are sexually excited by jealousy, even though few people will admit it (this is documented by academic studies, such as one showing that couples have more intense sex when there's a possibility that one of them cheated). The relevant seduction concept here is pre-selection: people are attracted to stuff that other people like (behavioral scientists call this the bandwagon effect).
Simply put, no girl wants a guy that no other girl wants, but a guy that every girl desires makes his significant other feel very lucky to have him indeed. In fact, most guys would be well-served by flirting (successfully) with other women in front of their lover/girlfriend/wife. As long as you don't take it to the point where your girl is truly afraid of losing you, seeing you turn other women on will make her wet too. For your situation in particular, if your girlfriend realizes (perhaps with your help) that she actually gets aroused by watching you turn on other girls, that would probably make the idea of a threesome more appealing to her.
Okay, after thinking about this, I realize I can't even give you decent general advice on this without knowing more. Specifically, I need you to answer the following questions:
Is your girlfriend bisexual or bicurious? Are you interested in threesomes with another girl, another guy, or both? How sexually open-minded/kinky is your girlfriend? Who's the dominant one in your relationship? Do you already have a threesome partner(s) in mind, and if so, what is their relationship to you and your girlfriend? Are you looking for a true ménage à trois (threeway relationship), or simply looking for a one-time/occasional thing? Are you willing to risk the potential implosion of your relationship?
On April 30 2012 10:58 Kh0rne wrote: I have a bit of a question.
Situation for me is that i'm in a long term relationship (4 years so far) I am no player, but i do enjoy talking to others and flirting occasionally. I dont take numbers & i dont cheat or anything, i just enjoy being social & flirting with attractive people.
how do you deal with the jealousy & how do you approach the possibility of a threesome?
On April 30 2012 11:45 jxx wrote: Wow, I had no idea this PUA stuff was actually for real, I just watched a few videos from Mystery and another guy. How does one get in to this?
On April 30 2012 10:58 Kh0rne wrote:Situation for me is that i'm in a long term relationship (4 years so far) I am no player, but i do enjoy talking to others and flirting occasionally. I dont take numbers & i dont cheat or anything, i just enjoy being social & flirting with attractive people.
how do you deal with the jealousy & how do you approach the possibility of a threesome?
Those are very general questions, so without more specific details about your relationship, I can only provide general answers.
Sexual jealousy is actually a good thing. Most girls (and guys) are sexually excited by jealousy, even though few people will admit it (this is documented by academic studies, such as one showing that couples have more intense sex when there's a possibility that one of them cheated). The relevant seduction concept here is pre-selection: people are attracted to stuff that other people like (behavioral scientists call this the bandwagon effect).
Interesting point of view on the jealousy. never really looked at it that way.
anyways on to the questions. Is your girlfriend bisexual or bicurious? she says no, but checks out women in clubs / watches lesbian porn Are you interested in threesomes with another girl, another guy, or both? after FFM, but would probably give MMF a try How sexually open-minded/kinky is your girlfriend? handcuffs / toys / roleplay /public sex are quite popular, but she is very shy Who's the dominant one in your relationship? its quite balanced really, we have different areas we are dominant in Do you already have a threesome partner(s) in mind, and if so, what is their relationship to you and your girlfriend? no, none in mind. Are you looking for a true ménage à trois (threeway relationship), or simply looking for a one-time/occasional thing? more of a one time / occasional thing Are you willing to risk the potential implosion of your relationship? not sure what u mean here, is this an expected outcome or a possible outcome? of course i'd weigh up the risk / reward before i acted in either case.
I'm mostly wondering how i could break into the subject with her, I have brought it up but its always been a "lol no" response
On April 30 2012 11:45 jxx wrote: Wow, I had no idea this PUA stuff was actually for real, I just watched a few videos from Mystery and another guy. How does one get in to this?
Study, learn, and practice.
Heavy emphasis on the practice. Theory will get you nowhere without practice and I can attest to that.
Here's a random one, just out of my own curiosity.
When you find a beautiful lady, but it turns out her personality is a total mismatch for you, do you suck it up deal with it and try and sleep with her or do you just move on?
I only ask this because I've realised that there are certain personality types that I can instantly gel with taking no effort and others that I can get along with, but the effort required is too tiresome to the point I can't be arsed.
