![[image loading]](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/701004963244933121/1025696512354824242/AFEA6831-C33B-4F75-BA62-D1F98E2986AF.png?width=820&height=1266)
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/860854544719675422/1065630602172309544/IsometricSmall.png)
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/860854544719675422/1065630602172309544/IsometricSmall.png)
Donate to the prize pool here.
To sponsor show matches, please contact oxtQ (“ox.tQ” on TL.net ; “oxtQ#7362” on Discord)
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/860854544719675422/1065630601874509926/IsometricDiamondsAreForever.png)
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/860854544719675422/1065630602172309544/IsometricSmall.png)
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/860854544719675422/1065630602172309544/IsometricSmall.png)
Extended till February 5th!
- Rank your favourite 6 or more maps.
- Based on your ranking the maps will receive a score, according to the Dowdall-system (1/n point for n-th rank).
- The maps with the highest scores will advance to the next round, with two exceptions:
- At most 3 maps from the same author may be selected.
- One additional map for the same author can be admitted if it was created in cooperation with another map maker.
- Maps that do not fulfil the quality criteria for the next round will be disqualified:
- The maps need to be in a functionally finished, play-ready state.
- Top 12 maps should have smooth and balanced mining in at least the most significant bases (mains and naturals).
- Unintended gameplay features, such as drop holes or tile flag related issues, need to be fixed.
- Top 12 maps should not have any other issues that principally inhibit their being played on.
- The maps need to be in a functionally finished, play-ready state.
- At most 3 maps from the same author may be selected.
- We are also going to start running show/test games on some of the maps.
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/860854544719675422/1065630601874509926/IsometricDiamondsAreForever.png)
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/860854544719675422/1065630602172309544/IsometricSmall.png)
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/860854544719675422/1065630602172309544/IsometricSmall.png)
These have already been screened for compliance with the submission guidelines. A full overview of all submissions is available here.
Download the full map pack
(non-approved submission included as a bonus)
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/860854544719675422/1065219517099282452/panel_00.png)
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KF-21 Boramae
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018444143107768351/1060550707612221460/KF-21_Boramae.png)
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Flight Dreamliner
by [Ragnarok]Valkyrie
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1060550707939389500/1060550916144631908/c0f89bce9027ab74.jpg)
Map Size:128x112
Rush Distance: x
Map Concept: 2P Standard
Map Description:
-Remake map of Fly high - Dreamliner.
-Title and design of the map were taken from the next generation Korean fighter KF-21 (Boramae).
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1060548618819473418/1060549828469334086/209176-cfa384d59f82add5c614abebeb0210af.jpg)
-In order to increase the air distance between the main bases, which was the biggest problem of the original map, the starting location was changed to the corner.
-Main base entrance can be blocked with 1B2S, but it is not completely blocked.
-Front yard entrance is 7 grid.(except for Egg)
-2nd expo has 7M(1250) + 1G (1500).
-central expo has 7M + 2G (2500).
Lost in Paradise
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018444143107768351/1046067249296986112/Lost_in_Paradise_.png)
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Lost Temple
by Blizzard
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1046067249276002396/1046067386605912146/2660044F5738DF0E22.gif)
Map Size:128x128
Rush Distance: x
Map Concept: Strategic battle map
Map Description:
- Remake map of Lost Temple.
- This map is transplanted strategic elements of Earthatack's map "Nemesis" and "Fortress" into Lost Temple.
-1 o'clock and 7 o'clock expo can only be passed by workers clicking on minerals near the gate.
-5 o'clock and 11 o'clock multi has an Assimilator and egg, and if one Assimilator is destroyed, a large unit cannot pass, and if two Assimilators are destroyed, all units except Ghost cannot pass.
-All main bases are completely blocked with 1B2S and the front yard entrance is 8 grids.
Third Impact
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018444143107768351/1060216703939772498/Third_Impact.png)
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by KuKulZa
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1060216704292114462/1060216866045427722/13a57a9de3147851.jpg)
Map Size:128x128
Rush Distance: x
Map Concept: 3P Standard
Map Description:
-Remake map of Longinus.
-I intended an easy-to-play 3p standard map.
-Gas expo of the original map was separated into two expos and changed to make it easier to secure expos continuously.
-Added a rush route to the center.
-Main base entrance can be blocked by 1B2S, but it is not completely blocked, and it is narrowed down to 2 eggs.
-Front yard entrance is 8 grid.
-2nd expo has 6M (1250) + 1G 1000).
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018444143107768351/1061281458574082058/Platoon.png)
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by Rose.of.Dream
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1061281458905415801/1061281655345655818/6697a5651e9a97bc.png)
Map Size:128x120
Rush Distance: x
Map Concept: Strategic battle map with dual entrance
Map Description:
- Remake map of Alchemist.
- Dual entrance was implanted while maintaining the original map's donut-shaped concept.
- Since it is difficult to use the dual entrance of the original map in modern meta, the rush route is limited to one until the front yard is expanded.
- It was intended to use the dual entrance after the assimilator was destroyed and the shortest path was blocked.
- Each entrance is blocked in a different form, and the player has to think about which entrance to pioneer first. (Mineral 32 or Xel'naga Temple x 1)
- 2nd expo has 6M + 1G (3500).
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/860854544719675422/1065219517334159370/panel_01.png)
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![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018444143107768351/1042451492541579345/Parasite.png)
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Usan Nation
by Ashelen
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1042451492868726814/1042451728806719600/3e682932912b06e2.jpg)
Map Size:128x128
Rush Distance: x
Map Concept: Outer line circulation battlefield.
Map Description:
-Remake of the Usan Nation.
-Title and concept of the map are taken from the movie "Parasite."
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1042452188078805022/1042452444619231272/3zpz8WQe4SNGWd7TzozjPgq3rggennavDx3XPY35pEAVnpmHQZANVMujqMF8awZKvMS2FsXNpyZjou5rrQeHUEYzDgPUU44tsnb49HUT3xZs7MyLd5YUejYhd.jpg)
-Main base is double-structured, and there is no gas in the front yard.
-Amount of gas in the main base is 3500 each.
-All the gas expos are on the outer line, which planned a map in the direction of pioneering the outer line rather than battle to take control of the center.
-Workers can pass through the blocked entrances of the main base without any special help.
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1042452188078805022/1042452539767001168/d3fd10c4db474339.gif)
-All Xel'naga temple on the map are stacked 3 each.
-Amount of minerals at the entrance of the main base is 24.
-In the center is the neutral queen hero, Matriarch.
The Downfall of Moon
by DQ_MAN & mAziciAn
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018444143107768351/1052524878412128366/The_Downfall_of_Moon.png)
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Tears of the Moon
by Str18-02
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1052524878751875132/1052525423839412244/2463FA4C58DABE5519.png)
Map Size: 128x128
Concept: 4P Standard
Map Description:
- Remake map of Tears of the Moon.
-We designed a 4P standard map that eliminates elements that harm balance while maintaining the beautiful moon design of the original.
- Back door of the front yard, which was the biggest problem with Tears of the Moon, was deleted to take the front yard more stably.
-All main ramp and front yard entrance are completely blocked with 1B2S.
-Central expo is a mineral 1500 x 5, 749 x 5 gas 5000.
Black Soulstones
by 𝔉𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔨𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018444143107768351/1061349859715723354/4Black_Soulstones_0.png)
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Dark Crystal
by Blizzard
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1061349860026097785/1061350260334657606/DarkCrystal.png)
So remade a Blizzard map… Obviously "some" changes had to be made, first and foremost "regularizing" the symmetry (or lack thereof) of the layout…
Dark Crystal was, in some ways, bad, even for Blizzard map standards, not only because of random cliffs and drop zones all around the map and vastly varying expansion accessibility for each spawn, but also because of the various super tight and awkward, and often not even intended (one can, for example, sneak units all the way behind the high ground into red's main), pathways around the map.
On the other hand (and with a bit of luck in the spawn roulette), the map was actually quite easy to play on, compared to some other Blizzard maps, due to the very restricted entranceway into the main and the, more or less, free backdoor "natural" (let’s not talk about technicalities like Mineral layouts, though @_@).
The backdoor base, with a zig-zaggy high and low ground path leading to it, is obviously one of the most defining features of the map, so I kept it (improved space use and made it less awkward to move on though). Since it is taking so much room, and because "free" backdoor bases (though, in this case, hard to reinforce due to the long walking distance) are rather boring, I added a ramp (blocked initially by a 4× stack of Overmind Cocoons) to it, which is restricted to smaller units, because I didn't want to allow that backdoor path to become a gateway for Tanks in close position spawns.
I redesigned the high ground outside the mains with a proper natural and kept the middle gas bases (obviously in much improved form).
by 𝔉𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔨𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1057339168109379694/1067515813176819803/Rita_0.90.jpg)
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by Str18-02
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1057350407522885632/1057350876282491001/Katrina_SE.png)
Most issues of the original boil down to mobility limitations – overly long cross map paths, unnecessary linearity induced by badly positioned ramps, and just generally overly long distances and hard to move stuff around… So I completely reworked the layout of the expansions and middle to make it more sane in that regard.
