On February 23 2004 00:32 PanoRaMa wrote: Vietnam war
Well I'm not good in History so I don't know if we truly lost. Still though, we lost way too many soldiers which wasn't good.
Bad war to argue about, since it started with the French 
On February 23 2004 01:28 suLTan[CaN] wrote: you guys also tried to invade Canada....so we burned down ur white house....but it wasn't the white house back then, it was like brown or green or something, but because white was the cheapest colour to paint it, white paint was used....but don't worry, you have the moral victory of having made the UK your bitch and screwing us out of property (selling of Alaska)
We also burned the Canadian capital, so touche 
On February 23 2004 01:10 Hot_Bid wrote: Americans lost:
Revolutionary War (until France started helping) America was fighting long before France came along and it wasnt just france that helped. Learn your history.
Civil War (technicality) Civil War, notice the title. This war brutal true but it never involved any other nations and in the end made Americans realized how they valued America as a whole.
War of 1812 What?! If the US lost why is the USA still a country?!
Korean War (by the Chinese) Wrong the war was unwinnable, but I believe the UN forces would have prevailed, it wasnt just Americans fighting, it was British, Turkish, French and many other nations. The Chinese were starving and surrendering by the Thousands.
And about Haiti it was an INTERNATIONAL agreement that American forces should be sent in.
Bay of Pigs Basically the entire nation didnt know about this it the latter.
Well Australia's penis is bigger than Canada's penis so THERE!!
the english burned down the whitehouse in the war of 1812 not the canadians rofl ;|
But what war has France won? You said they have won... but to my knowledge only war they didn't lose was. . . I don't know any. Educate me
On February 23 2004 05:33 SuperJongMan wrote: But what war has France won? You said they have won... but to my knowledge only war they didn't lose was. . . I don't know any. Educate me
The French Revolution. They also lost this war, due to technicality.
The US Civil War was not a "Civil" war as we know it. The southern states had suceeded, and this was perfectly within their legal rights. The states were sovereign states, and thus could with draw from the formal union at any time. Lincoln over stepped the bounds of the federal government by taking the south back. By technicallity the US as we know it, actually won that war.
The Revolutionary War had taken a turn for America before France came; it probably wouldn't have been won without France, but it was still largely won by America.
Vietnam was a "police action."
The War of 1812, if I'm not mistaken, was brought upon because of the impressment of US sailors into the British Navy, and a few other things. We didn't really "lose" this war, but we didn't really "win" either. The whole point in the war was not to conquer Britain, but to get her to stop taking our sailors, and recognize the neutrality of the US in trade; we did these things, and it can thus be called a victory.
The US hasn't lost any wars. The reason Vietnam and Korea are considered ties or whatever and not loses is due to the amount of effort the US put into them. If it were an all our war, and not just a small conflict, you would have seen a difference. A big difference.
As for the French, I don't know if they've actually won any wars, but I do know they've helped win wars.
Norway28562 Posts
everyone who participates in wars lose
thats just how it is!
some of you guys should really do some reading up on history before you come here preaching, particularly the one starting this thread. i know you think it's cool and hip to be anti american and talk about our "stupid" president, but more often than not, you (and by you i mean "europeans" and "canadians") just demonstrate an astounding lack of knowledge on the topics you're pretending to be experts over (with very few exceptions). i realize that all you extreme liberals are convinced that your beliefs are the only possible correct beliefs and anyone who doesn't share them is uncivilized, but then, that's why most of your countries are quasi-socialist and the united states is not =(
Israel is living in denial
On February 23 2004 06:17 Liquid`Drone wrote: everyone who participates in wars lose
thats just how it is!
The reason Vietnam and Korea are considered ties or whatever and not loses is due to the amount of effort the US put into them
maybe u should go visit the vietnam memorial. therse alot of "Effort" there
how exactly is vietnam war a tie? u guys left the place.. and gave up on ur military effort, retreat, hence u lost -__-
i dont think the french win % is as high as the american win % but, but who cares about win %'s ??
ppl from all countries are cool lets just <3 every1
omg whoever says america is not batting 1000% you are wrong and dumb, and I challenge your country to a war. THEN WE FIND OUT WHOS THE REAL MAN!
On February 23 2004 07:48 SillyCat wrote: omg whoever says america is not batting 1000% you are wrong and dumb, and I challenge your country to a war. THEN WE FIND OUT WHOS THE REAL MAN!
sometimes I'm really torn... don't know if I should laugh or feel sorry for that boy
On February 23 2004 05:55 SickofLife322000 wrote: Show nested quote +On February 23 2004 05:33 SuperJongMan wrote: But what war has France won? You said they have won... but to my knowledge only war they didn't lose was. . . I don't know any. Educate me The French Revolution. They also lost this war, due to technicality. The US Civil War was not a "Civil" war as we know it. The southern states had suceeded, and this was perfectly within their legal rights. The states were sovereign states, and thus could with draw from the formal union at any time. Lincoln over stepped the bounds of the federal government by taking the south back. By technicallity the US as we know it, actually won that war. The Revolutionary War had taken a turn for America before France came; it probably wouldn't have been won without France, but it was still largely won by America. Vietnam was a "police action." The War of 1812, if I'm not mistaken, was brought upon because of the impressment of US sailors into the British Navy, and a few other things. We didn't really "lose" this war, but we didn't really "win" either. The whole point in the war was not to conquer Britain, but to get her to stop taking our sailors, and recognize the neutrality of the US in trade; we did these things, and it can thus be called a victory. It is also considered a victory because we won the final battle (Battle of New Orleans actually took place after the war was over, but no one when knew this.)
On February 23 2004 07:51 Sirakor wrote: Show nested quote +On February 23 2004 07:48 SillyCat wrote: omg whoever says america is not batting 1000% you are wrong and dumb, and I challenge your country to a war. THEN WE FIND OUT WHOS THE REAL MAN! sometimes I'm really torn... don't know if I should laugh or feel sorry for that boy MWHAHA!
Ok. Vietnam wasnt lost because americans couldnt make "air strikes" or it didnt have "public support". It was jungles there and americans didnt have no knowlege of the territory, nor knowlegde how to survive on it.
Yeah and Napoleon was genius!