On October 24 2007 17:23 IaniAniaN wrote: I doubt Savior will play free 100% straight up like he did against bisu, Reminiscent of Savior vs Hwasin, I doubt we'll see savior play his trip hatch every game, he'll change it up and make free work for it (but probably lose anyways). Can someone tell me though, what's free so good at in PvZ that Stork and Bisu can't do? Just game sense?
What the hell are you talking about? Bisu is best PvZ on earth...
On October 24 2007 17:28 AyOnY wrote:Show nested quote +On October 24 2007 17:23 IaniAniaN wrote:I doubt sAviOr will play free 100% straight up like he did against Bisu, Reminiscent of sAviOr vs Hwasin, I doubt we'll see sAviOr play his trip hatch every game, he'll change it up and make free work for it (but probably lose anyways). Can someone tell me though, what's free so good at in PvZ that Stork and Bisu can't do? Just game sense? What the hell are you talking about? Bisu is BeSt PvZ on earth...
But not forever.
Do not underestimate sAviOr, i know he`ll use his god powers and smash that Protoss little wh**e 
Zergs ! Fight for Freedom @@; !!
Time to end this P dominance.
question: when was the last time savior beat a top competitor who's not stork?
Long time ago in Galaxy....
On October 24 2007 17:53 bellsprout wrote: question: when was the last time savior beat a top competitor who's not stork?
ironically it was a 2-0 of free
I want to see sAviOr vs Bisu. And I want a comeback of sAviOr.
Bisu vs sAviOr finals~
5 games.. all games 1 hour+ °° Bisu win 3-2°!!!^^
sAviOr will win, but it will be a hard fight, free is a monster at PvZ, it should be some entertaining game. OCT 25!
I would love to see Savior lose this one. He just keeps winning at ZvP against everyone who isn't Bisu and that needs to change. I don't know if Free can pull it off however. Probably 3:1 or 3:2 to Savior, but this could go either way so easily.
8748 Posts
savior > free @ python free > savior @ blue storm free > savior @ loki ii savior > free @ zodiac savior > free @ python
savior > free 3:2
Game 1 -- Savior has yet to lose a ZvP on Python (even though his ZvT sucks there). Free has lost exactly 2 PvZ matches on Python... both to Savior. Savior > Free
Game 2 -- I honestly have no idea. Records indicate that P has the advantage, but only 9 ZvP matches total have been played. The map is unusual and I have yet to play it. However, I will go Savior, since I don't think the balance is enough to push this game into Free's favor, though I might be wrong. Savior > Free
Game 3 -- Only 1 PvZ total has been played here and as I would expect, P won that match. With the base behind the main like that, this map is really good for PvZ. Free will be able to get upto 3 bases easily and go into macro mode from there with Savior unable to curb it, only go into macro mode himself. I think Free's precision PvZ senses will clinch it. Savior < Free
Game 4 -- This map seems pretty well balanced in PvZ to me. That essentially means Savior has the advantage. Savior > Free
Savior 3 - Free 1
Man, Free will be owned really bad.
They'll play python 2 times, (provided Free manages to steal two games), and I really don't see Free winning on Python against sAviOr.
On October 24 2007 22:26 Mortality wrote: Predictions
Game 1 -- Savior has yet to lose a ZvP on Python (even though his ZvT sucks there). Free has lost exactly 2 PvZ matches on Python... both to Savior. Savior > Free
Game 2 -- I honestly have no idea. Records indicate that P has the advantage, but only 9 ZvP matches total have been played. The map is unusual and I have yet to play it. However, I will go Savior, since I don't think the balance is enough to push this game into Free's favor, though I might be wrong. Savior > Free
Game 3 -- Only 1 PvZ total has been played here and as I would expect, P won that match. With the base behind the main like that, this map is really good for PvZ. Free will be able to get upto 3 bases easily and go into macro mode from there with Savior unable to curb it, only go into macro mode himself. I think Free's precision PvZ senses will clinch it. Savior < Free
Game 4 -- This map seems pretty well balanced in PvZ to me. That essentially means Savior has the advantage. Savior > Free
Savior 3 - Free 1
100% Agree with this. If Free pulls away 2 wins, game 5 is on Python and I don't see Savior losing on it
gogo Savior!
On October 25 2007 00:30 rushz0rz wrote: Free 3-2 Savior. Precisely! As I said in a different thread...
9 of the 283 reasons why Free is going to beat Savior:
1) Remember that episode of Family Guy where Lois' Tae-Jitsu instructor tells her to "free the beast"? See any similarities to the name Free[gm]? Free is going to free his beast all over Savior's forehead. 2) Incidentally, "Free the Beast" is also the name of Slauter Xstroyes' second album--yet another reference to Free slaughtering Savior. 3) The original savior, Jesus Christ, got nailed to a fucking cross. Who was responsible? Not the Jews. No, it was Free. 4) Savior's original handle was IPXZerg. The Korean prefix IPX roughly translates to "that guy who loses to Free on October 25, 2007." 5) The weakest Protoss unit is the zealot. The weakest Zerg unit is the zergling. One versus one, who wins? That's right, the zealot. And lest you say that it's "not a fair comparison," just remember that this series is one versus one. 6) Nietzsche declared that God is dead, which means that there's no one to give Savior his usual divine inspiration. 7) It's a little known fact that Savior's team, CJ, stands for "Complete Jokes." 8) I've referred to Free as "The Perfect Storm" once or twice. One of the maps is Blue Storm. Coincidence? I THINK NOT. 9) One of the maps is Zodiac. Free is a Sagittarius. Savior is a Cancer. Based upon these indisputable facts, we can safely say that Free is going to prove to be a figurative tumor in Savior's brain.
(Feel free to add the rest if you know them! I'm just tired of typing.)
in how many hours is this
On October 25 2007 00:50 DJEtterStyle wrote: Precisely! As I said in a different thread...
5) The weakest Protoss unit is the zealot. The weakest Zerg unit is the zergling. One versus one, who wins? That's right, the zealot. And lest you say that it's "not a fair comparison," just remember that this series is one versus one.
7) It's a little known fact that Savior's team, CJ, stands for "Complete Jokes."
8) I've referred to Free as "The Perfect Storm" once or twice. One of the maps is Blue Storm. Coincidence? I THINK NOT.
haha I loved these ones
On October 25 2007 00:50 DJEtterStyle wrote:
(Feel free to add the rest if you know them! I'm just tired of typing.)
I C Wut you did thar!
Calgary25963 Posts
Good maps for PvZ. But it won't be enough for Free to win.
Russian Federation363 Posts
Voted Savior, hoping free =)