Choices for a 3rd on Katrina are kind of bad, particularly when compared to modern standards. The min-only is rather far away and very open – and still lacks gas – and the middle bases are even worse as far as openness and general vulnerability goes. I replaced the min-only with a safer gas base and rotated the centre bases around (which also helped with the pathfinding part) to make them safer.
Apart from those changes all the familiar elements from the original are still there. I used lots of doodads, just like the original. The decoration is designed to evoke the impression of swirling storm clouds, in line with the theme of the map.
And most importantly, I fixed the gravest error from the original: Mine does actually rotate counter-clockwise!
The mains (SLs) use off-grid Geyser placement, making sure that all the positions are equally inefficient for all races (about 85% mining rate on 3 workers).
Either third bases have half gasses.
Main minerals use off-grid placed Minerals, too, to some neat effect. Probably gonna extend this to all resources on the map.
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/860854544719675422/1065219517619380234/panel_02.png)
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Cyber Temple
by 𝔉𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔨𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018444143107768351/1042149898595860500/4Cyber_Temple_0.80.jpg)
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Lost Temple
by Blizzard
![[image loading]](https://tl.net/tlpd/images/maps/47_Neo%20Lost%20Temple.jpg)
Made this diagonal axial symmetry (Python type) to avoid positional imbalances of the original.
I kept the islands and drop cliffs, but added ramps to them and made them mostly unbuildable (except for enough space for exactly one Turret or spotter Pylon) so they are less abusable.
Of course there is a temple, of sorts, in the centre, but I reinterpreted the idea a bit, just for fun and to give players a bit of high ground terrain to play around with.
Instead of the mineral onlies I added 4 half-gas (3k) bases around the centre, so there are some close-by non-island 3rds for players to expand to (centre base Geysers are 2k each).
The middle, I tried to keep as comfy and wide as possible (original has lots of irregular awkward choky spots everywhere). The mains "pancaked" to the edges are simply a result of managing space around all these changes. The original had some strange, irregular and somewhat awkward main shapes as well, so this is still an improvement over that by any account, I guess…
by 𝔉𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔨𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018449974767390791/1058354780919042128/Starburst.jpg)
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by Forgotten_
![[image loading]](https://liquipedia.net/commons/images/7/74/NeoArkanoid.jpg)
You all knew this had to come, right?
So obviously the original Arkanoid has a ton of issues. So trying to solve them (details below), I decided to stick to the core idea of having a semi-island map devided up by neutral building walls, keeping the general supersymmetrical layout, but radically redesigned the layout and mechanics. I hope that this makes for a much better and more sophisticated map than the original, which always felt like a rather hastily knocked up job to me.
- Added Installation Door paths to access the middle along the diagonals, to allow worker scouting and not have non-Zerg players have to play blindly.
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1058359806051745832/1058363324192018463/image.png)
- No silly Chrysalides to block the bases and screw up Protoss even worse.
- Starting areas only contain 2 gas bases.
- Added additional neutral gas bases to compensate.
- Vision blockers below the low ground Power Generator walls, to spice things up.
- Decided to go with a more varied middle design, that is not all even ground, to give players something interesting to play with once the buildings are down.
Rush Hour 4
by Gosomi
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018449974767390791/1041200357910528040/3Rush_Hour_4.png)
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Rush Hour
by skb9728_CyGnus
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1041200358233473104/1041200924011528282/3RushHourIII3.1_logo.jpg)
Map Size: 128x128
Rush Distance: 33sec
Map Description: Remake of Rush Hour 3
Main: 9M+1G
Front: 7M+1G
Mineral only(X2): 6M(1200)
Gas on high ground: 8M+1G
Center Mineral: 6M
Woman Story
by Gosomi
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018449974767390791/1041194637932634202/4Woman_Story_1.4.png)
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Namja Iyagi
by Rose.of.Dream
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1041194638540820520/1041195267933872208/78f28159bb971aca.png)
Map Size: 128x128
Rush Distance: 25/30sec
Map Description: Remake of Man Story
Main: 9M+1G
Back: 7M+1G
Mineral only: 7M
Gas on high ground: 8M+1G
Gas on land: 6M+1G
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/860854544719675422/1065219517904588851/panel_03.png)
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by Gosomi
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018449974767390791/1041201733197639741/3Pascal_0.8.png)
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Monty Hall
by Terrance
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1041201733512220702/1041202303883018301/2.jpg)
Map Size: 128x128
Rush Distance: 30sec
Map Description: Remake of Monty Hall
Main: 9M+1G
Front: 7M+1G
Mineral only: 7M
Gas on Side: 7M+1G(1200/3500)
by BlackWyvern
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018449974767390791/1049718365725405314/4Magmabound.jpg)
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by Blizzard
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1049718366245503056/1049719279978819684/4Snowbound.jpg)
Map Size : 96x128
Rush distance : -
Map Description :
Remake of Snowbound - Classic BroodWar ladder map.
4p half-island map.
Tileset changed.
Maintain original map's main concept.
Modify unbalance.
Resources :
Main : 9x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas
Additional : 3x1500 Mineral + 1x2000 Gas (Zerg only)
2nd : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas
Center : 11x1500 Mineral
Mystic Isles
by BlackWyvern
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018449974767390791/1056552028358328320/3MysticIsles.jpg)
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Crimson Isles
by [Ragnarok]Valkyrie
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1056552028626759761/1057164998624936036/3CrimsonIsles-ogn.jpg)
Map Size : 128x128
Rush distance : -
Map Description :
Remake of Crimson Isles - 2001 OGN Starleague official map.
3p island map.
Changed tileset.
Maintain original map's main concept.
- Early style pure island map.
Modify unbalance.
Resources :
Main : 9x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas
Additional : 3x1500 Mineral + 1x2000 Gas(Zerg only)
2nd : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas
3nd : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas
Center : 7x999 Mimeral
by BlackWyvern
![[image loading]](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1018449974767390791/1060442201013882880/4Winterspell.jpg)
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Winter Conquest
by Blizzard
![[image loading]](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1060442201408155720/1060446481368236052/6Winter_Conquest.jpg?width=661&height=661)
Map Size : 128x128
Rush distance :
Vertical 25s Horizontal 43s Diagonal 53s
Map Description :
Remake of Winter Conquest - Classic BroodWar ladder map.
Players decreased 6 to 4.
Maintain original map's main concept.
- Strategic point of the central highlands.
- Long and narrow main base.
- 2nd base area is surrounded by main base area.
Modify unbalance.
Title is taken from the instrumental song 'Winterspell.'
Resources :
Main : 9x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas
2nd : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas
3nd : 12x1500 Mineral
Center : 8x1500 Mimeral + 1x5000 Gas
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/860854544719675422/1065718809048137818/panel_04.png)
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by Hozzi
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018444143107768351/1050051900592095303/NeverLand.jpg)
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by KuKulZa
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1060216704292114462/1060216866045427722/13a57a9de3147851.jpg)
Map Size: 128*128
Rush Distance: 33 Sec
Map Description:
▷Remade 'Longinus'
-Completed resource collection rate balance.
-Add 'Search high ground' to the main position.
-Make each way to other base and adapted original high dirt multi(High dirt → Dirt).
▷Set up impossible block completely at 1st entrance. There are 2 eggs for defense.
▷It can defense with 2sup and 1barrack at main entrance.
▷It can defense with 3pylon at 3,6,12's each entrance .
Main : 9M 1G
1st : 7M 1G
Center : 7M(1000) 1G(2000)
3,6,12 : 8M 1G
*A description of the remake criteria conformance.
▷Maintenance of the original
-Maintain large starting bases with Raise Jungle and a 3 way central hill.
▷Modern meta application
-Induce preventing balance collapse (Especially PvsZ) : High dirt multi → Dirt multi, Make each way to other base. Widen the ramps in central hii.
-Several decorations were placed to help with the open multi defense attached to the starting base.
-Adapt the location of starting base : The decrease in the resource collection rate of the existing 6 o'clock starting base was supplemented.
by Hyojin
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1058374853801025596/1065481742565257227/4Lamentation_0.73.jpg)
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by DreamReaver, Rose.of.Dream
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1058374853801025596/1058374924684763146/23_Neo_Requiem.png)
Map Size: 128x128
Rush Distance (bottom of main ramp to natural entrance): Adjacent spawn 25s, cross spawn 32s
Original map is (4)Neo Requiem, by Rose.of.Dream.
The original Requiem map versions had irregular natural location placements and normal ramps, leading to several positional imbalances and very short rush distances. By pushing the naturals towards the edge of the map, a longer rush distance is created which allows space for natural wall-ins to be established, though the map should still be an aggressive map with high ground naturals and low ground non-corner mains.
The tileset was changed from ash to jungle for the narrow overlord cliffs. While overlord spots are possible on the ash tileset, using high temple terrain allows more space to be saved.
The significant change is reducing the high ground center to a cross, and connecting these low ground areas towards the previous semi-islands. Players can choose to use the fastest pathing route through the low ground, or choosing a longer path through the center to avoid a possible uphill battle.
Zerglings can no longer pass through the natural mineral lines, but scarabs can fit.
The cross is now properly centered in the middle of the map, and is no longer offset to the right.
Also downloadable off panschk.de/mappage
by Hyojin
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018444143107768351/1058374643066622062/2Quandary_0.png)
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by Forgotten_
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1058374643939029042/1058374781109534830/122_Hitchhiker.png)
Map Size: 128x96
Rush Distance (top of main ramp to natural entrance): 28s
Original map is (2)Hitchhiker, by Forgotten.