To the dude asking about threesomes, don't know how your lady is like, but with a few girls I have hung out with, we have checked out other girls together, that they find attractive about them etc. which quite easily transistioned into "would you every threesome?". That said I've only tried this one proper relationship (and it went fine, she just said no, she'd find it wierd and moved on) but I'm pretty sure other girls I've done this with haven't been offended. They are the chilled, open, outgoing type though.
On April 30 2012 11:45 jxx wrote: Wow, I had no idea this PUA stuff was actually for real, I just watched a few videos from Mystery and another guy. How does one get in to this?
Study, learn, and practice.
So, should I just google "PUA" and go with what comes up? Or are there better ways to start? Do you have any suggestions?
On April 30 2012 11:48 Kh0rne wrote: anyways on to the questions. Is your girlfriend bisexual or bicurious? she says no, but checks out women in clubs / watches lesbian porn Are you interested in threesomes with another girl, another guy, or both? after FFM, but would probably give MMF a try How sexually open-minded/kinky is your girlfriend? handcuffs / toys / roleplay /public sex are quite popular, but she is very shy Who's the dominant one in your relationship? its quite balanced really, we have different areas we are dominant in Do you already have a threesome partner(s) in mind, and if so, what is their relationship to you and your girlfriend? no, none in mind. Are you looking for a true ménage à trois (threeway relationship), or simply looking for a one-time/occasional thing? more of a one time / occasional thing Are you willing to risk the potential implosion of your relationship? not sure what u mean here, is this an expected outcome or a possible outcome? of course i'd weigh up the risk / reward before i acted in either case.
I'm mostly wondering how i could break into the subject with her, I have brought it up but its always been a "lol no" response
It sounds like she probably is bicurious and sufficiently sexually open-minded, but too shy and/or socially conditioned (anti-slut defense is relevant here) to admit it. She's probably already somewhat into girls, so all you have to do is make her comfortable with experiencing that in reality. Your strategy here is to get her fantasizing about girl-on-girl/threesomes herself, and to reassure her that it's okay and that you would never judge her for it (and in fact, find it attractive).
Since you're already roleplaying, start by introducing threesome fantasies into the mix. Keep the focus on the girl-on-girl, and when she becomes comfortable with that, move into the idea of you guys having fun with a girl together. Talk about how awesome it would be if she was being penetrated by you and then a girl joined in to caress and kiss her before moving down to lick her clit as you fuck her.
Encourage her when she checks out women in clubs and watches lesbian porn; watch the porn with her (preferably while you fuck), tell her how hot you find it that she enjoys watching girl-on-girl, mention how you would find it incredibly erotic to watch her doing that herself. As she becomes more and more comfortable with it, watch threesome porn with her, and when she checks out girls in clubs do it with her and dirty talk about how you two should take her home and have some fun. When you have sex later that night, talk about a particular girl that she checked out, and describe some of the things she could be doing with you two. Pay attention to what your girlfriend admires in particular with a given girl, and include that; e.g. if she talks about how another girl has fantastic tits, help her fantasize about how she could be sucking and playing with them while you two fuck.
And so forth. Once you get her thinking about it, and wanting it, the rest (finding a girl to join you two) will be pretty easy because she'll be willing to help you do the work.
On April 30 2012 11:45 jxx wrote: Wow, I had no idea this PUA stuff was actually for real, I just watched a few videos from Mystery and another guy. How does one get in to this?
Study, learn, and practice.
So, should I just google "PUA" and go with what comes up? Or are there better ways to start? Do you have any suggestions?
Read Savoy's Magic Bullets as a basic comprehensive primer on modern seduction, Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People to understand how seduction fits into a general framework of social interaction skills, and Style's The Game so that you understand the danger of letting seduction consume your life.
As you read, figure out how to apply this knowledge to your life. Start making changes to your lifestyle, fixing the things you're doing wrong and emphasizing your existing strengths. Go out and practice cold approaches, cocky and funny, night game, day game, and everything you're not a master of. Take advantage of forums and other online resources to ask questions or get help from more experienced seducers; feel free to ask additional questions here.
Police said the girl walked into the Ontario Public Library parking lot. The car followed and parked. The girl told authorities the middle-aged driver called out to her, asked her for help and the time. She ran away
trololololoool...poor dude probably just wanted to get on a date, but authorities teach young women about a mens evil animal instincts tzzzzzz
gonna do a 1on1 bootcamp with Artisan one of the PUA Summit allstar instructors and see if he can get things right for me.