The main issues of Hitchhiker is the open natural choke, and the far third gas. Redistribution of terrain in the main and natural areas allowed for a new pair of bases along the edge of the map, as well as making the corner bases having a singular choke. Keeping the original ravine in the center of the map, and being inaccessible by ground along its length, is the main objective.
The tileset was changed from ice world to avoid visual problems, while keeping the same terrain properties.
With the addition of the new pair of bases (1/7), the now divided bases (12/6 and 1:30/7:30) have 2000 geysers, due to them being safer to control and avoid too much gas. At 1/7 there is one mineral field with a value of 744, but the geyser remains 5000 to be the higher valued bases to contest. Bases 12/6 have a zerg egg placed such that Zerg may build a Hatchery, but Terran/Protoss cannot build a Command Center/Nexus without clearing the egg.
Power Generators (800 HP / 1 Armor) were replaced with Stasis Cells (2000 HP / 1 Armor) to make clearing the pathways more difficult, and not something to be done as an afterthought/casually.
Also downloadable off panschk.de/mappage
by Hyojin
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1058374496312098889/1063658274290937906/4Nyxeos_0.63.jpg)
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by Rose.of.Dream
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1058374496312098889/1058374581741695046/Gaia.png)
Map Size: 128x128
Rush Distance (top of main ramp to natural entrance): Vertical spawn 26s, cross spawn 35s, horizontal spawn 30s
Original map is (4)Gaia, by Rose.of.Dream.
The tileset was changed from jungle to badlands for visual changes, as Gaia does not utilize temple terrain.
Gaia’s main issues stem from using a non-standard axis (about y=2x) with access only to the standard ramps. This resulted in uneven natural configurations that could lead to more favorable ones. The different spawning configurations are important to preserve - close by air by air horizontally, close by ground vertically, and cross spawn. By rotating the map to have the symmetry axis be along x=0, along with using vertical ramps, better utilization of space can be used to address several issues.
All main ramps and natural chokes are now uniform, with all being able to be comfortably walled. The second entrance is preserved, but blocked by a Temple to be more comfortable for modern play. Due to the negligible distance between the first and second entrance, the second entrance was blocked off with a decent barrier.
The mineral only bases have an additional 2000 gas, but one mineral field with a value of 744. This can help temporarily if close ground spawns occur, as the adjacent natural is far away.
A wider center was able to be achieved to avoid split-map situations that would have occurred on the original smaller center, by creating new avenues of pathing that connect the middle expansions.
The edge bases remain the same, with the locations being approximately the same (in the natural, outside the natural, and the mineral fields along the cliff. Chokes have been adjusted to be comfortably walled in, while being an emergency pathway for smaller armies.
Also downloadable off panschk.de/mappage
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/860854544719675422/1065219518395326484/panel_05.png)
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Winter Solstice
by Hyojin
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1061005861926998046/1064390430202024006/3Winter_Solstice_0.70.jpg)
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Tau Cross
by Rose.of.Dream
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1061005861926998046/1061006053099176049/34534534.jpg)
Map Size: 128x128
Rush Distance (main entrance to natural entrance): 32s
Original map is (3)Tau Cross, by Rose.of.Dream.
The most obvious issue of the original Tau Cross is the lack of symmetry used for the northeast. The natural is very exposed from air. Another issue is the lack of an expansion with a choke, besides the third player's natural.
Rotational symmetry has been redone to be relatively more balanced for all positions. The airspace behind the natural mineral lines have been removed, due to the better effectiveness of mutalisks, shuttles, and arbiters. The droppable cliff by the geyser remains.
The fourth expansion is now high ground with a two isometric wide ramp, and has a geyser. To reduce the amount of gas, the third and fourth geysers have been lowered to 3000. Thehse ramps are pylon-wallable with 4 pylons.
A new set of mineral onlies have been added in the center, to help expanding counterclockwise.
No unbuildable area has been added to the middle of the map.
Blue Lagoon
by KM–
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1059145324674945126/1063433184504729630/230113_084.jpg)
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Great Barrier Reef
by Earthattack
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1040571766352916520/1040572306336006164/600px-Great_Barrier_Reef.jpg)
Map Size: 128x128
Rush Distance: 31sec
-Main: 9M+1M(500) + 1G
-Back: 6M+1M(500)+1M(160) + 1G
-Mineral only: 8M (1000)
-Outside expo: 8M (748) + 1G(3000)
Map Description: Remake of (3)El Nino, and (3)Great Barrier reef (by EarthAttack) for 4 players map. Inspired by the chain structures of the outside expos.
*dark terrains at the center are high ground level.
Lights Out
by j0j0
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1053084553847246848/1063230865196453961/4Lights_Out_1.2cn_InPixio.png)
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Circuit Breakers
by Earthattack
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1053084553847246848/1053084636693151804/Circuit_Breakers.jpg)
Map Version : Latest update is Lights Out 1.2c (Includes better performing mining, extended center ramps, narrowed center mid ground, upgraded map symmetry and some decour updates, also sunken ground 12 & 6 as well as updated walls. Now Terran can in natural not ling tight wall)
Map Size : 128x128
Rush distance : 35 seconds Horizontally, 33 seconds Vertically, 43 seconds diagonally
Map Description : Curcuit Breakers. 4P standardish map. Original map made by 김응서 (Earthattack). Added eggs for todays meta walling, changed center layout to hopefully wake some 2on2 interest, i.e center is remade to give more altering game mechanics. Tileset is changed. General layout kept. The expansions 12, 6, 9 and 3 is changed to make them a bit safer 3d expansion. Lowground => now Mediumground.
Resemblance of original map:
* The general layout is kept to keep the game similar in the mid - outskirts as well as remind you of the original map.
I changed the center layout to hopefully wake some 2on2 interest, i.e the centre is remade to give more altering game mechanics. Also adderad important ovi spots at the high ground and this high ground middle counter the old lowground middle wich favored Terran timing attack wich could quickly move across map without hassle before. High ground delays Terran movement and adds important paths for zerg and protoss to counter attack.
- Resources
Mains : 9x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas
Naturals : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas
3d's : 8x1500 + 5000 Gas
Mineral onlies: Minerals 6x1500 + Half Mineral
Islands : 6x1500 + Half Mineral + Half Gas
Jungle Book
by j0j0
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1026247062225948772/1039680302437629993/4Jungles_Story1.7cn_InPixio.jpg)
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Jungle Story
by Next_(R)
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1026247062225948772/1026247383320887348/Jungle_Story.jpg)
Map Size : 128x128
Rush distance : 30 seconds Horizontally, 35 seconds Vertically, 40 seconds diagonally
Map Description : Remake of Neo Jungle Story. 4P standardish map. Original map made by Next_(R). Entrance is moved for better rush distance.
Back expo can be defended by ground but need dropship to secure the expansion on the high raised jungle ground. This choice is to remove the imbalance with the cliffs (needing dropships to defend) behind main minerals in the original. Other balance features is more mirrored areas around 3d.
With high ground natural the narrow winding path is now more balanced so that contains are not as deadly.
Resemblance of original map:
* It has as in the original an island expo behind the main on the high ground. Difference is the balance of defending that area and main minerals by the accessibility of a ramp. Otherwise as in the original this area highly promotes drop play.
* The SL is very similar to the original as well as the path out. That path has been shortened though to create lesser long winding paths that were easily contained. From the high ground it is now easier to break out a potential contain.
* The center is also similar to the original and it supports the gameplay of rotating field battles since the temple walls acts as... blockers.
* Overall the decoration and formations are made to remind you of the original as well.
- Resources
Mains : 9x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas
Naturals : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas
3d's : 6x1500 + Half Mineral and Half Gas
Islands : 6x1500 + Half Mineral + Half Gas
Center : 6x1500 + Four Half Minerals + two 1500 Geysers
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/860854544719675422/1065219518663757834/panel_06.png)
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by Lucifer_Kor
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1035803221123407882/1060580548839477288/60.jpeg)
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by CarlSagan
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1035803221123407882/1035803714612625448/2.jpg)
Map Size: 128 x 96
Rush Distance: 35sec
Map Description
Original map is [Loki 1&2]
tried to make chained base camp
most of bases are on 1st floor unlike original map
didn't make narrow path on the center(stupid dragoons)
each Island has one neutral civilian & 2x0 minerals
The reason I put a small amount of minerals in 5&11 o'clock is that I hate isles
Frontyard has an advantage for the defense(8 tiles) so I placed 6M
Main 9M + 1G
FrontYard 6M + 1G(4500)
BackYard 7M + 1G(1500)
3,6,9,12 o'clock 7M + 1G(4500)
4,10 only mineral 6M
Island 6M(1240) + 1G(1500)
by Lucifer_Kor
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1032305236854980669/1055684345064595606/66.jpeg)
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by Blizzard, Sir.Lupin, i_terran, Drunken Bird
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1032305236854980669/1032305673192620072/2003ver.jpg)
Map Size: 128 x 128
Rush Distance: 40sec
I watched Calm's game
and fell in love with the map [Gauntlet]
Map Description
Original map is [Gauntlet]
tried to convert the map 2→3 Players Map
tried to make Rush distance rational
Entrance of Front yard would be 8 or 8.5 tiles
There are lots of unbuildable tiles on the way to 2nd exp
Main 9M + 1G
FrontYard 7M + 1G
2nd expo 6M + 1G(2000)
3rd expo 7M + 1G
Center 9M + 1G
by Lucifer_Kor
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1046827497859326023/1053320278215762000/61.jpg)
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by skb9728_CyGnus, i_terran
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1046827497859326023/1046828321029246986/w.jpg)
Map Size: 128 x 128
Rush Distance: Near 30sec Diagonal 41sec
Map Description
Original map is [Triathlon]
Tried to convert the map from 3 to 4 players map
You can find Neutral LurkerEgg + Arbiter
When you intend to build your 1st exp base, You can choose between FrontYard and BackYard
Area of main base is not quite big (like Vermeer)
Entrance of Front Yard would be 8 tiles
FrontYard and BackYard have same resources unlike original map
In case of Terran, each Main base has different ways to wall
Main 9M + 1G
Others 7M + 1G(3500)
FrontYard BackYard NeutralBase
by Lucifer_Kor
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1043208576199565342/1044183034997506118/18.jpg)
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Heartbreak Ridge
by [Ragnarok]Valkyrie
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1043208576199565342/1043208888096391320/2b687f3d55c1cf50.jpg)
Map Size: 128 x 96
Rush Distance: 34sec
Threat from North Korea, Inclement weather, Soldiers are living with harshness
Because of steep slope, They call mountaintops McDonald's
I came up with the idea that I should remake the map [Heartbreak Ridge]
Map Description
Original map is [Heartbreak Ridge]
Main base is on High Dirt unlike original map
You can use byway behind the Natural Base and this byway leads to Main base!
Including 6 ridges, you can use various routes to start attacking
As It's difficult to occupy 2nd expo, I placed additional ramp
In case of center base, You can get 2 geysers with 1 building
On 1&7 o'clock, There are Protoss Temple(HP1500x6) & Minerals(0x18)
Original Map has [Protoss Temple(HP1500x7) & Minerals(0x20)]
Main 10M(1M=500) + 1G
Nat 7M + 1G
1,5,7,11 o'clock 7M + 1G
6,12,Center 6M + 1G(2000)
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/860854544719675422/1065318779023806485/panel_07.png)
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by mAziciAn
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018449974767390791/1056545390096306176/35.png)
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by Drunken Bird
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1056545390486360124/1056545889214267452/cecaa6494cc6086987d05b51c7f57c5ede95aa30ba61c57b6de7b27628564c00e2cb0629e4ff69e6375335b60b4be909f87e4ff2d44af57cd93123cf4ea39ab489e93798078887a6e6acc2379cdff37e0ad479b74a889924a6bada647321684f.png)
▶️ Map size : 128 x 128
▶️ Rush distance :
- Horizontal and vertical 24 seconds.
- Diagonal 37 seconds.
(Door to door)
▶️ Map description :
- This map based on U-Boat.
- The reason why I select this map is inspired by a match between iloveoov with Yellow.
- Original map type is Island. I focused to remain it and made easier to get natural.
- All Start Location's entrances are blocked by Door Sprites. Only workers can pass through using minerals. There are 0 amount minerals so you can go up or down.
- For zerg players, There are Vespene geysers covered by two Khaydarin Crystal. Only zerg can build extractor. Distance between geyser with StartLocation is 4 tiles.
- 12 half, 4, 6 half, 10 o'clock natural is your frontyard. Their entrances's size is 8 tiles. Be aware, the other side natural is widely open.
Main : 9M + 1G + 1G(For zerg, 1500)
Frontyard : 6M + 1G
Backyard : 6M + 1G
3/6/9/12 : 7M + 1G
by mAziciAn
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1029263973901672458/1039579472514527272/0.35.png)
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by Blizzard
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1029263973901672458/1039579078308667545/original.png)
Map size : 112 x 128
▶️ Rush distance : 33 seconds
▶️ Map description :
- This map based on Challenger, one of original map.
- The reason why I select this map is that when I met starcraft, I played melee with computer on this map. This map make nostalgic feeling to me.
- Main feature of this map is the battle in the fully flat ground and fierce battle in every place.
I remained it and focused on standard fight meta.
Remastered features
+ Add : Frontyard
+ Add : standard expansion structure(5 gas naturals + 1 mineral only natural).
+ Add : Some bridges for terrain variation.
+ Add : Two Eggs with Rocky ground in main entrance.
+ Add : High ground naturals(some kind for terrain variation).
- Removed : All island expansion.
Main : 9M + 1G
Frontyard : 7M + 1G
1/7 o'clock : 7M + 1G
3/9 o'clock : 8M + 1G
4/10 o'clock : 7M + 1G
Mineral only : 6M
- This map fully compatible in 1.16.1.
- Frontyard entrance length is 8 tiles and fully blockable.
- 3/9 o'clock natural can be blocked.
The Lost Temples
by Minerals
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1039157653772963901/1043884637132423278/The_Lost_Temples01.jpg)
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Lost Temple
by Blizzard
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1039157653772963901/1039158995874754642/image0.jpg)
Map Size:128x128
Rush Distance: x
Map Concept: Standard Map
Map Description: Modernized some awkward aspects of the original map by making overall map adjustments.
-The drop cliff above natural is kept but currently is completely unbuildable with a ramp leading up to it and is reduced in size.
-An additional small geyser base has been added outside of the front yard.
by Moderatoboy
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1027319584329584710/1059010116134903838/Vanguard_0.13.jpg)
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Avant Garde
by Next_(R)
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1027319584329584710/1027319709118513182/AV2.jpg)
Map size: 128x128, 4players
Rush distance: Vertically: 24 seconds
horizontally: 30 seconds
diagonally: 32 seconds
Main base : 9M + 1G
2nd / 3rd Gas areas : 7m + 1g
only mineral : 6m
Islands : 6m + 1G (when you try this area, you have to gain minerals[0])
Map Description
- This map base is Avant-Garde. Vanguard is English name.
- Original maps gas area only front yard. But, this map created an extra gas area
- This map Battlefield is so huge and can build every buildings.
- If you play this map, I hope you should play resources play
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/860854544719675422/1065318779283841104/panel_08.png)
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by Moderatoboy
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1047424085640089611/1049278201211396106/Poverty_0.2.jpg)
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Space Odyssey
by likewise_(R)
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1047424085640089611/1047424292033400872/8c765b305f90ad5bfa25625bce4ce8b541812d089f312cebbbace26b470f62101b929252e9cff6dd98e9fbd2df07a9c2b33db8f60ea039d57dab0a113e6a9aed4f261677a2894bfdfcac10526c961f31d105a1be3213d56e2e94957821dbffd2.jpg)
Map Size:128x128
Rush Distance: x
Map Concept: Strategic island map
Map Description:
- Remake map of Space Odyssey.
- While maintaining the poor main base area, which is the unique concept of this map, it has a lot of resources other than that, so it has a competitive aspect.
- All main base areas have 1300 minerals and 4000 gas.
-All neutral buildings are 1 stack.
Blue Violet
by Moderatoboy
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1060180845056495656/1060456902456250378/Blue_Violet_0.151.jpg)
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The Eye
by Berserk.E
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1060180845056495656/1060180972362010625/The_Eye.jpg)
Map Size: 128x128
Map Description:
- Remake map of The Eye
- It was modified while saving the special entrance to the original center.
- In the original, it was difficult to obtain a front yard, but in the remake, the front yard was placed in the main camp to make it easier to obtain..
- However, there will be difficulties in acquiring other extensions, so you will have to take the risk.
Main : 8M+1G
inside from main base : 8M+1G
Front yard : 7M(1000)+1G(3000)
4th Gas Expo : 7M+1G
Center : 8M(1200)+1G(4000)
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018449974767390791/1045007871663943710/2_Abyss_0.1.jpg)
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Into the Darkness
by skb9728_CyGnus
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1045007871911415828/1045008258626236477/Into_the_Darkness_2.jpg)
Map Size: 112x128
Rush Distance: 44s (between base entrances)
- Base : 9M, 1G
- Front yard : 7M, 1G
- Third yard : 5M(1000)
- Other yard : 7M 1G
Map Description
- Remake of 'Into the darkness'
- You can widen the entrance by mining minerals(24) in the entrance
- Can not completely block the front yard entrance
- Zerg players can spread well creeps in 11, 5 Yard
(there is a neutral creep colony behind the crystal)
Orognu’s Symbol
by sTY_leZerG-eX
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018444143107768351/1044012282243461140/4_Orognus_Symbol_1.0.png)
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Un’Goro Crater
by [Ragnarok]Valkyrie
![[image loading]](https://tl.net/tlpd/images/maps/161_Un'Goro%20Crater.jpg)
Map Size: 128 x 128
Rush Distance (main ramp to main ramp): 32 sec (close) 42 sec (cross)
Original author: [Ragnarok]Valkyrie
Map Description: This is my modern take on original (4)Un'Goro Crater. Map that I really enjoyed back in the day.
Recourses: All gases except for mains have been reduced to 4,000 (Original map had them all the way down to 2,000) Corner bases and middle bases have 1 mineral patch reduced to 748.
• Overlord spots added: at the nat, main and middle.
• High ground leading to corner expos is unbuildable.
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/860854544719675422/1065318779501936730/panel_09.png)
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by Suricatta
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1031312050728738867/1053434729963204608/Paradiso_0.8.png)
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Dante’s Peak
by skb9728_CyGnus
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1031312050728738867/1053434775223947345/Dantes_Peak_SE.jpg)
Map Size: 128x128
Rush Distance: Close = 29s, Cross = 39s
Map Description: Remake of Dante's Peak by CyGnus and i_terran. The purpose of this remake was to update the layout of the bases for modern playstyles, correct the rotational symmetry, and open up the center. Overlord spots were added to the center of the map.
Resource Distribution:
-Main = 9x1500 minerals + 5k gas
-Natural = 7x1500 minerals + 5k gas
-Other Expansions = 7x1500 minerals + 2.5k gas
The main distinguishing features of the original map Dante's Peak are its relatively modern base layout, flat center, and ridges. The gameplay revolved around macro-style games focusing on securing bases with control of the ridges. The ridges gave players a key location to use as defense or to use to push the opponent's bases.
My remake keeps these features in order to preserve the strategies of the original. The remake fixes the rotational symmetry, makes the low ground base easier to defend, and includes a number of balance updates.
Neo Luna
by Suricatta
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1049862911213965322/1051309993464442990/Neo_Luna_3.0.jpg)
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by Drunken Bird, i_terran
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1049862911213965322/1049864339110236190/27_Luna_the_Final.jpg)
Map Size: 128x128
Rush Distance: Close = 26s, Cross = 35s
Map Description: Remake of Luna by Drunken Bird (Luna the Final edited by i_terran). The main purpose of this layout was to normalize the base layouts. Other balance changes include the standard choke size, modern mining setups, wallable ramps (2 depot+rax), and Overlord spots near the center.
Resource Distribution:
-Main = 9x1500 minerals + 5k gas
-Natural = 7x1500+500 minerals + 5k gas
-Other Expansions = 7x1500 minerals + 3k gas
The main distinguishing features of this map were the wide open center, base count, and few terrain changes. Gameplay was relatively standard.
My remake aims to preserve these features and gameplay while updating the layout to be more symmetric.
by Suricatta
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1036819769342562374/1053434532562473062/Huntress_0.8.png)
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Moon Glaive
by Str18-02
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1036819769342562374/1053434574002192455/Moon_Glaive_SE.jpg)
Map Size: 128x128
Rush Distance: 31s
Map Description: Remake of Moon Glaive by Str18-02. The purpose of this remake was to update the layout of the natural bases so that resources can't be sieged from the backdoor passage and the backdoor is just outside of the choke. The center was updated so that there is a low ground path between the natural and other bases. This is meant to reduce the strength of contains. A mineral only base was added in the triangle location.
Resource Distribution:
-Main = 9x1500 minerals + 5k gas
-Gas Expansion = 7x1500 minerals + 5k gas
-Mineral Expansion = 6x1500 minerals
The main distinguishing features for Moon Glaive are the center high ground and the backdoor path to the natural. Other than that, it is a fairly standard 3-player map in terms of layout. Gameplay revolved around large scale battles on the center high ground and backstabs through the backdoor.
My remake includes the center high ground and backdoor path, but it cuts back on both due to balance issues in the original. The high ground is moved back from the natural entrance to reduce the strength of contains. Its presence still facilitates offensive positions, but they will be further back from the natural entrance. My remake includes the backdoor path, but pushes its entrance just outside of the choke point instead of inside. This path is similar in the sense that the player can easily move units through it to the counterclockwise base, but it is not as strong for backstabs. The mineral base was added to increase the resources on the map to a more standard amount.
Even Newer Peaks
by Testbug
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1041904908162572330/1044076233996116068/image.png)
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Peaks of Baekdu
by [Ragnarok]Valkyrie
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1041904908162572330/1041957409431756840/unknown.png)
▶️ Map size : 112 x 128
▶️ Rush distance : idk whats this but workers can move from one start location toanother in 45 seconds
▶️ Map description : Baekdu was zerg favouring on ZvP so we tried to make a protoss friendly nat (now it can be walled with pylon forge gete). The map was also tight in general, so we tried to make all the routes wider. I watched many games on this maps, and it seems like the backdoors were never used. And the 12/9 areas were just unsuded space. So we tried to bring life to those zones. We also checked nat to 12/9 distance will be londer using the mineral blocked ramp, so units will always prefer to use the middle of the map as main route.
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/860854544719675422/1065318779782975528/panel_10.png)
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Paranoid Android
by Testbug
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1055564092863152189/1061335787909677116/image.png)
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Paranoid Android
by Forgotten_
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1055564092863152189/1055912961283215510/600px-Paranoid_Android.png)
▶️ Map size : 128 x 128
▶️ Rush distance : 24/27/34/35 (see below)
▶️ Map description : Remake of Paranoid Android for 2v2 games. The original map was too small for modern gameplay. All expo to expo distancees were too short. minoly was tankable from 3rd gas, and 3rd gas was tankable from minonly. The backdoor at nat was too terran favoring on TvZ.
I implemented this cornersexpos to create longer routes (to make the map feel larger). This corner expos were also present in the original map at the southwest corner.
The short air distance (also present on the original map) can make muta 2hatch builds too difficult to counter. But this map is meant to be played on 2v2 matches.
If played on 1v1, there's only a 1/3 chance terran will face a nearby position zerg, which may help balance the map a little bit.
The decoration is now complete, i blocked all possible tank holes. and made sure minonlies are not tankable from the high ground expos, and high ground expos are not tankable from minonlyes or for corner expos.
Rush distance :
24 seconds close positions (using the small bridges)
27 seconds opposite positions (this route doesnt use any bridge at all)
35 seconds crossed positions (1 to 7)
34 seconds crossed positions (8 to 2)
I also balanced the vulnerable geyser at 3 o'clock (in the original map, the top left nat had the geyser next to the main ramp, while the other nat had the geyser facing the backdoor, this caused path issues and also was an abusable issue, not only by siege tanks, also by dragoons or marines).
The name of the map comes from the song Paranoid Android (by Radiohead).
At the end of Paranoid Android, Thom Yorke sings "God loves his children.... God loves his children... yeahhh".
Autumn to Winter
by TNWZombie
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018449974767390791/1046016961768865852/2Autumn_to_Winter_0.6.jpg)
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Battle Royal
by Earthattack
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1046016961966002177/1046017158032920667/2BattleRoyal_Before_the_remake.jpg)
Map Size : 128x128
Rush distance : 31 seconds
Map Description : (2)BattleRoyal remake of a map. Remake of maps used in the 2008~2009 Shinhan Proleague 4Round. Change the natural to natural front topography to high ground. Center topography change.(Assimilator reduced from 2 entrances to 1 location, added 1 neutral building route each, and divided into 1 extension to 2 locations) 1/7 o'clock Change of topography.(Add walls to the extension to make it easier to block the entrance, and add a lamp to the drop elevation.) 3/9 o'clock Add an extension. One Xel'Naga Temple overlap. Two Psi Disrupter overlap. Five Protoss Temple overlap. Three Stasis Cell/Prison overlap. Mineral 24 next to all neutral buildings. There is also an egg to turn over. I wanted to fix the zerg player map.
- Resources
Main : 9x1500+1x496 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
Natural : 7x1500+1x496 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
Center : 7x1000 Mineral + 1x1504 Gas (Two)
Minerals only : 6x1500 Mineral (Two)
High ground : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
3/9 o'clock Low ground : 8x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
5/11 o'clock Low ground : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
The main feature of BattleRoyal is that the main is close to the air distance and the rush distance is too short. There is a Assimilator entrance in front of nature, and there are two gases at the center base. It's a map with separate battlefields on the outside. I remember this map as a nightmare map for the zerg player advantage.
The remake map increased the number of minerals in the main by two and instead controlled the amount of mineral resources in the main and nature by one. Nature has changed from low to high. The center reduced the Assimilator entrance from two to one and divided the gas base into two. Because the original was very advantageous to the zerg player. I put eggs in front of minerals next to the neutral building on the way to the outside. This is because the worker takes the mineral and passes through it easily. One more gas base was added to the outer periphery each.
Cursed Land
by TNWZombie
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018449974767390791/1028187028967391343/2Cursed_land_0.6.jpg)
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by Blizzard, Sir.Lupin, i_terran, Drunken Bird
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1028187029164531712/1028187669622181938/2Gauntlet_Before_the_remake.jpg)
Map Size : 128x128
Rush distance : 39 seconds
Map Description : (2)Gauntlet TG remake of a map. Remake of maps used in the 2003 TG Sambo MSL. 2P Standard Hybrid. I got closer to nature by adding a base in front of the main entrance. Backyard has increased its routes from one place to three. Significant adjustment of the center and outlying area bridges. 5/11 o'clock was changed to high ground. Eliminate islands, change to ground, significantly expand highlands, and add a number of routes. The road to backyard is overlapped with three Psi Disrupter and five Power Generator. I wanted to renew the map that was too old.
- Resources
Main : 9x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
Natural : 7x1500+1x496 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
Backyard : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x4000 Gas (Two)
Center : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x2000 Gas (Two)
Minerals only : 6x1500 Mineral (Two)
5/11 o'clock High ground : 8x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
3/9 o'clock High ground : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
The main characteristic of Gauntlet TG is that nature is far from the main entrance and has a drop wall. Backyard is far away. The center is a map characterized by a large number of bridges.
The remake map was originally far away from nature, so it became too close to nature by adding a gas base in front of the main entrance. Originally, nature was changed to a third gas station. After the remake, I put in the back road of nature because the opposing player wanted to break the neutral building and make it strategically fun. And the player can choose whether to break the neutral building and get the Backyard quickly or turn around. Even for Backyard, I thought it would be safe to build walls, so I put in a back road. The center had a drop wall, but it was deleted. Because there is no space to put it in after the remake. All bridges have been drastically adjusted. This is because there is no wide bridge in the original. I deleted the island, changed it to the ground, expanded the highlands, and added various routes. Because you don't need an island mineral base, it was narrow in the lowlands. 5/11 o'clock The base was changed from low to high ground for easy defense, and mineral bases were added to standardize the resources of the map.
Tal’Darim Ruins
by TNWZombie
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018449974767390791/1032597008424374272/4Taldarim_Ruins_0.6.jpg)
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Jim Raynor’s Memory
by Sir.Lupin
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1032597008470528041/1032597226276532296/4JRs_Memory_Before_the_remake.jpg)
Map Size : 128x128
Rush distance : 33 seconds Horizontally, 33 seconds Vertically, 44 seconds diagonally
Map Description : (4)Jim Raynor's Memory remake of a map. Remake of maps used in the 2003 KPGA Tour league, 2003 Stout MSL, 2003 TG Sambo MSL. A lamp is added to the drop elevation behind the nature to change to the back road and divided into two elevations.(Nature's back road, the highlands by the center) Delete center water. There are eight Protoss Temple stacked on the back roads of nature. There are 10 pieces of mineral zero next to the Protoss Temple. There is also an egg to turn over. I wanted to renew the map that was too old.
- Resources
Main : 9x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Four)
Natural : 7x1500+1x496 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Four)
Minerals only : 6x1500 Mineral (Four)
Low ground : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Four)
The main characteristic of Jim Raynor's Memory is that there is a drop highland between the mineral base and the gas base, and the map of this lowland is on the battlefield of the center.
The remake map was changed to a back street by adding two entrances to the drop altitude, breaking the neutral building and dropping the opponent's nature. Originally, there was a drop elevation to the center, but it was long, so it was divided into two. One was changed to a road that used the back road to surprise the other's nature, and the other was changed to the highlands of the center. Mineral bases have been added to the highlands behind nature to standardize map resources.
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/860854544719675422/1065318780110118912/panel_11.png)
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Suspicious Hill
by TNWZombie
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018449974767390791/1040767680132698132/4Suspicious_Hill_0.6.jpg)
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Wuthering Heights
by Earthattack
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1040767680329810041/1040767921934323762/4Wuthering_Heights_Before_the_remake.jpg)
Map Size : 128x128
Rush distance : 30 seconds Horizontally, 30 seconds Vertically, 40 seconds diagonally
Map Description : (4)Wuthering Heights remake of a map. Remake of maps used in the 2008 Shinhan Proleague. 3/6/9/12 o'clock change in the outer region.(Addition of two-stage ridges and some lowlanding.) Add a root directly from the center to the center extension. There are only highlands, so I wanted to add some lowlands this time.
- Resources
Main : 9x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Four)
Natural : 7x1500+1x496 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Four)
Low ground : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Four)
Center : 6x1500 Mineral + 1x2000 Gas (Four)
The main feature of Wuthering Heights is a map with no lowlands, two-story highlands and three-story highlands. It is an open feature between the mineral base and the center gas base. In the league, it's a map of a large-scale battle on the battlefield of the center.
The remake map was originally changed near the mineral base. The mineral base has been converted into a gas base, from a two-story highland to a lowland, and the center gas base has been cut in half. Minerals were 500, but the amount of resources was restored. The gas was 1500, but I increased the amount of gas a little bit. Added route from center gas base to center battlefield. The outer part has been changed to a two-stage ridge. The reason is that being too open is not right, and I changed it to make it more fun.
by TNWZombie
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018449974767390791/1026519855974850633/4Windshaper_0.6.jpg)
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by [Ragnarok]Valkyrie
![[image loading]](https://liquipedia.net/commons/images/6/66/Ragnarok.jpg)
Map Size : 128x128
Rush distance : 36 seconds Horizontally, 28 seconds Vertically, 41 seconds diagonally
Map Description : (4)Ragnarok remake of a map. Remake of maps used in the 2001 Coca-Cola Starleague. 4P Standard Hybrid. Size changed from 128x96 to 128x128. I got closer to nature by adding a base in front of the main entrance. The existing nature changes to 3 gas and controls the amount of gas. Add outer root. There are two Stasis Cell/Prison overlapping at the entrance of the outer root of the center. I wanted to renew the map that was too old.
- Resources
Main : 9x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Four)
Natural : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Four)
2/4/8/10 o'clock : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x1504 Gas (Four)
3/9 o'clock : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
Island : 8x1200 Mineral + 1x4000 Gas (Two)
Center : 10x1000 Mineral + 2x2000 Gas (One)
by TNWZombie
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018444143107768351/1059142698503778314/4Rhombus_0.png)
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by [Ragnarok]Valkyrie
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1059142699338436669/1059142920541831239/4Geometry_Before_the_remake.png)
Map Size : 128x128
Rush distance : 35 seconds Horizontally, 28 seconds Vertically, 41 seconds diagonally
Map Description : (4)Geometry remake of a map. Remake of maps used in the 2007 Shinhan First Proleague. Improve rush distance by reducing main size and changing entrance position. Natural position pulled in corner direction. Reduce the size of the longitudinal entrance to the front of the nature. Change the size of the front horizontal entrance of nature to be equal to the vertical entrance. 6/12 o'clock Add an extension. Change from center high platform tile to rusty pit tile and terrain modification. Change from high platform tile to low platform tile, delete both lamps and change to a single entrance. There are so many high platform tiles this time, so I wanted to change them to other tiles.
- Resources
Main : 9x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Four)
Natural : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Four)
3rd : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x2000 Gas (Four)
3/9 o'clock : 6x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
Geometry main features are many highland features, and more than half of the league's maps are heavily battled in highland areas.
The remake map moved the location of the main starting point to the corner and reduced the main size. Nature, too, moved into corners, widened the horizontal ramp. This is because the size of the lamp that goes vertically should be the same size. 3/9 o'clock and at the center, tiles were changed from high platform to low platform and rusty pit, respectively. Because in the league, there was only a high platform in the center, so it was not fun, so I changed the tiles. 3/9 o'clock The gas base originally had two entrances in the vertical direction, but it was changed to one in the horizontal direction. Because the size was too small and there was no Space to build a defense tower. A horizontal gas base has been added to standardize the resources of the map.
Arcane Entropy
by TNWZombie
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1059138036463587329/1060201117390213220/4Arcane_Entropy_0.7.jpg)
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by Next_(R)
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1031516439007481906/1031516648722677801/4Vertigo_Before_the_remake.jpg)
Map Size : 128x128
Rush distance : 35 seconds Horizontally, 35 seconds Vertically, 40 seconds diagonally
Map Description : (4)Vertigo remake of a map. Remake of maps used in the 2001 Sky Starleague, 2002 Nate Starleague, 2002 Sky Starleague, 2004 Sky Proleague 1Round Teamplay. Main lamp, nature, center direction lamp position is completely changed. Enlarged the center direction lamp. Expansion of lamps from 2 to 4 per base. (To induce people to use the parts that they don't use often.) Backyard addition.(Minerals only) 3/6/9/12 o'clock Change from extended lowland terrain to elevation. Add nature and center-facing walls. There are two Xel'Naga Temple on the back road of Backyard. Psi Disrupter does not overlap. The amount of minerals stuck next to the Xel'Naga Temple is 32. I wanted to renew the map that was too old.
- Resources
Main : 9x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Four)
Natural : 7x1500+1x496 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Four)
Minerals only : 5x1500 Mineral (Four)
High ground : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Four)
Center : 8x1200 Mineral + 2x2000 Gas (One)
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/860854544719675422/1065318780697313311/panel_12.png)
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Ice Crystal
by TNWZombie
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1025798025727180830/1027219489462440027/4Ice_Crystal_0.82.jpg)
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Silent Vortex
by [Ragnarok]Valkyrie
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1025798025727180830/1025798403369738360/unknown.png)
Map Size : 128x128
Rush distance : 29 seconds Horizontally, 29 seconds Vertically, 39 seconds diagonally
Map Description : (4)Silent Vortex remake of a map. Remake of maps used in the 2001 Sky Starleague, 2002 Nate Starleague. 4P standard. The main entrance was moved to nature, the entrance to the center was increased to two, and the two centers were moved to the middle and unified to one. 3/6/9/12 o'clock Add an extension. I wanted to renew the map that was too old.
- Resources
Main : 9x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Four)
Natural : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Four)
Minerals only : 6x1500 Mineral (Four)
High ground : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Four)
Center : 5x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
The main features of the Silent Vortex are ice tiles in the center, two gas bases in the middle, nature inside, and a mineral base in front of the main entrance. In the league it's a map where there are many battles in ice tiles.
The remake map moved the main entrance in a corner direction. It's to match the standard map of 4 people. The center direction ice lamp has been increased from one place to two and the lamp has been expanded. water tiles were put in front of the ice lamp with high water tiles. The reason is to search for Overlord. In the original, there were two gas bases in the center, and it was completely unified to one. Because it seems that there will be rotational symmetry glass and disadvantage, so we unified it. 3/6/9/12 o'clock Drophole deleted successfully. 3/6/9/12 o'clock A gas base has been added to standardize the resources of the map.
by TNWZombie
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018444143107768351/1059144885594239046/4Flashbang_0.png)
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Map name
by Author
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1059144885875261440/1059145186724290560/4Nightmare_Station_Before_the_remake.png)
Map Size : 128x128
Rush distance : 24 seconds Horizontally, 24 seconds Vertically, 30 seconds diagonally
Map Description : (4)Nightmare Station remake of a map. Map that remake an existing Blizzard original map. Change the main starting point to the natural location and change the original main to the Backyard by modifying the original main and natural terrain. Sunken colonies spawn creep only for zerg players at the beginning of a match. Mineral expansion added. 6/12 o'clock Change the half extension to the temporal half extension. Only small and medium-sized units can pass with 28 pixels before breaking the Stasis Cell/Prison. Large units cannot pass. Three Stasis Cell/Prison overlap. I wanted to renew the map that was too old.
- Resources
Main : 9x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Four)
Backyard : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Four)
Minerals only : 6x1500 Mineral (Four)
Center : 6x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Four)
Low ground : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
High ground : 6x1500+2x744 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
The main characteristic of Nightmare Station is that nature is far from the main entrance, and the size of nature is large. The center's battlefield is narrow, and all terrain is low-lying except for the 6/12 o'clock gas base.
The remake map changed the main and nature to each other, and the original main was turned into a backyard. This is because the main size is less than the natural size. The center field deleted the Doodad that was not used. Because the center field is narrow. 6/12 o'clock gas base was originally a semi-ground entrance, but it was changed to a time-based semi-ground entrance. When you destroy a neutral building, it turns into a ground entrance. Mineral bases have been added to standardize map resources.
Valley of Ulaan
by TNWZombie
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018449974767390791/1044383200065101936/2Ulaan_of_Valley_0.7.jpg)
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Fading Realm
by Blizzard
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1044383200291590204/1044383482475978772/2Fading_Realm_Before_the_remake.jpg)
Map Size : 128x112
Rush distance : 30 seconds
Map Description : (2)Fading Realm remake of a map. Map that remade an existing Blizzard BroodWar-Ladder map. Size changed from 128x96 to 128x112. The main Sunken Ground is judged on the first floor. 6:30/12:30 o'clock The Sunken Ground is still on the 2nd floor. Major changes in the topography from the main entrance to the highlands.(Add nature that didn't exist, add wallpapers in a row, add extensions, 1/7 o'clock change existing extensions, and add 2 routes.) 3/9 o'clock a change of elevation.(Add extension, add 2 routes, add lamp to drop zone.) 4/10 o'clock When the zerg players builds a Hatchery, the creep is generated up to both lamps. Delete center extension. I wanted to renew the map that was too old.
- Resources
Main : 9x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
Natural : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
High ground : 6x1500+1x744 Mineral + 1x4000 Gas (six)
Low ground : 8x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
The main features of the Fading Realm are connected to the highlands from the main entrance to the outskirts. The center has a valley topography, and the main side is an island highland map.
The remake map allowed the main terrain to look like a semi-highland, but actually be judged as a lowland. We've changed the highlands to the outskirts. I added nature, added wallpaper to nature, and added a gas base next to it. Two routes to the center have been added each. Because the rush distance was far from the original. The center gas station has been deleted. This is because unit movement is interrupted and the battlefield is narrow. There was a drop elevation at the original gas station outside, but we added an entrance. Changed the island highlands next to the main. I added 2 more routes and added a gas base. Because the resources of the map should be standard.
Hellfire Stone
by TNWZombie
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018444143107768351/1059140959495004250/4Hellfire_Stone_0.png)
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Dark Crystal
by Blizzard
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1059140959813767260/1059141289909702666/4Dark_Crystal_Before_the_remake.png)
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/860854544719675422/1065318781133541437/panel_13.png)
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Aiur City
by TNWZombie
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1059143099772833883/1059784884165545994/4Aiur_City_0.85.jpg)
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by MoongooN
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1041244873396854854/1041245218378358874/4Incubus_Before_the_remake.jpg)
Map Size : 128x128
Rush distance : 25 seconds Horizontally, 31 seconds Vertically, 35 seconds diagonally
Map Description : (4)Incubus remake of a map. Remake of maps used in the 2001 Sky Starleague, 2004 Sky Proleague 2Round and 3Round. 4P Standard Hybrid. Add a backyard inside the main. Sunken colonies spawn creep only for zerg players at the beginning of a match. Natural Gas volume is 2000. Natural orientation bridge topography. Add center-facing root to nature. 3/9 o'clock Change the terrain to a hill. I wanted to renew the map that was too old.
- Resources
Main : 9x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Four)
Backyard : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Four)
Natural : 6x1500 Mineral + 1x2000 Gas (Four)
High ground : 8x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
Island : 8x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
The main features of Incubus are lowland in the main, natural, and mineral bases, and the island is highland. It is a map characterized by a drop highland in the mineral base and a lot of bridges in nature and center.
The remake map has added Backyard to keep the original as much as possible because it is difficult for players to build building walls in nature. A narrow bridge directly to the center has been added to nature. Overlord search walls have been added in front of bridges on both sides of nature. There were many bridges in the center, but the bridge was completely expanded after the unification of two to one for each place according to modernity. 3/9 o'clock The original mineral base was deleted and a gas base was added to the drop highlands instead.
Volcanic Canyon
by TNWZombie
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1059140865118969876/1060531740411707405/2Volcanic_Canyon_0.7.jpg)
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by Blizzard
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1047899960965873734/1047900185273061416/2Discovery_Before_the_remake.jpg)
Map Size : 128x128
Rush distance : 31 seconds
Map Description : (2)Discovery remake of a map. Map that remake an existing Blizzard oldladder map. Changing all highland islands to the ground. Add entrance and add Backyard to the drop elevation behind the main. Sunken colonies spawn creep only for zerg players at the beginning of a match. Center elevation terrain change.(addition of multiple lamps, 3/9 o'clock addition of extension) Changes in the terrain of the outer highlands.(divided into two, 6/12 o'clock additional extensions) Divided into two central minerals. I wanted to renew the map that was too old.
- Resources
Main : 9x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
Backyard : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x4000 Gas (Two)
High ground : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x4000 Gas (six)
Minerals only : 6x1500 Mineral (Two)
Low ground : 8x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
The main feature of Discovery is that all the highlands are made up of islands. It is a map with a valley topography like a Blaze map from the main to the center.
The remake map turned all the island highlands to the ground. Because if you write the original now, it's a Terran player map. The back yard has been added by changing the highlands behind the main. Because there is no space for nature. Two gas stations were added to the upper elevations, one gas base added to each. There have been significant changes in the highlands of the center. Unlike the original, it was reduced in size, various routes were added, and a gas base was added in the corner. This is because the resources of the map should be standard. The center mineral base was divided into two.
by TNWZombie
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018444143107768351/1059144183417413773/2Raiden_0.png)
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Astral Balance
by Blizzard
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1059144183505485937/1059144534673600522/2Astral_Balance_Before_the_remake.png)
Map Size : 128x112
Rush distance : 31 seconds In front of the egg, 25 seconds Bridge standards
Map Description : (2)Astral Balance remake of a map. Map that remake an existing Blizzard BroodWar map. Size changed from 128x96 to 128x112. Sunken colonies spawn creep only for zerg players at the beginning of a match. Adding a center bridge. Modifying low platform terrain to add multiple routes. 6/12 o'clock Change to an extended terrain elevation. Modifying the center terrain to move to the bridge→low platform wide ramp→low platform narrow ramp→bridge→low platform narrow ramp→low platform wide ramp→bridge path during reconnaissance. 3/9 o'clock Replace the local wall with a ridge. 5/11 o'clock Change the island to a ground elevation. Scale to 2x any expansion.(Backyard,3/9 o'clock,4/10 o'clock) I wanted to renew the map that was too old.
- Resources
Main : 9x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
Backyard : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
Minerals only : 6x1500 Mineral (Two)
6/12 o'clock High ground : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
5/11 o'clock High ground : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
Low ground : 8x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
3/9 o'clock High ground : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
The main features of Astral Balance are the drop highlands next to the main, nature far from the main entrance, and gas-free nature. It is characterized by an island, a narrow center field, and a map with few routes.
The remake map has nature scattered around the center, and since it is a gas-free nature, a backyard has been added to the drop highlands to maintain the original as much as possible. The center low platform tile was improved by adding many lamps, and the bridge was added because there was no direct route to the center. The outer wall was converted to a ridge, and there was an island base, but the lowlands in front of the island were converted to ground bases due to the fact that they were just around the corner. 6/12 o'clock gas base was originally a walled lowland, but it was changed to a highland, and a direct route from the main entrance was added. Two gas stations were added to each outside to standardize the map's resources.
Surprise Attack
by TNWZombie
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018449974767390791/1042392904267739276/2Surprise_attack_0.7.jpg)
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Breaking Point
by Blizzard
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1042392904523579412/1042393164008403064/2Breaking_point_Before_the_remake.jpg)
Map Size : 128x112
Rush distance : 31 seconds Below, 34 seconds Above
Map Description : (2)Breaking point remake of a map. Map that remake an existing Blizzard BroodWar map. Size changed from 128x96 to 128x112. Adding nature to the top and changing the original natural lamp position. Modify the original natural drop elevation to change to the front of nature, add two routes and extensions. Sunken colonies spawn creep only for zerg players at the beginning of a match. The main entrance is narrowed to two eggs, so it has 42 pixels, so in the beginning, an Protoss player can block an Zealot with one, a Zerg player can block a Zergling with one and two, and a Terran player can block a Marine one and two. All players can block the entrance with one worker. Mineral expansion added. Expanding the center. 5/7 o'clock When the zerg players builds a Hatchery, the creep is generated up to both lamps. Major changes in center terrain. Added mineral extension to central battlefield and significantly adjusted water tiles. the transformation of the wall into a highland battlefield. I wanted to renew the map that was too old.
- Resources
Main : 9x1500+1x744 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
Natural : 7x1000 Mineral + 1x2504 Gas (Four)
High ground : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Four)
Minerals only : 6x1500 Mineral (Two)
Low ground : 8x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (One)
Island : 8x1200 Mineral + 1x4000 Gas (One)
The main features of Breaking point are the main entrance on either side, nature is far from the main entrance, and the main size is large. There is an island at the bottom, and the center battlefields are narrow, and it is a horizontal map of two players.
The remake map reduced the main size and pulled the lower main entrance toward nature. There was a drop elevation at the bottom, but it changed and a gas base was added. Narrow bridge added. Nature has also been added to the top. The center has expanded the battlefield by deleting the main front water tile. Because the battlefield was narrow in the original. Mineral bases have been added to it. There was a drop elevation at the top, but it changed and turned into a highland battlefield. And the original mineral base was turned into a gas base.
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/860854544719675422/1065698025961439282/panel_14.png)
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River of City
by TNWZombie
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018449974767390791/1044563183932809278/2River_of_City_0.6.jpg)
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River Styx
by Blizzard
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1044563184100589619/1044563373825740851/2River_Styx_Before_the_remake.jpg)
Map Size : 112x128
Rush distance : 33 seconds
Map Description : (2)River Styx remake of a map. Map that remade an existing Blizzard oldladder map. Size changed from 96x128 to 112x128. Sunken colonies spawn creep only for zerg players at the beginning of a match. Extend from 2 to 3 routes to the opposing player. Connect the center field to each other on both sides. Add it to the top of the center expansion to solve the glass disadvantage. 3/9 o'clock Change the extension to elevation. Change the outer island area and add island expansion. I wanted to renew the map that was too old.
- Resources
Main : 9x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
Backyard : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
High ground : 8x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
Center : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Four)
Island : 6x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
The main characteristic of River Styx is that both nature and backyard are far from the main entrance, and the center field is narrow. It's a map where all the terrain is lowland.
The remake map brought the backyard closer and nature was originally turned into highlands. There has been a major change in the center. The routes were extended from two to three, and the battlefields were connected to each other on both sides. Because the battlefield was narrow and there was one route in the original. The gas base has also been added to the top. This is because there were glass and bullies that were only at the bottom. An island base has been added to standardize map resources.
by TNWZombie
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018449974767390791/1049628483288051722/2Fireflurry_0.6.jpg)
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Fire Walker
by Blizzard
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1049628483468394516/1049628695763111966/2Fire_Walker_Before_the_remake.jpg)
Map Size : 128x128
Rush distance : 30 seconds
Map Description : (2)Fire Walker remake of a map. Map that remake an existing Blizzard BroodWar map. Size changed from 128x96 to 128x128. Change to the back road by adding the entrance to the drop elevation behind the main. There are ten Psi Disrupter stacked on the back roads of Main. There are 5 pieces of mineral zero next to the Psi Disrupter. A major change in the center.(Wide the road and add various routes.) Outer area changes.(3/12 o'clock adding narrow routes to extensions, widening the elevation and connecting the battlefield to each other on both sides) 7 o'clock Highland changes.(add both entrances and replace with Assimilator entrances) Scale to 3x any expansion.(Natural,Minerals only,Center,6/9 o'clock) I wanted to renew the map that was too old.
- Resources
Main : 9x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
Natural : 7x1500+1x496 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
Minerals only : 5x1500 Mineral (Two)
Center : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x2000 Gas (Two)
3/12 o'clock Low ground : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
High ground : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Two)
1/7 o'clock Low ground : 8x1500 Mineral + 2x3000 Gas (Two)
The main characteristic of Fire Walker is that the main is large, and there is a drop elevation at the back of the main. There is no nature, there is a mineral base, but the distance is too far. The map features a drop elevation at the lower left gas base, many narrow streets, few routes, and diagonal symmetry.
The remake map reduced the main size, changed the original main back drop elevation to two additional entrances and back roads, and added a mineral base. We broke the neutral building and allowed you to drop the opponent's main. Adding nature that wasn't in the original, the original mineral base was turned into a gas base. One gas base was added in the middle, and several bridges were added to the center. Because there were few routes in the original. The narrow street in the center has been widened, and a gas base has been added one by one by adding a highland in the middle. This is because the resources of the map should be standard. Two entrances were added to the original drop elevation behind the lower left gas station, and a Assimilator inlet was added instead. There was also a change in the upper right. The highlands that were scattered connected to each other, increased in size, and turned into a battlefield.
by TNWZombie
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1029067132761288754/1059854844439048303/4Lassal_0.7.jpg)
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Dark Sauron
by Selecterran
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1029067132761288754/1040026926313639936/4Dark_Sauron_Before_the_remake.jpg)
Map Size : 128x128
Rush distance : 30 seconds Horizontally, 26 seconds Vertically, 37 seconds diagonally
Map Description : (4)Dark Sauron remake of a map. Remake of maps used in the 2003 Stout MSL, 2005 CYON MSL. Originally, it turns toward the highland lamp center in front of nature. Delete horizontal outer lowland route. The center-facing lamp was widened and the center-facing lamp was increased from one place to three places at the high altitude. Also, delete the original magma in the outer area and add the route. I wanted to renew the map that was too old.
- Resources
Main : 9x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Four)
Natural : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x5000 Gas (Four)
3rd : 7x1500 Mineral + 1x2000 Gas (Four)
High ground : 8x1200 Mineral + 1x4000 Gas (Two)
Low ground : 8x1200 Mineral + 1x4000 Gas (Two)
The main feature of Ragnarok is that nature is far from the main entrance. The gas base is turned towards the center, the island is close to the main entrance, and there is a drop elevation. I remember this map as a nightmare map for the Terran player advantage.
The remake map was originally far away from nature, so it became too close to nature by adding a gas base in front of the main entrance. It's divided into two highlands in nature It was added to the entrance, and the original nature was turned into a third gas station. The road to the center battlefield was turned to the outskirts, 3/9 o'clock the water tiles were completely deleted and a vertical route was added. And we expanded the center field. Because the original was very advantageous to the Terran player and to improve the map that was advantageous to the Terran.
Paranoiid Androiid
by Minerals
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1035989875796758628/1039156392709333074/2Paranoid_II_0.5jpg.jpg)
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Paranoid Android
by Forgotten_
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1035989875796758628/1035990344241790986/IMG_1117.jpg)
Resized, added some bases.
Naturals easy to wall off, 1pylon 1forge 1gate 1zealot so it is easy to tech to anti air quicker.
Original map is really chokey and hard for 200/200 fights. Adding more area should allow for some proper fighting.
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/860854544719675422/1065698026267615312/panel_15.png)
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Sand Storm
by Minerals
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1035602093085564978/1054206865791270992/2SandStormv.8jpg.jpg)
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Blue Storm
by Earthattack
![[image loading]](https://liquipedia.net/commons/images/3/3e/Bluestorm.jpg)
Map Size:112x128
Rush Distance: x
Map Concept: Standard Map
Map Description: Inspired from Blue Storm.
Mineral patches (2x400) on each bridge create a small unit only choke. I added this feature so later in the game we can open the door and allow more mobility.
Experimenting with a lot of sprites, most may be removed.
Ride of Valkyries II
by Minerals
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1018444143107768351/1039157382162432030/2Ride_of_Valks_II_0.0jpg.jpg)
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Ride of Valkyries
by [Ragnarok]Valkyrie
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1039157382355365930/1039159416039165972/image0.jpg)
-Resized to 128x112
-Frontyard backdoor mineral block is 1x32 value
-Eliminate quite a bit of dead space.
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/860854544719675422/1065630601874509926/IsometricDiamondsAreForever.png)
If you have any questions, please comment below.
Cheers and have fun mapping!
![[image loading]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/815864488825716766/890929553168560138/NWMC_Main_Logo_crop.gif)
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